View Full Version : Advice to those starting a new clan

07-17-2008, 01:44 PM
~ Advice To Those Starting A New Clan ~

New clans constantly appear in each of the three realms on a daily basis. I thought it might be useful if the more experienced of us might share what it takes to form a clan, and then keep it going. This might encourage potential new founders to put a little more thought into their plans, and create a number of more permanent and successful clans in the land.

I encourage any clan founders who have had some experience to share what they have learnt.

07-17-2008, 01:46 PM
~The Company of Ghosts ~

It has almost been a year since the formation of the Ghosts, throughout that time we have had countless victories, losses, laughs and disappointments. The heart of our success I believe is owed to the fact we are individuals, and we are few. Many clans take the approach of numbers and rank, like an army. My time prior to the company as Dark Order in the Darkside, taught me that though that can work, and surely has benefits, it didn't suit my nature. The idea for the company was formed on a scrap of parchment whilst I drank at a bar, so not the most elaborate planning, but a plan nonetheless. Once I had written "The Company of Ghosts", it shone out from all the other half legible ideas, and the rest came quickly after.

"We are a group of individuals quite unlike any other to rise from the sands of Ignis. We do not seek to acquire countless members, or flaunt our tales of success. We do not prize any of our members unfairly above others, holding them so high in esteem as to discourage those who would follow in their footsteps. We do not hoard our wealth and resources in such a way that it merely gathers dust instead of serving a useful purpose. We value each member of our group in light of what they might become in time. A fellow member you save from the clutches of death on one occasion may well save your skin sometime in the future. We are the elusive thorn in our enemies side, stealth, intelligence and cooperation separating us from the numerous mercenary hordes. Many legions have fallen, entire armies have disbanded, but we continue to fight on, and always will."

(Ghost Handbook, Chapter I: About The Company)

~ The Legacy of The Company ~

From the day the company was formed I kept a journal, so those who were there at the beginning, and those who might join us along the way could look back on what we had achieved, and the difficulties we had faced. I often look back on it myself when morale is low, and I'm finding it difficult to summon the energy to fight on. Every time I read through the pages I'm reminded of all that has happened, involving members past and present, and I'm filled with new enthusiasm. It also serves as a record to see where you have gone wrong from time to time, made bad decisions, where you could have tried harder, or taken a different approach to a problem.

"Late today, myself, Sage Incorporeal Yossarian, and one of our newer guests Mersault tested the approach plan for an assault on Herbred Fort. This target lies in the south west of the war zone in Syrtis territory. Although I will not elaborate on the specific details of the route here, it utilised low lands for cover from enemy patrols, and avoided roads to minimise the chances of being ambushed. We successfully reached the target undetected, greatly assisted by the tracking and enemy detection skills of Mersault. I intend to organise several more reconnaissance exercises such as this whilst we gather the members and skills necessary to launch an actual attack. I'd like to thank both Sage Incorporeal Yossarian and Mersault for their assistance."

(Company Journal, 19 October 2007: The Approach To Herbred Fort)

07-17-2008, 01:49 PM
i would SAY DONT DO IT...unless you have a reason and experiance.

im glad it costs more, to many noobs making clans. i would say just join one get good then if criteria meet make one.

07-17-2008, 02:01 PM
I belive with the new costs and the new adjustment to economics we are goint to see a lot more "serious" clans rather than a whole lot of clans that are made just for kicks.

I´m actually liking these changes...

07-17-2008, 02:14 PM
About Flame of Valhalla

Valhalla was founded in April year 2007, and at this time it was named Valhalla Freedom Fighters.
At this time, The Thugsters was the only clan dedicated to English members in the whole game.

Valhalla Freedom Fighters was initially meant to be a Swedish only clan, but since we could not find enough members we had to recruit Kurunir (also known as Grimbald).

We did not want to steal members from The Thugsters, we wanted an own goal to strive against and so the idea was born to create an "elite" clan, dedicated to Warzone and active players. Our motto is "Quality - not quantity"

Since this time, much have changed, everything from members to thoughts about how the clan should be maintained.
A few members still remain since the old good time, but we are few :)

My tip to new clan creators

Do never create a clan if you do not have any special reasons to do it.
It might be better to help improve the already existing clans.

If you still want to create a clan, wait until you've earned more experience in the game so you can learn new clan members what is important in the game.

