View Full Version : Arena Isla =P Administrators kill spot

07-24-2008, 12:10 AM
OK its rlly rare to get to and you can only get to it by administrator transport.
its the arena island. its pretty nice hangout but me and bouk had some fun there. wen ur trasported BE SURE TO RUN LIKE HELL. i was sent there and in a spit second surak hit me 2435 and i had 1 hp left but i escaped cuz ponter used a admin power to heal me 10000 hp
its better than central isla, if u can get to it. there more pics i gotta take but heres some so far.

12020 12021

12022 12023

12024 12025

12026 12027

12028 12029

12030 12031

12032 12033

12034 12035

12036 <<----- My favorite one

Im sorry if i may have doubles

07-24-2008, 12:15 AM
i wana go to some toher islands were they got a new fort and a mini shaanarid :wiggle14:

but yea i ben there NOT AS FUN as the youtube vids but naah

07-24-2008, 12:16 AM
i wana go to some toher islands were they got a new fort and a mini shaanarid :wiggle14:

but yea i ben there NOT AS FUN as the youtube vids but naah

=/ well its fun if alot of ppl are theyre but on my amun im still stationed there so....yea

07-24-2008, 12:23 AM
=/ well its fun if alot of ppl are theyre but on my amun im still stationed there so....yea

i saved there..........the tele takes u to central...they should ahve a tele from island to island :P :dance: :beerchug: :wiggle14: <---PIMPs :superpusso:

07-24-2008, 06:11 PM
BAH! its not secret anymore >.< inq have know about this for weeks (and that hand statue is our back off! :p )

07-24-2008, 06:18 PM
Thats a known place already..When they tell us to go to test server they sometimes teleport us there and we have a huge rumble

07-24-2008, 06:43 PM
i nvr said it was secret i said that its hard to get to cuz once ur teleported u lagg so bad then die :D

07-25-2008, 07:14 PM
who said you needed to tele to get there :sifflote:

(ok well you do now...)