View Full Version : A simple solution to all your problems NGD

05-14-2008, 03:35 PM
1)Allow premium items to be tradable
a. then people will buy it for their friends, thus increasing revenue
b. it will also make a whole new set of players and inner economy (gold)

2)Remove the fatigue system entirely
a. you wont need extra cash because people will be buying xim just to sell the horses and scrolls to people who cant buy them.
b. more people will feel they have a chance to become something in game.
c. more people will bring their friends to the game...
d. back to item #1
e. we do not need to be told when and when not to play regnum...

3)Never walk your users down a path of peril...

4)When you promise to do something... do it, make it happen
a. promised to return our lost items... (each item has a code should be easy to do)
b. more...

5)Keep the tone of the game...
a. don't make super massive drastic changes (we are not in beta mode)
this will make users not trust you... and no trust means no xim investment.
b. do not feed us lies... keep it honest... admit mistakes and it will be like it never happened. (do not pull an AREA 51 on us)

05-14-2008, 03:46 PM
item #1 will solve all your cash problems... and also help create/stimulate the regnum in game economy...:thumb:

come on people ... lets give them some ideas that won't be harmful to anyone.... but will advance the game into success...

we cant blame surakor for whats going down... he is just the puppet proger of the company... i.e. he does what he's told to do.


05-14-2008, 04:05 PM
I never blamed Surakor oO I never blamed, too :p we just try to prove that this NGD's idea wasn't a good choice. it's still theirs decision

05-14-2008, 04:06 PM
I never blamed Surakor oO I never blamed, too :p we just try to prove that this NGD's idea wasn't a good choice. it's still theirs decision

lets give them some new ideas to stimulate growth...

05-14-2008, 04:09 PM
To combat fatigue, we get drops of meat, make meat something to eat to relieve fatigue

05-14-2008, 04:20 PM
I don't want ximerin items to be tradable. If they are, a new class of begar players will arise.

05-14-2008, 04:25 PM
stimulate? viagra ads :superpusso:

05-14-2008, 04:28 PM
lets give them some new ideas to stimulate growth...
What ideas DMC? I always thought NGD should enable premium items tradeabla. I saw this in many games so thoose who can't afford an xp scroll they buy it for in-game money and everybody is happy:bounce: I like your ideas a lot. The question is: will NGD implement something? NO.

05-14-2008, 04:33 PM
It would be very nice if they did listen to you, even just a little bit.
Though at the moment it doesn't seem that they are interested in what the players want.

I can take it that they don't want to have /reset_powers to be usable just like that, without cost or anything, sure make it so that you have to use xim, or pay ingame gold to be able to reset your skills, make it cost more ingame gold for each turn and your level progress, I don't mind, it's a part of the game and this is the only game I've seen so far letting someone reset powers for free whenever.

Though, what I can't accept is when I get restricted into just playing 3 hours (6 hours to be honest, but I'm not going to play 3 hours getting 50% exp, as it will take twice the time to get the same amount of exp..), and then I have to wait for 24 hours before it is reseted and I'm able to play my 3 hours again.

I would have accepted it if it was something like, if you're online for 6 hours, then you get 0% exp _after_ those hours, and when you've been logged out for 3 hours it will be reseted and you can exp for 6 hours again with 100%.

Or maybe if it is like they've already implemented, then if you log out for, 1.5 hours, it gets reseted as well, that would've been okay.

But to wait for 24 hours is unacceptable.

Kind regards, M.

05-14-2008, 04:36 PM
I don't want ximerin items to be tradable. If they are, a new class of begar players will arise.

where do you get your information from?

is this an assertion or is there some real facts behind it?

05-14-2008, 04:38 PM
Good idea DemonMonger. :lighten:
NGD should really take this into consideration.

05-14-2008, 04:40 PM
where do you get your information from?

is this an assertion or is there some real facts behind it?

beggers are on most games, its something you learn to ignore also id ld like them to be tradeable as i cant get xim but with all this new crap comeing in its almost like BUY ZIM OR NEVER LVL

05-14-2008, 04:58 PM
We listen / read everything, we actually devote our lives to this game and thus to you guys... we have actually evaluated everything that Demon says...

Believe me that is difficult enough to live and to work on such a big project with so little resources. Adding to that constant criticism (sometimes even insults) makes it almost impossible.