07-17-2008, 03:44 PM
I say don't listen to anyone about this. Make a clan if you think it will add to making the game fun for you. All the rest about too many noob clan and needing some elaborate plan is all B.S. Any new players/clans will learn, just like the ones did preaching about noobs, by playing the game.

If in the end it does not work and your clan falls apart what have you lost nothing but some fake money and some in-game effort to form then clan.

07-17-2008, 04:39 PM
About Alsius Hunters
Alsius Hunters was formed by Wudy and Compoundious beginning of 2008. The clan was named such to indicate the class recruited into the clan and the major purpose of the clan, to hunt. There are no ranks in the clan as all are equals. As a clan we feel it is our duty to:

Keep Alsius clean of intruders - speed, tracking, and stalking provides the ability to do this.
Retaliate against the realms we encounter by causing havoc and chaos amongst their levelers or whomever we may find.

Our Creed
Help all realm-mates at all costs. Dying for your realm or the protection of others is honorable. Fight to the last man standing.

Our Requiremenst for Entry
This is simple, join us in protecting Alsius or on a hunt. We must see what kind of hunter you are and what you are made of. Many hunters are the "fleeing" type and we must be able to count on you in the heat of battle.

Clan Recruiters
Wudy (Founder lvl 50 Hunter)
Compoundious (lvl 50 Hunter)
Jedi-x (lvl 50 Hunter)

My Suggestion about creating a clan
IMO, creating a clan shouldn't be taken lightly. Be mindful of your clan's purpose in the realm.

07-17-2008, 06:24 PM
Rule 1) Have a strong leader, It's a benevolent dictatorship not a democracy (This is where I have failed many a time)
Rule 2) Screen recruits thoroughly
Rule 3) Be VERY selective on who you give recruiting powers to

07-18-2008, 11:44 PM
About The White Company

TWC was created in December of 2007. At the time there were three large english speaking clans in Syrtis: Inquisition, OoD, and GoP. Before I created this clan I was a member of all three and crafted a clan that would be different than what the others were offering. TWC is still different in two specific ways: regular clan actions, task based clan ranking.

What others have said is good advise. My two cents: have a reason to exist. Being a clan leader is not easy. Be ready to put others before yourself.

Mission Statement:

To create a fun and engaging clan environment to play in, to experiment with a new scheme for rank advancement, and to generate a new strategy for the warzone.

Code of Conduct

1. Respect: in a game and forum environment that can be at times contentious, as clan members we need to treat each other with respect. We need to also afford similar courtesy to others we interact with in Syrtis and also among those from other realms.
2. Language: part of being respectful is to refrain from using foul language toward each other. Being abusive toward your clan mates in chat, forum, or PM should never occur.
3. Wisdom: aiding lower level players is one of the missions of the White Company, answering questions, assisting on quests with advice and reasonably helping others advance in rank is the responsibility of all clan members.
4. Save and Gate Camping: camping will not be tolerated. The White Company defines camping as loitering in the area of a save or gate for more than a minute. Members will be expelled for doing so.
5. Mercy: White Company clan members are charged to not attack an unarmed enemy, those resting, or those who bow to us without attacking either ourselves or others in the area.

07-19-2008, 05:33 AM
I say don't listen to anyone about this. Make a clan if you think it will add to making the game fun for you. All the rest about too many noob clan and needing some elaborate plan is all B.S. Any new players/clans will learn, just like the ones did preaching about noobs, by playing the game.

If in the end it does not work and your clan falls apart what have you lost nothing but some fake money and some in-game effort to form then clan.

I was thinking of this actually. Just don't want to say out loud. But I agree. I think Regnum is not limited to only strong clans and forget the fun of looking for members to build a clan, keeping it, even failing to do so. Those are what we call experiences. We don't gain experience by being commanded left and right to do this and do that. After all, isn't this a game? Do whatever you wish, I would say. I always keep it to myself that I came from level 1 too. Everything was new and everything was exciting. And if creating a new clan of my own adds to that, so be it. It shouldn't matter whether the player is a newbie or not. Sometimes I even think that NGD has forgotten this fact.

Then again, I didn't build a clan of my own. But this has been my thoughts since the start.

07-19-2008, 08:16 AM
Yes I agreed with Tyr but last time my post was deleted. So I agree again.

07-19-2008, 11:09 AM
I say don't listen to anyone about this. Make a clan if you think it will add to making the game fun for you. All the rest about too many noob clan and needing some elaborate plan is all B.S. Any new players/clans will learn, just like the ones did preaching about noobs, by playing the game.

