View Full Version : Road to invasions #1: Decisions about the Realm Chat
07-25-2008, 07:26 PM
Invasion development is a very important challenge which requires performing a series of changes and adjustments to several game mechanics and balance. As a part of this process, we will be communicating these changes with the proper clarifications.
Regnum is one of the few massive games that have a global chat as big as the Realm Chat.
Even if you find several positive features to this chat, let me say that this was a transitory solution to the low amount of players that Regnum had when we started the project due to the big distances that had to be covered for a player to find other.
Let me tell you some of the negative aspects of the Realm Chat:
· LAG: To have all chat messages delivered to every player of a realm involves more server processing power and higher bandwidth consumption.
· Spamming: These kinds of messages are commonly useless and disturbing.
· Making the world smaller: As communication is based in instant messaging in global measures, moving around the map has a lower value threatening real meeting points that could be used to chat, commerce, etc.
Therefore, considering that today we have a proper quantity of players, we chose this decision:
Realm Chat will only be available inside the Realm (inside the great wall) and in the War Zone, the only way to communicate will be general chat, the Clan and private groups or chats.
Results we want to achieve:
· Less LAG: A lower consumption of server resources and bandwidth in the War Zone.
· Make Clans more powerful and important: Being the only way to communicate globally, Clans will be more valuable, their organization will be more important and have a big Clan will imply being in touch with people from all around the world.
· Better spaciousness: If someone is talking to you will be because he/she is near and doing the same thing as you.
We hope that you understand that this is a deeply thought decision and devoted to a substantial game enhancement. Soon we will announce some features to provide a better feedback in the War Zone besides the chat.
You can test this new method in the experimental server (Amun).
NGD Studios.
07-25-2008, 07:43 PM
It's the way to go imho :
Clans will be more useful (i'm clanless currently because i've no use of it, i really consider joining one if this change is implemented)
Parties will be more useful
It causes one problem... the fastest way to know if some forts are taken is to ask in realm chat, so we need to know the fort/castles status with that change.
07-25-2008, 07:44 PM
It causes one problem... the fastest way to know if some forts are taken is to ask in realm chat, so we need to know the fort/castles status with that change.
Don't you worry about that :D (Coming soon)
07-25-2008, 07:46 PM
Don't you worry about that :D (Coming soon)
Going to post it in the spanish forum.
We luv you! We luv all ngd!
07-25-2008, 07:54 PM
I agree with her.
It could work if everybody knows everybody. Personally, the realm chat has forced me to learn a couple of spanish words. Which is nice in a way. But not to be able to know what's happening in the WarZone puts everyone to a disadvantage, except the enemies. Clan work? Not all clans have their watches synchronised for the sake of protecting the realm. General, I wish. Sometimes I go to the beach and see no one. Have no one in clan to chat with, and there are only but chatters in CS. Then I spot some peeps (enemies) going to the castle = me dead. Without being able to announce enemies passing by pp (or wherever) how can we cooperativeness? Does that mean everyone has to party with everyone just to be able to talk? It's going to be the same if that's so. It's like a private realm chat but Huge numbers. Furthermore, I believe this will even separate the English community from the spanish community. Realm chat is the only way we all communicate.
The intentions are cool. But the results? I don't know yet.
07-25-2008, 08:02 PM
Well my inital thoughts are that this really sucks.
Me and Valour were just on Amun, his first response was; "I feel alienated."
This is just going to really hamper fort war co-ordination.
I can understand the reasons for this, but I don't know if this is quite the way it should be done.
What about having seperate inner realm and wz realm chats? When you're in the inner realm you only see realm chat from other people in the inner realm - and vice versa when you're in the wz, you only see chat from other people in the wz.
But what do I know, might cause more lag.
And another thing - This could mean that if you're in a small clan then you may need to disband and join a big clan just to have any idea what's going on. I can see that the all the big clans in each realm e.g Inq, The Legends getting bigger and bigger.
Killing global realm chat is step one to invasions? I don't really care if that chat is gone but this is step one?
One would think that balancing out the numbers in each realm would be step one.
