View Full Version : Masacre

08-20-2008, 08:32 PM
I let the images speak for themselves

08-20-2008, 08:39 PM
That is just.... low of them and for everyone else that does save camping for that matter regardless of realm.

Alsius seems to suffer more then any realm when it comes to numbers, and its kinda obvious that in that screenshot there were over 60 greens or so..

you describe it pretty well Znurre, that was a masacre..

ngd should really do something about balance between realms.

08-20-2008, 08:40 PM
The spanish discussion is already quite fired up.

I'de like to see what anyone from syrtis has to say, besides "ya all noobs gt pwnd my roxxr", etc...

08-20-2008, 08:41 PM
The spanish discussion is already quite fired up.

I'de like to see what anyone from syrtis has to say, besides "ya all noobs gt pwnd my roxxr", etc...

What?! Have the syrtian language even got that many words?
I thought it was just "Yum-Yum"

08-20-2008, 08:51 PM
The solution is easy. Move the save farther from the fort.

I didnt camp since a couple of months, and that camping was the "vendetta" of that camp that u (Alsius) did to Syrtis's save some weeks ago :p

08-20-2008, 08:53 PM
Its save camping it sucks it happens a lot you could just respawn at the gate.
Syrtis gets camped at south bay
Ignis gets camped at Meni
Alsius gets camped at both

It sucks but there isnt much we can do about it other than not do it ourselfs (trele tends to get "camped" a lot because its very close to trele imo it should be momved about 150M East

08-20-2008, 08:59 PM
I repeat what I said in the other ones.

Wars stopped being fun long ago. We just fight in an attempt to bring justice to our punished egos, to give our tormented frustration some rest. But we just cant...

I suggest blowing the 4 alsirian bridges for 3 months. Let our youngs lvl up, then maybe we'll think about war again.

08-20-2008, 09:01 PM
In the mean time I will swim over to you instead :)
(ok I feal for alsius ill do more hunting in ignis from now on)

08-20-2008, 09:03 PM
Its save camping it sucks it happens a lot you could just respawn at the gate

Yes you can but the other night both the save and the gate were camped. So the so called "fix" for save camping has fixed nothing.

08-20-2008, 09:05 PM
These massacres at Trell are becoming ever more frequent.

The odd one occasionally is tolerable.

But these days i witness them each day i play.

It's not so much the camping per se.

It's the numbers of enemies there waiting like vultutres for the few Alsiuns at the save...

08-20-2008, 09:39 PM
Yes you can but the other night both the save and the gate were camped. So the so called "fix" for save camping has fixed nothing.Spawning at gate is no solution for me, because I don't want to see my friends die over and over without me doing anything about it.

Besides, I would like to thank gusano and Excesir for not participating in the masacre.
You have my respect.

08-20-2008, 09:57 PM
Okay here's what I will do.

I'm lvl 43. I'll take some time. I don't think I'll step on WZ again until I become 50.

Then I will help more than I can now. It's only a little, but it's what I can and I will do.

08-20-2008, 10:01 PM
Okay here's what I will do.

I'm lvl 43. I'll take some time. I don't think I'll step on WZ again until I become 50.

Then I will help more than I can now. It's only a little, but it's what I can and I will do.
WOW, I thought I was the only one who did this XD.

Anyway, this is sad to see, and it feels like alsius is losing battlemoral :/, things are not what they used to be with alsius, I guess evades came from behind and ninjaed your lot

08-20-2008, 10:02 PM
NGD could always put up walls around the saves, kinda of like the forts but no guards or anything that way we can't die unless we "walk out". Make it like huts or something, i dunno :P Just a idea!

Making us respawn at the gate is okay but what if we want to gain some strength at trelle save to retake? Having some kind of guard up will allow Alsius to gain enough manpower so we dont have things like save camping and getting killed every 2 secs :D

08-20-2008, 10:12 PM
Spawning at gate is no solution for me, because I don't want to see my friends die over and over without me doing anything about it..

Nor do I but at that time Pinos was under attack too and most were there fighting so I tried to head there to help. At the time I did not know the camping zone extended to the gate too.

08-20-2008, 10:53 PM
Fresh pictures, captured 5 minutes ago.
Notice that in picture 2 they also follow me when I try to get away from the save.

Conclusion: this is not fort war - it is save camping with fort war army.
Once again, congratulations Syrtis.

08-20-2008, 10:56 PM
Fresh pictures, captured 5 minutes ago.
Notice that in picture 2 they also follow me when I try to get away from the save.

Conclusion: this is not fort war - it is save camping with fort war army.
Once again, congratulations Syrtis.

I don't understand why this isn't addressed by NGD. This makes playing this game crap. Sure NGD will say - res at your gate...but guess what - they camping that too...and killing the teleporter. So WTF NGD??

08-20-2008, 11:09 PM
This is one reason I personally hate going to Trelle...... Defending Trelle after we have taken it shoul NOT include camping the save. There is no justification for it.

I am sorry you had to suffer this as you say its not war.

Best Regards

08-20-2008, 11:09 PM
I am sorry Znurre. When i realized that they are not there to fight i droped it. It was sad view. And mas atras don't work on ppl.

08-20-2008, 11:42 PM
First off im glad this section of the forum has this as some form of disclaimer
Images Screenshots, fan-art and graphics related to the game. Forum loosely moderated. By entering you accept the risk of seeing inappropriate content.