If in the end it does not work and your clan falls apart what have you lost nothing but some fake money and some in-game effort to form then clan.

I agree what a thread waste...if wanna learn about the clans that have already listed here...look here...


Clans... you learn from experience, it helps if your a good leader..some clan leaders dont know how to, and that you make recruits feel as welcome as possible. My clan members were picked for the sole reason that i like them...and i have some cool people in my clan...Mage Pegusas, Dunmer, The Hunter is Here, Zik Tyro, Swanky, Boukarou, Battle Angel Alita, Esp Tupac and Instrument of Death..all of these characters are lvl 50(with the exception of hunter who is getting close and we all know dunmer dont play :( xD)...and im very very proud of all of them. Thats why were gonna do so well..because we all work well together its very important..to put it simply..im a lucky woman...to have found such great people to play with.. thanxs DoG's xDDDDDDDDD

07-19-2008, 11:56 AM
I agree what a thread waste...if wanna learn about the clans that have already listed here...look here...


Clans... you learn from experience, it helps if your a good leader..some clan leaders dont know how to, and that you make recruits feel as welcome as possible. My clan members were picked for the sole reason that i like them...and i have some cool people in my clan...Mage Pegusas, Dunmer, The Hunter is Here, Zik Tyro, Swanky, Boukarou, Battle Angel Alita, Esp Tupac and Instrument of Death..all of these characters are lvl 50(with the exception of hunter who is getting close and we all know dunmer dont play :( xD)...and im very very proud of all of them. Thats why were gonna do so well..because we all work well together its very important..to put it simply..im a lucky woman...to have found such great people to play with.. thanxs DoG's xDDDDDDDDD

RIGHT ON. its all about having teamwork and planning events. planning events like arena nights, and wz nights rlly help ur clan members become more active and are more lickly to stay on and play. having a clan is one thin. knowing how to make it work is another!>!

07-19-2008, 12:20 PM
Comp and i simply wanted to start a small, friendly hunter-only clan for co-ordinated hunts and harassing of the enemy.

We also spend a lot of time patrolling Alsius for intruders.

Whatever the reason for starting a new clan, i see no reason for restrictions.

It's a game for fun after all.

Tho i must say i'm glad that the 2-mil fee was imposed after we started our clan...:biggrin:

07-19-2008, 04:42 PM
another thing......

i noticed to many pt clans that im giving up, the bad thing is that they have no experiance and mess up ass a clan NEVER learning. i mean comon u can point them out away from the realm and they never or rarely talk out side clan; u see them dying and ppl screaming at them to come back.

i know very well how its like to be in that position since i was most WZ experianced in a PT clan i was in during the gigo PTness era but i was alone and lisened to general chat eventualy. now its like 500 ppl and one of the first clans i was in the leader was lvl 19 and just balred out to everyone to get to WZ make the clan RPs. i rarely saw him but he didnt care anything, all he wanted was the whole clan in WZ and flw him not anything else and soon they got nicknames for other forts and realms so when ppl said stone they had no idea.

due to the leaders absense the clan is disbanded, but some of these players are still not acostumed to being in WZ. my opinion is do not isolate your clan from the realm, thats what many ppl end up doing then they whine about how unorganized the realm is...its because we speak a diferent version of the same languege, the same thing diferent names.

07-19-2008, 04:57 PM
Making a clan looks like a great idea, you always come up with an idea and everything. Then I realize all the work that I would need to do.

07-20-2008, 10:06 PM
I agree what a thread waste...if wanna learn about the clans that have already listed here...look here...


That's a great thread regarding learning about the other clans already established, so you can learn about them and find one you might like to join. I'd heartily recommend it for that purpose.

Given this thread was about giving advice to those wanting to start new clans, based on the experience of those who already have established clans, I don't personally see it as a waste in that respect. I acknowledge some people have mostly posted information about their clan, and not so much advice on starting or maintaining a clan. I guess they have as much right to do that as people have a right to be negative about this thread for no real community gain.

Clans... you learn from experience...

I quite agree, hence why it might be helpful if experienced clan leaders shared said experience with those who have none.

07-23-2008, 12:35 AM
OK, here is a little more than my earlier advertisement. And actually something I'm still struggling with.

Which is once you created the clan...keeping it going is the hard part.

As a clan leader you have to realize that you can't be all things to all people. And ultimately some people will get mad or bored or apethetic or may change their toughts about the game and decide to leave your clan or the game entirely. I think this may be true particularly for clans that mass recruit rather than those that select specific high level individuals.

