View Full Version : Will you stop playing if?

05-11-2008, 11:33 AM
the new update which is made for the purpose of increasing NGD's earnings forces you to buy premium scrolls if you want to play effecient?

I don't think I would, and I think a lot more people will leave this game if it happens because:
Levelling is boring and monotone already, if you want to make a difference you need a level 50 character which is already hard to get for a lot of players (specially new ones)
This new fatique system prevents you from doing that and will make levelling more a pain than it already is, from level 1-30 there's nothing a player can do to keep him going, if he doesn't have a clan he won't have any motivation to keep going so he can fight in the war zone and finally have fun, if a player is having fun while playing why should he keep playing?

Even with a clan some of these level 1-30 characters stops playing.

Reset powers as a premium scroll? the last thing a new user wants to do is start over again because he made a mistake in his setup and discovered he has to pay if he wants to make it up. "Pay money or live with your noob mistake and a sucky build for war"

You say that some players reach level 50 within a month, these are not exactly new players, these are very experienced players who knows the game very well and buys premium scrolls plus levelling all day, the fatique system will stop them from doing this but it will also stop new players from getting to level 50 and it will most definately not keep casual players who doesn't play 7 hours a day to play this game.

You say you don't want imbalance because of reset_powers, well why give it to premium users? Then it WILL create imbalance and will affect the war.

and let's face it, there's a lot of other mmos out there, the thing which keeps a lot of people going in this game is the war zone and that you don't have to pay to play effeciently. There's a lot of things to cope up with at the moment

imbalanced game (a marksman can tank better than a knight and evade 90% of my spells without sotw)
poor game design
levelling is boring and monotone.
poor poor moderation in game and on the forums

reset_powers so you can play how you want without having to pay is a good thing, keep it and you will keep most of your players, remove it and regnum online will die as you limit what a free user can do with playing. And a free user might not pay, but he will tell about the game and more will try it out.

You might as well make it a monthly fee because it kinda seems like you have to pay now to be able to play effeciently.

05-11-2008, 11:35 AM
As long as i can play for free, and my clan, bro and friends stay here (friends being enemies as well ;)), i will stay till the bitter end

05-11-2008, 12:18 PM
As long as i can play for free, and my clan, bro and friends stay here (friends being enemies as well ;)), i will stay till the bitter end
I was about to post somethin about that. Looks like spidey beat me :p

05-11-2008, 12:40 PM
I know which one I voted for...

05-11-2008, 12:49 PM
Shouldn't ppl post their reasons why if they chose "Yes, I will leave (Other reason)?

05-11-2008, 12:50 PM
Shouldn't ppl post their reasons why if they chose "Yes, I will leave (Other reason)?
if they want to, it would be the best reason so NGD can get more feedback

05-11-2008, 12:51 PM
Regnum changed my life for the better, i meet so many friends EVEN if their all about to leave. Its also one of the best games i've ever played.

05-11-2008, 12:52 PM
if they want to, it would be the best reason so NGD can get more feedback
I knew it! Go on ppl post your reasons why and enlighten us :rolleyes:

05-11-2008, 01:08 PM
Shouldn't ppl post their reasons why if they chose "Yes, I will leave (Other reason)?
I will probably in a bit

05-11-2008, 01:09 PM
I will leave if i don't get Nuclear arrows for my hunter, Meteor rain (area 20 meteor with draining life abilities) for my warlock, And GOD HAMMER for my barb with +200 armor and 500-800 blunt dmg :D.

05-11-2008, 01:26 PM
I'm still undecided. I'll stay until all my Ximerin are spent, that much I know for sure. I'm not leaving without getting what I paid for. After that, I really don't know. I'll have to see the state of the game at that point. If I can play at lvl50 without paying any money, then I'm cool with it, I'm staying. If at lvl50 I have to keep paying money to enjoy the game, I'm gone.

05-11-2008, 01:33 PM
I really, REALLY hate these new fatigue/"reset_powers = premium" shit, but I will stay, just because I have good friends playing.
If they leave, I will, though.
Then I'll start playing WoW, because if I have to pay to play an MMORPG, I might as well play a big one with less bugs.

05-11-2008, 01:39 PM
Heres mine :p


05-11-2008, 02:01 PM
I won't leave until the comic exists, I guess :p

05-11-2008, 02:14 PM
i think if NGD is going to make leveling harder it should start with maybe at lvl 40+ mobs give a litle less xp then now since NGD fear since there are alot of high levels now if war bores them they will leave but the noobs need to enjoy them selvs so they should also make leveling more fun and put some stuf in the game besides quests, ofcorse more quests to make leveling more berable.

