View Full Version : Regnum Online economy enhancement project

07-15-2008, 10:01 PM
Hi Community,

To avoid that a game like Regnum Online falls into monotony or the low diversity of activities, we have to we must accentuate them and give them a demarcated importance that fits the user's playing style and that the user also gets adapted to the timing and details of the game.

Each activity that takes place within the game has to be attractive to some and functional to everyone, that's why certain changes are required along time with such activities. If one of these is somehow underestimated, a part of the entertainment provided by the game is lost.

Among the activities that lost relevance during Regnum Online's development, we found that commerce is not being taken seriously by most of the users because gold rewards are exaggerated due to errors that have been spread through time. These errors resulted in an inordinate injection of gold to an economy almost non-existent as such, where gold isn't a problem whether obtaining or using it.

To solve this problem and make of commerce an interesting activity (something that has always been among NGD Studios' plans) there has been an adjustment of the reward of gold obtained by the creatures and a balance in the amount of gold obtained by Quests among the Realms (in all Realms, from level 1 to 50, quests give a similar total amount of gold).

This new determination in commerce will, in the short and long term, bring tools to make it easier and more entertaining (commerce facilities, as personal storage chests) and also avoiding this activity to interfere with others such as war.

This change is another needed step to strengthen the road to the plans that we have for Regnum Online, so we hope you understand its importance and the benefits they will bring to gameplay and entertainment.


07-16-2008, 01:58 PM
no! no! and noo! i dont want to have to worry about money, i dont want to grind with no armour and only ever with a conju helping to cut costs, i dont want to spend hours killing 0 XP mombs to get money! no! no! NO!

part of the reason i left runescape is because it would take days to save up money for the best armour you can use and it was so massivly boreing to do so, in regnum i like not worrying about money all the time.

lowering gold amounts and makeing it expensive to lvl and makeing everyone broke wont help at all there is no way that i will EVER agree with this
make of commerce an interesting activity
it wont be! commerce is a boreing time consuming frustrateing thing in allmost every MMO i have played partly because to get a decent price for anything special you need to stand in a crouded area for 5 hours saying.
"selling bla bla with +5 bla for bla bla gold"

i want gold to be easy hell i wouldent care less if everything was made free! (which it mostly is anyway but meh) i like it how it is without any changes.

07-16-2008, 02:46 PM
Hmmm.... make commerce interesting? What is there to sell in this game? Worthless loot? How about those low level armors and weapons those mobs drop? I gather the people who would need them can't afford to buy them from you because they did not have enough gold as well. With what you did, new players will have a very difficult time getting through their levels.

07-16-2008, 11:58 PM

I agree with this change but only if other ways to obtain gold are added, ones that do not involve killing mobs.
Currently my barb's repair costs are 40K per fight, that's a whole day of grinding now.

A whole day of grinding just to repair my armor after a single fight.

Please, enough with the endless mob killing already. :(


07-17-2008, 01:41 AM
I would agree to lowering gold income if you can do something useful with it, that is something which does not fall into the category "pay gold to keep things running" like repairs. On the other hand I really don't care, got almost 8 M on the conju and repairs don't cost so much. Actually I never got any serious income since I reached lv 50. And the money I got is enough for the next 10 years I guess. :metal:
But for new players? A warrior weapon alone costs sth like 300k on high lv, and to be effective with grinding it is common to change it every level even if the difference is only very small. How are people supposed to pay this. Let me make a suggestion: Make it possible to bet/invest money on things like:

1.) how long is the max. time Ignis can hold Aggers the next 24 h/ how short is the shortest time Alsius can hold herb/samal, the closest guess wins the pot
2.) if you are able to contribute to a certain number of kills in a certain time limit, the money doubles
3.) get some money from fort captures and from guards!!! and a bit more from castles. Like this, lower lv ppl who need money will fight for the castles and as the fight gets bigger, higher lv ppl will be dragged into it.
4.) gambling at the merchant (sth like in Diablo :p ) and other kind of investments (maybe some kind of gold to xym and xym to gold trade?)

07-17-2008, 08:11 AM
That is one way to kill all warriors from grinding... There has already been complaints about that as well. Either put more ways to make money in fast or it wouldn't surprise me if the barbarian/knight subclass started to stop being produced due to massive repair costs and little income.