07-25-2008, 08:39 PM
I agree with pheonix and matt. killing realm chat will be killing the realm. no communications. If only we cud have more than 8 ppl in a party..NGD, killing realm chat is a very bad idea...
Just one part i dont get:
· Better spaciousness: If someone is talking to you will be because he/she is near and doing the same thing as you. ????whats that mean???
07-25-2008, 08:43 PM
There will be ways to ask for help, and realm balance will be enhanced too. :)
07-25-2008, 08:57 PM
im really unsure how its going to be. The alienation matt mentioned sounds likely, gonna be like a fog of war.
Steering the war and socializing in the realm chat is really a good thing.
I would prefer that just inner and outer realm chat gets separated.
NGD always changes things so drastically...
btw, the LAG argument sounds like the terrorist arguments that politicans use to sell their new laws to the public.
Anyway im not really against it, as i can see some of the points. People will adapt the change.
One thing would be awesome: give us a way to figure if the dragon did spawn
07-25-2008, 08:58 PM
i like it because, A) no more noob spam and B) now i can look in that chat and see that my useful mesege wasnt flooded by spam C) less lag \o/
but i dont agree with it for a few conditions:
1- some people need reminders of where the war is at, so maybe if we do have a realm chat but for WZ
2- some new players need some help so a realm chat for inner realm will be helpful and since sometimes you might find your self leveling alone in a deserted area.
3- how will we know vesper spawned for example, and getting to him is hard enoth already he dies instantly now, dragons need to be made stronger and when they spawn it should have an alert mesege to those there.(this is optional, alot of people gave up in bothering to run 5hours and the high level comunity in rasius [for syrtis] grew and alot of these players are active together some times groups enoth for forts and dragons easily.
4- fort reminders when they dont belong to their home realm, or a way to see their status ingame.
but im willing to cope with this either way, especialy less lag :metal:
07-25-2008, 09:00 PM
omg i fully agree with gigo AND i understood each word! Wow :hat:
07-25-2008, 09:04 PM
omg i fully agree with gigo AND i understood each word! Wow :hat:
now only that...we HAVE SIMILAR FEELINGS...and post it together :sifflote:
ur not my ignitian arch enemy, we are long lost half brothers!
we should discus more often ;)
07-25-2008, 09:14 PM
The only concern i have is with this new implementation the division between the Spanish and Non Spanish speakers will be increased somewhat (as pointed out by a Realm Mate)
07-25-2008, 09:22 PM
The only concern i have is with this new implementation the division between the Spanish and Non Spanish speakers will be increased somewhat (as pointed out by a Realm Mate)
true, in syrtis with the new clans it gets soo bad that we got english speakers giving detailed explenations of enemys in syrtis chat in the midle of xDs spam. i PM them and tell them the messege 20 words shorter and re-over-spam the realm chat with them with the same mesege till we get about 5-or 7 "voi".
well the english spanish relations droped so bad that if some people around others of other languege seek refuge to fellow clan members and even ignore complitely what the others are saying due to now both comunities are big enoth that people do that comfortably. basicly you will always find some that speaks your languege so why bother be with those that cant; regardless of experiance and anything else.
07-25-2008, 09:29 PM
we'll have to see when it hits RA...sounds fun tho...
07-25-2008, 09:41 PM
It is a drastic change. Right off the bat i can say that organizing large forces and defenses quickly will become much more difficult.
IOW, warning everyone that 30 enemy are at pp and on the way to stone will now be a much slower process.
Offensives will be a lot harder to organize now as well, as will calling for reinforcements once a fort has been siezed also become more difficult. The net result should be smaller battles.
Perhaps this will cause players to congregate just inside the WZ gate so they can still hear inner realm chat. Then players can have multiple clients open and use their inner realm character to broadcast warnings.
Who knows.
Sounds good,
Few more suggestions for reducing lag...
1) Get rid of dance, you can always bring it back for special occasions
2) Kick off the "bank" characters who just stand around the save points doing nothing.
3) Send people back to the character select screen if they have not carried out any keystrokes for say 5 mins.
4) Limit the chat to each zone, I don't really need to hear that noob is looking for ilreah village just as he doesn't need to hear that I am being killed again by vincent vega or yoseba.
5) Cut down the number of mobs in the world, there are a few too many. Most people level in a few select places such as rasius beach, near central save, near the liders etc. people can tell you where.
In short trim the fat, no one will miss it.
07-25-2008, 10:57 PM
Results we want to achieve:
· Make Clans more powerful and important: Being the only way to communicate globally, Clans will be more valuable, their organization will be more important and have a big Clan will imply being in touch with people from all around the world.
You want big clans? What about improve clan management features first?
Because atm clan management sucks. You cannot hand over leadership, you cannot kick several people at once, you cannot give anyone rights to change ranks, you cannot see the last login date from members, you cannot see who is currently online fro clan (except friends list) and you cannot see lvl and class in clan list. Clan system has to be improved first before you force people to be organized in big clans. Once the clan founder stops playing and all ppl in clan are fucked up...
In general to killing realm chat: I am unsure about it, but you said there will be ways implemented to share tactical information. I am curious about the upcomming changes.
07-25-2008, 11:19 PM
"Road to invasions #1"... I've been dreaming about this for more then a year (and probably I'll have to wait another year for the #2... :S ).
Anyway, for the matter at hands I think it is a nice improvement, at least conceptually, because it will require more realm coordination. Naturally the "concept" sometimes is a bit far from "reality"... the "holas" spirit may be more difficult for new players to acquire and the trans-cultural flavor that makes me gravitate around this game ("Aguante Argentina carajo!!!" xD ) hampered.
(Where in the world can I scream "messi, Meessiii, MMMEEESSSIII" and have smiles of affection? Please don't take the realm chat before the Olympics!!!).
Oh well, suerte!
07-25-2008, 11:26 PM
Sorry, but my timeline would be more like:
FIX lag
FIX leak (esp. memory)
FIX forts & castles (doors, more tactical options)
ENHANCE mobs (AI in fight as well as not that stationary behavior in cities)
FIX not yet functionally spells (multiple thrust, ...)
FIX overall gameplay
Invent Invasion after that.
07-26-2008, 01:51 AM
Sounds good to me, I have always thought realm chat was annoying
especially when people stand next to each other.
Can you tell us how you plan to improve realm balance, you mean some kind of population control?
quest items? better weapons for alsius? :wish:
07-26-2008, 02:08 AM
The only concern i have is with this new implementation the division between the Spanish and Non Spanish speakers will be increased somewhat (as pointed out by a Realm Mate)
I don't know about ignis and syrtis but i don't think it will increase much in alsius. There seems to be atleast a few bilingual players in every wz active clan.
Realm chat is too often used by people who does'nt seem to know about party or private chat. The important messages just drowns in the spam.
Time to make one big friends list :)
07-26-2008, 02:20 AM
I think the problem is: there are quite some nice small clans with very active players. And they will tend to have more problems to get to know what is going on if realm chat is closed in warzones since Messages like "verdes/rojos merca" or "/me fort xyz" are often seen in realm chat. I think some of those clans are somehow special and should not be forced to be assimilated into bigger ones, since they provide a nice alternative. Could we maybe have a possibility to enter other clan chats if the players of that clan agree? That would help a lot with coordinating players.
07-26-2008, 02:27 AM
That's a good idea, just a command/action for that and maybe give clan members with recruiting rights the ability to use it.
07-26-2008, 03:55 AM
I don't recall Kailer asking for requests or "Modifications" on their idea...
I personally have had a Drastic REDUCTION of lag since the last update(once the 174K downloads finished :o)) and no crashes. No sure about other users. I know with all the "LAG IS RUINING REGNUM" posts it is their 1st concern so I won't complain, but I know personally I LOVE Realm chat for the following reasons...
1) 1st thing I do on log in like many others is "/me Donde hay Guerra??" and just wait for PN or PB to come back then I start running...
2) Alot of time I hunt and there are only 200-300 /users online and no clan Members. So, If in I log out in Syr would I have to run back to Ignis to build a party to hunt, Prolly being sniped by hunter 1st??
3) If I get trampled by 30 Syr(More like 50-80 nowadays) I could announce it in REALM to build a Force at SAMAL. Without that, large groups will devastate smaller groups over and over again until they could get enough mates to help...
07-26-2008, 07:21 AM
Theres negative things in it that have been mentioned, but I for one will love this change.
No more needless JAJAJA and JEJEJEJEing spamming up the realm chat. No more of that selling this and that crap, I agree this helps get rid of alot of useless memory, im interesed to see in how this will affect lag.
Everyone's worrying how they will know what is going on, how they will communicate, well Niclam just said they are going to handle it. Clans will become of more value after this for sure. I expect this to maybe even group more players together.
And another thing - This could mean that if you're in a small clan then you may need to disband and join a big clan just to have any idea what's going on. I can see that the all the big clans in each realm e.g Inq, The Legends getting bigger and bigger.
I think another road NGD is taking is getting rid of the creation of many clans, the cost for a clan is now 2M. Before it was just a waste of time (Look at Zik Tyro starting 4 clans) I think of this as a way to weed out the smaller clans (the ones that really should not be there) its similar to that one theory that monkey guy Darwin or whoever made up.
07-26-2008, 09:55 AM
I think the problem is: there are quite some nice small clans with very active players. And they will tend to have more problems to get to know what is going on if realm chat is closed in warzones since Messages like "verdes/rojos merca" or "/me fort xyz" are often seen in realm chat. I think some of those clans are somehow special and should not be forced to be assimilated into bigger ones, since they provide a nice alternative. Could we maybe have a possibility to enter other clan chats if the players of that clan agree? That would help a lot with coordinating players.
I dont see the need to join bigger clans just for information gathering.
Yes, those messages in realm chat are really important right now.
In future you gonna have to camp hotspots. Thats the main fort and the save. Actually people are doing that already.
Then you can additionally join a party with warzone-active players from different clans, which we do already too
Information will be proxied between the hotspots, clanchat and the parties.
Except for the hotspots, the information already flows that way and the info you get through this channel is way more reliable. When i think of the countless times i ran somewhere cause someone screamed for help and just to find nothing.
Of course its way more convenient to read about upcoming attacks in global chat. Without the realm chat it might be way harder to mobilize people for war. We will see.
I still think it would be a better solution to create dedicated channels for war and trading and helping new players. Most other mmos have it that way.
07-26-2008, 10:41 AM
I think the communication problems with small clans is not a problem.
If I ever want to know what's happening, without anyone online in the clan (which is rare), I make a party with some of my spanish friends in my buddy list, like Slamar, defcul, Van Sack, or anyone else and simply ask where they are and join up with them.
07-26-2008, 12:50 PM
Organized players with good clans, mumble, ts, irc, jabber are in advantage other ones get drawbacks. That's all.
NGD has the habit not to focus on the real problems and to do the 4. step before the first one.
07-26-2008, 01:57 PM
cool so long as the party cap is increased to around 15?
07-27-2008, 12:31 AM
i dont like this idea because even thoght there will be lag it the only way to com between distant places
07-27-2008, 06:54 AM
NO! Please before any thought of invasions fix the fact that in Ignis you can easily climb over mountains and enter the Initiation Zone. Imagine how the lower levels would go about considering they read that in the game their area could not be touched, but instead having entire enemy armies screwing with them.
I know one is located behind Meleketi and another is located near the Stadium. Please fix this before invasions as it isn't fair on Ignis when we can not enter their Initiation Zone because of the water masses in between or other objects inabling players from Ignis to enter the Initiation Zone.
Could we maybe have a possibility to enter other clan chats if the players of that clan agree? That would help a lot with coordinating players.
Several months ago, I suggested that clans should be able to ally with each other and a separate chat tab for all allied clans would be available. Members from all these clans would be able to chat with other members of clans using this chat tab.
I think the changes are interesting and probably good, but I think they should improve clans first before limiting the chat options.
Why do I sense that after removing the realm chat, NGD will be introducing a global chat premium? :cuac:
07-27-2008, 09:45 AM
Very good imo.
This will also stop peole chatting in the Realm Tab :D
And cant wait to see how we know the fort is captured ^^ gona bee freeking sweet.
07-27-2008, 04:06 PM
the only way to com between distant places
Clan Chat
Party Chat
Private Chat
General Chat (has a decent range)
anything that kills off some of the lag...
(just had a thaught should proberly make a thread on it maybe put a post up by the 1st save in each realm listing clans and there speaking language since most english players log in see a load of spanish and leave, without R chat they have even less chance of findimg any english players...)
07-27-2008, 04:34 PM
can you gyus let us know:
-will we have a replacement for realm chat but just for WZ? i heard that this chat might disapear when in an enemy realm which is fine for hunting but how will we ask for help?
- what about invasions? when they are implimented and we have enemy all over inner realm how will those in WZ know? if there are diferent chats. noobs will be dying while the highly leveled players are joking arouns wondering how come ignis isnt at samal for example...
07-27-2008, 07:33 PM
Iīm just new to the game, so I donīt know if that sounds good to me or not. Iīm still learning how the game works.
From other games I know, there is a channel for the players, who need help, would be good for all the beginners having questions like "where can I find..." or "how can I interact with..."
Maybe another channel, where you can find people for party, find other players for wz...
So there would be:
General, Help, Partysearch, Party, Clan, Private
I think when having all this channels, you donīt really need a realmchat.
07-27-2008, 08:21 PM
Realm Chat will only be available inside the Realm (inside the great wall) and in the War Zone, the only way to communicate will be general chat, the Clan and private groups or chats.
Thank you!
I would appreciate even more if you closed the realm chat completely. In Ignis it is a spanish-only pool of spam, totally useless for me and my mates. and it's causing lag!?! dunno why this came so late..
:thumb_up: :thumb_up: :thumb_up: :thumb_up:
07-27-2008, 08:22 PM
aint useless at all...keep it in the inner realm...
07-27-2008, 11:22 PM
it depends. from my point of view it is completely useless. there are 5 new messages per second, I understand hardly any of them, it's almost impossible to read it in WZ (if you dont want to get killed)
07-28-2008, 12:05 AM
I think they are going in the right direction.
NGD can't truely fix lag until they are satisfied with what the game can do (i.e. if they keep adding features, lag with always come back).
As they have said, something is going to change in relation to limiting Realm chat. I hope we finally get to see the 'Map' become more interactive. Somehow using the map to relay to the rest of the world, troop movements, objectives to hold, and updated sightings of enemies/hunters.
Oh, and yes, I think parties should me much larger too (15-30, for large war parties). :biggrin:
07-28-2008, 12:06 AM
Well lag is going to be worst of all in the inner realm when invasions are implemented. So i don't know how retaining inner realm global chat is helpful if the chat does indeed cause lag.
07-28-2008, 01:22 AM
I think 60% of the players online at any given time are actually behind walls. So i doubt there will be much improvement in lag due to that change.
07-28-2008, 01:28 AM
Iīm just new to the game, so I donīt know if that sounds good to me or not. Iīm still learning how the game works.
From other games I know, there is a channel for the players, who need help, would be good for all the beginners having questions like "where can I find..." or "how can I interact with..."
Maybe another channel, where you can find people for party, find other players for wz...
So there would be:
General, Help, Partysearch, Party, Clan, Private
I think when having all this channels, you donīt really need a realmchat.
the thing is that realm chat is all of above so players at war are bothered with low lvls asking questions, im here to tell you that no one in war cares or knows wher NPCs are...we got enoth problems to remember.
what this update will do is that realm chat will be gone in WZ where its suposed to be and importantly needed more then ever now...but hopefully if NGD gets to its senses they will split realm chat as in 1 for inner realm and another for WZ so noobs get their help and soldiers get their news right. the problem with this is that when an invasion is happening noobs will be hopelessly dying and soldiers in WZ will be wondering where the enemy is at....but they are working on it thank god.