05-11-2008, 02:38 PM
A decision is hard to make until the changes have been put in to place.
It will be then that we see all the extra problems and how everyone is going to react to them.
some of the content seems good, but some of it sounds like a accident waiting to happen.
I understand that NGD need to up the income to be able to develop the game but to what cost ?
on the whole new content/ bug fix's and lag reduction are a must for this game to go on and be successful.
Along with listening to what we all want in this game. I just hope it don't turn into just another crappy on line game, please NGD be careful how you go, this game is young don't turn it into just another MMORPG make it the best MMORPG possible make it out shine all the rest.

05-11-2008, 02:40 PM
please NGD be careful how you go, this game is young don't turn it into just another MMORPG make it the best MMORPG possible make it out shine all the rest.

Hell yeah!

05-11-2008, 03:01 PM
If it's worth to pay, I would eventually pay as I did in past with scrolls. But since I can't play in fort wars cause of the lag and the positioning problems makin' me see enemies near when they're actually behind me or 30 metres far, since a knight alone can't do anything funny I dunno if I'll continue playing. There are many other games that come out with all you need "out-of-the-box", and you have not to wait til developers develop the feature. You may want to buy an expansion, but when It come up it brings features not bugs (I payed 15 euro in far year 2003 for diablo2 + expansion set lord of destruction without having to pay anymore anything).

So why I'm here? Cause this game works pretty under linux, cause it's free, cause I feel free to play without having a big difference with premium users (even if horses and potions in warzone are really irritating, but I can live with it :) ) and friends, I really like many (not all sorry) the players who playing ro, and I like the rvr concept.

I hope it's not all so wrong as all are describing it, but probably if next update won't fix the serious lag/positioning lack, I'm out.

05-11-2008, 03:10 PM
I Say that i would stay, but the game would suck and Hardly anyone will play, unless they make the leveling fun, like a Action Game...maybe...maybe they will that would be awesome, action means like attacks like Oblivion style

05-11-2008, 03:17 PM
I Say that i would stay, but the game would suck and Hardly anyone will play, unless they make the leveling fun, like a Action Game...maybe...maybe they will that would be awesome, action means like attacks like Oblivion style

it's mmorpg without sponsors, not an offline game made by a rich company

05-11-2008, 03:19 PM
Hahahaha, I know, but....True...Then lets just Suggest more Priume Items that Players like.

05-11-2008, 03:19 PM
No I won't leave. Here's my reason:

Now that NGD will be generating more income alot more resources can be applied to making the game more stable. Additionally some of the new content is going to be awesome. I look forward to it all...

05-11-2008, 03:20 PM
yes i will leave. i already play short times I am just on on the forums

05-11-2008, 03:21 PM
Ya, I dont see why people would leave if they already have a level 50, because you can still go in WZ with him and level a guy if you have Free time.

05-11-2008, 04:36 PM
Don't think about just levelling but also about gameplay, lag and positioning problems.

05-11-2008, 04:47 PM
dracus, enable pms please ;)

NGD, listen to your users, this change sucks, I've suggested a lot of premium items in the premium sections, take a look and reconsider screwing up your game

05-11-2008, 04:51 PM
Actually except the "no reset powers" part (a thing I really was hating in diablo2) I like the update, even if is a bit invasive. The point is, before to do such things they need to fix the gameplay.

05-11-2008, 05:08 PM
the new update which is made for the purpose of increasing NGD's earnings forces you to buy premium scrolls if you want to play effecient?

I don't think I would, and I think a lot more people will leave this game if it happens because:
Levelling is boring and monotone already, if you want to make a difference you need a level 50 character which is already hard to get for a lot of players (specially new ones)
This new fatique system prevents you from doing that and will make levelling more a pain than it already is, from level 1-30 there's nothing a player can do to keep him going, if he doesn't have a clan he won't have any motivation to keep going so he can fight in the war zone and finally have fun, if a player is having fun while playing why should he keep playing?

Even with a clan some of these level 1-30 characters stops playing.