Even more so when people complaining have no idea of how Regnum works as a business and what it takes to run a company and a game such as ours.

Allow premium items to be tradable

Trading premium items / xymerin in game will bring security problems that will only end up in customer care issues that we wont be able to cope with.

2)Remove the fatigue system entirely

We find a Fatigue system as a necesity for a free to play game... if not, we cannot afford the costs for the game when less than 4% of the players are paying for premium content.

4)When you promise to do something... do it, make it happen
a. promised to return our lost items... (each item has a code should be easy to do)

We know this and it is our fault... doing better customer care is also a goal in this new fase of development.

5)Keep the tone of the game...
a. don't make super massive drastic changes (we are not in beta mode)
this will make users not trust you... and no trust means no xim investment.
b. do not feed us lies... keep it honest... admit mistakes and it will be like it never happened. (do not pull an AREA 51 on us)[/I][/B][/COLOR]

We dont want to alter the tone of the game we just want to make it better.
We know that we cannot make very drastic changes, but sometimes is the only way to make real progress. Expect a lot of improvements during the rest of 2008. we know that the RVR is the most important aspect and that leveling needs a lot of improvement. we will work to enhance PVP (possible new reward and penalty system, enhancements to fort fights and invasions)Also we want to make leveling much more fun (more quests and content, mobs with powers, better AI, better rewards, etc.)

I just hope you guys have more trust in us.

best regards,


05-14-2008, 05:04 PM
better pvp? maybe should have saved fatigue till then cuz untill then PVE is even worse than before (not the acctual PVE just the time it takes!)

untill this comes out we are stuck with yet slower lvling

one of the most winded about things is lvling time limiting lvling time with fatigue may make lvling seem shorter per day but per-week-month-year???
itll make it seem longer

i came here because i coulded be bothered to spend another 3 years maxing out on RS haveing played for a year and only reaced
-an averageish (for mems) lvl 84 and a allright total lvl of 1300 and something-

"I just hope you guys have more trust in us."

trust needs earning you cant just hope we will have it you need to go make us have it

"good things come to those who wait, but faster to those who go get them"

05-14-2008, 05:06 PM
It sounds great Chilko, and it probably isn't very fun getting complaints and insults.

The PvP/RvR seems to be the "main" attraction of this game, so it sounds like a very good choice to be focused on that, although, with the new fatigue system that is implemented, I just hope you have enough players around that will experience all these new features and enhancements that you're talking about.

Kind regards, M.

05-14-2008, 05:06 PM
chilko so the fatigue system stays???

Remember people can vote with their feet, you have lost paying customers as well as the non paying players thanks to this update.

Any incentive i had to buy more Xim has vanished with this new update, as for playing this anymore........ i really dont know

05-14-2008, 05:09 PM
I just hope you guys have more trust in us.

best regards,


we do, but not in everything ;)

05-14-2008, 05:15 PM
We find a Fatigue system as a necesity for a free to play game... if not, we cannot afford the costs for the game when less than 4% of the players are paying for premium content.

So keep developing Regnum for 4% of the actual players.
There are too much completely free MMORPG without "Fatigue systems" to justify keep playing in this absurd way.

I've had fun with Regnum since beta stage and, before the last upgrade, loved it.

05-14-2008, 05:24 PM
We find a Fatigue system as a necesity for a free to play game... if not, we cannot afford the costs for the game when less than 4% of the players are paying for premium content.

This was really hard to say isnt it?

If you only said, hey we really need money if we want to continue with this, and tried to ask for donations i am sure the people will helped you.

But you choosed the other way, lets make this people pay if they want to get to lvl 50. And in a game full of lag, bugs and where to hit with a skill you need to pray people is not really interested in get to lvl 50.

We were waiting for a long time to get a decent update when finnally somethings got fixed, but you did one with only premium and to make people pay more premium. If instead of that you asked for help....

You choosed very bad.

05-14-2008, 05:24 PM
We listen / read everything, we actually devote our lives to this game and thus to you guys... we have actually evaluated everything that Demon says...

Believe me that is difficult enough to live and to work on such a big project with so little resources. Adding to that constant criticism (sometimes even insults) makes it almost impossible.

Even more so when people complaining have no idea of how Regnum works as a business and what it takes to run a company and a game such as ours.

