View Full Version : Retaliation.

06-30-2008, 11:54 AM
Retaliation isn't bugged, just because you don't use a spell, dosent mean its bugged ¬¬
One normal hit cancels retaliation... ITS NOT BUGGED! Anyways
this is how its supposed to react...

if you want to cancel retaliation.. just do 1 basic attack...
basic arrow.. + skill
basic staff.. + skill
basic anything... + skill
this cancels the skill and allows you to cast spells...

<notice in the pictures> the noob attacking did not use any basic attacks...
ALL ARCHERS should learn to combo attack = basic + skill
if you don't know it by now... ebay awaits...:sleep_1:

(if) you dont cancel retaliation with a basic attack it will last a duration of 15 seconds...

its really simple to stop.. JUST GO BACK TO BASICS!

Retaliation is a good anti area fort spell now... if many archers stand together.. and a mage tries to use terror.. the damage will be reflected back for every archer with the skill...

Thus Retaliation is a true anti area skill...

Maybe the description of the spell is wrong, but the spell is not bugged fluffy!
sorry for going off topic.

06-30-2008, 01:10 PM
Retaliation isn't bugged, just because you don't use a spell, dosent mean its bugged ¬¬
One normal hit cancels retaliation... ITS NOT BUGGED! Anyways

Maybe the description of the spell is wrong, but the spell is not bugged fluffy!
sorry for going off topic.

It is bugged, I tested it recently with dracus. Either the spell is totally screw, either it's the description. But yes something is wrong with the spell. The spell was changed and it used to work correctly according to the description on MOBS when I leveled up dracus.

Do whatever you want, for me it's bugged, But I know the animation, and I will try not to get tricked with it. And by the way my hammer hits hight enought so I don't have to use much dmging skills :D

06-30-2008, 01:13 PM
It isn't 'bugged'.. it is easy to disable too, one normal hit... if you dont realise that doing meteor or south cross for 0 dmg is strange, keep hitting me with spells :p
(this is an example, i use it lvl 3 (return 60% spell dmg) :p)

06-30-2008, 01:57 PM
Retaliation isn't bugged, just because you don't use a spell, dosent mean its bugged ¬¬
One normal hit cancels retaliation... ITS NOT BUGGED! Anyways

It is. Spells are also attack. And dmg should not be redirected but added to normal shot. It is buged just liek curse was. And talking about normal shot canceling it... imagine that you chase me and want slow me down with ensanaring - good luck.

06-30-2008, 02:12 PM
I would slow you down, but take dmg if you used retaliation..
lvl 1 retalition is return 20%
2 is 40%
3 is 60%
4 is 80%
5 is 100% .... spell damage.. If you hit me with a normal hit, I wont return the dmg, and the spell will cancel. Its funny that no one noticed Retaliation for a long long time... Ive been using it quite a while personally, but now people want it nerfed, saying its 'bugged' when only the description is wrong..

Im sorry for the off-topic, but it needed to be said.

Back on topic- South cross cooldown should be put up, but the main problem with south cross is the possibility to do dmg with the buffs... the buffs should be fixed, but there is too many to be able to change easily

06-30-2008, 03:58 PM
I would slow you down, but take dmg if you used retaliation..
lvl 1 retalition is return 20%
2 is 40%
3 is 60%
4 is 80%
5 is 100% .... spell damage.. If you hit me with a normal hit, I wont return the dmg, and the spell will cancel. Its funny that no one noticed Retaliation for a long long time... Ive been using it quite a while personally, but now people want it nerfed, saying its 'bugged' when only the description is wrong..

Im sorry for the off-topic, but it needed to be said.

Back on topic- South cross cooldown should be put up, but the main problem with south cross is the possibility to do dmg with the buffs... the buffs should be fixed, but there is too many to be able to change easily

It's bugged because it don't work as it should work according to the description. We don't claim that it isn't easy to dispell it. We claim it's bugged because it should be dispell after first attack (normal attack or spell or power) that's all. In that case it would be a great spell. And back in my low level hunter time. The spell worked correctly against mob, but it was changed, and not that much people retested it. Now that lots of archers are using it, we knows that it's working not as it should.

