View Full Version : Hunters and Camouflage changes?

08-18-2008, 01:52 PM

First i want to say that as hunter i always tought that the couple SOTW/camu was unfair so changes has to be made to change that.

but i think the way NGD did it , simply killed the camu spell, what is the point with a spell that is cancelled each time a cat fart 100km far from you ?

so now much hunters don't have camu anymore (i don't) but without camu hunting is far far more difficult than it was if after an attack you are low on hp and a archer or a barb comes you are screwed, you can try to run but they'll get you soon or late.

why not simply prohibed the use of camu under SOTW (what make sense you can't camu with all that wind surroinding you).

that way we will stil have a chance to camu. no one want to camu when he's safe, camu is needed when danger is near.

08-18-2008, 01:58 PM
but i think the way NGD did it , simply killed the camu spell, what is the point with a spell that is cancelled each time a cat fart 100km far from you ?

I will try to not be evil :D
This spell can be used to escape but you need to think how an when. I am using it to hunt. Tracking, bestial, camu.
You don't like this change? Then don't use camu.

08-18-2008, 02:20 PM
oh yes we all know to hide behind something to camu, you are not hiding a big secret, but even if i see people hiding easily behind stuff i simply can't do it easily (i play under linux , maybe that is the (un)trick)

when i come too near object trying to hide behing the server get me backward (like it happened when lag occurs) so i have to make a large round around the object wich make me lose all advance i had from the ennemies and got killed previously (without the use of sotw) i had a change to camu i resist/evade or ennemies using bad attacks , but now ...

08-18-2008, 03:13 PM
but now ...
Is time to try something different. I have no problem with new camu.

08-18-2008, 03:43 PM
oh i'm so dumb i didn't think about changing tactics , but thanks you are here to give precious advices !

08-18-2008, 03:56 PM
I'm using Stalker surrounding level 5 to hunt with my fellow clanmate of the Order of Daggers. We set some nice ambush with it. We ambush a whole group of alsius hunting in Ignis with it. Thanks to the surprise we killed them all and they were more than us.

Honnestly Hunters during hunt still have the upper hand, which seems to be fair since they are made for that.

08-18-2008, 04:28 PM
Camo is not meant as an escape spell, it's an offensive one. If you use it correctly it's very good. I'm 100% happy with the way camo is implemented.

08-18-2008, 04:31 PM
I think the camo spell is fine as it is.

I hated the way it was before - it was far too easy to escape.

Now the spell is used much more for what it was intended: ambush attack.

Plenty of hunters still escape using camo - mostly by running behind an object - but it is much trickier now to escape with camo and so IMO the balance is right with it.

BTW, this part of the original post made me laugh:

what is the point with a spell that is cancelled each time a cat fart 100km far from you ?

08-18-2008, 05:02 PM
oh i'm so dumb i didn't think about changing tactics , but thanks you are here to give precious advices !
Thnx for grey karma :D
I am happy that you finally discovered changing tactic :clapping5365:

08-19-2008, 02:04 AM
it would have been better if they just made it so you couldn't cast Camo under SOTW and it still took any HIT to cancel the spell, but i guess the game mechanics don't allow that sort of complexity. :-/