It allows me to say this:

There are as we know Pt's in this game but this thread has brought to light
a new type of behavior within this game which is PPT


08-20-2008, 11:43 PM
Since when did save camping become a sport :eek24:
that's just insane... why would they even keep that up :confused2:

08-21-2008, 12:03 AM
znurre, thats horrible! I guess the best thing to do is let trelle stay green until a hour later then they've gone back to syrtis then you can just retake it then *shrugs*

08-21-2008, 12:11 AM
znurre, thats horrible! I guess the best thing to do is let trelle stay green until a hour later then they've gone back to syrtis then you can just retake it then *shrugs*No, because some low-lvl players will constantly try to fight back, against an army 30 times bigger than themselves.
I just can't walk away from there, knowing that this is happening.

08-21-2008, 12:24 AM
No, because some low-lvl players will constantly try to fight back, against an army 30 times bigger than themselves.
I just can't walk away from there, knowing that this is happening.

Wasn't it the Alsirian spirit we always loved?

08-21-2008, 12:27 AM
Wasn't it the Alsirian spirit we always loved?Yes, and I still value that.
But what I don't value is how these Syrtis players are abusing it.

08-21-2008, 12:36 AM
Yes, and I still value that.
But what I don't value is how these Syrtis players are abusing it.

All I can say is that we finally kicked them. Znurre, arthor, and a few others rallied and we took them one mage at a time. So I 100% agree with Inks...PPT

08-21-2008, 02:08 AM
syrtis are like big, unorganized weak insects. But when in a group, they're really annoying and painful. I suggest luring them in various directions to break the massive group. I honestly promise, it works.

08-21-2008, 02:21 AM
syrtis are like big, unorganized weak insects. But when in a group, they're really annoying and painful. I suggest luring them in various directions to break the massive group. I honestly promise, it works.

Well we tried, but it ended up with groups of 2 alsirians against 5 or 6 of them...

08-21-2008, 02:35 AM
Well we tried, but it ended up with groups of 2 alsirians against 5 or 6 of them...

I suggest throwing a shiny object at them

08-21-2008, 03:17 AM
That would probably be the best. Well I'll sleep now. I'll have happy dreams imagining ways to revert this...

08-21-2008, 05:04 AM
I suggest throwing a shiny object at them



I think its fair, just as Paul said we all get camped, i got killed at the beach save more than 20 times trying to level there, by ignus who just come and sit around waiting for me to spawn.

It really pissed me off.

I cant go to the gate, i dont want to waste time [fatigue]

With the new feature [wall revive]
U can either go to the wall, or deal with it.

I personally dont like save camping,
I was shouting at the others to go back, and not save camp, but as u know, i speak english....... and i dont think they understood me, i gave up after a while.

Me and my friends did manage to hold trelle for a while though.
we stayed in when u captured it and attacked again, and again, and again.

but then the massacre happened.

08-21-2008, 09:00 AM
Trelle is as beach save, very popular place for camping.
Problem at Trelle is that Syrtis capture fort, noone comes, then they close to save to try lure anyone, then their button "s", which should be used when you see word "atras", broke.
They are so enjoying in those fights, maybe because they feel supremacy under those few low lvl Alsirians.
You can shout atras, back, but noone will listen.
And every time this lasts too long till Alsius high lvl players dont come to help.
I started to dream war at Trelle, where Syrtis will be on the walls, and Alsius on the hill accross, but not you at save, Syrtis at save too.
Many good players stay near rocks. I will also mention Asatru, conjurer, he never passes the line and dont want to help such people who are fighting at your pillar.
Btw, isnt Lord Belial, from first pic, Ignis barb?

08-21-2008, 10:03 AM
Damn noob campers.And always Syrtis. Makes my blood boil. One of the reasons i play on Horus now. I just hope there alsius wont be overwhelmed, too.

08-21-2008, 10:33 AM
ITs rather sterotypical to say that its ALLWAYS syrtis at south bay its (nearly) allways ignis but i have been killed by alsius there as well, also you lot seem addicted to suicide runs at central save in syrtis.

I try to stay near the fort and away from your save but thay are very close to each other imo the save needs to be moved further away.
And as i have said before each save should maybe have some "realm gate" style guards backing it up to help prevent this rubbish.

Ill admit to killing people at the saves but I dont hang around thats suicidal in the kind or 3-4 man teams I hunt in we hit then run that imo is only just reasonable.

08-21-2008, 11:11 AM
ITs rather sterotypical to say that its ALLWAYS syrtis at south bay its (nearly) allways ignis but i have been killed by alsius there as well, also you lot seem addicted to suicide runs at central save in syrtis.

I try to stay near the fort and away from your save but thay are very close to each other imo the save needs to be moved further away.
And as i have said before each save should maybe have some "realm gate" style guards backing it up to help prevent this rubbish.

Ill admit to killing people at the saves but I dont hang around thats suicidal in the kind or 3-4 man teams I hunt in we hit then run that imo is only just reasonable.I don't think you understand the problem!
For me, the problem is not the camping itself!

At central save, you have access to more than twice as many players as us.
We go near central save, kill 3 or 4 levelers and stay at the rock.

Usually you come back with an army as big as ours, we may kill it and you come back with even bigger ones.
We do this, because we enjoy the challenge!

But standing at beach, Menirah, or Trelle save and waiting for low lvls and high lvls to respawn just to kill them over and over, only because you are 4-5 times more than us, that my friend is no challenge!

