View Full Version : New quests for Syrtis help

05-26-2008, 03:34 AM
What are the new quests for the Syrtis realm and where can i get them? I got the one next to pb beach. Any others, and names of person that gives to me please? location etc :) much appreciated!! ty!!:hat:

05-26-2008, 04:39 AM
Syrtis | Fisgael | Adusar | 16 | Mother
Syrtis | Bridge Beach | Dardanus Shadowhawk | 31 | Lost Husband I
Syrtis | Fisgael | Melver | 32 | Lost Husband II
Syrtis | Raeraia | Celebrian | 32 |
Syrtis | West Wall woods | Namnature | 36 | Our Camp

there ya go ^^

05-26-2008, 04:48 AM
there ya go ^^

Where are you quoting from? oO

05-26-2008, 04:55 AM
Where are you quoting from? oO

Quick translation from this post:

Hola a todos!

Con el update del día 23 de Mayo hemos incorporado al mundo de Regum Online 15 nuevas aventuras, entre las que se encuentran las que oportunamente fueran seleccionadas en el "1er Concurso de Aventuras" Link

Alsius | Ciudad de Montsognir | Edwald Drybottom | 26 | Un Borrachín...
Alsius | Ciudad de Montsognir | Kervyn Cairndweller | 31 | Guardia General...
Alsius | Ciudad de Montsognir | Heim Goblindropper | 32 | La Piedra Perdida
Alsius | Ciudad de Montsognir | Baldrik Hammerstriker | 43 | Los Héroes...
Alsius | Cumbres Borrascosas | Vania Vantassle | 42 | Los Cuatro...

Syrtis | Fisgael | Adusar | 16 | Madre…
Syrtis | Playa del Puente | Dardanus Shadowhawk | 31 | Esposo Perdido I…
Syrtis | Fisgael | Melver | 32 | Esposo Perdido II…
Syrtis | Ciudad de Raeraia | Celebrian | 32 | Los Despojos del Bardo
Syrtis | Bosque de la Muralla Oeste | Namnature | 36 | Nuestro Campamento

Ignis | Pueblo de Allahed | Siborash | 18 | Camino del Héroe...
Ignis | Pueblo de Allahed | Siborash | 19 | Camino del Héroe...
Ignis | Playa de Allahed | Wehbi | 18 | Negocios Ocultos
Ignis | Ciudad de Medenet | Farhat | 20 | El Cazarrecompensas
Ignis | Alrededores de Menirah | Sigfrid | 49 | Una Historia...

Esperamos que las mismas sean bien recibidas por todos uds.

Nos hubiera gustado publicar estas aventuras con anterioridad, pero el proceso creación de las mismas, el cual incluye la traducción a diferentes idiomas, fué más largo de lo esperado.

Nuevamente felicitamos a todos lo que participaron en el concurso.

Preparen papel y lapiz, que muy pronto estaremos lanzando el 2do Concurso de Aventuras de Regnum Online.


Btw, the Celebrian's quest from Raeria was made by Tuor, Syrtis conj.

05-26-2008, 05:26 AM
w00t babelfish says there's a 2nd quest contest coming up :)

05-26-2008, 09:37 AM
lol yes they put my quest in hooray

05-26-2008, 09:59 AM
Ignis | Alrededores de Menirah | Sigfrid | 49 | Una Historia...

:eek: Holy shit thats my quest I think, you need to kill Tenax in that one :eek:

05-26-2008, 07:53 PM
ah ty these quests will help me get to lvl 35 ;)

05-26-2008, 09:36 PM
i dont know if anyone else noticed this but i just want to let ignis know and jump in some coments get an awser but please no flames.

ok in 3 quest or 2 i forgot already the mention "necromensers" or bad word for ignis elvs since they use dark magic.

in the quest "mother" we have to go talk to all concil members just because some guy had his mom die and wants to revive her(im a warju so i took his inabilty to notice me reviving skills ofensively) so i talk to them so i can to to the librerian to get one of the books that was suposed to go with the dark elvs when they got exiled and instead of reviving its more like somoning a monster.

quests missing husband the guy is turned to that ugly troll by eferias by a dark elv spell that an exguard used on him while in eferias WZ.......the cure for the potion is in a book that again was writen by dark elvs.

MY POINT: introduse the other races comon! i think i heard ugthar once without knowing what it was and heard dwarfs only once and like 20 times from NPCs necromensers this and that. is this alll wood elvs talk about necromenser elvs.

i realy realy like the quests and the facts that they let you know "hey theres your enemy" but i think every one gets the point already of what the enemy is and i feel this is the purpose of these quests to introduse ppl to their enemys.

so i would like to suggest an idea:
A) having other races NPCs as prisoners of war in the capital displaying them and posibly giving them funny names like those of real players that are legends ^^ but any name will work fine. talking to the ppl there will give you storyline information about this.
B) quests that inform you about the war and other races.
C)merchant npcs of other races in oposite realms selling stuf.
offf topic but WTF is that alsuis merchant doing in syrtis i mean comon realms are realy unbalanced now. alsius got all realm advantege: bigg trees they are used to and no one can see good there; higher landstace so they can use the river to cross to ignis or syrtis but we cant cross back WTF! all we got is ther briges (syrtis and ignis the swamp) the can cross under pp near algaros and near menirah!!! and another thing ignis and syrtis got markets and lone merchants all over the place in our realms but syrtis got most NPCs in WZ which i find out of balanced since we got like almost 20npcs in WZ and they less then 10. and WTF is that alsius merchant doing next to pp2 in the syrtis side in that litle forest next to this big rock

05-26-2008, 10:55 PM
Quick translation from this post:

Btw, the Celebrian's quest from Raeria was made by Tuor, Syrtis conj.
wish we have in English forum such official information :(

05-27-2008, 12:53 AM
wish we have in English forum such official information :(

Sorry for not posting that information. It's our mistake. Wait some minutes and you will have it. :)


05-27-2008, 02:18 AM
See? the new admins rock!

The link just in case:

05-27-2008, 07:46 AM
Sorry for not posting that information. It's our mistake. Wait some minutes and you will have it. :)

thank you. :thumb: