View Full Version : NGD pick one PLEASE

05-14-2008, 11:48 PM
ok we got aloot of problems now.

to start alot of ppl left the game and we are talking about like 300 of them! which for those of you that say "well that kills 2 birds with one stone, less lag" no your wrong the truble this comunity had of growing is now down to when i started playing almost a year ago.

why did they leave you ask? well (you might be a litle slow) it is one thing to have fatigue which i see perfectly fine to balance out those that play litle and alot since some players get to lvl 50 in 4months and with the new scroll of mastery will reach lvl 50 in 1month; i see very well where fatigue will do its job balencing. BUT now our xp is cut by ALOOOT! well aldough now im 46 and im not suposed to get 120 or 140 xp from cyclops warior aprentice i was expecting 112 or something near but i got 90 xp! and now since we got less ppl wars are more organized and last longer after a while i easily found my self with a fatigue warning! with less xp and fatigue it will take over 2years to rech level 50 like AWD no offence.

i dont think anyone agreed to this and i think ngd should remove one either fatigue or the less xp, in my opinion the less xp. for more information i killed the cyclops warior aprentice very easy 5mins after i logged in and already heard ppl complaning about litle xp since yesterday wich i tought was fatigue but this is blashtemy! give us back our xp or fullextent of playing time this is out of control! keep in mind that the fun of the game is in WZ and it would suck to be low lvl; no one is going to play a game for 2years just to be good at this rate we dont even know if the game will live? please NGD give us back our regular xp i heard that now conjus suporting get 13 xp at more that is over 50% less than before.

05-15-2008, 12:49 AM
now our xp is cut by ALOOOT! well aldough now im 46 and im not suposed to get 120 or 140 xp from cyclops warior aprentice i was expecting 112 or something near but i got 90 xp! and now since we got less ppl wars are more organized and last longer after a while i easily found my self with a fatigue warning! with less xp and fatigue it will take over 2years to rech level 50 like AWD no offence.

i dont think anyone agreed to this and i think ngd should remove one either fatigue or the less xp, in my opinion the less xp.

It seems like you are actually receiving more xp than you should. 50% less means you should be getting about 60-70 per cyclops apprentice (maybe NGD can go through the server logs and 'readjust' your xp to what it should be). considering the xp you have at lvl46 is more than halfway to lvl50 i doubt it will take you 2 years to get there.....i trust DM's math is correct (given the assumptions stated in this (http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=23540&highlight=days) thread). as a player in a free mmo (or any other for that matter), whether or not you agree with/to the changes is neither here nor there. if ngd wants to shut down the servers forever, then they can. i'm rather new to RO and mmo's as well, but the complaining on these forums is worse than i encountered when i played project entropia (a game where people deposited hunderds/thousands of dollars per year). you should also consider yourself forutunate, my char is lvl31 conju. at least you can put up a fight in the WZ. i get rolled in a fraction of a second by 'n00b killah' parties from your realm quite often. i don't get mad, i kill off my necrostacy on the way out and go back to level. remember....this is a g-a-m-e, it should be enjoyable. if it isn't anymore, then leave. there are plenty of other games out there, as people in various threads have pointed out.

05-15-2008, 12:55 AM
i dont remember what it was exactly but i do remember getting over 100 with + bonuses while killing that same mob at lvl 46 yesterday before the update now i got like 30xp less and i keep hearing ppl in game complaining and i dont know where to go i came from RS and no one tells me freegames anymore cus there wasnt better till now...gues its time to curse at you guys in halo live if you here some tenage kid 15soon from miami with a sort of cuban hispanic accent cursing you out in both english and spanihs while playing halo it might be me so for now...if u get near me wit a fukin sord ill trow a granade on ur ass pendejo! :fingers:

05-15-2008, 03:40 AM
I think the fatigue system is more to blame for driving people away.

The fact that you get no xp after 6 hours of play while those who pay for the premium can keep going is just stupid from a gamer's point of view. It causes huge amounts of imbalance in the game and will drive away nearly all of the players in regnum eventually. There will be few if any new players in the game. I doubt any of them will stay after they learn about the fatigue system.

The 15% reduction of xp from lvl 30 on is just icing on top of the shit cake since i doubt there will be many players less than lvl 30 who will keep paying to play this "free" game.

I wonder who's bright idea it was to implement this system. Whoever he/she is, he/she deserves to be fired on the spot.

05-15-2008, 07:51 PM
i wouldent mind if they only kept one change back XP please i cant see the reason you changed other than to keep people training longer but that kinda backfires because most people will just quit rather than keep lvl ing

fatigue i dont mind too much it slows your drive a bit its too easy to spend hours lvling and get lost in how long you spend with just training 3 hours per day ill be in WZ more only because im at a lvl where i can if i was lower id just log off and proberly eventually quit

one or the other i wont mind and i think most people will agree we will tolerate fatiuge or XP drop...but not both


05-15-2008, 09:13 PM
please see tread in "the inn" called the reason ppl levave and stay.

05-15-2008, 09:25 PM
I Totally Agree Gigo