This game was so promising. I'm not sure I can say much more than that to describe what Regnum was at the beginning.

At the beginning...

I am sorry, but people give critisizm, complains and insults for a reason.
And it's time that NGD faced that instead of acting like it didn't exist.

I have to say it, because no one else is going to...
I have remained neutral up until now, I have supported NGD in every facet, I have even used premium when I could not afford it... just under the hope that NGD would improve the game if I did so, even though it came with many downsides to me to spend that money on a mere game.

This is it NGD... this is the truth. Right here, once and for all.

Regnum sucks.

It is a failure compared to almost every MMORPG, and the only thing that made it not be a failure for so long was the community, which you are now driving away.

There is absolutely nothing in this game that is worth the dedication and devotion required to get a new character to LV50 with the changes from this patch, and with the lag, bugs and general instability that have been there since beta, there is no way a system like this could work.

Every single person that I ever invited to the game (and there were lots of them) left before hitting LV30, and only stayed for a while because of friends they had in the game. And that was before this update.

The game is unstable, there is almost no content, and levelling was already difficult and boring.

I have the utmost respect for all of you good folks, you've done a great job thus far with what little resources you have, but you must've all been higher than a kite to think that this would be a good idea.

You have let all of us down. But at the end of the day, it is just a game, right?
So we are all going to play something else... and I imagine that most of the people who leave were in that 4%.

There you have it... I played the game for over a year, I've had several accounts, many characters in all realms, and believe me when I say that anything and everything that kept me attached to Regnum throughout that time, despite it's faults, has been no less than perverted by this update.

brad -- a player who has been around since beta -- said it best: "why don't you just punch me in the face?"

I really wish that NGD had continued to do what they could with what little resources they had... it was the right thing to do. The honorable and respectful thing to do, for themselves and the community. It may not've been as profitable in the end, but at least they would've had their pride for giving it a good shot and doing their best.

Now they don't even have that. If Regnum does die from this, it'll be a sad, embarassing death.
But then again, it's just a game, right? :)

So I will go play something else now, and hope that you folks don't you lose your jobs over this.

As my parting request, I ask that you please print out the contents of this post (http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showpost.php?p=389927&postcount=20), on a large poster and permanently afix it to the walls in the employee work area of NGD headquarters, for all to see.

I just hope you guys have more trust in us.
If you want us to trust you, then you know what to do. Don't tell us the costs, do not give us business lingo. All of NGD needs to put their hands together and just do it. Trust us, the community..

If there was ever any doubt in your minds that we would let you down, you were wrong.
But this... this is the thanks we get for everything.

But I guess at the end of the day all we do is consume bandwidth.

Final regards and sincere regrets,

P.S. I am sorry if I sounded too mean in this post, but I am tired of being the good girl when you do not listen.

05-14-2008, 05:33 PM
We listen / read everything, we actually devote our lives to this game and thus to you guys... we have actually evaluated everything that Demon says...

Believe me that is difficult enough to live and to work on such a big project with so little resources. Adding to that constant criticism (sometimes even insults) makes it almost impossible.

Even more so when people complaining have no idea of how Regnum works as a business and what it takes to run a company and a game such as ours.

Trading premium items / xymerin in game will bring security problems that will only end up in customer care issues that we wont be able to cope with.

We find a Fatigue system as a necesity for a free to play game... if not, we cannot afford the costs for the game when less than 4% of the players are paying for premium content.

We know this and it is our fault... doing better customer care is also a goal in this new fase of development.

We dont want to alter the tone of the game we just want to make it better.
We know that we cannot make very drastic changes, but sometimes is the only way to make real progress. Expect a lot of improvements during the rest of 2008. we know that the RVR is the most important aspect and that leveling needs a lot of improvement. we will work to enhance PVP (possible new reward and penalty system, enhancements to fort fights and invasions)Also we want to make leveling much more fun (more quests and content, mobs with powers, better AI, better rewards, etc.)

I just hope you guys have more trust in us.

best regards,


the security issues have always been here.. each one of our account names are listed on forums....

as long as we keep our passwords safe we do not need to worry about an increase in security...

if you allow the premium items to be traded.. more people that can buy them will setup markets for those who cant... I promise you it's how it will work... its just a few lines of code....

once this system comes.. you will have a massive flow of revenue that will be almost endless....

some people will sell tints.. some will sell horses... some sell scrolls... for in game gold... or even trade them for in game items.... that are later sold for in game gold.... the cross flux is endless....