Reset powers as a premium scroll? the last thing a new user wants to do is start over again because he made a mistake in his setup and discovered he has to pay if he wants to make it up. "Pay money or live with your noob mistake and a sucky build for war"

You say that some players reach level 50 within a month, these are not exactly new players, these are very experienced players who knows the game very well and buys premium scrolls plus levelling all day, the fatique system will stop them from doing this but it will also stop new players from getting to level 50 and it will most definately not keep casual players who doesn't play 7 hours a day to play this game.

You say you don't want imbalance because of reset_powers, well why give it to premium users? Then it WILL create imbalance and will affect the war.

and let's face it, there's a lot of other mmos out there, the thing which keeps a lot of people going in this game is the war zone and that you don't have to pay to play effeciently. There's a lot of things to cope up with at the moment

imbalanced game (a marksman can tank better than a knight and evade 90% of my spells without sotw)
poor game design
levelling is boring and monotone.
poor poor moderation in game and on the forums

reset_powers so you can play how you want without having to pay is a good thing, keep it and you will keep most of your players, remove it and regnum online will die as you limit what a free user can do with playing. And a free user might not pay, but he will tell about the game and more will try it out.

You might as well make it a monthly fee because it kinda seems like you have to pay now to be able to play effeciently.

they want to make reset powers premium?

05-11-2008, 05:13 PM
As long as i can play for free, and my clan, bro and friends stay here (friends being enemies as well ;)), i will stay till the bitter end
when i go.. i take my friends with me..... if i stopped playing knightonline after 4 years cold... just because i did not agree with how they ran the game... and there i invested 400.00 usd a month.... then for sure, if things go sour here I will freeze all promotion of this game on my part, and just go....
I have most of my buddies on Xfire now... so when I go you will be welcomed to the new game that I go to.. we can forge a new clan in a better place..

05-11-2008, 06:51 PM
the new update which is made for the purpose of increasing NGD's earnings forces you to buy premium scrolls if you want to play effecient?

I don't think I would, and I think a lot more people will leave this game if it happens because:
Levelling is boring and monotone already, if you want to make a difference you need a level 50 character which is already hard to get for a lot of players (specially new ones)
This new fatique system prevents you from doing that and will make levelling more a pain than it already is, from level 1-30 there's nothing a player can do to keep him going, if he doesn't have a clan he won't have any motivation to keep going so he can fight in the war zone and finally have fun, if a player is having fun while playing why should he keep playing?

Even with a clan some of these level 1-30 characters stops playing.

Reset powers as a premium scroll? the last thing a new user wants to do is start over again because he made a mistake in his setup and discovered he has to pay if he wants to make it up. "Pay money or live with your noob mistake and a sucky build for war"

You say that some players reach level 50 within a month, these are not exactly new players, these are very experienced players who knows the game very well and buys premium scrolls plus levelling all day, the fatique system will stop them from doing this but it will also stop new players from getting to level 50 and it will most definately not keep casual players who doesn't play 7 hours a day to play this game.

You say you don't want imbalance because of reset_powers, well why give it to premium users? Then it WILL create imbalance and will affect the war.

and let's face it, there's a lot of other mmos out there, the thing which keeps a lot of people going in this game is the war zone and that you don't have to pay to play effeciently. There's a lot of things to cope up with at the moment

imbalanced game (a marksman can tank better than a knight and evade 90% of my spells without sotw)
poor game design
levelling is boring and monotone.
poor poor moderation in game and on the forums

reset_powers so you can play how you want without having to pay is a good thing, keep it and you will keep most of your players, remove it and regnum online will die as you limit what a free user can do with playing. And a free user might not pay, but he will tell about the game and more will try it out.

You might as well make it a monthly fee because it kinda seems like you have to pay now to be able to play effeciently.

look http://regnumonlinegame.com/forum/showpost.php?p=386544&postcount=27 my feelings

05-11-2008, 09:57 PM
the new update which is made for the purpose of increasing NGD's earnings forces you to buy premium scrolls if you want to play effecient?

I don't think I would, and I think a lot more people will leave this game if it happens because:
Levelling is boring and monotone already, if you want to make a difference you need a level 50 character which is already hard to get for a lot of players (specially new ones)
This new fatique system prevents you from doing that and will make levelling more a pain than it already is, from level 1-30 there's nothing a player can do to keep him going, if he doesn't have a clan he won't have any motivation to keep going so he can fight in the war zone and finally have fun, if a player is having fun while playing why should he keep playing?

Even with a clan some of these level 1-30 characters stops playing.

