View Full Version : Best class choice

06-13-2008, 06:54 PM
Ok im thinking of starting a new character, but I want to know really what how things have changed by now in Regnum, which class in peoples opinion is great to play? Im looking for a class thats fun to play, something that makes me feel good,

but im having such trouble pick it now. I don't think I want to start another mage, so Warlocks and Conjurers are out of the question. No im looking in the Warrior and Archre branches,

In whichever class I pick, (Even if that be hunter, I do not plan on using those spells other people use, I want to try different play styles and be different)

So between those 4 classes, can someone give me that inspiration into my eyes for why I should be playing again?

06-13-2008, 07:22 PM
well hunters are always abusers so not that

masks are overpowered 0cast time everything so not that either.....

knights and barbs! we need them now all our wariors are pointless pts (probaly what u remember me for :P) we need good knights that cast auras and good barbs that know team work sing up for yours! u take it frm there

06-13-2008, 07:30 PM
Hunter is both extremely easy and very fun (to play with, not against). So if you don't want to need to play seriously to win fights I suggest Hunter. Marks is the same but boring.

06-13-2008, 07:33 PM
Hunter is both extremely easy and very fun (to play with, not against). So if you don't want to need to play seriously to win fights I suggest Hunter. Marks is the same but boring.

Objective statements about what is fun FTL.

Oh, sorry, I didn't realize that someone had to be objective when expressing an opinion genius.

Same response as above.

Aren, could you give us a clue on how you like to play? What role you like to have in the WZ?

06-13-2008, 07:34 PM
Objective statements about what is fun FTL.

Oh, sorry, I didn't realize that someone had to be objective when expressing an opinion genius.

06-13-2008, 08:22 PM
Oh, sorry, I didn't realize that someone had to be objective when expressing an opinion genius.
Usualy when someone want to express his opinion he write: In my opinion. But ofc you can express it like it was truth given you by God. Your choice.

06-13-2008, 08:43 PM
Usualy when someone want to express his opinion he write: In my opinion. But ofc you can express it like it was truth given you by God. Your choice.
This is how you choose to read it. Oh no, sorry.. "In my opinion", this is how you choose to read it. Weren't I on your ignore list?

06-13-2008, 09:04 PM
Chill ya pts...dont scare the guy away...
Aren 1st choose if you want to be an offensive or a defensive character...
Then do you want range or close combat...
Then we'll talk more:P

06-13-2008, 10:07 PM
I have found being a healer very rewarding, but sometimes i get a bit frustrated at not being able to retaliate (as i play full support in the wz). But i have realised that i need to start another (attacking) character to vent my frustrations, rather than be a warjurer and let people down when they need healing.

06-13-2008, 11:56 PM
Marks and Barb are the most powerful classes.

06-14-2008, 01:51 AM
It all depends in how you´d like to play. Marks hit from afar but can play like a hunter too, except hunters can have pets, track enemies and use camouflage to ambush. Barbs hurt like a kick in the nuts and knights last longer than a jawbreaker.

That´s about it, or at least it´s how it´s supposed to be.

06-14-2008, 01:57 AM
I like El_Naso's description best.

06-14-2008, 02:53 AM
I have found being a healer very rewarding, but sometimes i get a bit frustrated at not being able to retaliate (as i play full support in the wz). But i have realised that i need to start another (attacking) character to vent my frustrations, rather than be a warjurer and let people down when they need healing.

thats a steriotype :fury: :thumb_down: those are pts not warjurer LEAR THE DIFERENCE! a warjurer is a fightback conju we do our part revive the posible heal and ocasional buff, we are not retards that pick the worng class.

warjurers just like to whup ass but when we are almost dead and no somon we go to the back heal some friends acast some auras revive our buddys ect ect, we are the sacrifice dnt send a suport with tremmor lvl 1 send a warju with it at least in4! group of 15 getting chaced by 30-40 send a warju with time master will buy u time since warlocks dnt do their job right.

U KNOW WHAT PICK WARJU! its the most balnced chalenging pleasing clas ull ever play and its most fun!

06-14-2008, 04:05 AM
I have found being a healer very rewarding, but sometimes i get a bit frustrated at not being able to retaliate (as i play full support in the wz). But i have realised that i need to start another (attacking) character to vent my frustrations, rather than be a warjurer and let people down when they need healing.
I would like to say something about this real quick...

Many Conjurors have at least Staff mastery 15, Mental 13 and Tremor, Energy borrow and Mana burn.

The thing to remember is that full support can be more than just healing or giving mana to allies. Sometimes you cannot heal fast enough, and you might need to cast beetle on the enemy to buy some time, and things like that.

If you learn to use these (often only LV1) spells effectively you an do quite alot of satisfying retaliation. I can't even count the number of times I've been responsible for an enemy not being able to escape death. :)

See this old thread (http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=20770&highlight=Playing) for an idea of what full support Conjurors can really do.

Sorry for going off-topic. :)


06-14-2008, 11:06 AM
Well I see these are all very good descriptions :)

To Gigo: No it dosen't matter even if I picked hunter, this can also answer Gravat's question, I would like to try new styles of playing, not the things that everyone else does,

I think I will choose between a Marksman or Hunter now, because when I played my Barbarian in Alsuis there were alot of warriors, but in Fort Wars I did not see alot of them working together (Charging at the same time like a real army) And most of the Barbarians had similar playstyles (Full SCer, Riposter,) The Knight class looks interesting, but it seems to me now is not the time to play a Knight.

The warrior class can survive well, but they seem boring to level I guess. So I will either pick Marksman or Hunter. The Marksman look nice, (Nice armours, weapons,) but the Hunter style intrigues me aswell, it seems for suited for a solo player, the other classes can be more relying on others, while the Hunter can live off his own air.

