View Full Version : Warlock questions

07-05-2008, 06:35 PM
what would the best setup of diciplines, would be the best for a warlock who wants to kill things very fast without caring about mana that much. (lol i know its dumb but still):biggrin:

warlock's can take over a conjurer's summon!!!!!????????????????:guitar: :metal:

07-07-2008, 04:18 AM
What level are you? I have a couple of configs but they depend on the lvl

PS: regnumzg.com (http://www.regnumzg.com.ar/)

07-07-2008, 03:39 PM
Wow, a true warlock, wants to destroy everything :thumb_up: XD !
If you want to drain life and make your enemies weaker, use necromancy.
If you want to have the most powerful skills, even of 800-1200, try arcania. (Plus: Sultars Terror heheh)
Elements are a nice group of spells but are not the best at my mind...

Anyway, you are your character (Altought you cant cast fireballs :sifflote: ) and in this game we all make our own spell combination :biggrin: .

Tip: More accurate link: Warlock Spells (http://www.regnumzg.com.ar/index.php?Itemid=38&task=view_skills&class=17&buscar=Elegir)
Here you can see all the skills of every class in the game (Click in the USA flag to traslate to English if not)

Good Luck!

07-07-2008, 07:05 PM
if you mean mobs you can destroy them easily with a staff mastery setup at later levels, in earlier levels just using the elemental tree is enough, along with the mana tree for mana and spell casting acceleration, also necromancy for life draining if you get into trouble.

Fighting people is another story ^^

07-08-2008, 03:25 AM
You could use a Staff Mastery setup as AWD proposed, but that would mean that you are at least lvl 33 to have them all (fire, ice, lightning at lvl 4 or 5 at lvl 37). You don't need that much mana then, only for buffing.

If you don't want the Staff setup, you should use Mana Communion (also from the Staff Mastery tree) at lvl 4. It costs 560 mana at lvl 4 but gives you +25 per second, 1500 in the 60 seconds it lasts. But you will only be able to have that if you're lvl 29 or above. I used some skills in Elemental below that lvl, namely Lightning and Ice Blast. Those are damage over time, so use them first. Fire Ball is also nice, but an area spell, so you have to take care that there are no other mobs around.

If you care about mana, use Energy Borrow and Ambitious Sacrifice from the Mana Control tree. Once you get those, you should be able to level without resting.

07-08-2008, 09:05 AM
Uhm........ Guys? he's less than 30 for now......... and I think he has other chars too so those spells are a little bit.......... uhm....... far?

Here's a little tip. Don't ever touch Enchantments Discipline... atleast not for now. Start with the above mentioned and use reset command if you're not satisfied.

07-10-2008, 11:07 PM
Uhm........ Guys? he's less than 30 for now......... and I think he has other chars too so those spells are a little bit.......... uhm....... far?

Here's a little tip. Don't ever touch Enchantments Discipline... atleast not for now. Start with the above mentioned and use reset command if you're not satisfied.
lol less than 30? im almost 37..... anyway i found the setup i think im going to use, its a dumb thing but its ok. it works like this

19: necromancy
19: elements

thats how ill make it at lev 37, until i get more pts
(and until i get more pts i have already decided to stay away from enchantments,mental and staff for a while):sifflote: :thumb_up: :thumb_up:

tho anyway, tell me some of your setups and why you like them plz

07-11-2008, 01:38 AM
But you do at least have Mana 11 right? cause you are not a mage if you don´t have barrier and ambitious sacrifice...

07-11-2008, 02:45 AM
lol less than 30? im almost 37..... anyway i found the setup i think im going to use, its a dumb thing but its ok. it works like this

19: necromancy
19: elements

thats how ill make it at lev 37, until i get more pts
(and until i get more pts i have already decided to stay away from enchantments,mental and staff for a while):sifflote: :thumb_up: :thumb_up:

tho anyway, tell me some of your setups and why you like them plz
OOps! Sorry. Last time I checked was your post on building a clan. My bad.

So when I was grinding at your level, I almost always used Staff Mastery. It consumes a lot of points but with every buff at level 5, it was worth it.

Necromancy is a good one, paired with Arcana and Mana Control. We warlocks have the least defense IMO. So we need all the defensive spells we can get.

07-11-2008, 02:48 AM
lol less than 30? im almost 37..... anyway i found the setup i think im going to use, its a dumb thing but its ok. it works like this

19: necromancy
19: elements

thats how ill make it at lev 37, until i get more pts
(and until i get more pts i have already decided to stay away from enchantments,mental and staff for a while):sifflote: :thumb_up: :thumb_up:

tho anyway, tell me some of your setups and why you like them plz
1. Not enough points.
2. You're gonna run out of mana realllllly fast. Always have at least lvl 11 mana control or lvl 15 if you want a decent defense.

07-12-2008, 04:06 PM
I'll try thinking it over again.

how much does mana pool increase by?

07-12-2008, 04:24 PM
It doesen´t (unless you are talking about the mana pool passive)

mana regen 101:

Energy borrow: steals mana from both mobs (creatures, monsters, beasts) and enemy relam players, adding it to your pool. The higher the lvl of the skill, the more mana it steals.

Ambitious sacreifice: transforms some life into mana. The higher the lvl the more life it takes from you and the more mana it returns.

There´s also mana comunion in the staff mastery tree, but it takes a wohle chunck of mana away and regenerates it slowly, specially in lower levels. It is recommended to have it in at least lvl 4 as long as you are using staff mastery.

07-13-2008, 02:33 AM
Lvl 1 mana pool: +100
Lvl 2: +200
Lvl 3: +300
Lvl 4: +400
Lvl 5: +500

I can't find the points for it though and I do fine without it anyway.

07-13-2008, 02:37 AM
2k mana is enough. Add or take away points to suit to this, really. I can have 2.6k mana, but I do not need it, as I rarely run out. There is so many ways to get mana back anyways.

08-11-2008, 10:43 PM
I came up with 2 setups:
offensive: 19 mana control
19 arcane
16 elements (for magma blast and lightning)
defensive (buffs, ally helps): 19 mana control (pylon)
19 staff mastery
16 enchantments