This community of players is one of the best i have seen in all my years playing online since the early 90's

few cheaters, buy few players...

just try it... for 1 month.. 1 month.. and see what happens...
we do not need fatigue as it is currently... people will still be online... consuming bandwith... now they are all just in fort wars... and save camping...

the only thing that fatigue is doing.. is closing the doors on future profits..

05-14-2008, 05:44 PM
the security issues have always been here.. each one of our account names are listed on forums....

as long as we keep our passwords safe we do not need to worry about an increase in security...

if you allow the premium items to be traded.. more people that can buy them will setup markets for those who cant... I promise you it's how it will work... its just a few lines of code....

Actually: I can see some security problems. Lets say you are in a situation where it's impossible to buy Xim yourself. In that case you have to depend on other people to trade you some. But since other people mostly aren't interested in "wasting" their (RL-)money on a character belonging to someone else, they will demand a suitable compensation.

In best cases this is a good item or in-game gold, in worst cases it's a "send me your bank account number and I'll send you some money". That is actually a major security issue..

But I also see the good parts with tradeable permiums.. :)

05-14-2008, 06:14 PM
NGD have you ever thought about advertisement? You can put some adverts after intro and on screen where you choose you charter...we are open for your propositions.

People wont buy xim because of fatigue. I thought about buying xim just after you do some game improvements..add RP counter to charter window, improve clan windows (add classes, levels, online/offline), improve map (add forts names and for whom they belongs too). Now you are going to kill reset_powers thing that I love in that game that makes it unique.

05-14-2008, 07:13 PM

This game was so promising. I'm not sure I can say much more than that to describe what Regnum was at the beginning.

thanks, it was actually not as promising as you may have thought... doing such an abitious MMO with only 4 programmers 2 artist and 1 designer and having invested 5 years of development is not a very promissing endeavour let me say.

I am sorry, but people give critisizm, complains and insults for a reason.
And it's time that NGD faced that instead of acting like it didn't exist.

If we do not act as if it doesnt exist we would have abandoned the game 1 year ago, believe me.

Regnum sucks.

Ok we agree, we know this... even more than you do... no one feels as frustrated about the overall quality of the game as us, the developers who have been working on it for 6 years, working for free for the biggest part of that time.
Anyway, we dont think its a failure, we gained a lot of experience, and apparently there is a big group of people that enjoy the game.
If the game is not good enough for you, please do leave, there are better games on the market.


You have let all of us down. But at the end of the day, it is just a game, right?

Believe me, we never wanted to let you down. We are just trying to do the best that we can, given the circumstances and the information that we have.

So we are all going to play something else... and I imagine that most of the people who leave were in that 4%.

Its our hope thatīs not the case in general we will see in the next few weeks days.

I really wish that NGD had continued to do what they could with what little resources they had... it was the right thing to do.
The honorable and respectful thing to do, for themselves and the community.

Even as Utopian as we are at NGD this is impossible after 6 years.
We live in an unstable under-developed country with a lot of growth in the software industry we need to grow or we will work on something else, that's it.

But I guess at the end of the day all we do is consume bandwidth.

No, non paying users are a very important part of the game, without a critical mass the game becomes even worse... we are not trying to alienate anyone here.
We just know that the monetization level of Regnum compared to other games with a similar player base and similar quality is very low.
To put it simple the game's business model was not working because it was initially designed as a subscription based game. This means: character profression is fairly easy (compared to other F2P games), the premium content cannot /should not affect balance, the game is class based and equipment has level requirements so making customization only items is impossible with a small dev team.

In the end, let me just calrify that we will not loose our jobs, actually NGD has signed a very big development deal that will sustain the company for a long time.

We have decided to invest most of that money into Regnum, expanding the team, buying more servers, etc.
We are also working a lot on improving the game on all aspects, stability and performance being our top priority. But there are a lot of things that need to be corrected so it makes sense to do it.

I hope that you come back if you decide to leave
Best regards,


05-14-2008, 07:18 PM
thanks, it was actually not as promising as you may have thought... doing such an abitious MMO with only 4 programmers 2 artist and 1 designer and having invested 5 years of development is not a very promissing endeavour let me say.