07-17-2008, 03:05 PM
Despite the way it looks right now, this is a section of the game that is long overdue for a revamp. It's been suggested and discussed for as long as I can remember by people in this forum. Since the beginning gold, as a currency, has been far too plentiful and had far too few uses. If everything is as easy to get as it has been in this game so far then it's just as well it was offered free and not bother with any form of currency at all.
Having said that, I do agree with some comments made by players before me. Repair costs are too high for any character that recieves a lot of damage. As one example, knights are meant to tank in wars, therefore they are expected to soak up damage. Expensive business. If there were other, more positive, uses for currency, repairing equipment could be seen as a necessessary maintenance requirement rather than just a way to make use of something that has few existing uses.
The drops from mobs go hand-in-hand with the currency requirements and the wealth held by individuals. Drops should be where the best equipment is aquired. Have just basic equipment available at merchants and have far superior equipment avilable from mobs. Or, have some equipment that is only available from mobs like the Xymerald bows, except create a greater range of such items. Then create a place where players can utilize a 'market' to sell high end rare items to other players and set the prices they want to sell the items for. Remember, the price of any product is set based on what the market will bear. Suddenly everyone is carefully budgeting their bankroll because it has value now.
One thing that has to be carefully considered when attemting to convert a next-to-worthless currency system to a high-value currency system is that long time players built up their hugh bankrolls in an era of the game when gold was overly plentiful. New players to the game will not be subjected to such times of plenty, giving senior players an obvious advantage and juniors an obvious handicap. No one starts to play any game with a large accumulation of wealth but on the same note, those who have accumulated wealth are usually reluctant to part with it easily.
Just some thoughts. I stopped playing this game a while ago for various reasons. I recently took an interest in playing again and I can see how a new direction, or new directions, will definately have a positive impact. When all you have to do is lvl characters and kill enemies, you have to much time to focus on what's missing from the game or how it could be made better.

07-17-2008, 03:23 PM
i still dont like it... i challange someone to go and play runescape and go spend 7 hours cutting logs, hitting rocks, makeing bows, crafting runes, or whatever you do for money and call it "fun"

also if trade becomes more important i want a place i can put my item for offer someone can accept later and i can come back for the money i dont want standing in rea for 4 hours saying

"selling lvl 50 breastplate +5 const 500k"

for hours on end...

07-17-2008, 03:45 PM
"selling lvl 50 breastplate +5 const 500k"

Yeah, without possibility to repeat last message or copy&paste it's almost impossible to start calling some place "a marketplace" and trade stuff there like this

07-17-2008, 04:22 PM
Yeah, without possibility to repeat last message or copy&paste it's almost impossible to start calling some place "a marketplace" and trade stuff there like this

= spamfest, no thanks
if RO want to be more diverse offer some mini-games of something, iv seen a few thing on a few "secret" islands that look very interesting

also would it be to much to implement erm...

a "proper" team vs team function in the arena?
a capture the flag style game?
a how long can you stay alive against X amount of players (in a maze?) game?

just a few ideas...

07-20-2008, 11:04 AM
That is one way to kill all warriors from grinding... There has already been complaints about that as well. Either put more ways to make money in fast or it wouldn't surprise me if the barbarian/knight subclass started to stop being produced due to massive repair costs and little income.
That works for me. ;)

07-20-2008, 11:26 AM

I agree with this change but only if other ways to obtain gold are added, ones that do not involve killing mobs.
Currently my barb's repair costs are 40K per fight, that's a whole day of grinding now.

A whole day of grinding just to repair my armor after a single fight.

Please, enough with the endless mob killing already. :(

couldn't have said it better

I think killing players should give gold, gold given would be calculated by level and difficulty rating (from preventing low level ganking) and more rewards for fort wars.

For an interesting twist there would be some sort of commander, messanger or something who works for the king of our lands, you can get your money for fighting other players there, they could be placed at:
forts you own
gates (inner realm)

[j/k] they would be level 80, have the best armor available, dragon stomp, and hates to be attacked[/j/k]

07-20-2008, 04:53 PM
Awd, I think we can solve two problems in one here.
Simply give gold only for fort wars and the problem is solved, while also solving the problem of hunts being more attractive then fort wars =)

You can still get money from looting and questing.
Just that killing other players would not give any gold except if you are participating in a fort war.

07-20-2008, 04:58 PM
• Enhancements to the Realm versus Realm system (give purpose to the fort capture).
• Treasure system (War zone exploration).
:) If ngd doesn't say anything more, we will have to wait for these changes and see what happens :wish:

07-20-2008, 06:02 PM
Awd, I think we can solve two problems in one here.
Simply give gold only for fort wars and the problem is solved, while also solving the problem of hunts being more attractive then fort wars =)
you just made me slap myself :p
it would require different delimiters though, when would one be a part of a fort war? this part would have to be implemented in the system too

07-20-2008, 06:25 PM
Awd, I think we can solve two problems in one here.
Simply give gold only for fort wars and the problem is solved, while also solving the problem of hunts being more attractive then fort wars =)

But then how is my lvl 16 marksmen meant to earn money?

07-20-2008, 06:28 PM
But then how is my lvl 16 marksmen meant to earn money?I mean, you can still get money from looting and questing.
Just that killing other players would not give any gold except if you are participating in a fort war.

07-20-2008, 06:29 PM
i suport it if with promice, trading fasilitys and storages come soon. :thumb_up:

and true most ppl take gold for granted, but what will this do to those in wat that cant make money?


07-20-2008, 06:48 PM
I mean, you can still get money from looting and questing.
Just that killing other players would not give any gold except if you are participating in a fort war.

Oh I see!

Good idea :)

07-20-2008, 09:01 PM
In my direction this kind of action should not have been taken without something to back it up. Until there is an actual use for money, there is little done from changing it now.

At the moment I will expect players to scramble with whatever gold they actually had (this will result in players spending all they have now, and when the time comes for an actual use for gold no one will have a substanstial amount of gold to spend, this point we have already witnessed when the runestone quests were introduced, money was flying everywhere and people were wasting it, because there was nothing to do with it.)

In my opinion the direction this game takes with economy is very bad, there is little trading ingame itself, and what trading that actually does occur people take lightly and its done sloppy and unorganized.

"Hey want to buy these gloves with +7 strength?"

"Sure, ill give you 1M gold?"

"Nah, whats gold for anyway"

And I see NGD wants to correct that error, hopefully trading will be established in the future with the base of it being the change that happened here.

However there is still the problem of armour repair costs, personally I hate games with the stupid breaking item system, these systems are usually poorly made (and im sure NGD will adress Durability of armours and weapons, along with the "Breaking system" in coming updates)

A problem I see ingame is that there are too many merchants, its insane, and there are too many items (most of them are infact similar too) Its just a waste of space and memory, and id advise NGD to clean up items for sale aswell. There should be less merchants, and there should be more diversity,

Each realm should have its own unique items, (E.g, Alsuis armours should be more suited for a winter climate, and Ignis' should be made of lighter materials like cloth and thin plated armours.

Crafting will be introduced hopefully one day too, and there would be a use of loot from animals like furs from hyena,

Its all just a dream anyway.... waste of time typing when no one reads what I say :)

07-20-2008, 09:19 PM
The cost of arrows is STILL WAY TOO HIGH.

07-20-2008, 11:15 PM
if you want to keep the gold the way it is
AND still have commerce

you must lower the cost of arrows and repairs its just rediculous how much gold we've been losing in a day due to character upkeep. its going to get to where no one can kill anything or level up or go warring because all of their gear will be broken or they will be out of arrows

wheres the fun in a game you cant play?

07-20-2008, 11:19 PM
if you want to keep the gold the way it is
AND still have commerce

you must lower the cost of arrows and repairs its just rediculous how much gold we've been losing in a day due to character upkeep. its going to get to where no one can kill anything or level up or go warring because all of their gear will be broken or they will be out of arrows

wheres the fun in a game you cant play?

Very true, I am levelling my lvl 27 marksmen, and the cost of repairs and cost of the arrow/armor prices are to much for a archer to cope with, now you need to save enought money just to buy the things you gonna use, you cant buy armor every lvl now it seems or your gonna run out of gold quickly.

I wonder how other sub-classes feel about this.

Maybe NGD should lower the prices of arrow and armor and maybe implement a storage system or something.

07-20-2008, 11:49 PM
Well Iīm leveling a hunter and so far heīs 33.

And I am actually gaining some gold BUT, in order to do so I have to:
· Keep every fur, skin, hair, tooth, claw, whatever mobs drop and sell everything. Except special item drops that can be given away or used.
· No new bows (Although it should be possible to save enough for a new one every 3 levels or so).
· No new armor (except drops).
· No repairs.

Arrows are fine. I buy 2 to 2.5k of the best arrows every lvl. I havenīt repaired anything yet, though my repairs with the low lvl armor I got cost less than 25% of what I get for every sell.

You could argue that knights are doing a lot worse than any archer and you would be right. I just wanted to expose my case :)

07-20-2008, 11:59 PM
My concern is that certain classes will suffer more from this economy than others.

Mages pay less for equipment and repairs than archers and warriors.

Whilst gold was easily available that wasn't too big a problem.

Now i fear it will be...

07-21-2008, 12:13 AM
Anyone heard from Edge lately?

07-21-2008, 12:24 AM
Anyone heard from Edge lately?
Yes, his ideas about trading between players are interesting.

The trouble is that because of repair/equipment costs some classes will have more gold to trade with than others, and that's unfair.

I do believe that gold should be more scarce, coz as things were it was far too easy to obtain and therefore largely worthless.

Now that it is more scarce, it should be equally more scarce for all classes...

07-21-2008, 03:11 AM
I got an idea to make all classes equal concerning gold:

repairs, and arrows for free, archers can only carry a limited number of arrows. This just forces you to go to the merchant from time to time, making the merchant still a dangerous location.
low income like now
gold is only used for new equipment and maybe for other purposes that will come
cut the gold of all existing characters down to a reasonable value to adjust to the new system

07-21-2008, 07:07 AM
The Value of loot from monsters (Furs, Claws, etc) Should have a higher value. I imagine a system to coexist with a crafting system one day where it would take for example to make 1 Asthar's Breastplate 50 Hyena Fur and 5 iron chunks (Stuff like metals could be drops from Orc's and skeletons, etc) You would be able to craft the item yourself of course,

Then players would be selling things they make to merchants (specifically war merchants) There would be less merchants and less things to buy from them.

There would be a player market with the value of items like Hyena Fur fluctuating constantly. 100 gold today, 200 gold tommorow, 60 gold next day, etc.

I also had an idea of a premium item that would go along with crafting, if players made their own armours would be nice to add bonuses to them, (runes/insignias) the stuff we see now like +7 dex, anyway a premium item like that to take out the rune would be nice, then players would add it to the armour. But this is getting in the wrong direction.

My point is if players could do something with the loot they get... There would be another form of money.

