View Full Version : Warlock: Posses Summon.

07-10-2008, 11:39 PM
I recently recieved the spell for warlock's, possess summon. Though for some reason it won't work. I powered it up to level 4 and tried these:

Atempt Response
1. Take a random guy's summon. You can't use on allies.
2. Go to arena. Success!(yet nothing happens)

I went to arena with a friend and asked for a summon, i tried the spell and i was too low of a level to possess it. I asked for a weak one. (this summon didnt even register as unchakllenging for me, and remember i have it a lev 4.)
I used possess summon, it said success over the summon's head, and then it began killing me. I tried this about 3 times, all said it was successful, yet no summon for me.
3. Try finding a summon in wz. Impossible.

plz tell me how and where to ghet a summon.

07-10-2008, 11:58 PM
Summons don't work as an ally for the conjurers at the arena. As for Posess Summon, it will not steal it even if the spell was successful. It will just agitate it and will attack you. Try using it at the War Zone. Make sure that the Summon is about your level or less. And also, even at level 4, it's a small chance. Make it level 5 to have max effectiveness.

07-11-2008, 02:49 AM
Possess Summoning doesn't work at arena. This is to prevent possible cheating.

07-11-2008, 03:23 AM
You have to steal enemy relam summons :p

07-12-2008, 04:01 PM
lol, how will i find in wz, nobody uses them.