No matter how good we play, we can't do a shit about it.
It won't even matter if I call 10 of my friends, because you will be 3 times more than us.

08-21-2008, 11:20 AM
syrtis are like big, unorganized weak insects. But when in a group, they're really annoying and painful. I suggest luring them in various directions to break the massive group. I honestly promise, it works.

Truer words never spoken, along with PPT.

Also with Znurres last statement, challange and fun makes a game, not PPT and ass-holeness towards low levels, come on. PICK ON ME! I DARE YOU! I'm only lvl 45, but i assure u i will be more then a handful compared to 2 lil lvl 30's!


08-21-2008, 01:00 PM
Id just like to add that most of Syrtis ( especially most of the spanish community, this isn't meant to be racism btw ;) ) Has a large group of younger players, who do not care for feelings, they care only for even the tinest stupidest amount of RP,

When I was leveling Edge from 40-44 there was nothing more frustrating than getting killed every 5 minutes, around a save, eventually I just lost the will to fight, its the same thing with the players of Alsuis.

Only other thing ill say is that on Horus its not very different, but somewhat better,

Syrtis is Syrtis, mostly gay kids.

08-21-2008, 02:17 PM
Id just like to add that most of Syrtis ( especially most of the spanish community, this isn't meant to be racism btw ;) ) Has a large group of younger players, who do not care for feelings, they care only for even the tinest stupidest amount of RP,

When I was leveling Edge from 40-44 there was nothing more frustrating than getting killed every 5 minutes, around a save, eventually I just lost the will to fight, its the same thing with the players of Alsuis.

Only other thing ill say is that on Horus its not very different, but somewhat better,

Syrtis is Syrtis, mostly gay kids.

I have to agree and not feel offended ;D

08-21-2008, 05:56 PM
This game is getting worse by the minute.
But luckily there is a very simple solution.

Log off!

08-21-2008, 07:07 PM
This game is getting worse by the minute.
But luckily there is a very simple solution.

Log off!
I was at aggers last night when you logged off.

The reds outnumbered us 4 to 1, no exaggeration.

Also, the whole of Alsius was crawling with greens - hunting parties everywhere - pinos shop, pozo, even at pinos save.

I was very close to logging off myself.

It was unpleasant, and the fun was all one-sided...

08-21-2008, 07:30 PM
So true. Sometimes it s easier to find the greens in Alsius then it is to roam Syrtis as a whole.

I think the Alsius landscape is the most compact of all realms, easy to navigate, and fast to cross. That makes it a popular choice to find targets, because the time saved by not having to wander as much as in the other realms. It's also part of the reason that Alsius saves get hit so hard--low population plus enemy reinforcements arrive quickly. I think for a short time, it would be nice to see other realms having to manage the chaos of Alsius' turf....Or better yet!

Limit the amount of players in the WZ by each realm. Example: Alsius has 30 players online, that means Syrtis and Ignis can only have 30 players in the WZ as well. The rest of the players sign up for 'waitlist' at the Inner Realm Teleporter. More players can be added to the total in the WZ, so long as each realm can support it. 250A, 250S, 250I, etc.

May be we can squeeze realm chat back in:lighten:

08-21-2008, 08:28 PM
NGD when will you address this issue!?

As for the English speaking players of RA, you could always come to Horus. Yes its starting all over is a drag, fatigue is horrible, gold is hard to come by.. BUT.... no save camping :D

08-21-2008, 08:51 PM
Limit the amount of players in the WZ by each realm. Example: Alsius has 30 players online, that means Syrtis and Ignis can only have 30 players in the WZ as well. The rest of the players sign up for 'waitlist' at the Inner Realm Teleporter. More players can be added to the total in the WZ, so long as each realm can support it. 250A, 250S, 250I, etc.
HaHa good joke now whats your real idea? this? seroiusly? so if a conju or hunter leaves wz to reskill then they many be unable to re-enter for serveral hours?

Didnt think that one though did you =/

BUT.... no save camping


08-21-2008, 09:00 PM
So true. Sometimes it s easier to find the greens in Alsius then it is to roam Syrtis as a whole.

I think the Alsius landscape is the most compact of all realms, easy to navigate, and fast to cross. That makes it a popular choice to find targets, because the time saved by not having to wander as much as in the other realms. It's also part of the reason that Alsius saves get hit so hard--low population plus enemy reinforcements arrive quickly. I think for a short time, it would be nice to see other realms having to manage the chaos of Alsius' turf....Or better yet!

Limit the amount of players in the WZ by each realm. Example: Alsius has 30 players online, that means Syrtis and Ignis can only have 30 players in the WZ as well. The rest of the players sign up for 'waitlist' at the Inner Realm Teleporter. More players can be added to the total in the WZ, so long as each realm can support it. 250A, 250S, 250I, etc.

May be we can squeeze realm chat back in:lighten:I like the idea, but I think it's better to apply it to only certain parts of warzone, like close to saves and merchants, forts, bridges, etc.

08-21-2008, 09:07 PM
I just dont like the idea of limited palyers allowed to play the major part of the game its a bit silly and haveing only certain areas? onle X ammount can be at cs at one time? only X ammount can be near this bridge what next invisiable barriers saying sorry you cant come here because god said so?

08-21-2008, 09:09 PM
What if there are 30 vs 30 but one side as much more level 50 players?

