View Full Version : Back to old film characters
08-14-2008, 02:42 PM
I know it's not about Regnum, but here's the Regnum community and asking you guys will give me some thoughts.
Cause there's a long animation film I am going to make, like a disney production, but on my own, which will take me years and years and it will be my debiut. (well, hopefully) A film for whole family with music and songs \o/ I really like old style hand drawn animations and maybe that may sounds too lame for people who prefer high quality CG movies, but that's what I aimed for since childhood :p
Since disney or dreamworks never got any eastern europe ideas into their movies, I decided to make my own about polish mountains
Starring animals like in a typical animation, main characters is a Lynx :p
Do you like my design? I tried to make it as original and as cartoony as I could. And not similar to any Lion King or Aristocats :p
your thoughts are important to me since you're my best best audience (and only one xD)
And don't worry, I won't even start it this year ;D
08-14-2008, 02:56 PM
Nice! What other chars you have in mind?
08-14-2008, 02:57 PM
Hah, good to have an original idea, I can't wait to see how this goes out for you, it seems good.
08-14-2008, 02:58 PM
Nice! What other chars you have in mind?
well you know, I don't have whole story yet. For sure some black characters, other lynxes, (female one should be there too xD) birds, ye know, european fauna, and sheep herds with gorals
i don't know if you know what a goral is (our highlander) but they speak with awesome accent and I want to pay a tribute to them with my movie
08-14-2008, 03:05 PM
That looks kickass.
Ever considered working for Dizney, when i saw the picture i SWEAR it was. But after reading, i believe otherwise.
That is some GREAT skill
08-14-2008, 03:12 PM
I love the design. All the best wishes to you and this path. I belong to the highlanders of my homeland myself. So I'm particularly touched with the concept.
I'll add you to my chants when we do our next ritual ;)
08-14-2008, 03:47 PM
yay! \o/ thank you guys
08-14-2008, 04:23 PM
Robin Hood, hu ? A good start ! :D
Graphically, it looks nice, just a bit stiff maybe (it's a poor amateur's opinion, no offense in my thoughts, but I'm afraid I can't give you pertinent advices on the graphs :s).
Now, this is how I proceed to create a character :
- First of all, think of a theme for it (good, bad, tricky, true, imaginative, materialist, etc...) then a concept (a professor, a burglar, a madman, any combination of profession or activity). You'll have now to think of his physical description in a wide way (big, tall, slouch, imposing ... jeez I'm starting to talk like you're a child... but really, that's not what I want, don't get me wrong :S)
Well, I think you already have all that, so let's go straightly to part 2.
- His backgroud now, all that have made it what he is : childhood, environment, education, experiences that have impressed his life until now. Maybe you'll think this is not necessary, but it may be important to refine what will be seen of the char : his demeanor.
- Demeanor : after all he have seen, all he have experienced, our char definitely have a way of thinking, a way to move, to talk, to express his feelings or to hide them. Will he be aggressive ? Nonchalant ? Will he be timid, stammering while talking ? Or defending fiercely his opinions, whatever may be the consequences ?
It's an important part for this is what will be seen of the char, which means we will identify ourselves or not to the char.
- Interconnections : whatever he already experienced, whoever he already met, whatever he already thought, a char will always evolve in his behavior while he's in close contact with others living being.
Does he think love is a false emotion that can only make him weaker ? He still can fall in love.
Does he believe that nothing can be done in a given situation ? Something or somebody can give him the solution (or a clue to find it).
Does he think that friendship is eternal ? Well... betraying is human, too... and that can give him an occasion to find new strengths. ;)
After having written that, I realize you surely already know all of that...
Meh, think of it as a reminder ^^' !
Hoping that can give you some clues.
08-14-2008, 04:33 PM
Laeloth, almost everything you wrote is already done :p
Thanks for your help, but I think the basics are simple for me.