For a time I took it personally when someone left the clan or when a clan member left the game. But ultimately people will be people and do what they want to do. As a clan leader you set the tone and create the culture of your clan. Hopefully other people will like it.

I think many clans have a life cycle. At least two of the clans I have been in have experianced this pattern.

1 Starting out: the clan is created and you have a few members who are dedicated and things are great.

2. Maturation: your clan is growing, there are some personality conflicts and some members are in the warzone and things are pretty good.

3. Now what: some of your old long standing or origional members have gone others have left the clan and the question comes up "now what?"

At the third stage there is some soul searching. For the clan leader it is gut check time. And it usually happens around your third or fourth month of existance. Lots of clans dissolve around this time. If you can survive the "Now What" usually the clan simply matures and continues to grow and has a reson to exist. Others simply fall away. And this doesn't happen just once but comes in cycles as members join grow and eventually leave the game.

I am in favor of the 2 million gold limit. I think this will require most people to pool resources to start a clan, as opposed to relying on a single person's to begin.

07-23-2008, 12:45 AM
OK, here is a little more than my earlier advertisement. And actually something I'm still struggling with.

Which is once you created the clan...keeping it going is the hard part.

As a clan leader you have to realize that you can't be all things to all people. And ultimately some people will get mad or bored or apethetic or may change their toughts about the game and decide to leave your clan or the game entirely. I think this may be true particularly for clans that mass recruit rather than those that select specific high level individuals.

For a time I took it personally when someone left the clan or when a clan member left the game. But ultimately people will be people and do what they want to do. As a clan leader you set the tone and create the culture of your clan. Hopefully other people will like it.

I think many clans have a life cycle. At least two of the clans I have been in have experianced this pattern.

1 Starting out: the clan is created and you have a few members who are dedicated and things are great.

2. Maturation: your clan is growing, there are some personality conflicts and some members are in the warzone and things are pretty good.

3. Now what: some of your old long standing or origional members have gone others have left the clan and the question comes up "now what?"

At the third stage there is some soul searching. For the clan leader it is gut check time. And it usually happens around your third or fourth month of existance. Lots of clans dissolve around this time. If you can survive the "Now What" usually the clan simply matures and continues to grow and has a reson to exist. Others simply fall away. And this doesn't happen just once but comes in cycles as members join grow and eventually leave the game.

I am in favor of the 2 million gold limit. I think this will require most people to pool resources to start a clan, as opposed to relying on a single person's to begin.

i failed in the 3rd part :(

-many ppl rarely play
-masively recruiting unactive members desperatly
-old members quiting

well i fucked up...now the old members are back and i have to tell storys, some times i regret it and pisses me of to be a clan founduer in experimental :( :fury: . but what made me quit was the lack of taking orders...i wanted to feel like the one having to lisen to some one else instead of saying stuff.

this is more of a :wub2: mesege from clan fondus to members, its ok to boss us sometimes....in my case i would had apreciated.

son clan members if u wana save ur clan, sometimes its you that take charge...because fonduerrs didnt make the clan the members did

07-23-2008, 10:56 AM
Gigo sometimes you speak a world of truth in one sentence. That last sentence in your post is one of those.

Look after your clan members and encourage them. I am not a clan founder or leader but am a proud (and very encouraged member) of The White Company. Our founder Ulixes never fails to concern himself with the problems his members may be having.

Sometimes it might seem like too much effort but if you start a clan thats part of the responsiblities you take on. So think very hard about it before you do.

You have to remember that there are people behind the names and most join without knowing what the clan is all about. Have a set policy of conduct and stick to the penalties. Ranks give a sense of achievement to those who attain them.

Clan members also have a responsibility when they join a clan. If you have a beef with another member try and sort it out (in the arena if thats what it takes) or if you can't then discuss it with the leader. Just remember that being a clan founder don't make him/her psychic. If you are going to leave the clan then at least have the courtesy to pm your clan founder. If you come online say hello in clanchat so that others know you are on and you can maybe arrange to lvl or hunt together.

Friendship+support+fun=Clan :)

Sorry if this isn't what you had in mind when you started this thread Trix but I thought that I would throw a view in from the other side :). If you like, the forum is like a giant clan, we all come from different backgrounds, we speak different languages and we don't always agree but we all have one thing in common. The game.