If we do not act as if it doesnt exist we would have abandoned the game 1 year ago, believe me.

Ok we agree, we know this... even more than you do... no one feels as frustrated about the overall quality of the game as us, the developers who have been working on it for 6 years, working for free for the biggest part of that time.
Anyway, we dont think its a failure, we gained a lot of experience, and apparently there is a big group of people that enjoy the game.
If the game is not good enough for you, please do leave, there are better games on the market.

Believe me, we never wanted to let you down. We are just trying to do the best that we can, given the circumstances and the information that we have.

Its our hope thatīs not the case in general we will see in the next few weeks days.

Even as Utopian as we are at NGD this is impossible after 6 years.
We live in an unstable under-developed country with a lot of growth in the software industry we need to grow or we will work on something else, that's it.

No, non paying users are a very important part of the game, without a critical mass the game becomes even worse... we are not trying to alienate anyone here.
We just know that the monetization level of Regnum compared to other games with a similar player base and similar quality is very low.
To put it simple the game's business model was not working because it was initially designed as a subscription based game. This means: character profression is fairly easy (compared to other F2P games), the premium content cannot /should not affect balance, the game is class based and equipment has level requirements so making customization only items is impossible with a small dev team.

In the end, let me just calrify that we will not loose our jobs, actually NGD has signed a very big development deal that will sustain the company for a long time.

We have decided to invest most of that money into Regnum, expanding the team, buying more servers, etc.
We are also working a lot on improving the game on all aspects, stability and performance being our top priority. But there are a lot of things that need to be corrected so it makes sense to do it.

I hope that you come back if you decide to leave
Best regards,


hopefully if you move regnum to a sort of (side pregect) and focus on other things it will slowly grow untill it can sustane its self?

05-14-2008, 07:21 PM
In the end, let me just calrify that we will not loose our jobs, actually NGD has signed a very big development deal that will sustain the company for a long time.

We have decided to invest most of that money into Regnum

This being the case why penalize your players with this fatigue malarkey. If they spend more money on the game they wont get the deduction due to fatigue

A suggestion, after 3 hours make the fatigue -20% after 6 hours -50% its still not going to make people happy, but it is an improvement on what you have implemented now

05-14-2008, 07:35 PM
So it is.
We lost a good game.
Me, my friends, and my clan are moving on another free MMORPG.

Farewell NGD,

05-14-2008, 07:37 PM
According to our stats 90% of the player base play less than 4 hours a day.
We didnt make this decision without any kind of analysis or thinking.

05-14-2008, 07:39 PM
Anyway. This game is starting to be an planishft game or an runescape game that isn't good.:(

05-14-2008, 07:41 PM
According to our stats 90% of the player base play less than 4 hours a day.
We didnt make this decision without any kind of analysis or thinking.
You keep listening to those stats chilko. People are more important than numbers.

For what it's worth, thank you for clearing up what NGD has been doing all along.. finally saying all of the things they wouldn't say, admitting the things they wouldn't admit... but players suspected.

Everything is much clearer now, and because of you players can make their decisions in earnest.

But my decision remains the same.

Adios amigos.

05-14-2008, 07:42 PM
Now it's time. I understand what it means for you to have this huge project, into which you spend a lot of time and money. I had no clue that the dev team was that small! I'm going to get some Xim right away, just to support the dev team!

And I'm going to buy paint for that Xim.

Also, I would love to "redesign" my tunic! Something like: pick a base color of the tunic, pick an embroidery and it's color, perhaps some other design-parameters such as belts.. that would be AWESOME!

Make a clan-setup with matching colors for all players in the clan. That would make ppl who enter the clan wanting to pay for the clan-outfit. Those are, imho, better ideas than to force ppl to pay just to make the game playable at all...

And thank you, chilko, for answering! You people are doing a great job, it's just that everyone wants Regnum to be the best game in the world now, at no cost.. a bit impossible, I suppose :) Keep up the good work!

(And please rethink your strategy: it's better to please your players than to punish them, I think).

05-14-2008, 07:42 PM
According to our stats 90% of the player base play less than 4 hours a day.
We didnt make this decision without any kind of analysis or thinking.

Maybe it would have been an idea to ask the players (both English and non English speakers). As stated on the home page:

- Community driven development, meaning we develop the game based on players' feedback.