08-21-2008, 09:10 PM
exactly before you know it players will be telling low lvls (levelers) to get out of the WZ because they are useing up the Counter

08-21-2008, 09:27 PM

Hey, I don't ever see Horus getting as big as the spanish community :P Even if Syrtis wanted to camp a save, I'm pretty sure Alsius won't be outnumbered like poor Znurre was :P

08-21-2008, 09:44 PM
exactly before you know it players will be telling low lvls (levelers) to get out of the WZ because they are useing up the Counter

NGD could just implement only lvl 38 (use that as an example) can pass through the transport into the wz... and anything below that has to grind to get to that lvl.. *shrugs*

08-22-2008, 04:39 AM
Well, I cranked that idea out in 30mins, so of course it's going to have all sorts of logical problems.

Bottom line is that Alsius is in trouble, and can be the first of many other realms that will have the same issues in the future. If you can't control people creating chars (if they have friends in the same realm), then you can at least control the WZ. Maybe limit the amount of lvl 50s playing at a time, instead of the complete total. Or, as Znurre said, zone certain areas for limited numbers. The configurations are endless, but being demoralized should not be.

08-22-2008, 06:28 PM
The problem really itself seems to be Syrtis, and it goes along with people who don't have a right sense. I went on Ra today and I was mad because of the difference in war it is between realms.

In my opinion, id have to say that the wars on Horus are better, because they go beyond the boundrary of wars. Its got something else too, the players have respect for each other, and they play for this real sense of glory. (Of course the gameplay style is totally different aswell, there are few support conjurers and many more warjurers, there generally less defense, and it seems to be just about dealing damage, with very little tactics involved, there are really no lvl 19 spells used, people seem to use the idea of more points into more categories, instead of just maxing something out (Even strafing, Archers who are grinding don't seem to use the method of stepping back)

But on Ra, its just always the same, these kind of mindless battles, where its always outnumbered, Syrtis is usually just this big wave of players, that comes homing down onto you. Basically I can really feel for Alsuis, its enough to drive anyone up the wall, and having to live with it day by day is another story.

08-22-2008, 10:03 PM
And i am sitting an watching all this Ignis whining about numbers. And when they stop talking how bad it is when Syrtis have 40 players in one place, they go to Pinos for 1-2h with constant reinforcement form pn.
I am not sure but it is called hypocrisy.

08-22-2008, 10:42 PM
And i am sitting an watching all this Ignis whining about numbers. And when they stop talking how bad it is when Syrtis have 40 players in one place, they go to Pinos for 1-2h with constant reinforcement form pn.
I am not sure but it is called hypocrisy.

Most Alsius players seem to agree, that Ignis is the worst bunch these days, not Syrtis. We may save camp Trelleborg Fort occasionally, but on the other hand Ignis almost always has Pinos with 6 million men. :looking:

And they do the same at Herbred when Syrtis has only 20 players online.


08-22-2008, 11:39 PM

Most Alsius players seem to agree, that Ignis is the worst bunch these days, not Syrtis. We may save camp Trelleborg Fort occasionally, but on the other hand Ignis almost always has Pinos with 6 million men. :looking:

And they do the same at Herbred when Syrtis has only 20 players online.

Oh yeah, now Ignis has more players than Syrtis, and yes we have attack Pinos, but we attack with a normal army, not we camp a save.

Alsius usually can equal our army easily. So don't try to tell that Ignis are the bad people, that attack a fort!, not a save to don't leave to respawn the low levels that have saved there. There is a big difference about the mostly ignitian attitude and of the campers from Syrtis. Don't try to justify that attitude, saying that Ignis make attacks with outnumbered armies, when it is in part true, Alsius regroup an army to fight vs Ignis, easily.

Meanwhile, Syrtis always attack outnumbering the enemy, even Samal when is attacked by Syrtis, always we are autnumbered, so don't say that we go millions to Pinos, because we can tell that you attack with billions.

And in other hand, about the attacks to herbred when Syrtis is few, that I don't know when is it, but I think that is when I'm sleeping, at my morning(GMT+2) syrtis outnumber Ignis in numbers of 5 syrtians for 1 ignitian.

08-23-2008, 12:39 AM
I wanted to say something about the Trelle problem for some time now, but I never really found the right words. Then came Znurre saying this:

I don't think you understand the problem!
For me, the problem is not the camping itself!

At central save, you have access to more than twice as many players as us.
We go near central save, kill 3 or 4 levelers and stay at the rock.

Usually you come back with an army as big as ours, we may kill it and you come back with even bigger ones.
We do this, because we enjoy the challenge!

But standing at beach, Menirah, or Trelle save and waiting for low lvls and high lvls to respawn just to kill them over and over, only because you are 4-5 times more than us, that my friend is no challenge!

No matter how good we play, we can't do a shit about it.
It won't even matter if I call 10 of my friends, because you will be 3 times more than us.

With this I can absolutely agree. It really is no challenge at all. And that is exactly the reason why I have left Trelle so many times in the last weeks (or months?) when I saw a huge number of Syrtis killing a handful of Alsius at the save over and over. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother to go there at all, but every now and then, there are really good battles going on there, so I guess I will just continue go there to take a look.

I would like to make an official statement on this situation. I think everyone knows the rock between Trelle and the save. I won't go closer the the save than this rock. Everyone who is out of range from that rock will not get attention from me at all. This mean that I won't heal any Syrtis players beyond that range, and don't even think about asking me to resurrect any. And it also means that I won't attack any Alsius players not in range, with one exception only: to finish someone off who is running away (from the Trelle side of the rock) with low health. And if I get bored because everyone is camping the save, I will leave.

