View Full Version : Name and Shame!!

07-23-2008, 03:11 PM
Go figure Heartbreaker has changed sides and is now an alsius!!! He is now working alongside Arxie a pt from alsius as you can see in the combat log!!!

http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/8799/nameandshamezl5.th.jpg (http://img185.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nameandshamezl5.jpg)

And we don't even have change realm scroll yet!!

I suggest a lot of rib tickling on both of them from their respective realms :D

07-23-2008, 03:16 PM
What do you exspect? That they offer you are duell one after the other? ;)

Arixe is a very skilled player actually.

But when you mention it: Wasn't it you who run yesterday from this pt conjurer in syrtis? lol

07-23-2008, 03:17 PM
hehe :biggrin:

07-23-2008, 03:21 PM
errr wasn't a pt conju, its was a warju and I am a hunter isn't evasion what were are about, with my pet dead i am half power against a warju and zarkit.

I expect that they should fight each other, arxie skilled she runs each time she see's me on her own!!

Isn't the fact they are fighting as a team going against the logic of this game??

07-23-2008, 03:31 PM
errr wasn't a pt conju, its was a warju and I am a hunter isn't evasion what were are about, with my pet dead i am half power against a warju and zarkit.

I expect thet they should fight each other, arxie skilled she runs each time she see's me on her own!!

1) warju=conju
2) This conju was 6 levels lower than you.
3) this conju killed your pet...why didn't you kill the zarkit when you know that you are only half power without pet/summon?
4) arixe is many levels lower than you. And he is a hunter. Is a hunter not about evasion?
5) I don't like ppl who have to post thinks like this in forums. I already laughed so bad about your complainment about bad hunting parties killing you instead of offering you a fair duell. And now you come up with this crap here

07-23-2008, 03:44 PM
Guess I had best not mention the amount of times ive hunted WITH other realm players :wiggle14:

07-23-2008, 03:45 PM
Guess I had best not mention the amount of times ive hunted WITH other realm players :wiggle14:

Or DANCED with other realm players!

07-23-2008, 03:46 PM
Yes....or danced :wub2:

07-23-2008, 03:48 PM
err it's not crap it goes against the whole point of the game!!!

hmmm maybe we should all join together and forget the whole RvR part of the game, oh wait then there would be no point in the game being here!

I'm not alone in thinking that it is lame they fought together as I'm sure more will post here.

07-23-2008, 03:51 PM
If this was real life which it is not, looking through history people from enemy realm did make a truce from time to time

Now Beanie, get back in your pram, put your dummy in your mouth and stop throwing your rattle about - remember this is only a game

in you owns words you mentioned the most important thing:

err it's not crap it goes against the whole point of the game!!!

the word Game

07-23-2008, 03:52 PM
Or DANCED with other realm players!

I too have danced with other realms at GRADS!!!

07-23-2008, 03:55 PM
Now Beanie, get back in your pram, put your dummy in your mouth and stop throwing your rattle about - remember this is only a game

No need for that I was actually getting to like you as a person!!

07-23-2008, 03:57 PM
I often see players drom 2 realm hunting together.
Guess what? I don't bother about it...it is still RvR, isn't it? Seems like you never heard about project unite the elfes and other things....

Take 2 archers with maxed escapist....they will run very very fast ;)

07-23-2008, 03:57 PM
Yes grads, ive given up going to other realm grads. You see i usually get killed on site, but i don't whine about it here ^^

(i do it in other places)

07-23-2008, 03:59 PM
If I run into a syrtis player I know from IRC (or who bows) I'll hunt ignis with them....and vise-versa in syrtis...

People I'd like to hunt with :

Those damn Italians from ignis
COMP <---- Cause that would be friggin funny
the list goes on and on...

07-23-2008, 04:07 PM
Ok I guess it would work well with maxed escapist!

I haven't heared about the unite the elves thing either but I guess it makes sense.

I guess i got annoyed a bit too fast and didn't look at the logic in it, I was surprised to see it as I havent before now.

07-23-2008, 04:28 PM
Yes grads, ive given up going to other realm grads. You see i usually get killed on site, but i don't whine about it here ^^

(i do it in other places)

People want to kill me...I see it in their eyes...but I stay away from everyone and keep my finger on ambush and sotw :D

07-23-2008, 05:55 PM
People want to kill me...I see it in their eyes...but I stay away from everyone and keep my finger on ambush and sotw :D

And I on Confuse :P

07-23-2008, 06:13 PM
Arixe is a very skilled player actually.

In sotw+ camu or sotw + cyclop? Yes she is good in that.

07-23-2008, 06:21 PM
Ok I guess it would work well with maxed escapist!

I haven't heared about the unite the elves thing either but I guess it makes sense.

I guess i got annoyed a bit too fast and didn't look at the logic in it, I was surprised to see it as I havent before now.

glad you calmed down a bit and have a clearer mind now :)

And I on Confuse :P

I can kill you even if you confuse me :biggrin:

In sotw+ camu or sotw + cyclop? Yes she is good in that.

sotw+camo was a legitimate tactic, now it works not anymore. I am talking about helping others. Actually arixe is alway under camo somewhere to save ppl ass when they need help.
And sotw+cyclops: well, I dunno if high lvl ambush, high lvl confuse + high lvl stunning fist + troll is that much of another way of fighting in 1v1.
Everybody his/her style....

07-23-2008, 07:07 PM
I have, and will continue to fight along side people from other realms when given the chance. Certain people mind you, not just anyone. Yes, even some of my sworn enemies have either faught with me, or suggested that we hunt together. If the opportunity arrises, it will probably happen. Valorious and I have spoken of hunting together, not that we are such friends, just a mutual respect and/or admiration of hunting styles. And this is a bad thing? I just don't see this as a bad thing, I see it serving multiple purposes, it strengthens friendship, and begins alliances, which is all part of this game as well. I just used Valorious as an example, there are others as well, but we have talked about doing just this. We have faught against eachother on too many occasions to count, and will again, but that doesn't mean that we can't join together in a mutual hunt .......... I rather welcome that hunt tbo

07-25-2008, 02:25 PM
Honnestly it's not Arixe style, I guess it wasn't on purpose. But it's totally the Heartbreaker style. But you shouldn't really bother this player, he is just a coward. I know from fighting with and against lots of hunters that only few are as lame as him. Others can be quite cool.

PS: Jedi I don't really like "mutual hunt" because it goes IMO against the spirit of the game and clearly against his design. Look at how escapist works, and I'm not speaking of AoE skills.