It is a shame your new update have generated such a poor feedback

05-14-2008, 08:04 PM
According to our stats 90% of the player base play less than 4 hours a day.
We didnt make this decision without any kind of analysis or thinking.

where 40% of those accounts are owned by the same persons
everyone breaks that rule, even NGD ;] I myself have 3 accounts. No prob, when I am done with Piz, I can lvl up my ignis char. No prob, really, I decided to get over with Fatigue. But your Analisys isn't really detailed

05-14-2008, 08:46 PM
Orange golem = 240 exp before update, after update 155 + 13 CHG, that is much more than 15% NGD spoke about.

05-14-2008, 08:54 PM
You keep listening to those stats chilko. People are more important than numbers.

For what it's worth, thank you for clearing up what NGD has been doing all along.. finally saying all of the things they wouldn't say, admitting the things they wouldn't admit... but players suspected.

Everything is much clearer now, and because of you players can make their decisions in earnest.

But my decision remains the same, and this is my last post.

Adios amigos.
Fvck. There goes one of the best players in Syrtis. :(

05-15-2008, 12:07 AM
The biggest problem I see here is users insinuating using xim is "cheating." This whole "hard way" mythos is the users bankrupting the game the claim to care for.

Xim being broken is yet another matter.

05-15-2008, 01:09 AM
i'm not one to critize how the creation/tweaking process of a game goes, but the fatigue system is not the best course of action, obviously the devs from ngd can see that...yes you might have a few dedicated people who decide that buying xim is worth it...

but for the most part i doubt that the players are going to decide this game is worth it. all the bugs and glitches, all the crashes, that does not make people happy. and then the levelling system is slow and tiresome to begin with, so you throw in a fatigue system to make it even worse...hmmm does that sound like a good idea...maybe if you made it quicker to level the fatigue system might not bother people so much or make the fatigue system less bothersome (longer time to fatigue and/or shorter time to recover)..but then again i really doubt it.

and the last thing is that with most (if not all people) very unhappy with this new "patch" they are leaving...the community was one of the most addictive features in this game. and now you are driving most of the players away. which makes even the more dedicated players want to follow their friends to another game...

i think some of the people that have posted suggestions have had very good ideas....so maybe you should listen to them...at least half of them are very dedicated to this game and want to see it florish...so please at least take our opinions into consideration...we players are the game and without us this game would be less than nothing...

05-15-2008, 01:39 AM

I was one of those 4% of players that actually paid for Ximerin. Between leveling my characters and my sons' characters, I spent $120. However I stopped buying Ximerin when I saw that the major bugs and problems that I and many others had been complaining about were ignored.

Castles are still surrounded by 100 brain-dead guards. It's been that way for months. Guess what? Nobody cares about castles anymore. 100 guards causes too much lag for most people.

I can easily take any castle by myself, because the guards ignore me while I scrape through the door with my staff. Door comes down, run in, hit flag, run around corner... guards too dumb to chase me.

There is no point in taking a fort. There is no gain for anyone. No strategic benefit. Others have suggested making bridges capturable, and dozens of people said, "Great idea!" But NGD did not even responded.

People complained that Confuse is too strong, and that Mind Blank doesn't protect against it. Next update: Mind Blank is nerfed even more!

People complain that knights are too weak. Result: archers get improvement after improvement, but not knights. Now, to kill a level 50 hunter requires at least 5 other level 50's and a crap-load of luck. This is unbalancing.

I have stopped sending money to NGD because these and many other problems have been ignored, while other less significant changes have been made. I have practically stopped playing, and have considered selling my account on Ebay. Anybody want to buy a level 50 conjurer and a level 50 warlock in Alsius?

05-15-2008, 07:28 AM
Now, to kill a level 50 hunter requires at least 5 other level 50's and a crap-load of luck.
And Batman! Or Superman.

05-15-2008, 07:41 AM
Na. Both - no way to do that otherwise.

05-15-2008, 11:04 AM
In the end, let me just calrify that we will not loose our jobs, actually NGD has signed a very big development deal that will sustain the company for a long time.

We have decided to invest most of that money into Regnum

I am lost now, very lost.

If you dont need money the exp reduction and the fatigue system are just stupid. Why do you rushed this update with only premium. Why....

Well i just dont understand it at all. Or you are going to do something really big and need cash for it because most of the things of the last update were only to make users need premium to lvl up.