BACK ON TOPIC: NGD please just make a warzone chat and when the great wall door is broken both inner realm chat and warzone chat turn to invasion chat AND/OR we get a big warning for all members of the realm being invaded in warzone and inner realm.
this is going to be like another fatigue, please think ahead before making crazy updates again lisen to us, make strict rules about war tab chat we will live with it anything please but removing comunication is horrible even tought it causes lag. we need alot of features in clan, knowing enemy and realm troop locations and what forts ect to replace war chat then this update is more than welcome.
SUGGESTION FOR THE FUTURE IF ALL HELL BREAKES LOOSE: troops in WZ instead of party, you can form/join a troop thats up to 50 ppl like a clan (not a clan because NGD same way i learned or the hardER way, clans are not just for war). when in WZ a player can form a troop with ranks ect and join another, and when logs in can choose an selection of troops to join from the past or talk to an NPC to aply for a troop. a troop does not remove a player from a clan. the idea is:
-to keep people together, like a group going to a fort become a troop and those that join, join the troop.
-it will work like a clan (who knows right to from a troop might require a certain amount of RP) ranks like recuiter and expeler and foundurer.
-troops show locations in map (if posible)
-pass on leader ship
-can be disbanded
07-28-2008, 05:34 AM
For all those worried about Invasion. Are we even sure that Invasion will involve the inner realms? So far it has all been speculation as to what Invasion is. Maybe Invasion could be a complete redesign of the WZ (with more forts, villages with NPCs etc.) or the rules of engagement in the WZ changed. Whatever the case, Invasion will take some time to arrive. I'm more concerned about will happened to the WZ in the immediate future.
For all those worried about Invasion. Are we even sure that Invasion will involve the inner realms? So far it has all been speculation as to what Invasion is. Maybe Invasion could be a complete redesign of the WZ (with more forts, villages with NPCs etc.) or the rules of engagement in the WZ changed. Whatever the case, Invasion will take some time to arrive. I'm more concerned about will happened to the WZ in the immediate future.
It's part of the game's lore that when all of your forts and your castle is taken by an enemy realm, the inner realm gate will be open to the enemy.
07-28-2008, 07:18 AM
Well, NGD if this is the first step so what be the next one?
07-28-2008, 09:49 AM
Oh great, the spanish spam will end ("chumyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" "legoooooooooooooooooooooo" etc etc)
I'm happy for this change
07-28-2008, 11:14 AM
Clan managment should be enhanced before planning on invations..
I'm just glad that this will reduce lag drasticly.
07-28-2008, 11:25 AM
great idea NGD!
Awesome! \o/
I m just afraid of too many /chat windows, and their distraction power.
07-29-2008, 09:00 AM
Awesome! \o/
I m just afraid of too many /chat windows, and their distraction power.
for asking where there's some fight going on?
they will create a way to show who has which fort so you don't have to worry about that ^^. But I think the chatting holas might :p, oh well, they will probably /party up
@Ģ$Ģ@ stop deleting my posts when they are on topic damnit... please...
edit: btw kailer congratulations with the job at ngd :D
no, not for fort war. Many times i used Syrtis chat when my group split up with Lae's group while hunting enemies around Syrtis (Jabe usually), so we can update positions and tracking info. Usually realm channel was faster way to contact him.
For me, I dont really care. I didnt follow Syrtis chat, very very rare, because its spam heaven, and because Spanish Syrtis community hostality. But on other side for someone it was useful for trading, since many trade offers were available to see there recently. And with new economical system in RO, trading part/market will be must.
07-31-2008, 09:46 PM
Many people have made good points. I am copying some for emphasis:
If the plan is to have larger clans, then clan management needs to be addressed annd very much improved.
Clan alliances should also be allowed to share chats.
Will lag decrease if the number of parties explodes. Right now in Syrtis there may be, say, 25 to 100 parties of various sizes at any given time. If the best way to organize in the WZ is parties, will lag decrease if we are looking at 100 to 300 active parties at any one time?