07-21-2008, 08:56 AM
Awd, I think we can solve two problems in one here.
Simply give gold only for fort wars and the problem is solved, while also solving the problem of hunts being more attractive then fort wars =)

Why do you want to force other players to play another way they like?

I lag so much now. I can forget about forts.

07-21-2008, 08:57 AM
The cost of arrows is STILL WAY TOO HIGH.

yes totally right. Especially as a hunter with a fast bow.

07-21-2008, 03:33 PM
I think the change in gold is a bit extreme - needed, but not that this level.

07-21-2008, 07:18 PM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! You lower gold we get! do you know horrible that is to us archers???? Arrows cost alot! and If i cant pull money together to get it!!
I'll not be able to afford ARROWS!!!

PUT IT BACK!! :((((

07-21-2008, 09:54 PM
I thank people for stating the obvious, yes we know that prices are ridiclous, theres not much you can do about it except staying ontopic to the point of this thread.

07-21-2008, 09:58 PM
As I'm grinding through lvl 42 I am noticing that since some mobs drop either no trasure at all now like Great Leopards and some other mobs like weezles don't drop enough to pay for killing them. Levelers are now avoiding attacking these creatures.

They are following the money. Over the next few weeks It will be interesting to see how leveling behavior changes and players go for the money, as opposed to simply going for the mob with the highest experiance.

A question. It seems like my bow is wearing out more quickly now than in the past. Or is that just my perception now that money is tighter?

07-21-2008, 10:02 PM
As I'm grinding through lvl 42 I am noticing that since some mobs drop either no trasure at all now like Great Leopards and some other mobs like weezles don't drop enough to pay for killing them. Levelers are now avoiding attacking these creatures.

They are following the money. Over the next few weeks It will be interesting to see how leveling behavior changes and players go for the money, as opposed to simply going for the mob with the highest experiance.

A question. It seems like my bow is wearing out more quickly now than in the past. Or is that just my perception now that money is tighter?
You make a good point, mobs will become even harder to find now, and leveling spots will be crammed with people

07-21-2008, 11:40 PM
i got an idea. how about u make it so we can use all weapons and armor for any lvl. like the dragon wing bow can be used for all lvls make it so we look good and same for all the armor.:biggrin:

P.S if u whant to make the game really fun remove the fatigue so no 1 can complain

07-22-2008, 09:43 AM
Whats up with all these people who never post posting in here?

Are these the alts of some loser? :sleep_1:

07-22-2008, 01:57 PM
Yesterday I repaired my hunterīs items for 17k and Iīm still getting an economy growth. I belive itīs due to quests.

Iīm currently lvl 34 with 1,1 million or so. (most of it is money I was stacking before the update)

Iīll be gathering more detailed info on everyting I do and post it here.

07-22-2008, 02:06 PM
lvling with party yesterday i got around 80K XP and lvled (20K under 40% fatiuge ~.~) from what i sold compared to the repairs cost for it i was up by 20K only so if i had spent the day fighting then i would be down by around 70-80k luckly for me the clan armourys were stuffed with 42 knight gear :guitar:

only my legs and spear have no enchantment rest is mostly const +'s and one str + =D

07-22-2008, 03:30 PM
This is crazy...
My gloves break every 5min [50+dur]
and it costs 17K to repair them, cuz i gota fix EVERYTHING!
im loosing a whole chunk of money each time.

07-22-2008, 11:55 PM
This is crazy...
My gloves break every 5min [50+dur]
and it costs 17K to repair them, cuz i gota fix EVERYTHING!
im loosing a whole chunk of money each time.

lol i like my knight

i needed a weapon upgrade + repairs walked into town with 1.2mil
walked out with 800k

07-23-2008, 05:29 AM
Regnum Online economy enhancement project... If you really want to fix the economy then fix this.

Buying 2 of the same item you get charged for 3 if you add them one at a time.

If you add 1 more and we will use the number from the screen shot of 2454 the numbers doubles to 4908.

This is a very old bug and with "economy enhancement project" it has now become very important that you stop stealing from us.

07-23-2008, 11:15 AM
My understanding of this statement is:
"We'll cut mob dropped gold and price of other mob dropped items.
For those who fail into poverty, we'll soon introduce a nice Scroll of Gold in the premium section. Maybe we'll make some other improvment but in the very far future."
And this is fine by me. But why enclose it in such a bunch of marketing bloat.
I'd like you NDG to write straight.

07-23-2008, 01:35 PM
Regnum Online economy enhancement project... If you really want to fix the economy then fix this.

Buying 2 of the same item you get charged for 3 if you add them one at a time.

If you add 1 more and we will use the number from the screen shot of 2454 the numbers doubles to 4908.

This is a very old bug and with "economy enhancement project" it has now become very important that you stop stealing from us.
It's only visual. The correct amount of gold is still deduced.

07-24-2008, 09:15 PM
so if you're going to make a scroll of gold in the premium section
and leave the drops the same
i miss where this game is staying free to play

oh yes you can infact play the game for free until you need more arrows
or a new piece of gear or even maybe a few repairs

07-25-2008, 03:23 AM
The RO economy sucks. My repairs are killing me. I'm a lvl 16 Marksman and I only have 70k. At this level I would at the very LEAST have 120k. And repairs suck, especially for knights.

Please NGD, atleast increase drop rates and the amount they cost so when we sell we get good money, not 26 gold for something we got.


07-25-2008, 07:43 AM
After leveling and war my repairs were worth around 100k while i sold all the stuff i got for 6...economy!

07-25-2008, 08:40 AM
Hmmm i cant complain with my Conjuror. Its harder to get money, but my gold increases. But yeah... i am talking about repaircosts of 4-6k after a big fight ;).
So i can understand the offensive classes, that its hard to get the money they need.
Tip: Level with a conjuror and remove all armor. Then you have less repaircosts.

07-25-2008, 09:16 AM
i know but there aint always a conju around,and i dont want to war naked:sifflote:

07-25-2008, 12:55 PM
the gold problem sucks.
i have four classes i randomly play
Hunter Lvl 42. Marks lvl 35 Knight Lvl 36 and Warlock Lvl 31.
and im always moving gold around to each of them....i had about 6mil before the update....but ive been lvling all of them..mostly my knight and my hunter....and i only have about 900k and thats thanks to my friends....either raise the gold bak up...or lower the repairs...
ill go for anyone at this point......

07-25-2008, 02:59 PM
Yeah, I mean, with this stupid economy in play, how are you suppose to war effectedly?? I just don't see a way. Please NGD, fix this problem, and fast.


07-25-2008, 07:05 PM
If you want an economy then the shops need a work over we are charged massive ammounts for armour then get next to nothing when we sell it back...

also 55K repairs after 4 hours grind and 60K worth of drops...

so if i had been waring/hunting or whatever then i would have lost a lot of money...

Im sorry but for an economy to work players need to be buying and selling items and that just very rarely happens since the only items worth selling are stat booster items which we normaly get free from other clan members or freinds...

07-25-2008, 08:45 PM
If you want an economy then the shops need a work over we are charged massive ammounts for armour then get next to nothing when we sell it back...

also 55K repairs after 4 hours grind and 60K worth of drops...

so if i had been waring/hunting or whatever then i would have lost a lot of money...

Im sorry but for an economy to work players need to be buying and selling items and that just very rarely happens since the only items worth selling are stat booster items which we normaly get free from other clan members or freinds...
I totally agree with you pelnil. Atleast raise the drop rates and the amount that the drops cost! We put in our time and effort and all we gain is a couple gold pieces! I doubt people War Zone alot anymore because of this, wasn't your goal to make Warzone more appealing? Lol.

07-26-2008, 12:51 PM
Decrease the arrow costs. They are unbelievable high now.

07-26-2008, 01:37 PM
Decrease the arrow costs. They are unbelievable high now. they've already been decreased once :) but [***].

I like it the way it is now, but I would like to focus more on the primary meaning of this game, the war zone, forts etc. etc. instead of trying to limit people's gold, imo it seems to me like a waste of time which could have been used better

07-26-2008, 01:49 PM
yeah good point Hydroxidee they are makeing forts important and tresure hunts ect to make the warzone seem more appealing yet if we all go broke off useing it then well thats another story...

especialy for lvl 50's who spend most of there time pvping in the WZ and imo should only ever want to touch a mob to look for drops or help lower lvls train

08-01-2008, 11:05 PM
How about this...instead of just lowering the gold intake (hopefully to an appropriate standard), you raise the amount of xp you achieve from a quest in the higher levels? Because grinding SUCKS. I doubt there are many MMO's out there who have a game system where players have to start experience grinding before they are barely half way to the maximum level.
Fine, lower the gold intake as I agree its way too high and if Regnum was reality, the economy would be dead. But make some more quests to keep us happy and active. Thats what you wanted in the first post, right? ;) If youre worried about players getting to level 50 too fast, then rest assured many of us arent hardcore non-stop regnum addicts.

08-02-2008, 04:57 AM
no! no! and noo! i dont want to have to worry about money, i dont want to grind with no armour and only ever with a conju helping to cut costs, i dont want to spend hours killing 0 XP mombs to get money! no! no! NO!

part of the reason i left runescape is because it would take days to save up money for the best armour you can use and it was so massivly boreing to do so, in regnum i like not worrying about money all the time.

lowering gold amounts and makeing it expensive to lvl and makeing everyone broke wont help at all there is no way that i will EVER agree with this

it wont be! commerce is a boreing time consuming frustrateing thing in allmost every MMO i have played partly because to get a decent price for anything special you need to stand in a crouded area for 5 hours saying.
"selling bla bla with +5 bla for bla bla gold"

i want gold to be easy hell i wouldent care less if everything was made free! (which it mostly is anyway but meh) i like it how it is without any changes.

i agree this is partly why i play the game.......nothing i would want to change exept i want more quests

08-03-2008, 09:25 PM
If youre worried about players getting to level 50 too fast, then rest assured many of us arent hardcore non-stop regnum addicts.

since easter to reach 42 (XD) so when i found out about fatiuge and the XP changes a month or so ago i was rather annoyed :)

08-04-2008, 10:33 AM
since easter to reach 42 (XD) so when i found out about fatiuge and the XP changes a month or so ago i was rather annoyed :)

See, even the players who are trying their best all the time to get to lvl 50 fast are still taking months XD there are stories (probably true) of fast-levelling players, but I suppose they had a lot of backup, premium scrolls and help to do that. Normal players do not.

08-09-2008, 02:48 PM
regnum economy enhancement project? I'm starting to feel it now and it's too excessive.

Loot has been cut down.
selling prices has been cut down.

On top of this NGD will start taking gold for changing builds.
This will get critical for conjurers and hunters
if a hunter needs a new pet he has to reset and put points into this pet, he also needs to buy arrows. One reset a day isn't really enough.
It's hard as ever gaining money now, only quests really gives you that opportunity, so what about new level 50 players?

Do they want to do pve again? I certainly don't >_< I don't want to be forced to pve, please, put it back to where it was before

08-09-2008, 03:20 PM
regnum economy enhancement project? I'm starting to feel it now and it's too excessive.

Loot has been cut down.
selling prices has been cut down.

On top of this NGD will start taking gold for changing builds.
This will get critical for conjurers and hunters
if a hunter needs a new pet he has to reset and put points into this pet, he also needs to buy arrows. One reset a day isn't really enough.
It's hard as ever gaining money now, only quests really gives you that opportunity, so what about new level 50 players?

Do they want to do pve again? I certainly don't >_< I don't want to be forced to pve, please, put it back to where it was before

With all due respect, you are more conservative then my grandmother!...

I do agree that lvl 50 players should have alternative ways of raising money others then PvE, this IS a war game... pay them a "mercenary salary" of sorts.

My suggestion is, make an instant cast (area spell) around a fort x time after it has been taken that affects realm players that are near it (realm enemy players only). This would provide a good incentive to forts capture and the necessary gold that lvl 50 players need to finance their expenses.

But this is just an idea, what I don't find is a particular amusement in asking to make the world how it was 10 years ago...

08-10-2008, 11:37 AM
With all due respect, you are more conservative then my grandmother!...

I do agree that lvl 50 players should have alternative ways of raising money others then PvE, this IS a war game... pay them a "mercenary salary" of sorts.

My suggestion is, make an instant cast (area spell) around a fort x time after it has been taken that affects realm players that are near it (realm enemy players only). This would provide a good incentive to forts capture and the necessary gold that lvl 50 players need to finance their expenses.

But this is just an idea, what I don't find is a particular amusement in asking to make the world how it was 10 years ago...
what about people levelling? You should see lower levels on horus atm.

08-10-2008, 01:05 PM
what about people levelling? You should see lower levels on horus atm.
/me <-- 15 knight on horus has only ever brought 4 wepons and 2 armour sets since lvl 1, never repaired done about 70% of the quests, current cash flow = 15K~ >.<

(god damn it)

08-10-2008, 09:11 PM
im with u awd its not right to take away the reset powers and i dont like the way that ngd made the cash flow eather im not getting good money nor exp so its just a waste of time:rale:

08-10-2008, 10:15 PM
The price of arrows is still WAY too much.

70k gold for 5000 arrows? WTF...

08-10-2008, 10:26 PM
The price of arrows is still WAY too much.

70k gold for 5000 arrows? WTF...

I think you mean a display bug, it says 70k gold but you pay a lot less for them.


Just check the amout of gold you pay, its never the amout the window says, its a lot less.

08-17-2008, 10:31 AM
It's true that this is going bad. Currently I'm losing money rapidly.
I can train without my armour, or let it break. However, for a Xymerald bow is such a thing not really a good idea. They don't grow at trees.

I've dropped more than 100k within one level. I though the level of gold you have was supposed to raise every level, or at least stay the same since weapons, arrows and repair costs are higher too. Currently I pay 4 gold per arrow. I need about 5000 arrows for training alone per level. Currently the repair costs exceed the income from loot. I know I should train without armour to fix that, but that would increase the time I need to train. I already train slow so that would make things even worse.
I use reset_powers at least once a level to adapt my setup for the new pet. Sometimes more since a training setup isn't always good for war. Pets still die way too fast in fort wars(Not that I want them to be stronger, I'd just like to have more control). If I would have to pay gold for that too, I'd end up with the initiation bow I luckily still have. That won't last forever either.

I don't blame for NGD for wanting to restore the economy, I agree with them that the inflation was too high. However, if they won't change the way things currently are I think a lot of players will have trouble getting enough money. Archers can fight without arrows; not all spells require arrows. This is of course not the way we're meant to fight. We do need gold to buy arrows though, and please something better than the ones you get at level 6.

I did hear somewhere that the current state is just temporally to increase the value of gold. If this is true, I hope that NGD won't wait until we're all broke.

08-17-2008, 10:56 AM
Ok, Here is my take on the current economy situation. I have enough money between all of my 50's on RA that I am ok for a very long time. Point closed

I started on the Horus server because it's all English, and many people know I liked leveling. I am not saying I am staying there, but that is beside the point.

Anyways, I have about 1.2 million gold at the moment and have done all the quest, but I think 7 of them that I still have to find. I have bought one set of armor at lvl 35, and two bows TOTAL! Thank god Plover found me an awesome lvl 33 xim bow that lasted me all the way till lvl 40. I am now using a bow that will last me till 45, and then I will buy ONE bow at level 50 if the economy is still in this current state. I am forced to wear my bloodskin armor all the way till lvl 50 because I refuse to spend money on armor as there is not much war right now, and I don't get hit while leveling. I can counteract this by using acrobatic, and a high level strategic position along with lvl 1 evasive tactics.

The thing that gets me is that I have not paid for repairs one time because I use the repair hammer lol, but arrows kill me. I know it is just going to get worse at 50 too because I calculated the price for a bow and armor for level 50, and that is probably going to leave me with 700k for arrows. Which I guess that will be ok for about a month and then I am broke woot!

Saying all this to say that I do like certain aspects of the new economy because it teaches you to be ultra conservative; basically scrouge like, but we have to have some way to make money. I would love if there was a way to somehow convert the enviroment into gold. I don't know how, but I think it should be fun, and I think it should be a team effort.

SOMETHING has to be changed, because I know how much money archers spend for arrows after 50. I really do feel sorry for knights, and I doubt we see many in the new horus server. I guess thats going to be good for area spells not resisting, but I think it is truly way too drastic if there are not other methods in place to raise gold.

For god's sake at least raise the price of loot when we sell it, and an increase in drop rate would be nice; since I never ever get drops for some reason. Of course if I do they are for a knight or mage. :(

08-17-2008, 11:22 AM
I think the armor repairs, armor costs and weapon costs should be decreased too so you can chose not to quest and still have enough money for repairs.

This way anyone won't go around with 2 million gold like it was before.

but I also think the state of the economy should be reverted what it was before until the complete economy package is here, it just hurts things on horus.

08-17-2008, 04:51 PM
What a joke. This screen shot says it all...

"I risked my life against the mighty dragon for these?"

08-17-2008, 05:26 PM
What a joke. This screen shot says it all...

"I risked my life against the mighty dragon for these?"
Yes, the value of boss loots really needs to be increased hundreds of times over. Surely Vesper's Quartz should be worth thousands? It's an extremely rare jewel dropped from the Dragon Queen.

It really is a joke that bosses are worth so little to kill these days, unless you are lucky enough to get a drop.


08-17-2008, 07:05 PM
i have no possibilities to increase my amount of money with this rewards, loot from monsters are less then the cost of the arrows i used to kill them, how should i play?

same thing with my new character i am using xp boosters but i will reach level 50 with no money to buy armor and weapons.

please fix the loot.
or introduce the possibility to buy gold with ximerin because soon i, and many other players that prefer to play RO instead of Monopoly, couldn't repair and buy arrows anymore.


08-19-2008, 06:36 AM
I would agree to lowering gold income if you can do something useful with it, that is something which does not fall into the category "pay gold to keep things running" like repairs. On the other hand I really don't care, got almost 8 M on the conju and repairs don't cost so much. Actually I never got any serious income since I reached lv 50. And the money I got is enough for the next 10 years I guess. :metal:
But for new players? A warrior weapon alone costs sth like 300k on high lv, and to be effective with grinding it is common to change it every level even if the difference is only very small. How are people supposed to pay this. Let me make a suggestion: Make it possible to bet/invest money on things like:

1.) how long is the max. time Ignis can hold Aggers the next 24 h/ how short is the shortest time Alsius can hold herb/samal, the closest guess wins the pot
2.) if you are able to contribute to a certain number of kills in a certain time limit, the money doubles
3.) get some money from fort captures and from guards!!! and a bit more from castles. Like this, lower lv ppl who need money will fight for the castles and as the fight gets bigger, higher lv ppl will be dragged into it.
4.) gambling at the merchant (sth like in Diablo :p ) and other kind of investments (maybe some kind of gold to xym and xym to gold trade?)

Nice idea, i really agree with that. That seriously will make the game intresting and it probly will also make taking over forts very popular, right now in Horus all i see is around 2 forts taking over per day or sumthin like that. But there may be a negative because if everyone is all gambling for who ever holds the fort longest gets gold, well then almost every single high level person are going to go and help defence the fort, so Back inside each realm low level people training might be deserted and new players joining the game might think that no one plays this game and leaves.. hmm over all i think its a good idea and we should just try it.
Also since i want NGD to get some profit, yes you heard me. Maybe make some bets cost Xymerins or wateva there called and make it that The xymerin tickets you buy get more money if you win or something like that. I want to see NGD get rich and become a huge company. But i hope they dont become like money sucking Blizzard who makes people pay around $15-20 a month (im not sure i dont play it) which would seriously piss me off.