Point made, end of my longest post

Best Regards

07-23-2008, 11:25 AM
What i was trying to say before Trix was this, my clan was thrust upon me...the clan that i was in Dance of Doom, well the founder left without a trace....i'd made a few friends whilst there..i also made friends with DMC..he took me under his wing and helped me make Death Or Glory with the friends id made at DoD, plus some randoms..Mage Pegusas was one :) Then from there i just ran my clan, we had(/have, postponed at the moment till mage comes back) Arena nights every friday which allowed us to socialise and give each other advice..Mage Pegusas and Dunmer were(and still are) my main advisers. Right know im getting my head around making our clan War Worthy which is very exciting!!..So as ive said before Clan management comes from experience and the honest truth is that your either good at running a clan or your not, me i think i do ok. :)

Mass recruiting doesnt work..ive tried it..instead i recruit people that i like, regardless of their lvl, some im lucky with like Battle Angel Alita (he's lvl 50) i asked and never expected him to join us, but as ive always been told "you dont know until you ask". New members should be looked after and i think our clan does that pretty well, and as Malik said people do leave...i dont take it personal..people come and go all the time..i wish them the best. I dont proclaim to be a good leader..i do the best i can, but now i know..in order to progress further with my clan mates i need to be more in charge..because sometimes im far too easy going <smiles>. I changed the clan name back because its message appeals..Death Or Glory..they are the only two options in this game, try your best and die trying. Sorry if this sounds like a load of ramble, but it is lol..i hope it makes sense to some of you !
As a side point we are recruiting..so if anyone would like to join my clan, you know where you can find me xD

07-23-2008, 09:15 PM
Mass recruiting...does it work?

Yes and no.

If you clan culture is oriented exclusively toward the war zone, then mass recruiting will not work for you. there is no reason for a lvl 15 player to be in your clan if it is all war zoena ll the time.

At the TWC we try to have a culture of training and educating thsoe new to the game and helping them advance in levels. For us mass recruiting has been pretty good, we have not always kept the best balance but on average we have been fairly successful in keeping people in the game and tuned in.

At the same time we have a large group of members who are inactive. The RO clan management set up as it is makes these larger numbers difficult to deal with. We are capping our clan at around 200 members and sadly purging those who are no longer active.

...Oh, and you sometimes recruit crazy people. But if your clan culture is strong enough, the crazies jump ship soon.

07-23-2008, 09:30 PM
Mass recruiting...does it work?

Yes and no.

If you clan culture is oriented exclusively toward the war zone, then mass recruiting will not work for you. there is no reason for a lvl 15 player to be in your clan if it is all war zoena ll the time.

At the TWC we try to have a culture of training and educating thsoe new to the game and helping them advance in levels. For us mass recruiting has been pretty good, we have not always kept the best balance but on average we have been fairly successful in keeping people in the game and tuned in.

At the same time we have a large group of members who are inactive. The RO clan management set up as it is makes these larger numbers difficult to deal with. We are capping our clan at around 200 members and sadly purging those who are no longer active.

...Oh, and you sometimes recruit crazy people. But if your clan culture is strong enough, the crazies jump ship soon.

Hey ive been with ems clan since lvl 7 or 8 wen mage pegusas recruited me.. but from then on i got to know em pretty well and i can tell u that she doesnt mass recruit. because
1) its stupid, right it doesnt matter wat lvl they are but give some other pl a chance all ur doing is talking away players from them to choice on. thats why it takes like 5 hours min. to make a clan. because theres to many dumb ppl out theyre who, like me sometimes cant always be there for my clan and since ur not on then alot of ppl dont go on. then they quit the game.
2) why recruit random ppl, like em and me i only recruit friends and close ppl i know about or ppl that rlly wanna join or that ask me.
cuz it gets far to hecktick to control 200 ppl at once.
ya kinda know wat im saying.

07-24-2008, 12:01 AM
i only recruited ppl in WZ since my clan was war active but ... this is something i rlly hate.

u go in inner realm 500noobs either ask to join ur clan then quit latter or they tell u ur clan suxs and to join theirs.

dont fall for that...explain the clan culture before recruiting.

07-24-2008, 12:39 AM
Like I said, for some people mass recruitment doesn't work and probably wouldn't be a good fit for Tyro's clan.

It is a little difficult to explain to someone on initiation island: "this is the culture of our clan." I've seen that aproach flame out pretty quick in that setting.

I also agree with Tyro in the drive-by people who randomly send out clan invites to everyone without even speaking to them first is bad form. Sending out clan invites like trade requests multiple times is rude. As a new player, I thought I was joining a party and ended up as a member of the Draco Blancos or something (they don't exist anymore). I didn't understand anyone, they all spoke Spanish. It was a negative experiance.