Reset powers as a premium scroll? the last thing a new user wants to do is start over again because he made a mistake in his setup and discovered he has to pay if he wants to make it up. "Pay money or live with your noob mistake and a sucky build for war"

You say that some players reach level 50 within a month, these are not exactly new players, these are very experienced players who knows the game very well and buys premium scrolls plus levelling all day, the fatique system will stop them from doing this but it will also stop new players from getting to level 50 and it will most definately not keep casual players who doesn't play 7 hours a day to play this game.

You say you don't want imbalance because of reset_powers, well why give it to premium users? Then it WILL create imbalance and will affect the war.

and let's face it, there's a lot of other mmos out there, the thing which keeps a lot of people going in this game is the war zone and that you don't have to pay to play effeciently. There's a lot of things to cope up with at the moment

imbalanced game (a marksman can tank better than a knight and evade 90% of my spells without sotw)
poor game design
levelling is boring and monotone.
poor poor moderation in game and on the forums

reset_powers so you can play how you want without having to pay is a good thing, keep it and you will keep most of your players, remove it and regnum online will die as you limit what a free user can do with playing. And a free user might not pay, but he will tell about the game and more will try it out.

You might as well make it a monthly fee because it kinda seems like you have to pay now to be able to play effeciently.

I totally agree with you.
All that stuff to only premium people will be very unfair for many people, because 1/10 of people have Special-Premium-Magical rings and amulets and the others have the poor rings and amulets from quests.
Being able to only reset with Premium scrolls with be very much worse too.
I think is good to see BGD working as hell in-game, but working as hell in-premium stuff with be very bad...

05-12-2008, 03:32 AM
I havent read ALL the replies, just page 1 and 4 so forgive me if someones mentioned this, but the /reset_powers command as a premium scroll will make non-paying conjs pretty much USELESS IMO. Conjurers cant lvl and be a healer with the same setup, although its possible, it is EXTREMELY slow and ineffective.

Also about the fatigue system, AWD made a good point that from lvl 1-30, people dont go into wz and will have nothing to do but to lvl, so will find the game to be boring.

I currently level my conjurer on the weekends, in big chunks (8-10 hrs), so if after 3 hours my xp drops to 50% , my levelling time will increase dramatically, then after 6hrs 0% ?? i think this is ludicrous, i will never hit level 50 if it goes like that. I dont mind the -15% xp per mob to be honest, it dosent bother me, just means il need to kill more mobs.

I understand the need for NGD to increase premium sales, but i dont think this is the way to go, i mean come on 0% xp after 6 hours..limiting /reset_powers command?? It really is a bad move on the part of NGD.

IF NGD does this 'fatigue' system, and the /reset_powers limit, i do think i will quit the game, which i have played for 7months or so now.. its really a shame :mad:

Sorry to flame on ur thread AWD btw :thumb:

05-12-2008, 09:19 AM
mage is right...and i'm thinking about leaving :\ if a barb or knight want to try another weapon they'll probably want to reset...and some people can't buy xim (like me)

05-12-2008, 10:36 AM
mage is right...and i'm thinking about leaving :\ if a barb or knight want to try another weapon they'll probably want to reset...and some people can't buy xim (like me)

You are not allowed to leave! Warlord Venom commands it! <dont hit me evi!>

05-12-2008, 11:03 AM
Sorry to flame on ur thread AWD btw :thumb:
flame? where? :p

05-12-2008, 11:31 AM
You disappoint me AWD, I expect this sort of thing from others not you. Nobody is being forced to pay anything, the speed at which level 50 characters can roll off the conveyer belt is simply being curbed. This is the sort of fear mongering, hate generating thread that will be bad for the game by dividing and demoralising the community, and distracting from all the good news, like the three new developers that have been hired, or the other improvements coming in the new patch.

05-12-2008, 11:35 AM
And regarding the reset feature being changed...

The community got used so much to this "feature" (which sole purpose is to test spells and as a debug tool) that we cannot eliminate it completely, thus we are going to keep it in a limited form and unlimited as an item premium.

Thus we are keeping it in a limited form, pause, AND as an UNLIMITED form, as an item premium. The reset feature is not being removed, or restricted only to premium. People are *SO* good and trying to make everything sound like a disaster...

05-12-2008, 11:56 AM
People are *SO* good and trying to make everything sound like a disaster...
Yes, and the bad thing is that it creates some kind of mass panic and everyone thinks the game is doomed. The make an elephant of a fly like we say in the Netherlands.

