View Full Version : Concerning Gigo's Ban

06-03-2008, 10:26 AM
First of all, I think that this should be in the general discussion section as it potentially could cause disruption within the community and within the game itself, so NGD please do not move this thread.

Ok, I would like to start off this topic with the following quotation

sup guys this is an alt acount for my lock and to let u know im gonna be back in the 4th. im not sure it just says bad languege but im sure it was in the spanish fora some ppl trying me and unlike u guys that accept my retarded languege they called me a Fing gringo so i got pissed and cursed them out ^^ well not worthh it but i haz lerned ma lsun nw :hat: :thumb:

From reading this, I am assuming from Gigo's side of the story that he reacted to what is paramount to a RACIST comment.
I am hoping that NGD did ban the other party involved as i would dread to think that they would condone Racist behavior on either
the forum or within the game

So, my question to you NGD, did you ban the other party? If not then why not?

Yes Gigo has a rather unique way of putting himself over and can indeed be a little too verbose at times, but to punish him for defending himself?

Not on! (yes he could have reported the other guy but would anyone have taken any notice?)

06-03-2008, 10:31 AM
I want Gigo back on the forum!

I miss you king spammer! (Don't take it personnaly God of Silver, but Gigo is way better than you at spam).

06-03-2008, 10:33 AM
First of all, I think that this should be in the general discussion section as it potentially could cause disruption within the community and within the game itself, so NGD please do not move this thread.

Ok, I would like to start off this topic with the following quotation

From reading this, I am assuming from Gigo's side of the story that he reacted to what is paramount to a RACIST comment.
I am hoping that NGD did ban the other party involved as i would dread to think that they would condone Racist behavior on either
the forum or within the game

So, my question to you NGD, did you ban the other party? If not then why not?

Yes Gigo has a rather unique way of putting himself over and can indeed be a little too verbose at times, but to punish him for defending himself?

Not on! (yes he could have reported the other guy but would anyone have taken any notice?)
Looks like he has more supporters than first thought ;)
Anyway, yes I agree with it. I don't understand spanish, but there's a thread in La Taberna which was made by gigo quite recently and that may be where he was banned by surak (who closed the thread).

06-03-2008, 10:33 AM
This isn't about spamming, This is possibly about double standards by NGD

06-03-2008, 10:38 AM
I found the thread. http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=24613

Any translators online?

06-03-2008, 10:58 AM
I had a quick browse through the topic, with the miracle that is Google translate[/sarcasm] and by the looks of it, everyone was just ganging up on Gigo and ripping it out of him for his spelling.

06-03-2008, 11:24 AM
Nobody seemed to pay any attention to the topic either.

It seems unlikely that he is banned because of this, unless surak was really offended by gigo saying that Syrtis don't know how to fight wars.

06-03-2008, 11:30 AM
I want Gigo back on the forum!

I miss you king spammer! (Don't take it personnaly God of Silver, but Gigo is way better than you at spam).
It's fine, I said I'm everyone's favourite, I never said I was the best :theking:

On topic...
Gigo was worth a laugh and a half, if nothing else how about a second chance?

06-03-2008, 11:40 AM
He is allowed to come back on the 4th. But this thread is about why he was banned.

06-03-2008, 11:49 AM
Hi Community,

You should know some points first:

- Gigo's ban is temporary, "second chance" will come at its time.
- When you are banned, you are not supposed to continue posting with another account.
- Some words and phrases may not sound harsh translated from spanish to english, they lose the meaning when this is done.
- Telling someone no to express his mind is not allowed. ("Shut up you Ignitian, please do us a favour and stay shut").
- Generalizing about people and calling them immature, idiot and retards... another bad behaviour.
- Lots of personal attacks.

So, please, understand that this isn't a simple Ban that has been applied for spamming. This ban is because of several forum rules violations.


06-03-2008, 11:55 AM
What about those who made personal attacks against Gigo?

06-03-2008, 12:04 PM
Thanks for the information, but you seem to have missed the point.

Did he start it or was it retaliation?

06-03-2008, 12:08 PM
Two more points.

- He started insulting people.
- No personal attacks were made to him, he was only asked to write better because his spanish is not understandable.


06-03-2008, 03:03 PM
Thanks gamemod for thoses explaination. Hopefully, we'll get our Gigo back soon enought :)

Yup agreed with you AwD, his english is aweful to read, you must speak it out loud to understand what he means.

