View Full Version : Change your character name?

06-10-2008, 05:32 PM
On german servers you have the possibility to change the name of your character.


Every second sunday a month there are gamemasters online who change your name if you want. For this you have to go to the capital of your relam and you have to pay 20k gold x lvl of character and 100 pieces of lich dust.

If the new name is accepted decides the gamemaster.

Also I read in german forums that it is forbidden to have a character name which includes any realm-, npc- and servernames or other names which are trademarked by NGD.
Every character who breaks this rule has to change it's name. That's only for german servers of course.

I just wanted to tell you about this. I thought it could be interesting for you to know in times where server are offline.

06-10-2008, 07:11 PM

I never knew that.

I don't think I like it, I've never really liked the idea that you could your name.

06-10-2008, 07:37 PM
They have GM's there? oO

06-10-2008, 08:19 PM
They have GM's there? oO

Yes, I have seen like 6 different Gm connected.

I have to read more the german forums to find out more informations of what GMs are doing there O.o

The other day, they were organizing a tilt between different clans.

So sexy GM(?) :cuac:

06-10-2008, 08:34 PM
Wow they are like abusing Regnum in my opinion,

but.... the German world sounds soo much funner still from what I keep hearing, they dont get the same updates we get....

And they are using other forms of currency! Lich Dust! For soo long have I wanted to have beetle shells as currency,

it sounds like they have a REAL trading system in there....


They probably have global chat open in there occasionaly!

Their forum has IMG code!

Fecking awesome!


06-10-2008, 08:42 PM
Yes, I am actually considering changing to a German server, atleast just to try.
I was talking with Slamar, he played there for 1 week, war all the days and most people could speak English.

06-10-2008, 08:45 PM
Yes, I am actually considering changing to a German server.
I was talking with Slamar, he played there for 1 week, war all the days and most people could speak English.
im going to try it out tommorow :sleep_1:

I will send you feedback Znurre m'boy

06-10-2008, 11:11 PM
danm thats wierd ... ill stick to my name...

does anyone think surak should change his name to iron man ^^ :p :metal:

06-10-2008, 11:18 PM
does anyone think surak should change his name to iron man ^^ :p :metal:

No, Iron Man is way too cool. :closed2:

06-10-2008, 11:37 PM
No, Iron Man is way too cool. :closed2:

comon! surak is a knight!! hes armor is unpenetrabel u tryed hurrting him all i got is 0s! and he can hit super hard and he can crash the server to make a lame update so he can fly :sifflote: :metal:

frm now on i will call lord surak iron man ... until i find a knight willing to take the title ^^

06-11-2008, 02:28 PM
can he walk at all or if he moves will he fall
no he will not, 'cuz he has run over buffed on his butt

I like suraks butt and I can not lie, you other brothers can't deny, when the god walks in with a big fat weapon and a shield right in your face you get pwned, by the boss destroyer

I never really liked the idea of namechanges either, it's like changing your identity

06-11-2008, 02:36 PM
can he walk at all or if he moves will he fall
no he will not, 'cuz he has run over buffed on his butt

I like suraks butt and I can not lie, you other brothers can't deny, when the god walks in with a big fat weapon and a shield right in your face you get pwned, by the boss destroyer

I never really liked the idea of namechanges either, it's like changing your identity

i like name changing at least giving ppl IN YOUR FRIEND LIST (dats u AWD congrats :wish: ...well nt realy :sleep_1: ) like giginv them nick names cus ur name is waaay to big! :rale: :thumb_down: btw u suk! luthe is better than u!

06-11-2008, 04:52 PM
can he walk at all or if he moves will he fall
no he will not, 'cuz he has run over buffed on his butt

I like suraks butt and I can not lie, you other brothers can't deny, when the god walks in with a big fat weapon and a shield right in your face you get pwned, by the boss destroyer

I never really liked the idea of namechanges either, it's like changing your identity
Well sometimes if you make a corny name like Edgey, you may have the need someimtes to change it to just Edge :sifflote:

06-11-2008, 05:12 PM
But then how could we reconise old freinds ect...?

06-12-2008, 08:01 AM
Back to topic...

Well, a Name change could be interesting, but I think I wouldn't use the option.

