View Full Version : Dunmer's happy again!

05-24-2008, 08:57 PM
After this mostly unpleasant quest, I finally got what I wanted: A PARTY HAT!
So now, I'm rocking at Medenet Save!

I also decided to become pacifist.
I have no damaging magic anymore.
I got Mind Push, Will Domain, Silence, Time Master, MoD, Darkness, Energy Borrow and Energy Barrier.

(I'll keep it for some time, just for fun)

05-24-2008, 08:58 PM
Where's the: P.S This was made possible with the help of Mattdoesrock?

Eh? Eh?!

05-24-2008, 09:01 PM
Where's the: P.S This was made possible with the help of Mattdoesrock?

Eh? Eh?!


P.S: Many thanks to Matt, without him I would probably have gone mad and thrown my computerscreen out the window. =)

Thanks again, buddeh!

05-24-2008, 09:14 PM

P.S: Many thanks to Matt, without him I would probably have gone mad and thrown my computerscreen out the window. =)

Thanks again, buddeh!

:wub2: Filler spam.

05-24-2008, 09:15 PM
:wub2: Filler spam.

Who should I thank other than you?
Oh right! Thanks Dark Venom Fang, Trix, and everyone else I can't remember the names of! XD

(btw the Anniversary Party Hat is still TEH AWESOMENESS!)

05-25-2008, 12:41 AM
pacifist is worser then suport conjus, u are gonna get raped and u look emo btw all red and blk :lol:

05-25-2008, 04:50 AM
After this mostly unpleasant quest, I finally got what I wanted: A PARTY HAT!
So now, I'm rocking at Medenet Save!

I also decided to become pacifist.
I have no damaging magic anymore.
I got Mind Push, Will Domain, Silence, Time Master, MoD, Darkness, Energy Borrow and Energy Barrier.

(I'll keep it for some time, just for fun)

Damn i almost cried, and sometimes laughed my ass off too. Most hardest quest i ever made. THX for all Ignises! You damn made everything that i could not even escape from Alsius to kill your skellies :D

For that good, i learned how to cast spells like from machine gun :P
..and made a sequence, what happened later to Luci with The Hat on.


05-25-2008, 05:10 AM

That was epicly awesome Luci :D

05-25-2008, 11:53 AM
Damn i almost cried, and sometimes laughed my ass off too. Most hardest quest i ever made. THX for all Ignises! You damn made everything that i could not even escape from Alsius to kill your skellies :D

For that good, i learned how to cast spells like from machine gun :P
..and made a sequence, what happened later to Luci with The Hat on.


Only cried? Several times, I felt like throwing my screen out the window XD
The way Syrtis acted during the saturday... T'was sad. :P

And GIGO: I like looking EMO. My room (IRL) is red and black. FOR IGNIS!

05-25-2008, 12:18 PM
Only cried? Several times, I felt like throwing my screen out the window XD
The way Syrtis acted during the saturday... T'was sad. :P

And GIGO: I like looking EMO. My room (IRL) is red and black. FOR IGNIS!

Welcome to the Club, i throwed a empty Cola bottle couple of times, and it hitted almost to my cat once. And my clan mates had to read my angry messages without any sense, pure tourette. "fu*c sh*T, Mot*****ers, this game is so damn ****** %#%¤" :D
And i'm the guy who's "always the happy one" :D

05-25-2008, 12:35 PM
Welcome to the Club, i throwed a empty Cola bottle couple of times, and it hitted almost to my cat once. And my clan mates had to read my angry messages without any sense, pure tourette. "fu*c sh*T, Mot*****ers, this game is so damn ****** %#%¤" :D
And i'm the guy who's "always the happy one" :D

Yes. I think everyone facing a challenge like this temporarily gets Tourretes.

05-25-2008, 01:32 PM
Only cried? Several times, I felt like throwing my screen out the window XD
The way Syrtis acted during the saturday... T'was sad. :P

And GIGO: I like looking EMO. My room (IRL) is red and black. FOR IGNIS!