06-03-2008, 05:23 PM
I found the thread. http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=24613

Any translators online?
I would do, but it is full of mistakes and what he says... it has no sense at all, it's actually horrible trying to read that post.

06-03-2008, 05:33 PM

i dnt want this kind of comotion guys lets not start any problems. and gringo is not racist its used in miami VERY VERY VERY often. people just think its racits cus hugo chavez called bush that ect ect.

gringo is just another word for american in latin american culture since basicly they are ALL OVER THE PLACE. so since my spanish suxs most of them think im gringo when im not i just NEVER got ppast 1st grade lvl. i never was taught to write in spanish im self taught the only experiences i got with spanish is fluent speaker and till first grade i was learning portuges my first native languege then i came to US and in miami you ARE recuiered to be bilingual so EVERYBODY has to take english and spanish classes i failed both :bangin: well i got out of english for non native speakers fast because i can speak fluently but the spanish teacher was a bitch (a steriotype here, 4/5 spanish teacher are biches) and teached a hybrid version of spanish since 8/10 kids were cuban 1/10 nicaraguan 1/10 all other they teach spain's version i think and is realy anoying since no one here is from spain... :bangin:

well ok lets end this here i just got pissed cus ahole were abusing my tread thats all, since the 2nd post ppl just used it to greet ea and put "ontopic: cuak" all the time su i cursed them out and this happened :P(even i admit it took a while) so lets all put the guns down trow some water in the fire before this comunity goes on war. the only racism in RO is aginst other realms and its very well suported. lets all hold hands and come down PLEASE i dont want to pick sides and i never asked for the spotlight this way.

I would do, but it is full of mistakes and what he says... it has no sense at all, it's actually horrible trying to read that post.

yea i know but if the english comunity can handle my mispelling so can the germans...i already made a few good jokes ^^

ok the tread was that since there was no war syrtis wnated one and usualy we wait till someone messes with us first because its whats always happening. no one messsed with us so me and a few ppl decided to start a war and in syrtis chat we clearly stated that we are regrouping in stone to start a war (REJUNTE STONE PARA ARMAR UNA GUERRA). in less then 2min ppl started getting there and going "amos a PB" and "alsius PP" we asked them to wait be pacient and hear all others opinion and if there were realy alsius in PP. those idiots from PP went no but just so erverybody goes there and the morons from pb lef blindly so we had 7ppl in stone 3-4in pp and like 13 in pb and all of those idiots went mess with the realms and worst of all expected backup to come soon:dumbofme: well what hapenned next was the other realms retaliated and we probaly got owned but i logged out to make that tread and to tell the truth many ppl from the other realms STARTED spamming first syrtis folloed and 5syrtians stayed on topic, an alsius comented only on trell and an ignitan compared us to ignis but with waay less organization and mention los mandados here known as hippys. that was all that was on topic the rest spam and that tread is not the first of its kind many been made before to help syrtis pay atention but few work and a cuple others ended up the same way. i was also tipped that the only smart ppl play at night...turns out its true to many morons during the day.

06-03-2008, 07:34 PM
I want Gigo back too. I can hardly understand his posts, and he spams a lot, but most of his posts are on topic and not offensive.

However... many people have congratulated Gamemod for making this forum a more pleasant place. In that case, the moderator should be given the power to do his job. I would give the benefit of the doubt to him, especially since this is a short ban.

If, however, people start getting banned for trivial crap, then we should all scream and shout, but so far I don't see this happening. Honestly there are a couple of people that could justifiably be banned but have not been. Oh well, only time will tell.

06-03-2008, 07:42 PM

First of all, I think that this should be in the general discussion section as it potentially could cause disruption within the community and within the game itself, so NGD please do not move this thread

06-03-2008, 07:56 PM
I want Gigo back too. I can hardly understand his posts, and he spams a lot, but most of his posts are on topic and not offensive.

However... many people have congratulated Gamemod for making this forum a more pleasant place. In that case, the moderator should be given the power to do his job. I would give the benefit of the doubt to him, especially since this is a short ban.

If, however, people start getting banned for trivial crap, then we should all scream and shout, but so far I don't see this happening. Honestly there are a couple of people that could justifiably be banned but have not been. Oh well, only time will tell.