About the german Servers:

I tested them for a while, but I came back to RA cause there were too many kiddies on the german servers.

06-12-2008, 08:49 AM
Back to topic...

Well, a Name change could be interesting, but I think I wouldn't use the option.

About the german Servers:

I tested them for a while, but I came back to RA cause there were too many kiddies on the german servers.

Yeah first I wanted to change dracus's name, but in the end all players I'm playing with knows me as dracus. It would be kinda wierd to change now.

06-13-2008, 09:49 AM
Yeah first I wanted to change dracus's name, but in the end all players I'm playing with knows me as dracus. It would be kinda wierd to change now.
But what about a small change sometimes, like your name is a lowercase dracus, don't you have the need to change it to just Dracus someitmes.

same thing with taker, lowercase t :sifflote:

06-13-2008, 12:53 PM
nice features on german server. i heard they also have sometimes game events etc. But also heard they are mostly speaking German, barely English. :(

i dont like name change personally, but i wont have against to implement it in game. Name is your ID to your friends and your enemies. Nygel (with many repeated letters) knows that :P (if you are reading this, you are so annoying in game, more annoying than position bug)

06-13-2008, 03:26 PM
nice features on german server. i heard they also have sometimes game events etc. But also heard they are mostly speaking German, barely English. :(

i dont like name change personally, but i wont have against to implement it in game. Name is your ID to your friends and your enemies. Nygel (with many repeated letters) knows that :P (if you are reading this, you are so annoying in game, more annoying than position bug)
I hear they have peace hour every so often in the warzone, and they open up global chat lmao

06-13-2008, 03:57 PM
lol, some admin wants to hide a name change on Ra

06-13-2008, 04:07 PM
Takolo I was sure I saw your post after mine?
Its was something about Pretty (or Puppy?) changed name to Puppyn. Did I see it here or was another thread?

06-13-2008, 04:19 PM
Takolo I was sure I saw your post after mine?
Its was something about Pretty (or Puppy?) changed name to Puppyn. Did I see it here or was another thread?

Yes, I posted here about that. Thats why I said than someone is trying to hide it, the post has been removed.

06-13-2008, 04:27 PM
Yes, I posted here about that. Thats why I said than someone is trying to hide it, the post has been removed.
Its a scandal! Corruption! Call the CBA!

06-13-2008, 04:31 PM
Its a scandal! Corruption! Call the CBA!

The problem is that only certain people can access to that 'feature': admin's friends. The rest of the community can't change their character name.

06-13-2008, 04:40 PM
The rest of the community can't change their character name.

Please show me where/when did we say that.

06-13-2008, 04:48 PM
Please show me where/when did we say that.

When "Conjurador Raul" asked for a name change a long time ago the reply was a clear NO (I can't find the thread now). When some others have asked it the reply has been a clear ignore like here: http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=13520 or here: http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=10409

06-13-2008, 04:56 PM
When "Conjurador Raul" asked for a name change a long time ago the reply was a clear NO (I can't find the thread now). When some others have asked it the reply has been a clear ignore like here: http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=13520 or here: http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=10409

- He can always politely ask again instead of spreading rumors of favoritism as you are doing now.
- We can't be tracking all the name change requests in the forums. (personally I didn't see those two discussions). We can't attend issues that never reached us.

06-13-2008, 05:00 PM
- He can always politely ask again instead of spreading rumors of favoritism as you are doing now.
- We can't be tracking all the name change requests in the forums. (personally I didn't see those two discussions). We can't attend issues that never reached us.

Well, in my first post on this thread I only posted about a name change on Ra, and the post has been removed. I didn't write anything about favoritism or other things on that post. So, if that feature is public and accessible for all the community, there was no reason to remove the post.

In that case, Why was removed the post? My post was polite and on topic, there was no any apparent reason to remove it but to hide the situation.

06-13-2008, 05:10 PM
Well, in my first post on this thread I only posted about a name change on Ra, and the post has been removed. I didn't write anything about favoritism or other things on that post. So, if that feature is public and accessible for all the community, there was no reason to remove the post.

In that case, Why was removed the post? My post was polite and on topic, there was no any apparent reason to remove it but to hide the situation.
Hi Takolo,

Being a person that knows about NGD and its small number, do you believe proper to start a rant about a namechange, when you know how difficult is to make that available to all 3000 active users? We are working for all possible features to be available to everyone. Making comments like that can only start a massive and innecessary discussion.

