View Full Version : Please, look, this is BS
05-14-2008, 03:42 AM¤t=hugekomodo.jpg¤t=Aquantisknight.jpg
I level without xim, have done since level one, now they introduce fatigue AND lower xp per mob, i really think this is BS, take a look at the screenshots above and tell me this shits fair. People who are already lvl 50 are fine, they dont have to deal with this, but this is uter bullshit to be perfectly honest. I really hope NGD change this, for their good, already alot of people have left, i dont want to be next... :mad:
RED BAR, 0XP, screw that shit asshole NGD.¤t=screenshot2008-05-1403_05_43.jpg
05-14-2008, 10:23 AM
yep i agree total utter crap on a stick
05-14-2008, 02:01 PM
Ultimate flying aerodynamic bullcrap with jet engines strappet to the inner shit....
05-14-2008, 02:49 PM
Wow, thats a lvl 48 mob! And under 100 exp! thats bullshit
05-14-2008, 03:03 PM
Okay, I do admit I was thrown when I discovered the fatigue timer is active regardless of activity. With the company, other groups I manage, forum administration, personal chats, I'm lucky to get any playing done within the first few hours of signing on. I got this notice saying I was tired from monster killing, and I hadn't actually put my bow into the combat position yet. I think it might be more reasonable if it worked in the manner XP scrolls do, as to say you get 3 hours *actively* killing monsters at full XP, and 3 hours of killing monsters at half XP, with the timer stopping when you stop to chat, rest, do administration etc. I was also a bit surprised you don't get the 6 hours with each character seperately. It means if I want to level one of my alts I *have* to do that first, I can't WZ for half the day with Trix and then settle back to level Kahli...
For once, I have to say. I am a little disappointed with the direction of development. I did have a few positive thoughts though, do we have lots of quests on the way (such as the competition ones), and when are the premium rewards for PvP being introduced, as I think both these things would lesson the negative feelings towards fatigue.
05-14-2008, 03:39 PM
Okay, I do admit I was thrown when I discovered the fatigue timer is active regardless of activity. With the company, other groups I manage, forum administration, personal chats, I'm lucky to get any playing done within the first few hours of signing on. I got this notice saying I was tired from monster killing, and I hadn't actually put my bow into the combat position yet. I think it might be more reasonable if it worked in the manner XP scrolls do, as to say you get 3 hours *actively* killing monsters at full XP, and 3 hours of killing monsters at half XP, with the timer stopping when you stop to chat, rest, do administration etc. I was also a bit surprised you don't get the 6 hours with each character seperately. It means if I want to level one of my alts I *have* to do that first, I can't WZ for half the day with Trix and then settle back to level Kahli...
For once, I have to say. I am a little disappointed with the direction of development. I did have a few positive thoughts though, do we have lots of quests on the way (such as the competition ones), and when are the premium rewards for PvP being introduced, as I think both these things would lesson the negative feelings towards fatigue.
Fatigue isn't active for lv 50 players, so you can play Trix first and level your alts after.
05-14-2008, 04:45 PM
Fatigue isn't active for lv 50 players, so you can play Trix first and level your alts after.
:eek24: Fatigue is active for lvl 50 players too.
05-14-2008, 05:00 PM
:eek24: Fatigue is active for lvl 50 players too.
Really? I read otherwise here:
05-14-2008, 05:07 PM
as I said in my thread see u in hell ngd
and thats a total bully shitty crappy
05-14-2008, 05:08 PM
Really? I read otherwise here:
That only means you will have full exp always with your lvl 50.
Thats because no one will buy exp scrolls for a lvl 50 so they dont care the exp you get. And of course there is no lvl 51.
05-14-2008, 05:08 PM
Really? [/url]
Really. It is active even when server is down. I have it on Amun. And amun was down just after i loged in yesterday. So tadaam if Ra die you loose your time.
05-14-2008, 05:09 PM
It means that level 50 players don't need leveling to keep advancing, thus making fatigue a non-issue.
A level 50 character basically exists for RvR and fatigue affects only PvE.