05-12-2008, 12:09 PM
I'm still undecided. I'll stay until all my Ximerin are spent, that much I know for sure. I'm not leaving without getting what I paid for. After that, I really don't know. I'll have to see the state of the game at that point. If I can play at lvl50 without paying any money, then I'm cool with it, I'm staying. If at lvl50 I have to keep paying money to enjoy the game, I'm gone.

i agree. i didnt vote since i have 2 lvl50s and just do RvR. But if i have to pay to play at lvl 50 im out.

05-12-2008, 12:47 PM
What is it with everyone and the "have to pay money", you don't have to now, and you're not gonna have to.

Gawd, it's like watching sheep reacting to a guy with a "the end is nigh" sandwhich board, except the first sheep actually misread...

05-12-2008, 12:52 PM
What is it with everyone and the "have to pay money", you don't have to now, and you're not gonna have to.

Gawd, it's like watching sheep reacting to a guy with a "the end is nigh" sandwhich board, except the first sheep actually misread...

No, its like watching a bunch of reacting fainting goats, cept the first one was a sissy and saw a rock move -.-"

However, that would be HILARIOUS to watch. Its as good as the lines "My foot your balls! HILARITY ENSURES!" and "FIVE SECONDS! YOUR FACE, INSIDE OUT!"

05-12-2008, 01:48 PM
You disappoint me AWD, I expect this sort of thing from others not you. Nobody is being forced to pay anything, the speed at which level 50 characters can roll off the conveyer belt is simply being curbed. This is the sort of fear mongering, hate generating thread that will be bad for the game by dividing and demoralising the community, and distracting from all the good news, like the three new developers that have been hired, or the other improvements coming in the new patch.
the good news has been read, but as I said in another thread they shouldn't make such changes without fixing lag first. They are in fact taking away our freedom.

And to be able to play effeciently you have to use reset_powers, new players will leave when they find out they have to pay or start over if they built up a wrong build and discover it sucks in war.

With a war build you will level slowly anyway, and with the fatique system even slower.

and reset powers will be like teleport scrolls after what I understood it

The details are not yet defined but we are making sure that everyone will be notified of this and all current users will receive this new premium item in gratitous form (with several uses) when we implement this new system.

several uses, if an item makes the use of reset_powers unlimited why will it have "several uses"?

and how many times will you be able to use it as a free user? In my opinion this totally sucks.

If a player wants to play different roles he should be able to, not start a new character

05-12-2008, 01:51 PM
I havent read ALL the replies, just page 1 and 4 so forgive me if someones mentioned this, but the /reset_powers command as a premium scroll will make non-paying conjs pretty much USELESS IMO. Conjurers cant lvl and be a healer with the same setup, although its possible, it is EXTREMELY slow and ineffective.

Also about the fatigue system, AWD made a good point that from lvl 1-30, people dont go into wz and will have nothing to do but to lvl, so will find the game to be boring.

I currently level my conjurer on the weekends, in big chunks (8-10 hrs), so if after 3 hours my xp drops to 50% , my levelling time will increase dramatically, then after 6hrs 0% ?? i think this is ludicrous, i will never hit level 50 if it goes like that. I dont mind the -15% xp per mob to be honest, it dosent bother me, just means il need to kill more mobs.

I understand the need for NGD to increase premium sales, but i dont think this is the way to go, i mean come on 0% xp after 6 hours..limiting /reset_powers command?? It really is a bad move on the part of NGD.

IF NGD does this 'fatigue' system, and the /reset_powers limit, i do think i will quit the game, which i have played for 7months or so now.. its really a shame :mad:

Sorry to flame on ur thread AWD btw :thumb:

I agree with you, because:
Conjurers can:
Be healing persons;
Be alone-hunting persons:
Be Warjurer persons;
Be training persons.

It's too bad for Conjurers the reset as premium.

Same with Warriors because:

Warriors can:
Be Piercing Using persons;
Be Slashing Using persons;
Be Blunt Using persons;

Knights can:

Be Half Offence Half Defense persons;
Be Totaly Defense persons;
Be Totaly Offence persons.

Barbarians can:

Be Half Defense Half offence persons;
Be Totaly Defense persons;
Be Totaly Offence persons.

It's too many choises to make...


Also, NGD making lots of things to premium is a nice good idea to gather money, but, making things like Reset Powers scrolls, rings and amulets only for premium is gonig to unbalance the game 100%.
And, I wonder who is going to buy Exp scrolls, if the game is lagging and crashing, making lots of minutes being lost.

