View Full Version : Comments about the last update ???

05-14-2008, 12:29 AM
So i want to hear you people !!!

Well for me, i've protection dome at 5... i've to do it, since i'm rushed all the 5 minutes where ever i am, removed elements (lightning = 36/tick on a buffed barb WOW !! ). Only meteor, stalagmite, terror and my staff as weapons... so if you meet me in WZ, i'm harmless alone... but yet hard to kill when wind wall (5) + dome (5) on =)

So, imho this update is just some holy <censored>, excepted the changes for onslaught (i can run faster than a hunter with static field added, it's awesome !!).

Save camping sessions have already begun at samal save, and seems to be similar in Syrtis. (But i didn't participate to them... yet ???) You were warned :thumb:

And you, what's up after that update ?

05-14-2008, 12:43 AM
Well, I have a lvl 50 and now don't plan on getting another char up because of the update. So the exp thing wont affect me so much.

What annoys is that people are being backed into a corner to buy premium for the exp scrolls when the game has the bugs it has. Negative incentives to buy premium should be for a game that's at 100%. I don't know why they were in such a rush to implement the fatigue system, they could have atleast just implemented the -35% global exp first. But they've piled both of these negative things pushing people to buy xim, before any benefit that I can see. The update doesnt make me want to uses xim on my other characters, it makes me never want to lvl another character, and to never purchase xim again.

Now, the WZ is indeed affected by premium. The difference in time it'll take you to get to 50 with and without xim is huge. And higher lvl means better spells, equipment, and stats.

The alt + tab bug (alt tab from full screen game and you'll crash trying to come back) just made my frustration worse. Feeling that people are backed into a corner to buy premium when I'm face first with a bug so often.

If all the things that hit me today would have come gradually I wouldn't have been so annoyed, if bugs were ironed out before the xim pushing, if we were used to the exp drop before fatigue. It's just the whole lot being dumped on me that just rubs me up the wrong way.

05-14-2008, 02:00 AM
Yeah NGD bigwigs.. keep going im losing clan members aswell..thanxs :thumb:

05-14-2008, 04:14 AM
All software has bugs and all software is sold with bugs. I suppose it would give NGD a bit better reputation if they posted their eratta so that we all see the bugs that are "known" and their planned fix date.

Additionally, I feel that NGD is doing themselves a great disservice by implementing the fatigue the way they did. Basically they have made the game unplayable for those without the ability to purchase ximeran. So yes, technically this game is "free" with premium items available; however, honestly it is not very playable without ximeran.

I understand NGD is trying to make money; however, what they are going to do is drive people away from the game and no one will come play this game because the supporting forums (Ubuntu, fedora, suse, etc) will be peppered with hate postings of the game and NGD.

In the end, you can do a million things right but one wrong thing and your are tarnished.

NGD, I hope you rethink...

05-14-2008, 04:20 AM
So, imho this update is just some holy <censored>, excepted the changes for onslaught (i can run faster than a hunter with static field added, it's awesome !!).
What did they do to onslaught now?

Mages running faster than hunters? Oh baby...

05-14-2008, 04:54 AM
This update is idotic. Surak was FLAMED the whole time he was on on Syrtis chat about the experience curve and the fatigue. I was on Rasius beach and someone had 5K left and he got the fatigue!!! 5k isnt much, its about 5-10 mins worth of grinding. This is an idiotic way of trying to sell ximerin. Use another method Regnum come on!! I've lost about 10 people because of this stupid update and I am not happy!!

I PROTEST!!:ranting:

05-14-2008, 07:16 AM
Fatigue - that will push away a lot of people from that game. It should be removed FAST!

- Clan windows is a joke. No class, no lvl, no possibility to see if members are online.
- We want to see our RP in charter window!!(or at least /show_rp)
- Add to map forts and castle names and tokens showing to whom they belongs to.

I thought yesterday: I like that game.. if they add features above I will buy xim to support them.
Now I think: I need to find another game. I wont buy xim never ever.

Good work NGD!

05-14-2008, 07:34 AM
Well, I have a lvl 50 and now don't plan on getting another char up because of the update. So the exp thing wont affect me so much.

well, many of us aren't there yet man. :(

What annoys is that people are being backed into a corner to buy premium for the exp scrolls when the game has the bugs it has. Negative incentives to buy premium should be for a game that's at 100%. I don't know why they were in such a rush to implement the fatigue system, they could have at least just implemented the -35% global exp first. But they've piled both of these negative things pushing people to buy xim, before any benefit that I can see. The update doesnt make me want to uses xim on my other characters, it makes me never want to lvl another character, and to never purchase xim again.