06-30-2008, 04:08 PM
IF they change it, they should make it after the 1st hit, not the 1st spell. Fair enough, its not bugged IMO, as it does get dispelled after a normal hit, but not many archers wer using it, people started complaining when someone made a thread on forum about it.. people didnt bother before this thread, or use it even. My hunter has used it for quite a long time, its a fair spell, i.e. it is easily dispelled so there is risk in using this spell..

Now please, if you want to talk about retaliation, PM me or revive the retaliation thread.
Sorry for being off-topic again.

06-30-2008, 04:26 PM
IF they change it, they should make it after the 1st hit, not the 1st spell. Fair enough, its not bugged IMO, as it does get dispelled after a normal hit, but not many archers wer using it, people started complaining when someone made a thread on forum about it.. people didnt bother before this thread, or use it even. My hunter has used it for quite a long time, its a fair spell, i.e. it is easily dispelled so there is risk in using this spell..

Now please, if you want to talk about retaliation, PM me or revive the retaliation thread.
Sorry for being off-topic again.

I made the thread about it. and It's bugged ...

07-02-2008, 03:13 PM
It's bugged because it don't work as it should work according to the description..
then the description is bugged perhaps?

I personally thing 100% attack retaliation is overpowered if it can't be canceled with a normal attack.

Try to think of it, you are basically invincible against a warlock if you can still attack, not fair really?

So canceled by a normal attack is fine, maybe it will stop after one attack against a smart player, but in a fort war it's almost like an area as you usually get a meteor rain when you enter enemy range

07-02-2008, 03:32 PM
Well with 'the other version' it would be canceled with any attack!

07-02-2008, 03:43 PM
then the description is bugged perhaps?

I personally thing 100% attack retaliation is overpowered if it can't be canceled with a normal attack.

Try to think of it, you are basically invincible against a warlock if you can still attack, not fair really?

So canceled by a normal attack is fine, maybe it will stop after one attack against a smart player, but in a fort war it's almost like an area as you usually get a meteor rain when you enter enemy range

Retaliation should return only 1 attack and then be cancel!.

07-02-2008, 05:36 PM
Excuse me, but how did this thread get here? I didn't make it.... Maybe NGD cut it from the retaliation thread in gameplay problems?.. Weird

07-02-2008, 06:57 PM
Excuse me, but how did this thread get here? I didn't make it.... Maybe NGD cut it from the retaliation thread in gameplay problems?.. Weird

Yes, it was moderated this way. Sorry for not posting the reason, my bad.

Continue with the main topic.


07-02-2008, 07:23 PM
Well, thank you for clearing that up, now, about the situation with retaliation, can you confirm if, in fact it is or is not bugged, please?

07-02-2008, 07:26 PM
It is bugged, but I can't assure how the issue will be handled. Whenever I have some news about it, I will post them here.


07-02-2008, 07:28 PM
<sigh> Okay,well thank you for clearing that up, i guess.
And to GPH, fluffy and all those others i argued with, i am sorry.

Looks like il remove it from my setup now. :(

Thanks G'mod.

07-03-2008, 10:22 AM
<sigh> Okay,well thank you for clearing that up, i guess.
And to GPH, fluffy and all those others i argued with, i am sorry.

Looks like il remove it from my setup now. :(

Thanks G'mod.

Don't be sorry for expressing your point of view. This is the whole point of having a community. We can share our ideas and try not to get into flames but it's hard sometime (I'm sorry gamemod if we gave you so much work because of this).

07-03-2008, 01:33 PM
I think retaliation is fine as it is now, really, returning magical attacks is good, canceled by normal attacks is also ok imo it makes it a balanced spell :)

07-03-2008, 05:57 PM
I agree, but G'mod says its bugged, so.. tis bugged :p
When they 'fix' it, i will be testing it to see (If i can get on, ptptptpt connection) :)