08-22-2008, 08:52 AM
http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/6678/screenshot2008082120121an1.th.jpg (http://img255.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot2008082120121an1.jpg)

Lvling hour or two, maybe more, not sure, at Jabe. Lvling with support conjurer and hunter. Usually dropping cyclos from distance, lets say every forth cyclo hits me.
There were also 2 times Ignis party, no barbs (maybe was one at first). First party was ~50s, second one 4 unranked players.
I didnt repair during all that leveling till I hit central save. Repair cost: 42850. (screenshot)
Now, cyclo doesnt give any loot, no eye, leg, hand or anything to sell. By that cyclo, I mean Elite Cyclops Warrior. Only Cyclops Warrior Master drops stuff like that: eye, Gold Ingot etc, but not always. And they are hard or very hard. First ones are yellow.
Anyway, after selling all and repairing, my money amount is decreased. Not to mention that for buying arrows that I ve spent, I need to spend additional amount of money.
During leveling, i ve found 2 drops, usual crap, that helped me decrease a bit difference btw repair cost and money earned. (one drop sold, other kept).

I tested also alone a little:
I ve killed alone 12 Elite Cyclops Warriors. Maybe 4 hit me, other have been killed before they reached me.
9/12 cyclos gave me gold, total 1024 gold (127, 100, 112, 119, 118, 107, 121, 110, 110). Repair cost was 3280.
For every cyclo I ve used spells and 2-3 normal hits. So lets say I ve used 36 arrows.
Viper arrow (pack of 50) costs 679 gold.
3280+488 (arrows)-1024=2744 additional money spent, no income.
Just without arrows: 2256.

Playing for realm part:
repair cost after every fort battle is 3k-6k. Depends on duration of battle, and participants, it can be higher. (recently ~1h war cost 40k if I remember correctly).
Lvl 50 doesnt have income in gold. He doesnt receive gold for his job, killing enemies.
He needs to grind. Looking at previous grind analysis, I really dont see any balance in economy EXCEPT buying premium item Repair hammer. I believe its part of balance, to push bit selling of those hammers, because that item wasnt wanted at all, and now will be ace. I understand that it should be done all that all products offered to player should be useful and wanted, but in borders of normal. Current state of economy is leading to destruction. At one point (it can be calculated when), I will, for example, spent all my money for fighting for realm, and wont be able to buy arrows. Grinding for money is also not good solution, as we can see above (2nd test). There should be alternative left for those who doesnt play with Ximerin and are not able to buy Repair hammer.
I believe you ll fix this state soon.
I will these days provide better tests with screenshots and all calculations. I m not 100% sure that in test 2 I repaired before I started test. I ll pay on that attention next time when I ll be doing test.

08-22-2008, 11:07 AM
The scarcety of gold is creating another problem:

There are more players begging for gold.

It's bad enough getting requests when you go into town.

But now i'm getting people chatting me and requesting gold.

I think they look in the wealth rankings to see who has plenty of gold, then chat you in-game...

08-22-2008, 11:34 AM
You know whats really bad...?

We have been complaining about the cost of arrows, the lack of loot, the repair costs, roughly for a month now. Have we heard ANYTHING from Ngd? Any "we will try and fix this" or "we see your point, it has been notified". Heck, not even a "we will not change a thing"?

Not a sausage. I could be clearly wrong when I say this, but I havent heard Ngd say anything on the forums about how they will drop arrow costs or increase loots.
Is it gonna be another of those cases where they change something in the game without giving an official update? Like the backwards walking?
Could be.

I think its time that Ngd comes out of the shadows and gives us some sort of message which relates to our feedback.

08-22-2008, 04:49 PM
I had to pay 100,000 gold in repairs after leveling my Hunter to 49. That was nearly all of my profits. It's a good thing I wear armor with bonuses and didn't have to buy anything from the store except a new helm.


08-22-2008, 07:04 PM
Edge has 115k

Isnt it glorious XD?

08-22-2008, 08:00 PM
GoS has 2.43 million... it's all leftover from before "ecomony enhancement"
Isn't not leveling wonderful?!

08-26-2008, 07:31 PM

A simple fix that would the economy and game as a whole much better would be rare drops from mobs. Keep the common weapons and armor that merchants sell in town, but give some mobs the ability to drop rare items. These rare item drops will not only be a fun incentive for players to group and go on mob runs, but rare items will also be great for the economy.

08-26-2008, 07:35 PM

A simple fix that would the economy and game as a whole much better would be rare drops from mobs. Keep the common weapons and armor that merchants sell in town, but give some mobs the ability to drop rare items. These rare item drops will not only be a fun incentive for players to group and go on mob runs, but rare items will also be great for the economy.This already exists

08-26-2008, 08:31 PM
You know whats really bad...?

We have been complaining about the cost of arrows, the lack of loot, the repair costs, roughly for a month now. Have we heard ANYTHING from Ngd? Any "we will try and fix this" or "we see your point, it has been notified". Heck, not even a "we will not change a thing"?

Not a sausage. I could be clearly wrong when I say this, but I havent heard Ngd say anything on the forums about how they will drop arrow costs or increase loots.
Is it gonna be another of those cases where they change something in the game without giving an official update? Like the backwards walking?
Could be.

I think its time that Ngd comes out of the shadows and gives us some sort of message which relates to our feedback.

uhm....check out this:


Hi Community,

We are going to analyze if it's viable to modify the repairing costs. This is not a promise, it's just to let you know that we are aware of this problem and we will check it.