Honnestly Gigo sometimes cross the line (a little, and less than me). If he get banned, I should get banned too. However Gamemod seems to be doing is job, and quite good. He answers question when they are addressed to NGD and he tries to stop flaming in threads. And as you said Gigo's ban is for a short duration. He will be back soon.

So Gigo you are missed,
and Gamemod keep doing your job, forum are more and more pleasant to read.

06-03-2008, 10:04 PM
gamemod is realy realy realy good at his job making it realy realy hard for me.

yaaay come competition since other spammers here suck :hat:

i gues he doesnt know me and is not used to my spam like u guys :thumb: whichi is why alot of my posts get deleted, but i talked to him to see the reports like sort of in RS if i can apeal, he found the evidance and it turns out SURAK banned me what and honor :hat: :thumb:

well gyus ill be back and easy on game mod try to control my self and put the pedal to da i forgot :P but ill make up the posts on this char the inn and images better watch out.

06-03-2008, 10:37 PM
Sorry Inkster, I didn't want to moderate this thread just to keep the original messages untouched. I will moderate it and move it back to General Discussion.


PS: I must give you a personal opinion: I don't know why you "ask back" someone. He broke the forum rules and had his due punishment. Isn't this enough to show someone wrong?

06-03-2008, 11:02 PM
PS: I must give you a personal opinion: I don't know why you "ask back" someone. He broke the forum rules and had his due punishment. Isn't this enough to show someone wrong?

I don't know how the spanish forum views Gigo, but here I think the concensus is that he's a "loveable little oik" as some may say.

Most people take what he says as a joke, we know he doesn't mean any real harm, and he's just abit of a laugh.

Don't get me wrong, I think most appreciate the reason's why he was banned and all.. But.. I don't know, I hope what I'm saying is right.

06-03-2008, 11:35 PM
I don't know how the spanish forum views Gigo, but here I think the concensus is that he's a "loveable little oik" as some may say.

Most people take what he says as a joke, we know he doesn't mean any real harm, and he's just abit of a laugh.

Don't get me wrong, I think most appreciate the reason's why he was banned and all.. But.. I don't know, I hope what I'm saying is right.

i think i mentioned this before: im like most of them over there but they are like me and worser, to many spammers so they view me not as the worst in a funny way but hate me now in game when i buff ppl the go OMG feline dexerty in 1 gee tnx gigo, well screw them they asked me to get rid of my zarkit so idi but joke on them im not doing no more suport then last time.

well i think its rightfull that i been banned so now i learned my leason "dont ague with a fool, he will drop you to his level and beat you with experiance" i will not fall into temptation to spam or curse but doesnt mean ill stop my spam blends in there so much that if i post no one will know the diference xDD.

i dont mind this tread in the inn, but the tread i originaly made was consirning the game and syrtis' lack of strategy whichi is not the first of its kind the first post was of topic spam it got moved too la taberna they kept spamming and trying me and i let my rage out :dumbofme: :fury:

06-04-2008, 12:03 AM
There are people around these forums that are way more harmful to the community than gigo is, even if they don't break the forum rules as hard as gigo does. They still do however, and most of them have never even gotten close to being banned.

Anyway, this isn't such a large community, I figure if we give gamemod (whoever this guy is, if it's even just 1 guy, which I doubt ;)) enough time, say a few months, he'll learn us all, and learn our weird ways, so I'm guessing moderation will be more appropriate.

Like I said in my welcome post in jpicon's thread to gamemod, courage and patience, you'll need lots of both ;)

PS: GIGO, better not use any other accounts to post till the ban is lifted, we can wait till the ban is over, it's only a few days. It's gonna be hard, but we'll live :p

06-04-2008, 12:20 AM
Well, I think I have to clear up some more points :)

- I am only one person.
- I know he is not a harm for you, but spammers are a harm to NGD, making the reading of the forum something that takes a lot of time.
- Here are some of the phrases that Gigo used:
i por q la mala karma ptoness? ni nombre ni comento :dumbofme: lamento q sean tan imaturos retardados idiotas q no pueden discutir i abusen karma
pton de mierda la prox ves no te curo revivo q vayas comer mierda advancando solo a 100 tomats
conho cerren ese tread ja son todos una mierda q mueran luego i se c@gen en sus ***** vayan a la pt* madre su reino a llorar i chupar *** ptones.

ja q no juegan i solo comen mierd@ en los foros por q no se asen utiles cuando ai una guerra?