05-14-2008, 05:12 PM
It means that level 50 players don't need leveling to keep advancing, thus making fatigue a non-issue.
A level 50 character basically exists for RvR and fatigue affects only PvE.
Yes, but fatigue is an issue for other characters that are not lvl50, thus the fatigue is activated by the lvl50 ones
05-14-2008, 05:13 PM
It means that level 50 players don't need leveling to keep advancing, thus making fatigue a non-issue.
A level 50 character basically exists for RvR and fatigue affects only PvE.
A lvl 50 chars have also lower lvl chars. And it is account based not char based so....
05-14-2008, 05:29 PM
It means that level 50 players don't need leveling to keep advancing, thus making fatigue a non-issue.
A level 50 character basically exists for RvR and fatigue affects only PvE.
Hey niclam,
I think no one understands why you don't make Fatigue like booster scrolls, even if you tie them to the account.
How it should work to remain reasonable:
- count time like with booster scrolls
- do not count time if you use a lv 50 char
- make sure it's one "fatigue timer" per server, testing skills on Amun shouldn't penalize players
- reset the fatigue depending on when the player first started using his previous booster (because you can't have the reset made considering the Argentinian timezone).
As it is right now, it really seems ill-conceived. I can live with the concept (as a matter of fact I don't even grind, and I always grind with boosters anyway, so I'm not affected). But the problem is that the only thing that makes grinding a bit bearable is the social context, exping within parties. So people will have to "synchronize" their grinding time, and it can't be done unless Fatigue works like scrolls, because people don't *connect* at the same time, and sometimes we need help to retake a fort (it's especially bad for Alsius who is always outnumbered). What's more, some people play Regnum because they just can't afford a MMO with a monthly fee, and some others just can't get Xim at all because they don't use paypal. I understand (and agree) with the need to have more people buy premium (especially if only 4% of players actually buy it -- but here, did chilko mean "active" players or registered players... because 3/4 of newly registered players seem to just leave, that is if they can get regnum to work first..). But it has to be done "softly" :).
Personally I dislike the exp reduction more than Fatigue (only because I can get scrolls, but I don't have time to exp anyway). But when I started playing Regnum, I was very decided not to ever get Xim because I wanted to play for free. Back then, Fatigue would have had me leaving the game (sorry people it came in too late ;)). What got me to buy premium is that the exping was already damn slow. I can't imagine now :).
I just hope you will adjust the system.
People with lvl 50s and lower lvl chars have to use their lower lvl chars for the first 6 hours of play regardless of whats happening if they want to get any exp in that 24 hours.
05-14-2008, 05:36 PM
I think no one understands why you don't make Fatigue like booster scrolls, even if you tie them to the account.
Well its clear this is because they need money, so if they are like scrolls people can lvl a lot more than 3 hours, if anyone ever used a exp scroll if you are un a good group you can kill more than a mob in 10 seconds (each kill gets 10 seconds less of your bar but you will never be in negative so is better to kill fast.)
That means with a exp scroll you can easily kill more mobs than you are supposed to do. Besides of that, with this system each time you rest,walk, or just go to sell the time keeps going so its more productive.
Well the point is we understand why they made it this way but we dont like it at all.
05-14-2008, 05:51 PM
Well the point is we understand why they made it this way but we dont like it at all.
Yeah of course we understand, that's called a figure of speech and being subtle :p. What I meant is roughly "did you consider the consequences for gameplay?" as in "I can't understand you let this one go". :p
05-14-2008, 09:17 PM
fatigue is one thing, less exp is worse NOW NGD PICK ONE NOT 2!!! its gonna take 3years to reach lvl 50 THIS IS BULL!!!!!!!!!!
05-15-2008, 01:35 AM
fatigue is one thing, less exp is worse NOW NGD PICK ONE NOT 2!!! its gonna take 3years to reach lvl 50 THIS IS BULL!!!!!!!!!!
Buy some boosters.
05-15-2008, 09:19 AM
Fatigue isn't active for lv 50 players, so you can play Trix first and level your alts after.
Well, I played with Trix, went into the red on fatigue, switched to an alt and they we're in the red to. So it's either a bug or the way it works I guess.