05-12-2008, 03:33 PM
trash and asdfghs,

Everyone except you two appear to be completely on-track in this thread, and it is actually your flaming of them that comes off as possibly misplaced, not their concerns over the changes to the game.

No one here acted like the game was doomed, and everyone has provided legitimate explanations for each concern, and the fact that most of them are commenting on the same things shows that some changes are controversial.

And if you think changes cannot poison an MMORPG and make it die, you must be new to the genre. :)


05-12-2008, 03:39 PM
I give my opinion about this subject an suddenly I am flaming??! What's this?

And if you think changes cannot poison an MMORPG and make it die, you must be new to the genre. :)


I know that, only I don't think the current changes are poisoning Regnum. I think it's very weird that Trash and I are off track because we don't think the new changes are dangrous

05-12-2008, 03:42 PM
I give my opinion about this subject an suddenly I am flaming??! What's this?
When you agree to a flaming post, you are a flamer too. :) The only purpose of responding to such a post is to make the thread go off-topic with useless cruft and does absolutely nothing to further development.

I am reminded of a quote - "A weapon of mass destruction can only be used for one thing."

I know that, only I don't think the current changes are poisoning Regnum. I think it's very weird that Trash and I are off track because we don't think the new changes are dangrous
Who said that they were poisoning it or dangerous?

That was my response to trash, who was obviously flaming posts in other threads (such as AwDs) saying that it would poison the game and make it die, but I do not remember any such posts in this thread.


05-12-2008, 03:42 PM
Perhaps you two can buy Ximerin ...
(Talking to asdfghs xD)

05-12-2008, 03:45 PM
I fail to see where I went off-topic.(ok, here, but earlier in this topic.)

05-12-2008, 04:11 PM
And I agree with Dky and Trix aswell.
Everyone are just judging before they know how things will turn out!

They parse the negative parts out from NGD's statement and put it into a new context.
Wait until the changes are here and complain if you didn't like it.

IMO this thread is totally BS.

On topic: No, I won't stop playing and I even consider getting some Ximerin using a friends e-card.

05-12-2008, 04:22 PM
And I agree with Dky and Trix aswell.
Everyone are just judging before they know how things will turn out!

look at the 2008 changes, it explains it quite well, reset_powers will cost you money in the future

05-12-2008, 04:25 PM
And I agree with Dky and Trix aswell.
Everyone are just judging before they know how things will turn out!

They parse the negative parts out from NGD's statement and put it into a new context.
Wait until the changes are here and complain if you didn't like it.

IMO this thread is totally BS.

On topic: No, I won't stop playing and I even consider getting some Ximerin using a friends e-card.
Well, I agree on the fact that most of the changes are non-destructive.

The only change I felt might cause a significant amount of trouble was the implacement of limitations upon reset_powers, which I made a lengthy post (http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showpost.php?p=385840&postcount=4) about in the official thread, and was later debunked (http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showpost.php?p=387686&postcount=35).

The only reason I had an issue with Trix and Dky in this thread is because I am tired of seeing this crap:
You disappoint me AWD, I expect this sort of thing from others not you. Nobody is being forced to pay anything, the speed at which level 50 characters can roll off the conveyer belt is simply being curbed. This is the sort of fear mongering, hate generating thread that will be bad for the game by dividing and demoralising the community, and distracting from all the good news, like the three new developers that have been hired, or the other improvements coming in the new patch.
... on the forums.

It's not appropriate, and should probably have been taken into PM, if anything.

The thread discussing the topic is not a good place to start a debate about whether the thread's topic is valid or not, let alone single out the poster as some kind of problem to the community.


05-12-2008, 04:27 PM
ok seems like you have to do more pve soon


I don't want to leave anyway :D, but the fatique is still a problem for those new to the game, will fatique work like an xp scroll? please? I think that's the best way for you to create your game.

And maybe if you haven't used all your fatique the other day you would get 6 hours of 100% another day XD

05-12-2008, 04:28 PM
... on the forums.

It's not appropriate, and should probably have been taken into PM, if anything.

The thread discussing the topic is not a good place to start a debate about whether the thread's topic is valid or not, let alone single out the poster as some kind of problem to the community.

I talked with trix on msn, she has her opinions and I have mine, they controverse each other sometimes but we are still able to maintain a friendship ;)

05-12-2008, 08:59 PM
I'm in a wait and see mode regarding thiese changes. In general most won't affect the higher level players, and those who have been here for a long time.