4 :ignis: oooh its on now im gonna kill u! :bangin: :hat:

05-25-2008, 01:34 PM
Yes. I think everyone facing a challenge like this temporarily gets Tourretes.

Hell I know we did :crying1:

05-25-2008, 01:36 PM
I found Ignis was retaliating from syrtis.
Syrtis were sick of being killed by alsius.
Alsius were in turn fucked about Ignis killing them.
The earlist event i found on this was a pvp event went wrong, and all realms (at some stage, not sure on order...i saw alsius first, but i wasnt the first 2 see anything) were sick of dying while being nice, and stopped being nice.

I THINK thats what happened.

05-25-2008, 01:46 PM
I found Ignis was retaliating from syrtis.
Syrtis were sick of being killed by alsius.
Alsius were in turn fucked about Ignis killing them.
The earlist event i found on this was a pvp event went wrong, and all realms (at some stage, not sure on order...i saw alsius first, but i wasnt the first 2 see anything) were sick of dying while being nice, and stopped being nice.

I THINK thats what happened.

well im nice while in alsius but in ignis i kill them first because u guys have no since of peace. i was in alsius with 3 ignis and 2 alsius me alone looking for orcs(so far 0) when 2 ignis showed up and killed us while the others aperently yelling at them.

in syrtis i leave them alone unless im looking for goblins(done now) but everytime i saw them killing a goblin i wanted i killed them for revenge.

now in ignis i mainly hunt and see what comes to me. i dont kill emediatly i just make it clear STFA from me and leave the skeletons 4 me.

and alsius was also being a bitch and friking ignis is starting wars to make it harder for us FUCKERS :fingers: :ignis: :gun_bandana: :ignis:

05-25-2008, 01:52 PM
Ignis attacked syrtis alot, syrtis attacked alsius much.

05-25-2008, 03:29 PM
Ignis attacked syrtis alot, syrtis attacked alsius much.

Alsius were bitching everywhere. XD

05-25-2008, 04:00 PM
Alsius were bitching everywhere. XD
You killed me with 2 other people.

05-25-2008, 04:03 PM
You killed me with 2 other people.

I was pissed off at some times.
Mostly, I was avoiding combat.
If I killed you, sorry. ^^
It's just that after one hour of TRYING to reach PB/PN, but get killed before you get halfway, you get pissed.

05-25-2008, 04:18 PM
It's nothing to do with realms, some people were just asses.

I started the quest the first day it was available and got all 30 goblins while staying in the same spot in Syrtis without killing anyone/being killed once. I even spent some time getting the Skeletons with two Alsius players. It went down hill after that/the first few hours though.

Some people just took the opportunity to hunt, and some people used it to abuse my good side. For example players from that Syrtis "CN" clan, would bow/wave back when alone, and then come back with more members to hunt.

Also, small groups of lower lvl Alsius/Syrtis kept attacking me (higher level players seemed more peaceful for the most part). I'd bow to them, they'd attack, so I'd kill them =/

Dancing with groups of the other realms was definitely a highlight of doing the quest.

05-25-2008, 04:19 PM
Dancing with groups of the other realms was definitely a highlight of doing the quest.

Yesh. :P
Running around on the Alsius Peninsulae and meeting Ink, Starsong and [insert forgotten name here], and just dance for a bit. XD
Awesome ^^

05-25-2008, 08:06 PM
I colored my hat! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


05-25-2008, 08:45 PM
/me thinks that Pink hat looks stunning

05-25-2008, 09:02 PM
/me thinks that Pink hat looks stunning

Aw, well thanks, cute lil Piz. :wub2:

05-26-2008, 03:06 AM
It's nothing to do with realms, some people were just asses.

I started the quest the first day it was available and got all 30 goblins while staying in the same spot in Syrtis without killing anyone/being killed once. I even spent some time getting the Skeletons with two Alsius players. It went down hill after that/the first few hours though.