07-24-2008, 02:43 AM
Like I said, for some people mass recruitment doesn't work and probably wouldn't be a good fit for Tyro's clan.

It is a little difficult to explain to someone on initiation island: "this is the culture of our clan." I've seen that aproach flame out pretty quick in that setting.

I also agree with Tyro in the drive-by people who randomly send out clan invites to everyone without even speaking to them first is bad form. Sending out clan invites like trade requests multiple times is rude. As a new player, I thought I was joining a party and ended up as a member of the Draco Blancos or something (they don't exist anymore). I didn't understand anyone, they all spoke Spanish. It was a negative experiance.

that happens alot, when i disbanded my clan i ended up in a clan like that and ended up leaving and helping some english player get out. i personaly hate clans that do that. its just plain wrong, and true alot of begginers just want clans that give to them so they go straight for the big guys.

the worse are those that know they dont have to saty in a clan so they come in act like they own the place since nothing bad could happen to them, i hate them and they have a rought stay dought short. second to them are unactive ppl that are on and NEVER talk.

07-24-2008, 02:19 PM
I'm so happy not to have to manage a clan, it looks so complicated :(

07-24-2008, 04:54 PM
son clan members if u wana save ur clan, sometimes its you that take charge...because fonduerrs didnt make the clan the members did
this is also what I say, remember that the clan is everyone in it, everyone in it makes the clan to what it is, a lot of people bow down to the step below the founder/leader and say it's their clan, they are in charge of it, I usually reply it's their clan to and that he's as much a part of it as I am

07-24-2008, 05:33 PM
Being a clan leader is not hard. The only part that annoys me is when people leave without saying anything. Fortunately that only occurs every once in a while.

07-24-2008, 05:39 PM
Being a clan leader is not hard. The only part that annoys me is when people leave without saying anything. Fortunately that only occurs every once in a while.

What bores me is too see how many people just are in our Clan and not being able to see if they are actives or not (i.e. last time they were online).

07-24-2008, 08:58 PM
GPH has hit on something we have be wanting for a loooong time.

07-24-2008, 09:25 PM
Our clan stays small.....that's just that...luckily we don't have to worry about active or inactive players.

07-25-2008, 01:46 AM
val your clan drives its self on its one :) i miss u guys.

whats tough is ppl leaving randomly, in all the clans i been i explain what i was doing and said my goodbuys but for some im still a member by heart ;)

the thing that clans dont rlly have power or meaning over anything ppl just come and go...and masevily recruit. it would help if they implimened a few clan updates

07-25-2008, 02:03 AM
this is also what I say, remember that the clan is everyone in it, everyone in it makes the clan to what it is, a lot of people bow down to the step below the founder/leader and say it's their clan, they are in charge of it, I usually reply it's their clan to and that he's as much a part of it as I am

If it wasnt for my clan i wouldnt be here..they make my clan...im a noob...they are all awesome in their own right :)

edit : gigo i agree..people come and go..i always say that..im grateful for the time they give to me :)

07-25-2008, 02:58 PM
i got something better than clans, a realm (since this tread is turning clanistic)

im not royall to a clan im royal to realm mates as much as clan members.

welcome to the gigo realm, only for syrtian ^^ population:1,/me somons a zalit now its 2 :wish:

07-26-2008, 04:09 PM
The Darkside of Ignis

Our history:
Recently, our clan leader left us, as he had stuff to do at the time. We suffered heavily from the loss, but we are pulling ourselfs back up from the low blow that was dealt to us. Our history? We were created, we almost fell, we are rising again. Thats in simple terms.

What to expect:
We are english speakers, friendly until provoked. We are still recovering from some losses, but we are certainly recovering (ie: more organised, more active, ect). We help out all members whenever we can, we organise clan activities and sometimes regnum-wide activities (eg: Darkside Tornament).

Those that wish to join us must; Be able to speak english (to a decent lvl), they must be friendly to ALL clan members, willing to participate in many activities, help the realm in war - if an enemy has an ignean fort and you can participate its expected you try with all your might to get that fort back, willing to change position within the clan, willing to help OTHER clans from ignis. Important: MUST be willing to do 'evil' things.

We are not bound by a single leader, but an order within the clan will seek the needs of the clan.

- Dark Venom Fang [Incubus of the Darkside]