Summing this all up: I refuse to take part in this.

08-23-2008, 08:27 AM
Alsius usually can equal our army easily. So don't try to tell that Ignis are the bad people, that attack a fort!
LOL next time when i will watch how their army i melting and stops on 2 guys sitting and clapping to ignis i will make film. I am near pn quite often and i see who is gathering there and how often ppl cross it after Pinos capture. No save camping? LOL you don't cause pinos save is to far from fort. And there are always 2-3 big hunting party in alsius, and they camp trelle as well. You may believe or not i don't care.

08-23-2008, 10:59 AM
My opinion is that Syrtis save camps a lot, lot, lot more than the reds. This is based on my experience from playing on RA. Not necessary true for somebody else, but for me it is.

08-23-2008, 12:22 PM
Alsius usually can equal our army easily.

Totally not true. You mostly have a lot more people than us, even more than high level 5 conjurers so it's almost impossible for us to kill a single player. Wars at pinos when Ignis has the fort are mostly masacres too.

08-23-2008, 03:54 PM
This is not about shouting at each other. Or allowing Realm hating to get out of hand.

It's about the sickening sight of RP whores continuously and repetitively killing enemy players trying to defend their realm. The sight of Alsius trying for cs is, in my eyes at least, justifiable. We do out number them by a lot and they fight to the death.

Ignis RP whoring at the beach save gives us a taste really of how it feels.

Nikor I stand with you. The rocks are my limit too. Shouting at the killers makes no impression at all. I will not defend anyone beyond that point. It might be a game but murder is murder.

End of Transmission

08-24-2008, 07:01 PM
Totally not true. You mostly have a lot more people than us, even more than high level 5 conjurers so it's almost impossible for us to kill a single player. Wars at pinos when Ignis has the fort are mostly masacres too.

You havent sat at south bay for a day have you...
On Horus so far looks like Ignis is the zerger realm so anyone there can just stop moangin about Ra's Syrtis (looking at you edge)

Now for the love of god please someone lock this thread since its now just a oh you camp us more than we camp you thread.

08-24-2008, 07:32 PM
You havent sat at south bay for a day have you...
On Horus so far looks like Ignis is the zerger realm so anyone there can just stop moangin about Ra's Syrtis (looking at you edge)

Now for the love of god please someone lock this thread since its now just a oh you camp us more than we camp you thread.
This was about Ignis ^^

08-25-2008, 01:38 PM
Still this needs to be closed and if not by a mod we should grow up and let it die.
What needed to be said has been and now this has become an unproductive finger pointing game.
I wont be posting here again and I hope you all have the maturaty to do the same.

08-25-2008, 02:01 PM
Bad syrtis bla bla bla bla bla.

I'm bored of reading this.

For the reference Elendriel around 6.00am to 8.00am GMT+2 (french timezone) the Ignis zerg Stone a lot. When we kick them out of our lands they just go to Pinos. In my clan we have a policy about that. If we are outnumbered and keep dying, we just let the fort to block reinforcement. And I can assure you we have a bigger impact that continously dying at the fort. That's why I won't complain about it, we have a way to deal with it. I don't know if Alsius can do the same.

We also try to block pn when Alsius is zerged by reds at pinos.

Yesterday I fought at trelleborg. The battle was enjoyable in the begining we had been pushed inside the fort and tried to hold the door, then came reinforcement, and some Alsius left the fight. And it was ruined. Honnestly what would you do ? stop fighting ? try to leave but getting zerged by the Alsius that will saw you alone ? I honnestly don't know what to do in thoses cases.

08-25-2008, 02:10 PM
znurre has 4510 life!! O.o

08-25-2008, 02:13 PM
znurre has 4510 life!! O.oThis is needed to keep me alive at all ;)

08-25-2008, 02:19 PM
znurre has 4510 life!! O.o

But he sacrifices a lot for that. He can't wear any helm. So 200 armor points wasted and one bonus item less that others.

But yeah 4510HP and cool punk hairstyle and incredible sex life XD

08-25-2008, 02:41 PM
But yeah 4510HP and cool punk hairstyle and incredible sex life XD

08-25-2008, 03:24 PM
But he sacrifices a lot for that. He can't wear any helm. So 200 armor points wasted and one bonus item less that others.

But yeah 4510HP and cool punk hairstyle and incredible sex life XD

Torg Agrees.

My lack of hat never caused me actual trouble... I've quicked asses of many lvl 50 mages with their nice bonused tunics.

You can have all the equips in the world but as long as you suck using your skills, me and my serpent tunic lvl 43 will keep on beating the CRAP out of any mage in pvp.

08-26-2008, 07:03 PM
THE EVIL THAT MEN DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Znu...Amazing Live reserves :looking:

09-04-2008, 10:34 PM
Another massacre today, fresh pictures captured within 10 minutes ago.

09-04-2008, 11:24 PM
Another massacre today, fresh pictures captured within 10 minutes ago.
I was there too - it was really lame.

We were hugely outnumbered and they stood around the save for half an hour or more like rabid rp-starved vultures.

The 2 hunters in that appear in the log in the first two screen shots were particularly opportunistic; they left the save only when on lo hp and returned as soon as they recovered - they did this for at least half an hour...

09-05-2008, 12:56 AM
I'm sorry it happens :S

I was today in alsius to see snakes in pozo, normally i stay out of the zerg-alsius business, I prefer raids on samal

09-06-2008, 12:11 PM
I came just back from the game where Syrtis was camping Trelle and pinos save at the same time, Pinos save with an entire army.

09-06-2008, 03:54 PM
I came just back from the game where Syrtis was camping Trelle and pinos save at the same time, Pinos save with an entire army.

09-08-2008, 07:29 PM
These massacres at trell save are becoming a daily event.

Today the reds thought it a good idea to attack us from behind while the greens already had us outnumbered 3 to 1 and pinned at the save.

I mean, why didn't they attack the greens?

Much easier to whore RP's from us that's why!

To all those whose body i danced on: my behaviour reflects my opinion of you.

And to the red hunter called 'Timy' who killed me as i rested at the save, i'm sooo glad i caught up with you for a 1v1 after you ran to the cemetary. I'm not quite so easy to kill when i have health and mana am i ?...

09-11-2008, 08:05 AM
Since guys of "some stupid named clan in Alsius" behave the same as Syrtians I don't see why we should camp you Alsius. You always can resurrect at gate and log off if you aren't happy.

EDIT: My point was we all are suffering from lame stuff like that, Simmy posted screenshots. At some hours Syrtis is less populated than it is said to be (6.00 to 9.00 am GMT+2). We are always zerged by Ignis at Herbred. We then suffer more and more from CS camping at thoses hours which means we can't even regroup before going to fight the zerg. I don't want to point out who, or realms for that because every realms has stupid players, and every realms does it in the end. Right now you guys from Alsius suffer the most because you are less populated, but Ignis suffer from it in Menirah, Syrtis at Beach Save and CS from time to time. We really need better answer to Save camping than resurrect at wall. And My Idea would be rp bonus or malus depending on where you engaged the fight.

09-11-2008, 09:41 AM
I once saw such a camping event at trelle save when I looked at my brother's screen. It was quite pathetic. There were some good people waiting for the campers to be satisfied a bit away from the save, but most of the people were killing the 3-6 Alsius at the save. The group of Syrtians was with about 15.

I really hope the realm balance improvement NGD announced is going to have effect. Not only it would make the game more enjoyable for the Alsius, it would also force us to fight smarter and better overall, which would also make the game more fun for us.

09-11-2008, 09:52 AM
Since guys of "some stupid named clan in Alsius" behave the same as Syrtians I don't see why we should camp you Alsius. You always can resurrect at gate and log off if you aren't happy.
This is a silly post.

This thread is about the problems suffered by Alsiuns on a day-to-day basis as a result of realm imbalance.

It is not a tit-for-tat thread about single instances of save camping.

Of course members of all realms camp saves.

But no other realm suffers from being camped by many times their number and so often, because the realm numbers are uneven...

09-11-2008, 11:04 AM
I once saw such a camping event at trelle save when I looked at my brother's screen. It was quite pathetic. There were some good people waiting for the campers to be satisfied a bit away from the save, but most of the people were killing the 3-6 Alsius at the save. The group of Syrtians was with about 15.

I really hope the realm balance improvement NGD announced is going to have effect. Not only it would make the game more enjoyable for the Alsius, it would also force us to fight smarter and better overall, which would also make the game more fun for us.

I think it won't be enought. Trelle is always camped by army of lvl 50 or 45+. I'm not sure people will decide to start a char in Alsius to level it up to 50 just for the gold. I mean the +15% exp and +50% gold ain't a lot. +50% exp + remove fatigue in alsius at least would have been way better.

09-11-2008, 11:59 AM
I dont like to camp, but after being killed and camped by alsius as well during the hours i play, i may change my views somewhat, at least to the people who i see complaining of it, yet doing the same thing.

the majority of people ive talked to or overheard, have planned to camp alsius even more because of their bonus they are awarded, and honestly i dont care anymore, may as well join them since obviously staying out of their save and not camping them doesnt mean a damn thing to whoever does it to me. thats all i ask, stay out of our save, and i at least wont participate in camping yours. giving someone a bonus for being outnumbered seems pretty silly, when depending on time of day, one realm will always be stronger than another, they should just fix the problem at its source, not try to even out the numbers, as thats obviously gonna take too long and theres too many factors that are ever changing (real life issues, playing time, time zones etc.)
I know alot of players have offered some pretty decent suggestions on how save camping could be handled at least, its a serious problem for ALL realms..not just dumping on alsius, but they just provided a handy example below. I often go to fort wars in alsius or sometimes Ignis, and watch the majority of players after capture, just head for the nearest altar, and its stupid, being the only one left in the fort while everyone heads off to spawn camp. I REALLY do wish NGD has a better solution than this, this aint gonna work at all (the RLM bonus)

I enjoy a fair fight and see nothing wrong with choosing a location nearby out of save and letting people come at you..but clearly standing in the saves is pretty pathetic, and whoever participated in the screenies below, have zero right to complain if and when, I or any other syrtis chooses to do likewise. I dont believe i've ever camped you, but I know I've faced you at your forts and mine.












09-11-2008, 01:00 PM
I think it won't be enought. Trelle is always camped by army of lvl 50 or 45+. I'm not sure people will decide to start a char in Alsius to level it up to 50 just for the gold. I mean the +15% exp and +50% gold ain't a lot. +50% exp + remove fatigue in alsius at least would have been way better.
I agree.

I believe they will have to do more, as they said they were prepared to do if neccessary.

09-11-2008, 02:53 PM
I enjoy a fair fight and see nothing wrong with choosing a location nearby out of save and letting people come at you.. but clearly standing in the saves is pretty pathetic, and whoever participated in the screenies below, have zero right to complain if and when, I or any other syrtis chooses to do likewise. I dont believe i've ever camped you, but I know I've faced you at your forts and mine.












Who on this screenshots is standing right inside your save? I looked through the screenshots and what I see is Alsius standing at your merchant. Merchant is not save. It is normal to have enemies near the merchant, it happens in Alsius and Ignis every day, although I must admit that syrtis merchant is closer to save than the other two (again a little syrtis privilege). 90% of those people are not even in attack range of the save. Maybe the marksman yes. I don't know. But Alsius always keeps a distance. You may come or not, like you wish (we didn't prevent you from exiting the save on the other side, we didn't chase you around while you were immune, you could have gone where you wanted to go). Not in one single of your pictures is the save itself visible compared to those from Znurre, where in every single one we see people standing exactly beneath the save pillar and getting attacked. In some pictures from Znurre we even see the attackers 5m beneath the save. I hope you see the difference...

Apart from that I remember that we were maybe 8 people (those screenshots were actually taken from 3 different times I think, judging from the people who are visible, this shows again with how cheap tricks people are trying to manipulate others minds ...). And in the end we were killing about 15-20 syrtis, we couldn't compete with your respawn rate, so the fight moved even further, ending halfway between your save and herbred. Do we see anything of that in those pictures? No! Maybe tomorrow I walk into your save as lone support conjurer, let your people at a time kill me (somebody in syrtis always kills those unarmed visitors xD ) and you accuse me of savecamping too? And you really had chances to fight back. We don't have the numbers to camp saves as syrtis does. On the other hand the person who took this screenshots was participating in the event where whole syrtis army stood right inside pinos save a few days ago. I'm not 100% percent sure if I've seen you standing right inside our save Simmy, but at least Sprell was, and you two were there together, remember? I think I have to take more screenshots in future, actually I'm not a fan of accusing single persons with name, but being accused of savecamping by savecampers might let me change my opinion.

The only time I ever really camped a save, meaning standing right inside it all the time, was with whole Alsius army at Samal save. And ignis had quite some players too, it didn't last for more than 5 min, but clearly was a sign of revenge for some fights with very unbalanced player numbers ...

And just one last question: Let us image for a while that we really all ran inside your save. What am I supposed to do? Conjurer = doctor. I don't attack you anyway, I don't even have attack spells (only beetle swarm, mind push, tremor, all rather nondamaging). My role is to keep people alive, no matter where they go or what they do. Most of the time I can't even decide it.

Kind Regards


P.S: have you noticed sth? On 3 or 4 of the screenshots you have my lv1 beetle swarm in your log xD. I'm sorry but I hope you understand that I can't let you confuse me or the other conju/conjus. And in some of the others you got the lv 3 one from the warlock :P

09-11-2008, 06:05 PM
I am not sprell,

and please post a pic of me savecamping if you desire to call me one.
I did follow sprell to a save once, but did not participate, AND the only post i can see where I AM in it..i am standing 100 meters back, unarmed. I was talking to Expand, insulting the spanish people for camping your save :looking: (the knight on path..im the smallest figure by tree..)

if it makes you feel any better, i later got bored of trying to change their minds to go back to fort and stop camping,..and drowned myself so i could go back to cs.


09-11-2008, 06:10 PM
How about this Kathris?


Your realm camps as much as any other. Filthy goats camp Syrtis CS all day and night long.

The difference is that Syrtis is actually competent enough to kill the dirty fur covered interlopers.

Alsius main problem is that they are totally disorganized, incapable of unity of action, and are still believing the hype about their past reputation as 'most organized' realm. That is hardly the case anymore.

Then when syrtis does help, as my clan did several times this week by blocking PN when ignis takes pinos, after the incompetent goats finally manage to get their fort back, they come attack us at PN after we just get done killing 30 or so ignis trying to get to Pinos during the course of the battle.

I had 20 goats all start attacking me in SOTW at PN the other night when all i did was stand there waving for 20 seconds...this after i'd solo blocked PN during a Ignis raping of pinos, personally killing 10 or more Ignis trying to get to the fort. So what do the goats do when they finally liberate pinos? Attack their only DECLARED ally in Syrtis in a 20 on 1.

Really smart.

Another of Alsius' main problem is that, as a whole, the realm is just not very skilled anymore.

And you're hypocrites for blaming others for save camping when you all do it too...many times every day. Alsius has no business blaming anyone else for save camping. You do it constantly yourselves. Alsius just stinks at it.

And Kathris, in Puppypaws last screen shot you are literally 10 meters away from Syrtis CS pole. And yeah, Syrtis save and market are one location...they are within 20m of one another. So every single one of Simmy screen shots are save camping.

You done been caught red handed. Be goat enough to admit it.

And an XP bonus for Ignis, even though from about 11am to 5am they camp Pinos/stone endlessly for hours with a massive group of 30-40 lvl 50s all on voice chat....ridiculous.