Some people just took the opportunity to hunt, and some people used it to abuse my good side. For example players from that Syrtis "CN" clan, would bow/wave back when alone, and then come back with more members to hunt.

Also, small groups of lower lvl Alsius/Syrtis kept attacking me (higher level players seemed more peaceful for the most part). I'd bow to them, they'd attack, so I'd kill them =/

Dancing with groups of the other realms was definitely a highlight of doing the quest.
Well, it's war...

05-26-2008, 05:44 AM
I did my last 5-6 skeletons with a couple of goats, we were together for around an hour.

When I finished my orcs in Imperia, I was looking for someone to kill me back to central, and found Zoya. I waved, attacked, and stood. She did not attack back, she just waved. Then I did it again, eventually she understood and sent me back to save. She even bowed to me when she killed me.

Syrtis had the worst behavior imo, even to fellow syrtis: Nuking the friggin mobs, 1-shooting them etc. I even hit mobs 1-2 times and waited for ignis/alsius to come get the kill as well lots of times.

But, well, it's war ;)

05-26-2008, 01:20 PM

syrtis is still trying to finish quest while ignis and alsius are forming realms now we are pissed we kill anyone in our realm or that we see. :dumbofme: we lost it now we are gonna be the bad boys! im gonna finish my 28_____ and patrol syrtis also helping other finish by going hunting! tips for other realmers GTFO and STFA! if u realy mean peace walk by me no armor. your life will depend on your realms choices if ignis has stone all ignis are going DOWN at sight if alsius killed my friend byebye dwarfs. as long as your realm mates leave us alone your fine spread word we got 700+ ppl dancing with party hats at herbread save AND NONE ARE HIPPYS

05-26-2008, 01:35 PM
Sorry, in this case I say Alsuis was the asstacker :hat:

Syrtians were dancing around me, while the goats were chasing me like maniacs, (tho I must say I probably know Alsuis better than some of them, I jumped off a cliff, and the guy chasing me thought I drowned, but there was a beach at the bottom >.>)

(Not very smart at all, running around with their swords hanging out, Tip: YOU GET FASTER REGEN WITH YOUR WEAPON IN :p The little SC barbarians.... urgh)

(/me HATES SC BARBS) SC Barb = Pt barb :hat:

05-26-2008, 04:20 PM
Znurre tried to tint his partyhat but failed. it shows in preview that its possible but when u accept it, it will turn violet again

05-26-2008, 05:16 PM
Znurre tried to tint his partyhat but failed. it shows in preview that its possible but when u accept it, it will turn violet again

I figured out why.
Znurre's using paint, you need dye. Mattdoesrock had the same problem. :P
SO I PWN JOO NOOBZ!!!!!!!!111eleven

05-26-2008, 06:03 PM
Sorry, in this case I say Alsuis was the asstacker :h

Syrtians were dancing around me, while the goats were chasing me like maniacs, (tho I must say I probably know Alsuis better than some of them, I jumped off a cliff, and the guy chasing me thought I drowned, but there was a beach at the bottom >.>)

(Not very smart at all, running around with their swords hanging out, Tip: YOU GET FASTER REGEN WITH YOUR WEAPON IN :p The little SC barbarians.... urgh)

(/me HATES SC BARBS) SC Barb = Pt barb :hat:

dude that clifs was loaded with ignis and alsius just me and another syrtis! ignis was scared of me and so were a few alsius since i always had zarkit out and full of mana/health. and they were all separated. so i saw this syrtis guy and an ignis stuck in a pudlen drwoning i told the guy to stop hiting him and we went then that bitch came witha conju to kill us and then the other conju with me killed him self by drowning FUCKING RETARD!!!!!! and some alsius came 2 they started fighting i helped alsius and run then tom bonbary suxs dick came to kill me.

i had the chance to kill 2 lvl 50s from ignis 30 noobs from alsius and 5-7 ignis noobs today and i left them alone playing with their horsys and the only ppl that actualy didnt atk me are joel and someone else that i bowed down to :thumb: TNX u guy, :fingers: the rest of u!