:fingers: a todos ustes i q c vayan pal car@jo
Please, don't ask me to translate them, but as anyone can tell they are full of insults. The other users in that thread hadn't used a single insult.


06-04-2008, 12:27 AM
The topic is closed but still in the inn of the spanish forums and i dont see nobody insulting gigo. Or that messages got deleted or there is just people saying: Gigo learn how to write, i dont understand sms message etc, etc.

Everything went well until gigo checked his karma:http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showpost.php?p=408742&postcount=40

But as every topic in the inn its gets off-topic 2 post later and people start talking with others about nothing and gigo doesnt like it:http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showpost.php?p=409521&postcount=58

Few posts later the only post i see who can be considered an offense, but for inteligence:

Some bullshit about gigo offending the spanish language(orly?) and claiming for a ban for him. He also needs one for using caps :S

Then gigo final attack/explosion/fatality/mental dhiarrea was this one, he deserves a ban only for this. At least he used *** to censure himself. Which its funny imho:

For me at least nobody insulted gigo and he deserved the ban, if someone wants a translation for some post just ask it.

As i said i didnt read the topic when it was discussed so maybe they deleted something. I think they didnt did it.

Edit: I said i hate you damn moderator?

06-04-2008, 12:57 AM
There are people around these forums that are way more harmful to the community than gigo is, even if they don't break the forum rules as hard as gigo does. They still do however, and most of them have never even gotten close to being banned.

Anyway, this isn't such a large community, I figure if we give gamemod (whoever this guy is, if it's even just 1 guy, which I doubt ;)) enough time, say a few months, he'll learn us all, and learn our weird ways, so I'm guessing moderation will be more appropriate.

Like I said in my welcome post in jpicon's thread to gamemod, courage and patience, you'll need lots of both ;)

PS: GIGO, better not use any other accounts to post till the ban is lifted, we can wait till the ban is over, it's only a few days. It's gonna be hard, but we'll live :p

u can i cant i love spamming it gives me someone to piss of whem im bored and alone and no one is talking in myspace IM chat room as usual, this is a realy account btw its my lock im just here because while banned i cant see posts and i realy like it that u guys actualy miss me and there is no YAAAY GIGOs GONE as i expected but in game theres lots of that even to my zarkit, yes i banned my zarkit im now doing suport but didnt add any points because now i can defend my self better ^^.

from bloods post: i think it was the last one with the pic that banned me ^^. its actualy a nice restaurant in miami ^^ but its like saying GFY. it didnt origninaly start in the inn but it was soon moved by ppl getting of topic, if you would like i can translate the posts and also delete them but i dont see like thats gonna help.

now in the karma is where i found insults and what pissed me off well its funny how i used ***s and @ to cencormy self but it didnt work nxt time ill use numbers as in txt messesging 56 3825 87 9354 (figure it out)

06-04-2008, 01:42 AM
First off, thanks to gamemod for moving this thread back to general.

If Gigo was insulted then i can understand both parties been giving a 'weeks vacation' from the forum.

If Gigo is fibbing then he should be given and extra week vacation.

I tried to translate the most recent threads in the Spanish forum using Google, but that was as much use as a chocolate kettle.

End of the day, rules are rules and we must follow them or face the consequences

06-04-2008, 09:23 AM
I think gigo should get his ban extended for using another account, and this account banned too...

06-04-2008, 06:04 PM
I think gigo should get his ban extended for using another account, and this account banned too...

wooow wooow wo i never asked for this kind of comotion in the first place and i perfectly agreed with my ban u ppl got into this mess not me im just watching the show chilling with my popcorn now im back and if surak can do the honors.....again :P (NOT BAN MEH!) :closed2:

06-04-2008, 06:30 PM
This thread is ready to be sent to the inn...
BTW gigo, what you say in your signature... what language is that?

06-04-2008, 06:33 PM
This thread is ready to be sent to the inn...
BTW gigo, what you say in your signature... what language is that?

ummm half spanish half ignis idk now that u mentioned i wana change it.

o yea: i fuked up during xim quest and wana say im sorry now i devoted my self to kill every enemy in syrtis and go to all its wars but that was last week now im free again can i change it now?

06-04-2008, 06:34 PM
ok this thread has served its purpose so Gamemod, Surak etc please close this thread, many thanks