05-15-2008, 12:07 PM
What I wonder about is that the update is only on Ra and not on the german servers. In the past updates happened always at the same time on all official servers. But not now...

05-15-2008, 12:15 PM
What I wonder about is that the update is only on Ra and not on the german servers. In the past updates happened always at the same time on all official servers. But not now...

They were faster than you


They did it because this update has a lot of lag improvements and they didnt want to wait for gamigo to translate all the things to have the update on ra.

05-15-2008, 12:22 PM
1)Allow premium items to be tradable
a. then people will buy it for their friends, thus increasing revenue
b. it will also make a whole new set of players and inner economy (gold)

2)Remove the fatigue system entirely
a. you wont need extra cash because people will be buying xim just to sell the horses and scrolls to people who cant buy them.
b. more people will feel they have a chance to become something in game.
c. more people will bring their friends to the game...
d. back to item #1
e. we do not need to be told when and when not to play regnum...

3)Never walk your users down a path of peril...

4)When you promise to do something... do it, make it happen
a. promised to return our lost items... (each item has a code should be easy to do)
b. more...

5)Keep the tone of the game...
a. don't make super massive drastic changes (we are not in beta mode)
this will make users not trust you... and no trust means no xim investment.
b. do not feed us lies... keep it honest... admit mistakes and it will be like it never happened. (do not pull an AREA 51 on us)

I thought you were gonna try harder Demon, after that splendid little chat we have, do not feed us lies? AREA 51? Come on, you can do better than that sugr...

Sensationalist I believe was the word I used...


1. subject matter, language, or style producing or designed to produce startling or thrilling impressions or to excite and please vulgar taste.

2. the use of or interest in this subject matter, language, or style: The cheap tabloids relied on sensationalism to increase their circulation.

05-15-2008, 12:33 PM
I just hope you guys have more trust in us.

best regards,


I'm in that zone of the players that trust u :thumb:

05-15-2008, 01:43 PM
I'm really not sure what to think about this new patch....

People complained quite a bit about the 10% rule when it was introduced, but that was NOTHING like this. bh, I'm really quite concerned. From Chilko's replies it seems apparent that our pleas will mostly likely fall upon deaf ears...

If anything, it looks more like NGD is trying to squeeze whatever they can from regnum before it becomes abandonware...

05-15-2008, 02:02 PM
I'm really not sure what to think about this new patch....

People complained quite a bit about the 10% rule when it was introduced, but that was NOTHING like this. bh, I'm really quite concerned. From Chilko's replies it seems apparent that our pleas will mostly likely fall upon deaf ears...

If anything, it looks more like NGD is trying to squeeze whatever they can from regnum before it becomes abandonware...

People want whats easy and fast. Thats the source of their complaints. If u give them what they want all the time...CHAOS. 10% rule rocks, for the record.
As for the second part of your post i say to you this - s.t.f.u. doomsayer.

have a nice day :thumb:

05-15-2008, 02:52 PM
If anything, it looks more like NGD is trying to squeeze whatever they can from regnum before it becomes abandonware...
??? abandonware? It had an increasing playerbase all the time, it was different from other mmos and was very likely to keep a player, now they scare them away instead.

05-15-2008, 04:02 PM
People want whats easy and fast. Thats the source of their complaints. If u give them what they want all the time...CHAOS.
oh please...
In no way did I propose that NGD ought give in to what players demand at all times. The fact still remains, that as NGD tosses us a cosmetic fix that has absolutely NOTHING to do with gameplay while many skills are still bugged and unusable, which is going to make the proposed adjustments to /reset_powers hurt even that much more. I don't think I need to even point out the enormous amount of issues with fort/castle glitches and horrid guard AI.
10% rule rocks, for the record.
Additionally, for the record, I didn't say anything about the 10% rule being good or bad, I simply pointed out that a large portion of the community was up in arms over this change as well. I do agree that in some respects, the 10% rule was good. However, I imagine this change also has a lot to do with the fact that, to date, full support conju's gain little to no XP.
As for the second part of your post i say to you this - s.t.f.u. doomsayer.
I don't really have anything to say about this, other than it makes you look like a 12 year old.
...now they scare them away instead.
and this is the part that scares me the most....
During my time ingame, I've probably spent close to $100 on xim so far. I've always been a proponent of purchasing xp boosters and potions for certain classes (not only for the obvious leveling benefits, but to support NGD). Now, I'm not sure if I will be purchasing anymore xim...