If someone could post some more reasons now, Hunter vs Marksman that would be nice,


06-14-2008, 02:38 PM
I think the ranged classes are better in warzone nowadays for battles, but in a one on one situation a warrior would take/deal the most heavy damage. Keep that in mind, ( Though other classes do good in 1 on 1 situations too, just like you ssaid yourself warriors dont always work together in fort wars )

06-15-2008, 02:48 AM
You'll get more of the "omg i cant believe I just killed that/those guy(s) alone" feeling with a marksman and quite early on in levels, pissing them off for shooting at them from where they cant do anything before they get in range etc etc. Seeing people running away after a DS like scared little children is just priceless. Not that with 35 meters of range they have a lot of chances of running away alive. You'll be a real mana whore though, marksmen are the class with the highest mana/time ratio (I think). Mana communions and synergy bonds are like breaths of air deep underwater.

On the other hand, the hunter can track (not that useful in peak hours :p). you'll spend 90% of your time stalking (while invisible) and killing lonely levelers. Anymore than 1-2 people of your level in your scanner will make you turn elsewhere. Or maybe you'll rush in, kill one quickly and run away. The biggest thrill you'll have is running away alive from situations where every other class would be toast. In a group you can be very useful, because you can actually use the tricks tree (unlike the typical marksman setup) which can give other damage dealing classes the tactical upper hand in a situation that would otherwise be 50-50. Playing a proper hunter will develop great mana control skills, since you don't have much mana and even standar spells are not cheap.

Now, if you're not the kind of guy that likes the cut-out role for his class, there are ways and setups that will make your class into something completely different. Some people like to have many trees at 15 instead of 3 at 19 to be able to play more diversly. Experiment and find out for yourself ;)

06-15-2008, 01:28 PM
the overpowered class is generally archers, however that's not what you should go for I guess, but your playing style, since you have already played a warrior I will tell about the supposed role of the other four classes as I see it

conjurer: healer, buffer, enchanter, the defensive mage who supports his allies
warlock: devastating spells who knocks his enemies down from afar and dizzies those near, necromancer, wizard.
hunter: scout, can have a pet and tracking skillz, is fast and supposed to be light
marksman: like a sniper, single target devourer.

that's about it, it all depends on how you want to play as told before

06-15-2008, 02:11 PM
Just because people say hunters are lame doesnt mean there lame, there fun its like being a ninja whats more fun then that

08-11-2008, 10:54 PM
I'm warlock and everytime someone dies they want me to heal them lol. But, if you can attack first without your opponent knowing, you can win or at least near kill them. For example, the other day I killed 2 very hards and 1 challenging at same time using sultar's terror, whirlwind, summon lightning, and fireball.

But I agree with last comment, barbs and marks are good, but knights can poownown(lol) locks and mages. Just if you want power, don't choose coju's.:rale:

08-12-2008, 01:22 AM
Usualy when someone want to express his opinion he write: In my opinion. But ofc you can express it like it was truth given you by God. Your choice.
I don't agree with that, actually. Whatever I am saying is obviously my opinion since I'm saying it. Adding "In my opinion" is just so you have an excuse if you end up being wrong.

I have found being a healer very rewarding, but sometimes i get a bit frustrated at not being able to retaliate (as i play full support in the wz). But i have realised that i need to start another (attacking) character to vent my frustrations, rather than be a warjurer and let people down when they need healing.
thats a steriotype :fury: :thumb_down: those are pts not warjurer LEAR THE DIFERENCE! a warjurer is a fightback conju we do our part revive the posible heal and ocasional buff, we are not retards that pick the worng class.
On the same subject, this is an opinion, not a stereotype.

I'm done with my nitpicking for the day :). I've only ever played a Marksman and a Knight. I don't have too much experience with either and I didn't know what I was doing when I made the Marksman, but the frustrating thing about the Marksman is the inability to take much damage once something gets to you. The Knight is nice in that he can take a decent amount of hits, but his attack power doesn't seem that great in comparison.

My experiences aren't worth much though, too much time passed between me making each of those characters that view is skewed by now.

08-13-2008, 01:08 PM
I would like to say something about this real quick...
The thing to remember is that full support can be more than just healing or giving mana to allies. Sometimes you cannot heal fast enough, and you might need to cast beetle on the enemy to buy some time, and things like that.

If you learn to use these (often only LV1) spells effectively you an do quite alot of satisfying retaliation. I can't even count the number of times I've been responsible for an enemy not being able to escape death. :)


listen to this opinion, it tells you sth about the true support conju spirit, and don't listen to Gigo (imo, lol ...) :thumb_up:

@Aren: conju is a very nice class to play. But imo warlock is the most interesting class, and it requires some skill since you don't have many defensive spells and your armor is like a piece of paper. But then again warlocks have quite some of the most devastating spells in this game :D

@swine: maybe you could try to use sanctuary less ... . Dragging the attention of enemy players is a ambivalent thing. If it works out, they wasted a lot of time and attacks on you. A knight wasting trip, feint and shield bash on your mind blank + mirage and balestra on your dispell is a knight who didn't use those spells on your allies (that happens so often to me xD, they seem to get easily pissed though ...). Using late sanctuary allows dispell, auras, beetle (or more mental if you put more points there, actually conjurers are quite good at such stuff, since they are not so dmg focussed), tremor and gives an additional big healing spell: heal self. On the other hand I'm not saying that playing active and safe is always possible/easy. Finally: Don't forget to criticize your allies in plain text when nobody cares about their own support line. The performance of your allies is 50% of your performance, after all.