View Full Version : Show me your stats!
07-05-2008, 02:33 PM
The title says it all. To make players aware of other classes attributes it could be useful to share these kind of infos.
For it you should /reset_powers to disable all passives and you should unequip all armor and weapons which gives any kind of bonus.
Also the base amount of hp and mana is interesting to know.
This way we also can compare different races.
It would be nice if you would say in which stat you put your starting points.
For me: I cannot remember in which stat I put points into, but I guess in STR, lol.
07-05-2008, 03:10 PM
I like the idea of this post. Personally i cannot post my stats from base right now, because i cannot log in atm. But here is something i made for my clan forums yesterday. :)
These are just quite basic setups, for lvling. I cannot war because of my pt router, as you may tell from my rps.. but i should be moving soon and changing router.
When i have the chance, I will /reset_powers and post. :)
07-05-2008, 09:15 PM
people wont post here...alot of geniuses block these values because some enemy hates you SOOOOOO much they study you.
ill edit this tread latter but im just saying it wont be very acurate, basicly because i been targeted alot lately and when i posted some tips for warjus and told axe some stuf i been getting F'ed in the A$$ so hard.
but to ask a question HOW DA HELL DO SOME MAGES GET THEIR INT TO 80!1!!!!!!1! mines is not even 70s and i gave int 2points!!!!!!! even pasives
07-05-2008, 09:37 PM
I can get 106....
I could have 111 as an esquelio with the same items, they can have 30 int at lvl 1. :/
I picked dark elf, so got 25 int at lvl 1 :(
Oh well.
07-05-2008, 09:45 PM
I can get 106....
I could have 111 as an esquelio with the same items, they can have 30 int at lvl 1. :/
I picked dark elf, so got 25 int at lvl 1 :(
Oh well.
OMFG U BUGGER!!!!!!!!!!
but to ask a question HOW DA HELL DO SOME MAGES GET THEIR INT TO 80!1!!!!!!1! mines is not even 70s and i gave int 2points!!!!!!! even pasives
damn :p
07-05-2008, 10:31 PM
Lol tak, if you post your 90+ evade rate, val will eat you. :p
Hah yeah im tempted to go to testing and take it as high as possible.
But then the crying will start again :(
07-05-2008, 10:51 PM
OMFG U BUGGER!!!!!!!!!!
LMAO you said bugger...woot /me high 5's gigo
07-05-2008, 11:10 PM
LMAO you said bugger...woot /me high 5's gigo
slaps self...the point is? u kno i did bug shanarids door once :biggrin: :metal:
07-06-2008, 12:02 AM
Hah yeah im tempted to go to testing and take it as high as possible.
But then the crying will start again :(
Weren't you the one that started a thread SoTW must go? Who was doing the crying, exactly?
Yep- it was you, mr. 95 evade.
07-06-2008, 12:18 AM
people wont post here...alot of geniuses block these values because some enemy hates you SOOOOOO much they study you.
why that? I just wanna know your base stats. These are only influenced by your race, class , lvl and your starting points.
It is just to show how big maybe differences in base health can be for lvl 50 warlocks. Or how much evasion rate differs for different races on different levels. Many players don't know how much hp a lvl 50 knight has, or a lvl 40 knight ect. This is interesting to know. And whith these kind of knowledge people can judge better about balance things for example.
I don't think these data is something which gives you disadvantage in fights when your opponent knows them. I don't want anyone to show boosted stats by items or passives. This way you cannot collect data to compare different races.
07-06-2008, 12:22 AM
Cumeri I wanted to post this, these are the base stats for the ignis races, at lvl 1 without adding 5 points, maybe it will be useful to this thread.
25 conc
20 int
20 cons
25 str
30 dex
Dark elf
25 conc
20 int
25 cons
30 str
20 dex
25 conc
25 int
25 cons
20 str
25 dex
07-06-2008, 12:49 AM
The white figures are base stats.
07-06-2008, 01:23 AM
with more evasion:
with more hp and int:
base stats with int passive lv 1:
@ cumeri: you really put your points into str? OMG xD.
Ok on my warlock I put them into conc and I regret it like hell, int or const would've been far better I guess.
Weren't you the one that started a thread SoTW must go? Who was doing the crying, exactly?
Yep- it was you, mr. 95 evade.
OMFG! Look at the base attack! Your bow does that much dmg?
EDIT: Just noticed you had dirty fighting cast :biggrin:
Without boosts:
With boosts:
Cumeri I wanted to post this, these are the base stats for the ignis races, at lvl 1 without adding 5 points, maybe it will be useful to this thread.
25 conc
20 int
20 cons
25 str
30 dex
Schoolboy error Mage, starting stats vary based on your class. As I see it your Molok was Archer, as for a Molok Warrior they start like so:
20 Conc
20 Int
25 Const
30 Str
25 Dex
Not sure about the other races, but, sort it out!
07-06-2008, 01:46 PM
I got logged in today on mage! :)
/reset_powers and got this... I felt so weak..
EDIT: I had a peek at save the trees stats.. they have 10 more cons than me without items/buffs/passives.. Damn dark elves!
07-09-2008, 12:11 PM
omg, 2 stats over 100? Daaaaamn :p I hope those buffs are extra-expensive and extra-short :p
07-09-2008, 12:41 PM
Concentration buff is 60 secs, or 120 secs.. I cant remember xD
But the int is as passive... not a buff ;)
07-09-2008, 01:02 PM
Skill > Stats anyday anyway.
07-09-2008, 01:48 PM
Well not really anymore, people relying on evades or just because they have higher defence etc etc. Sadly thats the way it is now :(
You still pwned me in arena dammit :p
My stats are 34, 24, 34....oh wait...that's not right :D
07-12-2008, 02:36 PM
According to this stats of Valorius I think I realy put 4 starting points into STR :/
My marksman has 59 STR, his hunter 50.
dwarfen archers start with 25 STR and half elf (like Valorius) with 20 STR.
A very good overview you can get here:
07-12-2008, 05:01 PM
I cannot remember, I think maybe concentration is what I put my points into. :)
I did 5 int for warlock and 5 dex for hunter :p
07-13-2008, 08:10 AM
It was 5 dex for me.
07-22-2008, 02:48 AM
Base stats. No Armor, Rings, Amulet. +5 to Dex when I made her. Too bad evasion doesn't really work for me, I could have 57 or 67 I still get hit the same amount. Because of that, Alita's stats are below average for a Barbarian.
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