Most of the changes I see aren't particularly freindly to newer players and that spells trouble down the road.

05-12-2008, 09:08 PM
yup old player will leave and if you dont have more comeing in then youll run out of meat to chew

05-12-2008, 09:34 PM
I won't leave (other reason).

I don't wanna leave the community... but I'll be on less :(

05-13-2008, 12:13 AM
Well, especially why Fatigue, i'm on the way to partly quit (once again) and just saying hello from time to time (and coming to grads ^^)

Many reasons.

There are less and less fort wars, and since i don't want to hunt levelers (only stupid people do that) the game got boring. Anyway i'm so bored at war, than i often stand here and do nothing, excepted maybe stealing zarkits ^^ I've been pwned recently because i even don't cast barrier/devotion in the middle of the war... boredom incarnated !

Without Fatigue i have the chance to grind in WZ and sometimes kill lonely hunting people ... now the fun is over... i just sit my lazy ass in save waiting for a fort war that will never come... what will i do when 165623156165156 people hunting parties will come ????

Fatigue will just move people from safe zone to warzone, that will become overpopulated... zergs ftw !

Another fact, is that i miss a lot of people who left or don't play a lot anymore (especially Naz and Nubi T_T), we knew how each others play and were used to work together, it was very fun ! They left, no fun anymore... but at killing mobs.

05-13-2008, 05:38 AM
Even if /reset_powers does not cost xim, as long as the fatigue system has a chance of being enacted, there will be a chance of me, and people like me (people who will level for hours on end) to just give up. People say that the system will not affect lvl 50 players, but I disagree. It won't affect the lvl 50 character, but it pretty much makes it so that raising another char to lvl 50 will be a bigger waste of time than before. I may have a level 50 char, but I also have non-lvl 50 chars that I want to level in this free to play mmorpg. I see no more reason to stick around if I cannot grind for as long as I desire.

I am already very close to quitting since I have already found another game. In a market full of decent free-to-play mmorpgs, can regnum survive with the fatigue system?

PS: I apologize for anyone who may have become pissed off by my post.

05-14-2008, 04:34 AM
wel i have 2 agree with spartan27583... whats the point in playing this supposely free mmorpg if u cant enjoy it... i myself have also looked into other free mmorpgs and have found a few that look alot better, but id luv 2 stick around regnum for the simple fact that ive made friends... but if im getting no enjoyment outta the game then y not move 2 one i do enjoy and just take the friends with me?

all i know is that the grinding already sucked and now its gonna b even worse and take even longer, so what r those of us with a life suppose 2 do get murdered every time we step into the warzone... idk all i know is its not worth stressing over a game isnt suppose 2 b stressful its suppose 2 b fun and all ngd is doing is taking all the fun outta the game....


05-14-2008, 04:50 AM
rather than mess up regnum, just make people buy a certain amount of xim, if they don't use it fine.

05-14-2008, 07:34 AM
Im thinking about quiting because of Fatigue. But if /reset_powers is in premium (or will be) count me OUT! I will play WoW or find other morpg.

05-14-2008, 07:48 AM
Even if /reset_powers does not cost xim, as long as the fatigue system has a chance of being enacted, there will be a chance of me, and people like me (people who will level for hours on end) to just give up. People say that the system will not affect lvl 50 players, but I disagree. It won't affect the lvl 50 character, but it pretty much makes it so that raising another char to lvl 50 will be a bigger waste of time than before. I may have a level 50 char, but I also have non-lvl 50 chars that I want to level in this free to play mmorpg. I see no more reason to stick around if I cannot grind for as long as I desire.

I am already very close to quitting since I have already found another game. In a market full of decent free-to-play mmorpgs, can regnum survive with the fatigue system?

PS: I apologize for anyone who may have become pissed off by my post.

omg. look. here. dude.

05-14-2008, 07:55 AM
Im thinking about quiting because of Fatigue. But if /reset_powers is in premium (or will be) count me OUT! I will play WoW or find other morpg.

well, as suggested by another, perhaps a 1 day "cooling off period" might be in order. Still, they have that 1 day grace. So NGD, here's the ultimatum: correct this problem in 24 hours or we are gone!

05-14-2008, 07:57 AM
Learn to read. :bangin:

i dont get your point. please explain.

