View Full Version : Vacation in Alsius [A Photo Album]

07-15-2008, 12:39 PM
[Disclaimer: I believe this error/bug has been reported before, so those of you who don't know it, don't ask! Because more than likely you'll abuse the privilege]

Not knowing what the planned server shutdown would actually do to this bug, my friends and I decided to take a vacation into the wonderous frosty nation of Alsius for the first time.

[Another Disclaimer: No Alsius players were injured during the vacation, except one John Cobra X, who did not have the common sense to stop attacking during our Dance Party]

07-15-2008, 12:42 PM
We went sighting seeing, and got to play with some of the silly animals.

07-15-2008, 12:49 PM
Alsius was beautiful, and the people were lovely. Alittle dancing, lounging, then a farewell to our visit. To all that were there; Thank you for the tour!

07-15-2008, 01:12 PM
I heard that at the chat, and I went to the initiation zone to see that, but I arrived late :(.

I didn't understand the error well. What happened?

07-15-2008, 01:37 PM
Mmmm Igneans got into Alsius mainland?

Doesn't seem weird to you? XD

I really hope that bug doesn't fall into the wrong hands...

07-15-2008, 06:19 PM
It had already happened. Some Ignis have been visiting Alsius first islands and some also have been killing low level players from Alsius.

I know of three players who were attack, sadly only one take pictures. One is a noob and thought that being killed by enemies on the First Zone was part of the game, I explained that it was a bug. The other person who told me about this crash without taking a picture.
The third one, luckily take a picture and post it on the spanish forum. On the picture below you can see the player dead, and you can read the name of the enemy player on the combat log.

This is a mayor bug, and believe me it is going to keep happening. Most new players do not even understand what killed them, they do not pay attention to their logs.

As for the people who make this "vacation" I guess you do this as a joke, but I am worry about this happening again. This will spread and now more people know it is possible, some of them will be trying to do it some other will be asking how to.
Also killing champions from another realms is an exploit.

I beg you StroyTeller, please contact NGD Admins using Private Messajes from this forum to explain them details of this bug. Please do not tell a soul how to do this, the ones who know how to do this are already too many people.


07-15-2008, 06:42 PM

We are going to start an investigation on this.
This is considered a serious exploit, anyone that is aware of this please stop using it.
Thank you.