Also this is just a design, not ready in-movie shot, so maybe it looks stiff because there isn't much shading and no background ;)
I don't think I should write here all my concept for the film because someone can sell it before I do anything with it, so forgive me if I don't write all the plot here ;)
08-14-2008, 05:26 PM
If it's for a movie imho the drawing lacks details.
08-14-2008, 06:16 PM
The point is, if the design of such a character represents a memorable character playing a lynx. To me it is. No judgement to whether it fits on a film or not. Whether that particular pic shows the total outcome of a particular frame on a film. No. It's just the design of a lynx character. So yes, I like the character. And yet it is still a working progress so expect more of it. And yes Piz is an excellent artist as it has been shown so need not to worry about that too.
......... wait, is this post offensive? My apologies.
08-14-2008, 06:25 PM
If it's for a movie imho the drawing lacks details.
this is a design, first in my life of this character, so yeah, it will probably evolve. It's not in a film still, as I said before.
Besides, I cannot make it more difficult to draw, otherwise animating such character would be too hard for one person to do. Remember that huge productions with complicated animations have more than 20 people in the staff, I am all alone, and this, in my opinion, is easy to draw. I do sketching, animating, colouring, backgrounds, camera movement and post production.
08-14-2008, 06:56 PM
Hmm maybe the characters need to be humanized a bit more than that? Or are you deliberately making them exactly like their real-life animal counterparts?
08-14-2008, 07:16 PM
So here's a question as you're crazy as always to be able to juggle:
With this huge project added, will there be some things you would have to set aside? Like the Comic? The other comic (RH)? The unspoken awaiting for the vid version of the comic? The earning dough for rent? Regnum Online itself? Getting more crazy?.......Or should I get the tomahawk back for my neck?
08-14-2008, 07:29 PM
So here's a question as you're crazy as always to be able to juggle:
With this huge project added, will there be some things you would have to set aside? Like the Comic? The other comic (RH)? The unspoken awaiting for the vid version of the comic? The earning dough for rent? Regnum Online itself? Getting more crazy?.......Or should I get the tomahawk back for my neck?
No nono. As I said, I am not even starting this year. It will be a long term project, for many years, calm down :)
and nope, pure animals, no anthropomorphic additions
08-14-2008, 07:54 PM
Heh. Tomahawk hangs at the door then... for now... with the chopping board beside it.
Will be waiting for your next blast of awesomeness. Please continue.
08-14-2008, 10:08 PM
Hard to find something valuable... let's try this.
Well, after a few researches, I finally found two little sites that may have some interest (no big deal) :
- (try sorting by Production year)
and obviously, lots of old style animation movies. But before posting any link, I would like to know if that can interest you or not (and if not, what can we search that could help you, at least a bit :P)
(Hey, been less than a year I have Internet. I try to help the way I can '^^")
08-15-2008, 01:24 AM
thanks Laeloth, really, but I don't think I need to see even more animations. I've seen SO many already for the Animation School exam and I'd really like to bring back the old school style
mostly polish ;)
08-15-2008, 06:58 PM
Piz, I can't really say anithing that has not been said until now. I fully support you in this project, since it's the encarnation of your effort and love to the art.
I don't know what to say, except that I wish you the best of luck.
08-15-2008, 07:00 PM
Piz, I can't really say anithing that has not been said until now. I fully support you in this project, since it's the encarnation of your effort and love to the art.
I don't know what to say, except that I wish you the best of luck.
thanks ;) ill try to be famous and buy surak more beer
08-18-2008, 01:11 PM
I don't know if you've seen this before:
'Voices of a Distant Star' was written, and produced by one man. He used CG to help with animation. I just wanted to give you inspiration, so you know that your project is very possible :clapping5365:
08-18-2008, 01:14 PM
No manga will give me inspiration. Besides, didn't he have more money and years? And I can't use CG
08-18-2008, 01:40 PM
I know it's not about Regnum, but here's the Regnum community and asking you guys will give me some thoughts.