Well, I haven't purchased any xim to begin with. and now that they have implemented these changes, I am not even sure that its worth considering for purchase (given the proposals to limit the exp scroll effectiveness and the price changes seen elsewhere in the forums). I've made lvl 27 the hard way and I live on a limited income to purchasing online isn't something I can do all that often. The type of behavior displayed by NGD is tantamount to user punishment! :thumb_down:

The alt + tab bug (alt tab from full screen game and you'll crash trying to come back) just made my frustration worse. Feeling that people are backed into a corner to buy premium when I'm face first with a bug so often.

That one was reported early on wasn't it? why haven't they worked on these bugs yet? are they even working on these bugs at all?

05-14-2008, 08:02 AM
Ive got 3 lvl 49s. Ive got about 7 100%xp Scrolls left in total and 6k xim left. After that... ill change to WZsetup and hunt/war. I WONT EVER BUY XIM. I spent >120€ so far for this game, but i wont let me FORCE to spent more. Ive already thought about quitting too ... what holds me atm is the clan im in and the ppl im with - not the game after that update.

05-14-2008, 09:09 AM
Well, I haven't purchased any xim to begin with. and now that they have implemented these changes, I am not even sure that its worth considering for purchase (given the proposals to limit the exp scroll effectiveness and the price changes seen elsewhere in the forums). I've made lvl 27 the hard way and I live on a limited income to purchasing online isn't something I can do all that often. The type of behavior displayed by NGD is tantamount to user punishment! :thumb_down:

u made lvl 27 the hard way?? how much of a NEWBIE must you be to even say that?? lol.
i have made 2lvl 50s "hard way" without ximerin.

05-14-2008, 10:26 AM
And if he is a newbie? Who cares. I'd like to see how loud you lvl50s scream when they "dock" your current XP down commencerate with these changes, and let you crawl back to lvl50 "the hard way" 3 hours a day.

Your indifferent attitude is offensive. :bangin:

Im not a whiner by nature. Think of me what you will, its just really funny to me when someone says: "lvl 27 the hard way". Level 27 and "hard" should simply not be in the same sentence. Im not trying to offend anyone. If lvl 27 is hard for him, then RO isnt a game for him.

Peace. :thumb:

05-14-2008, 10:26 AM
i agree aswell very really stupid to the max i honestly cbf playing anymore i dont wanna lvl 50 hours on end for what? to lag in the wz?

05-14-2008, 10:28 AM
i agree aswell very really stupid to the max i honestly cbf playing anymore i dont wanna lvl 50 hours on end for what? to lag in the wz?

Now someone touched the core of the problem. To level is OK, if u get some fun later in the warzone. LAG kills the fun more than any XP curve or fatigue system EVER will.

05-14-2008, 03:07 PM
u made lvl 27 the hard way?? how much of a NEWBIE must you be to even say that?? lol.
i have made 2lvl 50s "hard way" without ximerin.

well thank you mister fancy pants!

05-14-2008, 03:12 PM
I remember Ironfoot doing it the hard way on alsius beach, running away at first sight of Me, Hollow and Twix (he sure kept his fingers on onslaught xD). Good ol 'hard' days :')

05-14-2008, 03:36 PM
I have not been able to test all the new stuff, but during the short time I have acutally played (like 30 min) I have this to say:

I met a bunch players (lvl<50) who told me: "War at X, but I won't care, since I only have one hour before fatigue". I understand that attitude, and I can also say that it seems like the fatigue system just ruined the RvR-aspect!

I also met several players who said: "I won't fight back if enemies come, since I need to grind before fatigue". Seems like the fatigue just ruined the PvP aspect too, damn it..

Conclusion: lvl50-characters and people who already has played for 3h that day go around, trying to take the now even emptier forts (everyone else is busy grinding their 3h), also gaining free RP from all who try to get their 3h of grinding each day done.

Also, I made some calculations (simple, so I post them):
XP needed for lvl50: 6M
XP/hour: 15k (I know, this could probably be a lot higher, but not with current mob density at all lvls)
Hours/day: 3
Time needed for lvl50: 6M/(15k*3) = 133 days

That is: you need 133 days of playing to reach lvl 50 if you play 3h/day.. awesome! Think of all those players who can only play at weekends. That is: 133*(7/2)=465 days! More than a year! That's not going to happen..?

05-14-2008, 03:41 PM
Also, I made some calculations (simple, so I post them):
XP needed for lvl50: 6M
XP/hour: 15k (I know, this could probably be a lot higher, but not with current mob density at all lvls)
Hours/day: 3
Time needed for lvl50: 6M/(15k*3) = 133 days

That is: you need 133 days of playing to reach lvl 50 if you play 3h/day.. awesome! Think of all those players who can only play at weekends. That is: 133*(7/2)=465 days! More than a year! That's not going to happen..?

this is if people are not kill stealing you....
lvl 1 - 50 = 365 days
lvl 45 - 50 = 156 days
killing 1 enemy every 30 seconds, no restings, no kill stealing xp loss, for 3 hours a day..

omg wait longer... count having to run to each monster....

05-14-2008, 04:03 PM
u made lvl 27 the hard way?? how much of a NEWBIE must you be to even say that?? lol.
i have made 2lvl 50s "hard way" without ximerin.
Ironfoot, thing is that both of us leveled our chars without ximerin but also WITHOUT any cut on XP (fatigue, and plus I think mob base xp is decreased, will check with calculators).

I m leveling new char under this new xp rule, and it cannot be matched. I can spend same time I spent on Anpu without ximerin and wont reach level 50 for that same time. I dont want to mention that if Fatigue turns off in evening when its almost impossible train in wz due to many enemy parties, I switch then to Anpu to play.
And guss what? Anpu activates fatigue for my second char and then here we go again. Only scrolls help me keep in time with leveling and also leveling when its most suitable-morning.

Another option is: make new acount and for every new char making new account so that one char wont bring fatigue to other chars.

I m lucky I have some ximerin from quest contest, but after that will be sooo tough. And NGD even didnt work on offering more ways to pay for ximerin. And that is important issue for this update.
Cover as many as possible players with payment system, not just certain countries. I cannot pay via PayPal and that is end of story. Even if I have credit card. If they only added OneBip I suggested.. Most users have mobile, that would be better bingo for NGD income than adding 200% scrolls. Or dyeing.

So, I d like to say that this update came much faster than other important issues, like expanding payment system, and fixing many so important bugs. Or even little ones, like:
Ethereal arrow. Almost half of year it shows that you defeated yourself.
My pet was disappearing in front of me while leveling, so I need to relog many times to see it again. Because i also dont have pet indicator, I m not sure if its alive, dead, stuck, dont see it, nothing.
Arrow indicator: fire fire fire and then BAM: no more arrows, go hang yourself.
Little thing that was suggested many times: give RP status of char in Char window. One line, one simple line. Many ppl RP motivates to play this game. Especially younger players. When they open character window to see that little number slowly raising. They might maybe pay more attention on other statistics in char window.
Char stats window imo doesnt display all correctly.
Concentration doesnt work properly.
Many spells doesnt work how it should work.
Arena is one big bug. Needs fixing, enabling all spells work and using pets. More space in it.
Clan system: absolutely total crap, the crappiest in all MMORPG universe.
Quest system is not complete: there is still one year old bugged quest in Syrtis that asks you to kill mob that doesnt exist. No quest covers above 40. (didnt check if they added those new quests that were announced in update before this!).
Jumping for me in game would be cool. Maybe for others not so lets say its not important for now. But jumping exists in game, but its disabled, dont know why (as I heard).
Making horses look different per realm. Little make up on current premium. It would be total hit see Ignis on Nightmares, Syrtis on Unicorns and Alsius... (on goats? :D )
Adding new xp boost scroll, cutting a little base xp per mob, but weaking them bit damage and armor. And adjusting little xp curve so 200% xp scroll wont short current time that players already spent for leveling till 50. And all without fatigue for now. Next update for sure, till people accept more premium, and those little xp modifications.
Dyeing, thats one excellent idea.
And after all, lag. Sorry, but it is worse after update. Even for me who didnt have many problems with it. Game freezing. Crashes. Memory leakings.Every time I log off I see in console 150+ leaks. Processor mostly 92-100% busy.
NPC improvement. Interface. Its not added yet but its in changelog. Its important they added Fatigue first but not this.
Also for quests, there are some quests that are not adjusted by its level. Giving quest in Doshim that asks players to kill very hard mob is not funny. Many time I go there to help them kill mob to solve that stupid quest. And not only in Doshim, but in Fisgael too etc.
Give meaning to Fort wars. Thats also in plan, but not now, fatigue is important. And that fort war inclusion in something that WOULD bring more players, not offering, or better, forcing to pay to play. Play "normally".
Invasions: dont want to mention how that can affect in raising number of players.
Not all spells have sound.
etc etc... all that is part of polishing and slowly but securely way of improving game. They have this extra large bonus having Linux client. Unlike all other games.

