View Full Version : It has become clear to me

08-06-2008, 10:18 PM
I keep reading posts about many different things, and a certain community rep keeps locking them (=x) But that is ok. He's doing his job. Now I wonder if my post shall fall victim to his responsibilities as well? Well, here goes.

Have you ever heard someone ask the question about ownership of a community based program? Such as, who owns world of warcraft? The obvious answer is Blizzard, however, Blizzard knows that the community comes first, and they come second. Obviously they cannot please everyone, but almost all the time there is a large sweeping game wide issue it is taken care of, and problems of balance between classes are not as simple since no class wishes to ever be nerfed.

Let's take it a step further, who owns DnD? Wizards of the Coast, is the legal answer. But who owns my Druid/fighter half elf? Once again, the powers that be make the game more and more like the way people want it to be, not the way they want it to be. That does seem a bit discouraging, but if your player base wants a good game, and they do not like the vision of your game any more, perhaps it is time to adjust?

A certain statement was made... "kiting was never an intended feature of the game and was removed." So people have grown to play and love a feature of the game, then they come to find out it is a bug? That sounds a bit off. But I suppose the worst of it is the game will go the direction that the powers that be want it to with less regard to what is wanted.

Does the community know how to make games? Mostly not, but do they know what they want? Absolutely.

I think I've said enough about community and stuff. It will be read, and promptly disregarded, and who knows it may even get locked or deleted!

08-06-2008, 10:35 PM
Hi Polarkrackin,

I understand your point of view, sometimes relying on words doesn't allow to see the big picture. If you take what was said officially by NGD members or even me you will get the idea. We wanted to fix a gameplay error that caused Kiting and we chose a bad way to do it, we accepted our error and rolled back.

So, understanding your point this discussion can go on, and please, if you don't intend to flame, deminish or insult anyone you have nothing to worry about. ;)


08-07-2008, 08:29 PM
That was such a long-winded way to complain about the issue, but at least you didn't flame/threaten to leave like half the other people.

08-09-2008, 11:16 PM
It's a good post and IMHO really speaks the truth about the relationship of the game developers and the players should be. :) It gives NGD something to ponder on: while NGD has a bigger view on how the game should be, should they sacrifice player enjoyment for it? I hope not. A successful game would be made with first and foremost the players in mind. Give the players what they want so they will have fun. If the game is fun, more players will come and the more players there are, the more income there is for the company. As an MMO gets more players online, the game will start to take a life of its own, and if dealt with correctly, it should make the game more fun and attract even more players.

08-10-2008, 12:37 PM
It's a good post and IMHO really speaks the truth about the relationship of the game developers and the players should be. :) It gives NGD something to ponder on: while NGD has a bigger view on how the game should be, should they sacrifice player enjoyment for it? I hope not. A successful game would be made with first and foremost the players in mind. Give the players what they want so they will have fun. If the game is fun, more players will come and the more players there are, the more income there is for the company. As an MMO gets more players online, the game will start to take a life of its own, and if dealt with correctly, it should make the game more fun and attract even more players.
I agree, this is simple logic, I think that if NGD made a better game with lots of gaming possibilities instead of thinking in the short run with more money, then in the long run a good game will earn the more, people will simply be more delightful to buy premium because they like the game, like
they want to be in the war zone quickly so they buy a lot of xp scrolls, they want to be 50 quickly after tasting the war zone so they can do non stop war and no mob slaying.

That's why the pvp quest is the right way to go, just make sure they get known of the pvp quest when they get 30 XD. I just got an idea

08-11-2008, 07:05 AM
I agree, this is simple logic, I think that if NGD made a better game with lots of gaming possibilities instead of thinking in the short run with more money, then in the long run a good game will earn the more, people will simply be more delightful to buy premium because they like the game

It might be this exact logic preventing NGD from listening to every complaint about the current changes. I believe the backwards movement was only reverted because too much of the population was revolting; no point in thinking the long run if there isn't going to be a short run.

Assuming NGD thinks on the same frequency I do, only community input that seems like a good idea to them will be implemented. For example, if 90% of the community declared they wanted a frog class implemented, it'll still be discarded as a stupid idea.