Cause there's a long animation film I am going to make, like a disney production, but on my own, which will take me years and years and it will be my debiut. (well, hopefully) A film for whole family with music and songs \o/ I really like old style hand drawn animations and maybe that may sounds too lame for people who prefer high quality CG movies, but that's what I aimed for since childhood :p
Since disney or dreamworks never got any eastern europe ideas into their movies, I decided to make my own about polish mountains
Starring animals like in a typical animation, main characters is a Lynx :p
Do you like my design? I tried to make it as original and as cartoony as I could. And not similar to any Lion King or Aristocats :p
your thoughts are important to me since you're my best best audience (and only one xD)
And don't worry, I won't even start it this year ;D
wow I like him
To me he looks naughty, self confident, arrogant, naughty, a hero, naughty
08-18-2008, 02:02 PM
wow I like him
To me he looks naughty, self confident, arrogant, naughty, a hero, naughty
purrfect ;D
08-18-2008, 02:04 PM
So do you have other designs? Meow! Is there a script yet? Meow! .... Nah! I'd rather wait for next post.
08-18-2008, 02:19 PM
No manga will give me inspiration. Besides, didn't he have more money and years? And I can't use CG
Oh I didn't mean for you to follow his style, just how one guy managed to pull off his idea and make it into a movie. Yeah he did get funding to start, but only after he pressed for his story to get attention :bounce5425:
08-18-2008, 03:07 PM
Maybe i'll get something too ;) I don't need money for anything yet
You guys want more designs? aww :p
the overall story is about that lynx how he got used to tourist feeding him so he's a useless wild cat and can't hunt anything
basic meaning of the movie will be something for kids like "children don't feed human food to wild animals!" :p
08-18-2008, 05:50 PM
Interesting concept.... naughty naughty Lynx being fed and getting useless....... More more more! More Designs! More more more! More Comic too! More more more! Start the vids... both of them! More more more!
/me shut up now and sleep... Night all.
08-18-2008, 07:10 PM
Interesting concept.... naughty naughty Lynx being fed and getting useless....... More more more! More Designs! More more more! More Comic too! More more more! Start the vids... both of them! More more more!
/me shut up now and sleep... Night all.
CLONE ME! I has to mooch work k?
08-18-2008, 10:57 PM
... Will this be in polish?
Because I want to see it when it's done. =(
08-18-2008, 11:07 PM
... Will this be in polish?
Because I want to see it when it's done. =(
yeah, totally in polish, but if I succeed, maybe I will translate it to english ;)
08-18-2008, 11:08 PM
yeah, totally in polish, but if I succeed, maybe I will translate it to english ;)
Oh you better.
*gets Boger-in-a-jar*
Or else I open this.
08-19-2008, 12:07 AM
Oh you better.
*gets Boger-in-a-jar*
Or else I open this.
i'd hump it
08-19-2008, 09:21 AM
i'd hump it
08-19-2008, 06:46 PM
Yep. I feel severly pwn'd.
08-19-2008, 10:30 PM
CLONE ME! I has to mooch work k?
Cloning was outlawed due to the fact that it would be possible to clone chuck norris.
Scientist have hypothosised that if one Chuck Norris roundhouse kick was met by another, it would be of more power than the big bang.
Sorry Piz, i cant clone you :(
08-20-2008, 04:21 AM
Meh. I don't have to clone you. All you need are a couple more hands. Choose. Right or left?
08-29-2008, 03:24 PM
Meh. I don't have to clone you. All you need are a couple more hands. Choose. Right or left?
Ooooh, I can help with that.
I got like, 15 spare hands in a drawer downstairs! =)
08-29-2008, 10:02 PM
Cloning was outlawed due to the fact that it would be possible to clone chuck norris.
That's not true. Cloning Chuck Norris is outlawed because the Universe wouldn't be able to hold such awesomeness.
Theotherhiveking is my clone, and I'm proud (VERY proud) of him... Or me... It's the same...
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