Name-change feature is a difficult thing to handle, and we hope to have it available someday.

As a moderator of this forum, I know how you've been ranting about this matter, instead of asking directly about it. I know we don't communicate everything everytime, but we are trying to do it.

Whenever it becomes possible, everyone will have the possibility of changing its name.


06-13-2008, 05:15 PM
Hi Takolo,

Being a person that knows about NGD and its small number, do you believe proper to start a rant about a namechange, when you know how difficult is to make that available to all 3000 active users? We are working for all possible features to be available to everyone. Making comments like that can only start a massive and innecessary discussion.

Name-change feature is a difficult thing to handle, and we hope to have it available someday.

As a moderator of this forum, I know how you've been ranting about this matter, instead of asking directly about it. I know we don't communicate everything everytime, but we are trying to do it.

Whenever it becomes possible, everyone will have the possibility of changing its name.


That doesn't respond my question. If there is no any reason to hide the name change, why was my post deleted when I only said that there have been a name change?

I only added some information about the topic of the thread. The post was polite and on-topic, there wasn't any reason to delete it.


06-13-2008, 05:16 PM
That doesn't respond my question. If there is no any reason to hide the name change, why was my post deleted when I only said that there have been a name change?

I only added some information about the topic of the thread. The post was polite and on-topic, there wasn't any reason to delete it.


Then you didn't understand what I said. A comment like yours can only start a rant. There are different ways to put a thought. So, the moderation was needed.


06-13-2008, 05:18 PM
Under no excuse you can erase something that is true (you arenīt new and know to what I refer).

The only thing that you cause on having erased it is to create exactly what happens now.

06-13-2008, 05:21 PM
Under no excuse you can erase something that is true (You arenīt new and know to what I refer).

The only thing that you cause on having erased it is to create exactly what happens now.

Spreading rumours of preference is against the rules, therefore I must moderate. You also aren't new, and you know this.


06-13-2008, 05:22 PM
Then you didn't understand what I said. A comment like yours can only start a rant. There are different ways to put a thought. So, the moderation was needed.


My comment is not what can start a rant. The action of changing a character name only to certain people is the reason that can start a rant.

My comment was something like "There have been a name change on Ra, puppy know its called puppyn". I only said real things that I have seen on a polite way. If that comment can start the rant, the comment itself itsn't the reason of the rant. The act of changing the name its the reason to start a rant.


P.D.: I finish here with the discussion

Edit: For the reply before these one: My first post on this thread didn't have any spreading rumours. I only say the truth.

06-13-2008, 05:27 PM
Spreading rumours of preference is against the rules, therefore I must moderate. You also aren't new, and you know this.


He wasnīt speaking on preferences, it seems that you donīt understand it or donīt want to understand it, only he was adding an information; as in other cases you could have edited the post of takolo explaining the things of another form.

06-13-2008, 05:29 PM
My comment is not what can start a rant. The action of changing a character name only to certain people is the reason that can start a rant.

My comment was something like "There have been a name change on Ra, puppy know its called puppyn". I only said real things that I have seen on a polite way. If that comment can start the rant, the comment itself itsn't the reason of the rant. The act of changing the name its the reason to start a rant.


P.D.: I finish here with the discussion

Thanks for finishing it. It would lead nowhere.

Unfortunately, only we (you and me) know what we are talking about. So, no rumour of preference and attack against NGD's decisions will be allowed. Everyone else who reads this can have a proper answer about the matter, and it is that a minor change has been done, and due to lack of manpower, massive use of this feature will not be available by now. We hope to have it soon for everyone.


06-13-2008, 05:36 PM
Will be a feature that i certainly will not use (on my main char anyway). Might be good for others though

06-13-2008, 05:37 PM
Will be a feature that i certainly will not use (on my main char anyway). Might be good for others though
Doubt ill use it either, the use for it will probably not to cause confusion,

it will have to be somthing similar, like

Dummy changed to Dumm, or for spelling errors,

P.S. Hi Taker!

06-13-2008, 06:14 PM
i would use that :D To chang name on Fluffy Muffin with Espresso Macchiato