View Full Version : Running in reverse petition

08-06-2008, 09:11 AM
I apologize in advance, NGD, but the unwashed masses can (and should) stay silent no longer.

We all know that the removal of the ability to run backwards reduces the level of strategy in play. As such, I (as well as you, hopefully) refuse to be forced into standing in the same spot, whilst absorbing damage and dealing damage without any tactical advantage of movement whatsoever.


I want to see a petition of sorts, basically in the form of a poll. I understand that it will be inaccurate as 1) my spanish is rudimentary and I can only post this in the english forum 2) many players do not read/post in the forums. However, I want to see a show of hands of players that would like to see the removal of the recent nerf to backup speed.

Keep in mind that this affects ALL classes, albeit some more than others.

P.S.-If anyone would be kind enough to translate this into the spanish forum, I would be forever in your debt (provided they haven't already done this)

P.P.S.-To NGD: If you remove this, I will repost. If you ban me, I will repost with alts on different IP addresses. I only ask that you hear us out.

P.P.P.S.- Please, vote with your main PJ's, with your alts, with your sister's alts, whatever. I want to see BIG numbers here.

Edit: This is a blind poll, so please, answer as honestly as possible.

08-06-2008, 09:13 AM
I am agreeing to this. Good idea for the petition too. Maybe NGD might listen if they see the true numbers of how many people no longer like the way they are going.

08-06-2008, 09:14 AM
ahah...i agree it makes people move less in combat...but i like that an archer cant slow me down,cast escapist and shoot me while i can only try to block anymore...

08-06-2008, 09:16 AM
Well i got my hunter to lvl 50 on sunday, and now NGD shafted him up the arse with this update. I vote remove the backwards walking now!!!!

08-06-2008, 09:35 AM
It's a dumb change. Being able to move around used to make war or hunts so interesting because good footwork could be the difference in surviving or dieing. Now wars are more static. It's getting boring.

08-06-2008, 10:24 AM
i spent about 4 hours yesterdaytrying to work with the new slow backwards movement and im sorry to say it has to go.
it not only makes lvl ing hard, it is also ridiculus trying to fight enemy.
and with no disrepect NGD just because some other games use it it does not mean it it right for us or regnum.
i will have anouther go with it today but i dont think i will be able to play with it in place.

08-06-2008, 01:05 PM
Last night a sole hunter tried to flank us at trelleborg. It's a usual move and I have my eye out for those that wanna try it, but this one didn't even camo to do it. I broke off and went after him to protect our conjurers from getting confused.

Well, I've never seen such a retarded battle in my life. Archer vs Archer is like the ultimate display of retardedness. 2 people moving around like chicken with their heads cut off lol

Anyway, see my post in Kailer's thread on why i strongly disagree.

08-06-2008, 01:57 PM
I voted for removal,

I have purchased xim (around 80US worth, i have no problem supporting a game i liked, as i have come from other mmorpgs that have subscription plans..so money was never an issue, and i hoped the money would help suppor their server and dev costs)

I want to voice my opinion that i dont think ngd understand the meaning of a ranged class, to be able to STAY at range, and take minimal damage, compensated by weak armor and defense, while melee classes had the ability to do tremendous damage because they were forced to get close to attack, and both classes had the ability to enhance their strong points as well as to exploit their counterparts' weaknesses. at least thats how i saw it as being balanced..but im just a noob, so my opinion could be way off.

08-06-2008, 03:59 PM
Hi Community,

Given the current changes, please continue this topic in this official thread (http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=28225).
