View Full Version : This is a lag-free vid :)

06-22-2008, 10:09 PM

Just managed to make yukon (can be compared to fraps under windows) workin' here, so i made a test tonight, it's great :thumb_up:

Indeed i tested on Niflheim, the lag (and users) free server... amazing how my crappy pc don't lag at all compared to Ra... (Sempron 3200+, IGP nvidia 6100 256M ram, 2GB ram, yeah it's kinda cheesy)

It's a big war you will see here at Niflheim scale, i arrive at the end unfortunatly :p

So, for those who complains about lag, this is 486s of pure hapiness that is waiting for you here : http://files.filefront.com/Knucky+at+Workavi/;10755690;/fileinfo.htm (click on download below, the integrated flash player sucks)

(PS : i know i'm pt... and wut :p) And if you want to know, we survived... we're Alsius ... we're SPARTA :nunchaku:

06-23-2008, 10:22 AM
Taksi is also good freeware video software. Nice video's Sath... is it always like that on German servers?

06-23-2008, 10:38 AM
is it always like that on German servers?

I don't know for Muspell, ask Slamar :p

Yup for Niflheim, at least on the evening, because the day there is almost no war, we're too few, or if there is a war, it's 2 vs 2... and it's cool, because there only your skills matter, not your lag... and people who seems dying stupidly like me, look no more stupid there :] And if you want to know, Syrtis are zergs, but they're a bit more skilled than on Ra, so it's a bit more problematic...

And as you can see, THEY HAVE BALLS ! And if they won't do it, instead of running away, they will tell you before. Finally no selling spam in realm chat, a great solidarity :) We have leaders who are not wetpants and who don't say always "zurückkkkkkkkkk" or "rein" (= atras) al the 5 seconds.

The only that sucks is that they haven't a very good organisation, and sometimes we're not enough to fight Syrtis :lightsabre:

06-23-2008, 10:52 AM
good vid :)

And no lag at all...when I imagine how this fight would looking for me on Ra :/

Just for the record: "rein" means "inside", meaning to go inside the fort I guess

06-23-2008, 10:31 PM
only thing I don't like is the suck quality

06-23-2008, 10:33 PM
I dont know how to go on a german server! :(
I want 'no lag' xD

06-23-2008, 10:37 PM
I dont know how to go on a german server! :(
I want 'no lag' xD
reminds me of when muspell crashed and all the germans came to ra which then crashed.

06-23-2008, 11:05 PM
only thing I don't like is the suck quality

Yeah, i made a 950kbps bitrate instead of 1200, and it sucks then. But i hope you haven't looked in their flash player, it's even more crappy ^^

I dont know how to go on a german server!
I want 'no lag' xD

=> https://billing.gamigogames.de/index.php?type=global&site=anmelden to make a gamigo acc.
=> Use an email different that the one you used for Ra, and validate by checking your mail
=> log in https://billing.gamigogames.de/
=> Click on "startseite"
=> Search for regnum and click "anmelden", then a acc name and password for RO will be asked.
=> Log in regnum with the gamigo account info for RO
=> Have fun :)

06-23-2008, 11:14 PM
How the hell you set yukon for ro? only when capturing video from ro window, it doesnt work, blan video and dont use config i gave it. for anything else it works good. any link how you set it etc?
smooth video, it was so enjoyable watching it

06-23-2008, 11:21 PM
How the hell you set yukon for ro? only when capturing video from ro window, it doesnt work, blan video and dont use config i gave it. for anything else it works good. any link how you set it etc?
smooth video, it was so enjoyable watching it

Well, if you use the svn tree, go to the yukon dir and do this :

sudo mkdir -p /etc/yukon/system
sudo cp sysconf /etc/yukon/system/default

And here your user settings :

$ cat /home/me/.yukon/conf
OUTPUT = file:///media/sda7/video.seom_adapt_it_indeed
FPS = 30.0
INSETS = 0 0 0 0

06-23-2008, 11:23 PM
ho, thanks a lot. will try it asap. sorry for offtopic