View Full Version : Regnum development tools?

06-13-2008, 06:08 PM
May I ask what coding language, and programs are used to make Regnum? Did you guys make your own 3D engine, or are you using a different one? Commercial or free engine? Using Blender to make your models etc, or something else?

I'm just curious to learn what programs the dev' team is using for anything Regnum ^^ Contributing a Blender model or stuff like that could be fun imho.

06-13-2008, 06:12 PM
This post gives answer to some of your questions:

06-13-2008, 07:11 PM
Holy moly! They made their own engine. Damn. But still many questions are left unanswered really (thanks for the link btw!):
-What coding language was used to build the engine? C++? VC++ from MS?
-What programs are used for the graphics? Models. Textures. etc.

"We decided to go for propietary technology, building the engine (called 'ng3d') and all the tools used to create the world and gameplay content (we then realized that this was a bad idea for a small company and a big project but somehow managed to reach a point where we are about to finish it)."

Why are you still following through with the engine for such a small group instead of switching to an existing one? (Now the pace of game updates makes much more sense) And what 'proprietary technology' did you buy? (and for how much? that could be expensive like hell for such a small company)

06-14-2008, 02:21 AM
C++ and I think that some ASM code.

They use LUA scripts to customize the engine.

PS: They didn't buy a single thing: they built all the game from scratch.

06-14-2008, 02:42 AM

Most of your questions have been answered already (C++, tiny bits of ASM and lua for gameplay mostly).

The art programs we used are the standard for nowadays game development. We didn't use blender if that's what you are asking.
Noteworthy and life saving are subversion, scons, python, several gnu tools (more than I can remember right now).

We did analyze several options for building a MMORPG game, but at the time they were either too expensive or tailored to other types of game.
In retrospective, was it a good idea to build the entire game and the engine, all by ourselves, at the same time? I don't know for sure, all i know is that we were nuts and we wouldn't do it again without proper funding :).

We are currently analyzing options and doing research on new technology, while we may build more in the future (or present ;)), we will surely use several middleware options out there, such as physics or animation engines.


06-14-2008, 12:37 PM
Great :D The more existing engines/functions you use, translates into more Regnum specific content you can invest time on creating!

Thanks for all the help guys. By the way, I really think you should put all this interesting info on the main site, maybe as part of the FAQ.

06-14-2008, 02:24 PM
I guess you wouldn't need to build the engine from scratch but a complete rereading of it might be nescesary to work out some slowdown/lag problems.

I think i'ts cool that the engine is built from scratch though and have always thought of it that way.

However, I have a question about LUA, does it slow down the game? Don't know but it IS possible as it seems to be a scripting language and that lua scripts can be run entirely from source code. Did you try an alternative to LUA?

What about scons and python, what did you use this for?

Sorry for all the questions, you don't have to answer them, but I'm a very curious nerd XD.

oh and is there a list with what each of you guys do?

Take care

06-14-2008, 02:27 PM
I guess you wouldn't need to build the engine from scratch but a complete rereading of it might be nescesary to work out some slowdown/lag problems.

I think i'ts cool that the engine is built from scratch though and have always thought of it that way.

However, I have a question about LUA, does it slow down the game? Don't know but it IS possible as it seems to be a scripting language and that lua scripts can be run entirely from source code. Did you try an alternative to LUA?

What about scons and python, what did you use this for?

Sorry for all the questions, you don't have to answer them, but I'm a very curious nerd XD.

oh and is there a list with what each of you guys do?

Take care

the big question is: will NGD give us an api to develop tools for the interface? :sifflote:

06-14-2008, 09:40 PM
*cough* Community Assisted Development *cough cough* :=D