View Full Version : Is it allowed?...

05-18-2008, 11:31 PM
Is it allowed to have someone assist you in transfering uneeded gold to another character?

If so, is anyone able to help me?
Im on Alsius in the 'Ra' server
One of the very early towns, if it's too much trouble to travel you can make a new character and it's a much shorter distance that way probably.

05-18-2008, 11:34 PM
Yes, it is allowed, but it's only up to your responsibility. Choose someone that can be trusted.

05-18-2008, 11:39 PM
Yes, it is allowed, but it's only up to your responsibility. Choose someone that can be trusted.

Thank you.

Is there anyone on Alsius/Ra that can assist me?

05-18-2008, 11:50 PM
I'm guessing you'd get more help if you told people what your character's name was.

05-19-2008, 02:16 AM
I'm guessing you'd get more help if you told people what your character's name was.

Oh. yes, well
Dare To Live is my character's name

05-19-2008, 10:30 PM
Help http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e9/Face-crying.svg/120px-Face-crying.svg.png

05-19-2008, 10:36 PM
Find yourself a nice clan which will give you gold to begin with :thumb:

05-19-2008, 10:39 PM
You didn't find someone who helps you yet?

If I am understanding this right, you have a character with some extra gold and you want to give it to your other character, is that right?
Or is it that you need to borrow some gold from someone?

I can't do it, I am at work now. But my advise is please be careful, because there are some bad players that will have no problem on stealing the money from you.

05-20-2008, 06:24 AM
yes there are some bad players so be careful. many times i've had some random person in central that i've never met ask me to transfer ALOT of rare drops to another character which would have been worth a fair lot.