05-15-2008, 09:35 AM
As far as i understood fatique is *account* based not *character* based, so if you switch chars it doesn't get resetted...
Correct me if I'm wrong, I have not yet played since the update so I can't be reliable without a test :D
yes thats the way it is.
and is stupid, because if I play with 50 in WZ and get bored after some time and want to switch to grind with lower lvl char, lvl 50 started fatigue for him :(
so u can choose: or fun or grind, no alternating
05-15-2008, 10:47 AM
yes thats the way it is.
and is stupid, because if I play with 50 in WZ and get bored after some time and want to switch to grind with lower lvl char, lvl 50 started fatigue for him :(
so u can choose: or fun or grind, no alternating
afaik, lvl 50 weren't supposed to be affected :eek24:
05-15-2008, 10:49 AM
afaik, lvl 50 weren't supposed to be affected :eek24:
By not affected it only implies that as a lvl 50 there is no experience needed for the next lvl's.
Therefore, not affected...
05-15-2008, 11:52 AM
By not affected it only implies that as a lvl 50 there is no experience needed for the next lvl's.
Therefore, not affected...
it affects their friends in game who are not level 50, more people will leave before they reach the level 50 state, even long term players might leave out of boredom and the old reason of poor game design
05-15-2008, 01:50 PM
If this really is a game based on war. You need to get a high lvl to experience war at its best.
I can't see anyone doing that, it used to go like this:
Train till your ready for war -> Get in War
Now it'll go
Training is blocked -> No new players in war, once the oldies leave one by one theres no more fun. The end
05-15-2008, 04:47 PM
i agree mage this UPDATE SUCKS BALLS.
we shud form a union....
against the update .¤t=hugekomodo.jpg¤t=Aquantisknight.jpg
I level without xim, have done since level one, now they introduce fatigue AND lower xp per mob, i really think this is BS, take a look at the screenshots above and tell me this shits fair. People who are already lvl 50 are fine, they dont have to deal with this, but this is uter bullshit to be perfectly honest. I really hope NGD change this, for their good, already alot of people have left, i dont want to be next... :mad:
RED BAR, 0XP, screw that shit asshole NGD.¤t=screenshot2008-05-1403_05_43.jpg
Well i was speaking about -40% exp on monsters, but it was what i have noticed for the level I've tested, but here is even worse at your level, that comodo gave if I remember right around 280 +CHG, and you got 100 exp which is about -65% exp. Amazing reduction. Everybody is crying about fatigue, but fatigue is just nothing comparing to this exp reduction. BTW you still have to make 1700k so good luck.
It means that level 50 players don't need leveling to keep advancing, thus making fatigue a non-issue.
A level 50 character basically exists for RvR and fatigue affects only PvE.
So why the exp counter doesn't stop at Why's there players with 10.000k and more exp? Is that mean they don't fight in war zone, they just keep leveling?
05-21-2008, 06:55 AM
Well i was speaking about -40% exp on monsters, but it was what i have noticed for the level I've tested, but here is even worse at your level, that comodo gave if I remember right around 280 +CHG, and you got 100 exp which is about -65% exp. Amazing reduction. Everybody is crying about fatigue, but fatigue is just nothing comparing to this exp reduction. BTW you still have to make 1700k so good luck.
I think the 4 hours of 100% xp is alot better, these shots are before the hotfix.
And thanks, im 1.2 mil to go now!! :thumb:
05-22-2008, 01:25 PM
wat a minute u mean for the first 4 hours of playing everyone gets 100% bonus to there kills like using scrolls.
MAGE--- wats the normal exp u get wen killing monsters now
05-23-2008, 05:30 AM
wat a minute u mean for the first 4 hours of playing everyone gets 100% bonus to there kills like using scrolls.
MAGE--- wats the normal exp u get wen killing monsters now
No dude, everyone gets 100% xp (i.e. they get FULL xp from mobs)
After 4 hours they only get 60% of xp they would normally get, after 6 hours, 20% of what they get. i get 190+50ish for aquantis knight i think
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