05-14-2008, 07:58 AM
well, as suggested by another, perhaps a 1 day "cooling off period" might be in order. Still, they have that 1 day grace. So NGD, here's the ultimatum: correct this problem in 24 hours or we are gone!

bye bye. :thumb:

05-14-2008, 10:36 AM
yes probably look ngd i dont know wheter you've noticed but lvlling is BORING AS HELL its stupid, dull, endless, waste of time, mundane, experience now your just making it worse do you actually think people will still stay while all of this boringness gets extended? why not just punch me in the face?

05-14-2008, 01:34 PM
yes probably look ngd i dont know wheter you've noticed but lvlling is BORING AS HELL its stupid, dull, endless, waste of time, mundane, experience now your just making it worse do you actually think people will still stay while all of this boringness gets extended? why not just punch me in the face?
Come all to 12 sky game and team up with me to destroy enemy^^

05-14-2008, 01:59 PM
One by-product of the game having a small development team, was that the developers were always in touch with the players, creating a symbiotic relationship that helped improve the game over time.

NGD Studios officially stated that they are planning on hiring a community manager that in turn will help create a volunteer's program, thus embracing the community and opening the opportunity for those who want to participate.
Regnum Online is a MMORPG inviting you to PLAY FOR FREE with no level or time restrictions.
- Community driven development, meaning we develop the game based on players' feedback.
why not just punch me in the face?
Quoted for truth. :)


05-14-2008, 02:24 PM
I won't leave until the comic exists, I guess :p

That's no problem. Ppl in your comic can all die suddenly because of fatigue. :p

05-14-2008, 02:47 PM
That's no problem. Ppl in your comic can all die suddenly because of fatigue. :p

actually only 3 of my clanmates left. So you are right.

05-14-2008, 03:14 PM
actually only 3 of my clanmates left. So you are right.

Sorry man, it supposed to be a joke. I didn't know that it is THAT bad.

05-14-2008, 03:43 PM
I've already left, for multiple reasons, and after seeing the changes they've put in place with the fatigue system just makes me all the more happy I left before this B.S. I simply come back to respond to the ocassional P.M. Why don't you rename your game World of Warcraft Ghetto Style.

05-14-2008, 04:03 PM
Totally agree...
I will play while 1 or 2 weeks more (around 1h30 by day) and leave definitly the game, discouraging by such awful changes.

As already said, the priorities should be :
- fix the damned lag!
- fix bugs
- fix spells

Then, I will do like them, I will sell my barbarian lvl 40 and my conjurer lvl 30 on EBay...

So sad...

05-14-2008, 04:55 PM
every thing katie said ...

apparantly NGD just talks and wont back this up by acctaully doing what players want =/

05-14-2008, 04:56 PM
Yes yes I will stop playing with great pleasure:)

05-14-2008, 04:58 PM
please NGD change it back Pllleeeasse other wise i might end up back on runescape :jacky_chun: me ----> :( :crying1: ok so i have two faces

05-16-2008, 04:30 PM
Another fact, is that i miss a lot of people who left or don't play a lot anymore (especially Naz and Nubi T_T), we knew how each others play and were used to work together, it was very fun ! They left, no fun anymore... but at killing mobs.

Nubi is back in Ignis and plays an Esquelio Warlock named Alexm or Alxem (or something like that). New names and secret identities don't make it easy to meet, do they?:theking:

05-17-2008, 02:17 AM
Lovele is banned? hm i wonder why... Neway

Ontopic: I am totalllyyyy against this damn fatigue AND the xp curve. everything was fine the way it was. the only things that were wrong was:

-Major lag during fort wars
-lag in general

What I want to see in the future:
-Realm expansions
-Fatigue taken out
-exp back to normal
-no lag/ no bugs
-better appealment to WZ and ideology to the idea of going to war

05-17-2008, 09:01 AM
i will continue to play another game until there are rewards for rps and more reasons to pvp. in addition, I demand a much more stable game before wasting my time or potentially money on this game.

they ought to get investors and use the cash to create a real game vs. running this like a hobby.

05-17-2008, 09:42 AM
i will continue to play another game until there are rewards for rps and more reasons to pvp. in addition, I demand a much more stable game before wasting my time or potentially money on this game.

they ought to get investors and use the cash to create a real game vs. running this like a hobby.

No offence, but you're really not in any position to demand anything from a free game..

05-17-2008, 11:08 AM
No offence, but you're really not in any position to demand anything from a free game..
he can :D, it's like a "I do this if you do this" conditional setting if you understand what I mean. Maybe formulated differently.