The challenge of organization with the realm chat continues to be a sticking point for many of us. It will be interesting to see what happens without realm chat.
08-02-2008, 01:06 PM
you mean will lag INCREASE with more partys right?
also why am i getting random people in my partys who i neither invited or can see on the list and who say they never joined the tab just appeared o.O?
08-03-2008, 08:08 AM
Lag Should DECREASE. Due to the following reasons. If you have 300 ppl on and send a message in RealmChatthen:
Server load = 1*300 + reply*300 +Response*300.....
If no RC, you send it in ClanChat and there are 30 ppl on from your clan:
Server Load = 1*30+ reply*30 + Response*30......
Do the hypothetical math..... :D
EDIT: I forgot that w\ Realmcaht ppl are STILL using ClanChat too so add that on top on RC..Though I still Hate to see it go :ohill:
08-03-2008, 09:08 AM
Lag Should DECREASE. Due to the following reasons. If you have 300 ppl on and send a message in RealmChatthen:
Server load = 1*300 + reply*300 +Response*300.....
If no RC, you send it in ClanChat and there are 30 ppl on from your clan:
Server Load = 1*30+ reply*30 + Response*30......
Do the hypothetical math..... :D
EDIT: I forgot that w\ Realmcaht ppl are STILL using ClanChat too so add that on top on RC..Though I still Hate to see it go :ohill:
I still doubt that the chat has much influence on lag. I mean its still just text. One letter is 1-4 Byte and i dont see any complicated processing that is done with the text either.
Ah well and invasions....
For all those worried about Invasion. Are we even sure that Invasion will involve the inner realms? So far it has all been speculation as to what Invasion is. Maybe Invasion could be a complete redesign of the WZ (with more forts, villages with NPCs etc.) or the rules of engagement in the WZ changed. Whatever the case, Invasion will take some time to arrive. I'm more concerned about will happened to the WZ in the immediate future.
two things are for sure:
1) there will most likely no redesign. Just too much effort for the small team.
2) it will be messed up and buggy. why? cause every new feature NGD ever implemented was messed up and buggy.
And i still dont see the point in invading the inner realm in first place... but i wont start fighting windmills again ;)
08-04-2008, 09:37 PM
even if i understand why the devs want to cut the realms chat for the invasions, doing it right now will be a bad idea it will kill the communication.
1) parties change de difficulty of the mobs/ennemies which is BAD , so i never accept any party invitation. (having 4 lvl48 vs 3 lvl50 is NOT the same as having 4 lvl50 vs 3 lvl50 !)
2) hey devs be serious a moment , you want bigger clan , improve the clan management first, right now only the clan leaders can change the rank of the users , it will ask him huge work to manage the ranking!
3) this will create a kinda of "cyber segregation", you will have some huge spanish and english speaking clans and some more smaller other language clans those small clan will be nicely isolated from the realm and they will only be GOOD EASY target for the BIG ennemies clans.
as french i don't care joining a english or spanish (es muy bien por praticar el espanol) clan but much people on my clan don't even speak english ...
so why not considering channels , channels will not be clan , but just chatrooms, so per exemple i'll create a "patrol de la playa" channel, this channel will not be free , i'll have to pay something (gold, loots ...) and the size will be reducted 3-5 users , to add more users we should pay more, we can even think about monthly fees for the channels , so that way the idling channel will disseaper by themselves.
it will be more fun for good communications/tactics.
08-04-2008, 11:09 PM
I don't even join parties most times because they add so much lag.
I rely on guild and syrtis chat for information. No parties for me thanks.
08-05-2008, 03:49 AM
im not going to miss the realm chat..
becuz i never use it..
so ill be fine. as long as i have my clan.
08-05-2008, 09:52 PM
im just glad that the lag im completly gone now! :thumb_up:
no more position lag!
no more spell and cooldown lag!
ok, ok, who am i kidding :cuac:
08-06-2008, 04:05 AM
My lag level was completely unchanged. I still get a MASSIVE delay when a large enemy force comes into visual range.
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