05-15-2008, 04:07 PM
I thought you were gonna try harder Demon, after that splendid little chat we have, do not feed us lies? AREA 51? Come on, you can do better than that sugr...

Sensationalist I believe was the word I used...


1. subject matter, language, or style producing or designed to produce startling or thrilling impressions or to excite and please vulgar taste.

2. the use of or interest in this subject matter, language, or style: The cheap tabloids relied on sensationalism to increase their circulation.

just area 51... metaphore not so harsh... just means be honest
it's baby steps babe

05-15-2008, 04:12 PM
During my time ingame, I've probably spent close to $100 on xim so far. I've always been a proponent of purchasing xp boosters and potions for certain classes (not only for the obvious leveling benefits, but to support NGD). Now, I'm not sure if I will be purchasing anymore xim...
yeah, but that line made it seemed like they knew they were doomed already which they knew they weren't so they wanted to take the pile and dust with them before closing down the project, That was how I read it. But I didn't think you meant it that way.

NGD should try figure out fixing small things in their game and optimize it instead of trying to find a way into forcing us to buy xim, then the xim will come all by itself.

05-15-2008, 04:50 PM
but i do have to say to all the players that COMON dont u think that NGD is getting enough CRAP about the fatigue. comon everyone losen up REALLY!!!!!!

05-15-2008, 06:46 PM
They dont get enought crap...maybe if they did they would remove fatigue....

05-15-2008, 07:44 PM
They dont get enought crap...maybe if they did they would remove fatigue....

true there but devs have a way of not turning round and abbmiting being wrong

if anyone remebers when wilderness was removed from runescape 10's of 1000's were up in army whilst some just didnt care reminds me of this somehow

the forum flooding

the hate

the anger

they never put wilderness back though

05-19-2008, 11:48 AM
They were faster than you


They did it because this update has a lot of lag improvements and they didnt want to wait for gamigo to translate all the things to have the update on ra.

I think the lag improvements failed very much...

05-20-2008, 06:37 AM
it needs to be something in my opnion it needs to hold onto the one way that the overall game will be played as. This isn't beta, these big changes shouldn't just happen willy nilly. I don't think this game is so much doomed as it is a vegetable that's constantly getting better and worse. In end regnum needs to take something and stick with it, the way it is now it's too make lvlling suddenly harder, change this, change that etc.

I think that the main reason that everyone hates this new update is because i searched and couldn't find a decent reason for it. I mean the 10% thing was fine. ngd could see people who were lvl 13 in the wz getting xp so easidly and it was too easy to lvl and i agree with them in that. (lol lvl 13's in the wz they can't do anything).

i agree with demon even number 1 would make everything work so much better. People would be trading alot more, those who buy xim would be buying more, those who couldn't buy xim would be happy.

05-20-2008, 09:34 AM
In end regnum needs to take something and stick with it, the way it is now it's too make lvlling suddenly harder, change this, change that etc.

No kidding, if they wanted to make fatigue, they should at least stick with the general idea, the 3 hours 50%- and 6 hours -100%. Im not FOR it of course, but I find it funny that now neither side benefits from the new fatigue system. NGD won't be getting an increase in cash, and players don't like the conditions.

When it was the old fatigue idea at least NGD would have benefited.

And if something is working fine, this goes for skills, characters, exp system, theres no need to change working things! Why change Onslaught, a working spell, when there are skills that work incorrectly that actually NEED fixing.

Lag shot through the roof, if someone says they can play happily dandily in "massive" then they must be smoking something.

If NGD wants Ximerin available to people, (there are a TON of people that would like to buy it, but it in unavilable to us, since PayPal is the only method) Runescape has so many ways to pay for their 5$ fee, you can pay with a Credit Card, Mail, even a freaking Cellphone for crying out loud.

Thats what I want, more ways to get Xim Available to people. Then work on the next stage, getting a reason to acually BUY the Ximerin. Isn't that so obvious? A financial advisor would say the same.

I don't know what the heck NGD is thinking, they claim that we should have faith in them. But it would help alot of we knew more about what was to come and what was going on next :(

I guess it will take time, and we will see which side was right, I agree with YOU Demon Monger