View Full Version : Which realm is the most english speaking language populated.

05-25-2008, 09:09 AM
Hi all,
I have only been playing about 2 weeks and I really like Regnum.

One "disadvantage" as I see it is that I do not see very much english in the online chatter, and often when I ask a question, I get no anwsers.

Are the english speaking players gathered in one realm more than others? If so, which one?

05-25-2008, 09:44 AM
I think they're quite evenly spread out across all realms. A while ago I would've said Alsius is quite a high percent english players, but I don't think so anymore.

Btw, if you ever have a question, ask it here :)

05-25-2008, 12:20 PM
id say sytris since we have several large english clans ,INQ,GOP,$$$N'G's

05-25-2008, 12:28 PM
id say sytris since we have several large english clans ,INQ,GOP,$$$N'G's

I would like to eventually get in a clan and I think my chances will be better in a realm that has more folks that speak my native language. My mage and barbarian are both in Ignis and are below lvl 15, so deleting them is no problem.

I normally play for a few hours when I get home from work (9am EST). Anyone else that is in a clan on Sytris normally playing at that time? Also, if a clan was looking to take on a new member, what classes/subclasses are you folks looking for? I have played Mage/Warlock and Warrior/Barbarian so far. The Barbarian is by far the easier of the two to level, but PVE goodness does not always = PVP goodness:wink: .

05-25-2008, 01:41 PM
id say sytris since we have several large english clans ,INQ,GOP,$$$N'G's

my clan is multy ligual. and i just found out that 70+% of them speak english. also we are dedicated to war making it hard for new players the first 2months since all u see is "puto tomate!""STONE" but we do often go to coli and i do alot of quests in initiation zone so i might remeber someone you are looking for.

my suggestion for starters would be UNS or INQ. i heard that GoP's rankings dont work right and AWD is not paying me so now ill suport other clans ^^.

INQ: for beginers looking for a comunity.
UNS: mostly english but they work together in war and hunts since they are a small clan and some of their members speak fluent spanish.

05-25-2008, 01:50 PM
Actually warlock is easiest to lvl once you get to a certain lvl :p

05-25-2008, 01:52 PM
Well no need to delete ur char and go to syrtis...we have many english clans in ignis, Immortal legends, Dark Side of ignis, soul keepers(i think is the new name), Chosen Ones.. theres more but i just cant name them now...

05-25-2008, 02:20 PM
I think the most *active* English-speaking clan in the three realms is Valhalla in Alsius. While the other big clans (Inquisition in Syrtis, Immortal Legends in Ignis) are active at certain times (Inq on Week-ends mostly, IL on European evenings and a bit during the night), it seems to me Valhalla is almost always active.

Anyway as stated most realms have about the same numbers of English-speak non-Spanish speaking players. But when it comes to Spanish-native English-speaking players, I think Alsius beats the two other realms hands down (simply explained by players being older on average).

05-25-2008, 06:16 PM
Thanks for all the input folks.

I like the idea of a clan that is "active all the time". Since I mostly play in my morning time. I know that is a time when most people are not playing. That is the main reason I think I have a harder time hooking up with someone.

Any of you Valhalla types, be on the lookout for Nelyn, or Klystar. Once I get them leveled a bit, I may start bugging you for advice :eek24:

05-25-2008, 06:16 PM
I think Syrtis is the most english speaker populated...we have "German Guardians" they are germans but they speak english also,The order of daggers,the order of ironfist,and much more that atm I cant remeber.Alsius has a lot of english-speakers too as valhalla, DIGIALF (Or something like that),On Ignis I only remeber "The inmortal Legends".

05-25-2008, 07:58 PM
I think the most *active* English-speaking clan in the three realms is Valhalla in Alsius. While the other big clans (Inquisition in Syrtis, Immortal Legends in Ignis) are active at certain times (Inq on Week-ends mostly, IL on European evenings and a bit during the night), it seems to me Valhalla is almost always active.

Though ive never been to Alsuis you are probably right, the IL are like you said, more late European timed.

I think Alsius beats the two other realms hands down (simply explained by players being older on average).
:eek: HEY HEY, me and Red are probably just the youngest guys in the IL, the rest of them are old farts. :theking:

05-25-2008, 08:01 PM
:eek: HEY HEY, me and Red are probably just the youngest guys in the IL, the rest of them are old farts. :theking:

Read. again.

05-25-2008, 08:09 PM
:eek: HEY HEY, me and Red are probably just the youngest guys in the IL, the rest of them are old farts. :theking:
Yes, but you are not Spanish people who also talk English.

05-25-2008, 08:39 PM
Yes, but you are not Spanish people who also talk English.

i say holas from time to time:P

05-26-2008, 08:58 AM
Well, I have dwarven warrior currently in Alsius. Name of Klystar (Just random letters picked for the name).

I guess at 41, I would be considered part of the "Old fart" crowd. If anyone is looking to pick up a character or two for their clan, give me a yell ingame. I normally play from 9am till around 12pm EST Sat - Wed.

I will work on the warrior for a day or two then will make a warlock; unless anyone knows of a class that is needed more.

Also, is any particular race better for any particular class? Some of the race descriptions are decent in stating this, but not all of them.

05-26-2008, 09:17 AM
A tip is to only focus on one character at once.
Getting lvl 50 will take time enough.

Level up one character to lvl 50, and then consider if you really want to level up one more.

To your question.

All classes are good for all classes, they all have pros and cons.

More conc and int than the others, will cause them to get more criticals, get more mana, more spell resistance, better mana regeneration, more spell focus.

If you choose Nordo mage you will get more hit chance and spell damage.

More str and dex than the others.
Will make them able to carry more in their inventory and improve evasion.

If you choose Dwarf warrior you will get higher damage, more hit chance and more spell focus.

More const and pretty balanced stats.
Will give your character plenty more of max hp, faster health regeneration, higher resistance against knocks/stuns.

05-26-2008, 11:43 AM
A tip is to only focus on one character at once.
Getting lvl 50 will take time enough.

Level up one character to lvl 50, and then consider if you really want to level up one more.

To your question.

All classes are good for all classes, they all have pros and cons.

More conc and int than the others, will cause them to get more criticals, get more mana, more spell resistance, better mana regeneration, more spell focus.

If you choose Nordo mage you will get more hit chance and spell damage.

More str and dex than the others.
Will make them able to carry more in their inventory and improve evasion.

If you choose Dwarf warrior you will get higher damage, more hit chance and more spell focus.

More const and pretty balanced stats.
Will give your character plenty more of max hp, faster health regeneration, higher resistance against knocks/stuns.

Thank you for that information. I wish that the character creation section of the Regnum website had that type of information.

I really like magic users. I may go for that Nordo mage.

05-26-2008, 12:55 PM
Though ive never been to Alsuis you are probably right, the IL are like you said, more late European timed.

:eek: HEY HEY, me and Red are probably just the youngest guys in the IL, the rest of them are old farts. :theking:

no its me and dunmy we are both 14 :bangin: IMATURITY 4 DA.....shit puberty is taking over.

if u think this is bad i know some holas that are 11 and 12 some of them go their litle brothers playing!

Well, I have dwarven warrior currently in Alsius. Name of Klystar (Just random letters picked for the name).

I guess at 41, I would be considered part of the "Old fart" crowd. If anyone is looking to pick up a character or two for their clan, give me a yell ingame. I normally play from 9am till around 12pm EST Sat - Wed.

I will work on the warrior for a day or two then will make a warlock; unless anyone knows of a class that is needed more.

Also, is any particular race better for any particular class? Some of the race descriptions are decent in stating this, but not all of them.

the old farts are from the beta, youer umm i think 4-5th generation since RO is 1year old now. im 2nd generation came right after the launch by 2months so we will never be old farts :bounce: just noobs FOR EVER!!!!

now back on topic: im not sure about alsius but since your making a mage conjueres are very needed for their healing and reviving abilitys also after lvl 20 they NEVER have to rest again. alsius has plenty but in syrtis we are going trought a shortage of warlocks that also never need to rest again.

in syrtis the elvs are realy good in magic alsius ill gues nordos but if you would like extra protection ugthars have constitution bonus wich come inhandy but cant wear healms.