They said they are working on polishing game. The most important part of it should be filling in "how to play" feature. They offered it in menu but its empty more than year. Thats something it shouldnt be forgotten. Thats something that every game offers first.

Guide, help. Not just quick written few boxes with name Tips that pop up when you die to tell you:"Ha so you are dead. Dont worry, you can ressurect yourself, big deal". Did you know for Altar purpose till you didnt die? Did you know if you should keep Gems you got killing mobs or sell it? Those questions are very common from any beginner.
etc etc

Well, I m still disappointed by this update, I trusted NGD a lot, but they really messed up priorities this time. And yes, players are leaving. today there was 99 players in 10:40. Every day there was usually 160-300.
Can be just first reaction, but we will see. Time will show. And I just hope it wont be late when time shows results.

05-14-2008, 04:26 PM
Anpu, you should drive Regnum with all those ideas ^^ indicators are awesome

05-14-2008, 04:36 PM
I haven't logged in on the game since the update hit Ra. Not on purpose, it just happened so that RL got the best of me.

I know I'm not leaving, and I don't think I'll be boycotting the game till the update is gone or anything. But I just don't feel like levelling anymore now. And I DID, before the update. Or more accurately, before the update was announced. And if I don't feel like leveling, WZ will get meaningless, for someone of my lvl. And that will only mean that I will quit the game, it's just a matter of time I think.

05-14-2008, 04:50 PM
yeah my lvling motavation just died with this update seeing the XP bar move so much slower around 2 pixles insted of my old 3 it sounds like nothing untill you notice that for every 4 mobs before you need to kill around 5 to get the same XP as a knight who allready takes ages this wont do at all also durability needs to be changed or ill go broke =(

(was this part of the takeing money out of the game sceame i wonder)

05-14-2008, 08:56 PM
I am losing players from TWC. Some good ones at that. The reason is fatigue.

I am only lvl 39 so I have a long way to go to lvl 50. Most days I don't play 3 hours, but I do on weekends. Sadly, on those days I don't see the point of trying to lvl in the WZ to many impossibles killing me. So, I'll be packing it up moving to the Elther Woods. This update is throwing a wrench into the best aspects of RO.

05-15-2008, 11:29 AM
update? haven't tried it out yet and I don't know if I dare because I will probably be pissed.
Well I do dare, but I can't after I did my programming assignment and my danish portfolio.

What anpu just mentioned is the long list of things which are on everyones mind, they know it needs to be fixed and now anpu did the job for you. As me and many others have said, instead of making these negative changes, fixing things might be an idea first, A lot of players including me has stayed since beta through lag, imbalance, unfixed spells, an uncomplete game, major "balance" changes, numerous crashes, bugs, premium bugs, insults from other players due to an unmoderated game both here and on the forums.

This update will get most, reverse it or watch regnum DIE

05-15-2008, 12:17 PM
Well all I have to say about the new fatigue is that RO better fix it really fast or I may never be on again. I am only lvl 38 although could have been almost lvl 40 by now if it weren't for fatigue. I had a conju following me around after he could not get XP and just supporting me and i still had to push hard to get the same XP as i normally would P/H.

I hope u see that u made a mistake in this NGD and have the guts to admit it and fix it.

Gareth Bryne

05-15-2008, 01:59 PM
They said they are working on polishing game. The most important part of it should be filling in "how to play" feature. They offered it in menu but its empty more than year. Thats something it shouldnt be forgotten. Thats something that every game offers first.

Yes I stated that in my thread of priorities for new players here: http://regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=23507

See I just call something like THAT lazyness, I don't need to hear the ol' "7 man team" excuse, because something like that can take one guy. And something like that (5 paragraphs tops!) can take like 30 minutes.

And it has been left blank since before I started playing! Now THAT is what I call VERY professional.

u made lvl 27 the hard way?? how much of a NEWBIE must you be to even say that?? lol.
i have made 2lvl 50s "hard way" without ximerin.
Okay, ill say this as nice I can :p

Who the hell are you to judge how much people play? It took me 2 weeks to get to lvl 14 when I started playing, does that make me a noob? You know not everyone has all the time in the world. Some of us have other things to do. I hope you take that back...

05-16-2008, 12:30 AM
Okay, ill say this as nice I can :p

Who the hell are you to judge how much people play? It took me 2 weeks to get to lvl 14 when I started playing, does that make me a noob? You know not everyone has all the time in the world. Some of us have other things to do. I hope you take that back...

Noob and newbie are two different words.

And to Boger: yeah i ran when you came 3v1 while i was leveling. Should i feel guilty or ashamed? Too bad Hollow isnt playing anymore. Never again will we have good old days back.