View Full Version : More PwP in PvP

07-29-2008, 09:09 PM

Thinking about the skills available in the game it came to my mind that - though the game it self is pretty player-vs-player oriented - the player-with-player aspect is quite neglected. Your interactions with others (with slight difference in the support mage class, but only slight) is basically reduced in observing which target they choose. You dont gain any more advantage of being aware what your ally does.
Partying for instance should have more impact than offering another chat with a hotkey.

Maybe my suggestions make a little clearer what Im missing and fail to put into proper words:
Get rid of aura spells. They cause lag and just allow you to be sort-of useful even when only watching your screen and picking your noise
Replace maybe some of them with "party spells", "party range detection" for all members is being calculated all the time anyways, the chat gives means of commnication. Why not encourage this as a means of implementing party spells? I think this would encourage the formation of organizing attack squads. Furthermore, it might kindle some more "roleplaying feeling", since it at least reminds me of some rpg on pc.

More fundamental: Introduce (and replace some of the existing spells and auras) spells that refer to buffs and debuffs on players:
A skill that dizzies an enemy for x seconds where x is the number of buffs hes wearing.
An ethereal arrow draining life proportional to the number of debuffs on the enemy.
Only examples, i hope you get the point: The idea is to watch and coordinate what your allies are doing. I think Regnum would waste a lot of potential not exploiting such a class of skills. The only things that come close to it currently are death sentence and dispell. Well and maybe the slightly less subtle mass-knock from terror.

Anyways, i have a point, I guess I failed (again) in making it clear, still I hope some of the ideas are worth "discussion generally".:cuac:


07-29-2008, 09:44 PM
like in chrono trigger? dual and tripple techniques?

like warlock+barb combo or something?

Don't know how this would change the game, would they cost mana, what about cooldown, casting time.

It would be a problem with fast battles then if everyone had to decide to cast a spell with a cooldown.

07-30-2008, 12:10 AM
i strongly disagree.

partys to me are just some random group of player, sure they deserver better meaning and significanse but i would like to help my allys with auras regardless of in party or not.

07-30-2008, 04:55 PM
I agree on one point and disagree about another.

I agree that some auras should be removed from the game, like greater healing, but others should stay like mana communion.
Greater healing should go because its a very useless spell, i almost never use it since the healing it makes is not efficient compared to the mana cost in my opinion. My suggestion to this is reduce the cooldown of healing ally to 5 sec. I honestly cannot remember how many times ive spent spamming the hotkey when i see a ally with low health and then when cooldown is over, he is already dead.

I would also like too see a removal of the cooldown for regenerate ally since it is a hot spell and it is one of those spell i would love to be able to cast on more then 1 person at a time. Look at other games where hot spells is the key to everything.

Mana communion must stay or be replaced with some kind of spell that instantly makes all targets in a area get X amount of mana.

Maybe im just crazy for wanting this but hey, whatever makes you have to think more ingame instead of spamming buttons works for me.

07-30-2008, 06:49 PM
I like Z's idea. "Party Spells" and spells that use buffs/debuffs across classes to enhance effects seem interesting and challenging.

07-30-2008, 06:50 PM
I like it too....this is realm vs realm not player vs player. Give people a reason to want to hunt together...

07-30-2008, 07:09 PM
I like it too....this is realm vs realm not player vs player. Give people a reason to want to hunt together...
Hmmm mages already have such a reason :cuac:, unlike hunters which may be exactly the reason.

Apart from that I see huge differences in tactical playing style of different people. Not only conjurers interact with their allies in some way. Warlocks for example have a huge arsenal of battle control spells: Metor, silence, ivy, beetle, mind push, slow, will domain, freeze, time master, twister, mod, terror, darkness. One can do a full time job using such spells without concentrating on doing damage. Balancing battle control and damage dealing/healing better is imo what should make playing in a group attractive. I agree that some classes are better for stuff like this than others, but archers have lots of funny spells as well. Actually I don't understand why for example distracting shot isn't used more often (I see that about once a week lol). There are lots of evil strategies which require some good teamwork, and I've already seen outstanding examples from about every class.

On the other hand I would agree that it would be funny to have class combo/synergy spell effects and some method for at least knights to defend allies actively (not with auras or melee attack)

08-01-2008, 06:49 AM
Id like to see a leadership bonus implimented to a party, and a leader position,

say a damage bonus, similar to how head of the pack would work,

or a hp bonus, cons bonus or whatever, like a morale feature..that diminishes as each member dies or gets too far off.

would promote more teamwork and sticking together..rather than screaming aca!!...and running off to who knows where.

08-02-2008, 12:59 PM
Heal ally should still have a cooldown other wise a conju with plenty of mana could just heal heal heal heal heal heal heal heal heal and it would be very hard to kill anyone