09-11-2008, 07:52 PM
but by following them in, and helping your fellow realm mates, in any way to camp a save..is condoning (or however its spelled) their actions..

i can justify it with the same reasoning, i CANT allow your conjurors to heal while i save camp them, so ill just conf and ambush them whenever they spawn right? if you cant allow me to use my own skills while defending my own save, why should i let you in yours? if thats the point youre trying to make, its not a very good one.

I think what i did was right, i did not even follow my realm or my fellow clan mate into the spawn, even if it means they die because of my lack of support.

doesnt matter if youre a healer or a hunter, if your actions turn the tide in your realms favor when camping, its equally wrong. but then again..its just my opinion.

09-12-2008, 08:32 AM
Who on this screenshots is standing right inside your save? I looked through the screenshots and what I see is Alsius standing at your merchant. Merchant is not save. It is normal to have enemies near the merchant, it happens in Alsius and Ignis every day, although I must admit that syrtis merchant is closer to save than the other two (again a little syrtis privilege). 90% of those people are not even in attack range of the save. Maybe the marksman yes. I don't know. But Alsius always keeps a distance. You may come or not, like you wish (we didn't prevent you from exiting the save on the other side, we didn't chase you around while you were immune, you could have gone where you wanted to go).

With all the respect I have, it's not what I saw. I have to insist on the use of the verb to see, because We only see a part of what happens you or me. We can both think we are right because of what we saw. Here I will tell you my version of what happened:

I logged in and 2 Alsius were 20m from save targeting me. 2 others were killing the only Syrtis I saw around at CS. As soon as my rezz dizzy was gone I got smoke by at least 3 of them. It happened twice. The best I could do was hitting twice one of the barbarians that was poking me. I decided to wait and try to regroup people at save (we were getting zerged at Stone, and our counter offensive in Samal wasn't going that well too). So to buy time I use the stupid but efficient tactics of log in/out to keep dizzy on myself.

Now to be fair I didn't saw you. Maybe I arrived to late to see you and you have already moved with a part of your group.

09-12-2008, 09:16 AM
Now to be fair I didn't saw you. Maybe I arrived to late to see you and you have already moved with a part of your group.

to be fair I was probably there anyway standing somewhere or running around somewhere being totally bored of 100 % no action (btw : I get 0-1 rp from solo kills with my current setup, since I don't want to spam auras when nobody needs them ...). The action came later and imo it was a fair, hard and good fight. The time where only some ress dizzy guys stood around wasn't very long, and some of them attacked as only person ...

Alsius main problem is that they are totally disorganized, incapable of unity of action, and are still believing the hype about their past reputation as 'most organized' realm. That is hardly the case anymore. [/B]

Then when syrtis does help, as my clan did several times this week by blocking PN when ignis takes pinos, after the incompetent goats finally manage to get their fort back, they come attack us at PN after we just get done killing 30 or so ignis trying to get to Pinos during the course of the battle.

I had 20 goats all start attacking me in SOTW at PN the other night when all i did was stand there waving for 20 seconds...this after i'd solo blocked PN during a Ignis raping of pinos, personally killing 10 or more Ignis trying to get to the fort. So what do the goats do when they finally liberate pinos? Attack their only DECLARED ally in Syrtis in a 20 on 1.

And Kathris, in Puppypaws last screen shot you are literally 10 meters away from Syrtis CS pole. And yeah, Syrtis save and market are one location...they are within 20m of one another. So every single one of Simmy screen shots are save camping.

True, that is why it is hard to get a good fight atm, I'm tired of playing with total noobs. Let me enjoy the few moments where Alsius can organize a few players in a good fight. But I would say it a bit different: The images of the past most organized moments give us hope that we might still have a few moments like in the good old days with good old friends.

Blocking pn is nice (/me gives Valorius the medal of courage :D), but I think it is 100% logical that Alsius wants revenge for pinos, so they would head to Samal. And you know that there are noob people who don't care about waving in every realm, so it is your own fault if you don't move. You are a hunter, you know when the enemy army comes. Or you were still fighting reds and just had bad luck in that case.

using multiple SotW or SotW in pvp is what you do too. So there's nothing new about it. If I were an archer, I'd probably try to kill you in SotW too ;)

Apart from the fact that I only stood around there and doing nothing/moving behind archers while there was no action (what do we see on the last screenshot? I stood with my back towards this syrtis archer who was following me in his ress dizzy, but behind him, which was quite hard since he always turned around. The second he would drop his dizzy I would be his first target, so I had to do this) I personally think that I kept enough distance. I think it is time that Alsius organizes a good party and really camps your save, so you know how it feels to be really camped.

And btw: have you noticed that there are many suicides at syrtis CS too? It is not because people are too silly to savecamp but because they want to get back to pinos to help their friends at pinos vs Ignis. Many people do this though I don't like it at all ... free rp

09-12-2008, 05:01 PM
Blocking pn is nice (/me gives Valorius the medal of courage :D), but I think it is 100% logical that Alsius wants revenge for pinos, so they would head to Samal. And you know that there are noob people who don't care about waving in every realm, so it is your own fault if you don't move. You are a hunter, you know when the enemy army comes. Or you were still fighting reds and just had bad luck in that case.

These weren't noobs. They were some of Alsius' best and most veteran players.

20 players attacking 1 player who isn't running, and just standing there waving, a player (for that matter- the ONLY player) that has openly declared a willingness on the forums to help out the weakest realm, is just plain not smart, and it sure don't help the cause of Alsius.

At all.

09-12-2008, 07:16 PM
Did you know i started an alliance on ignis soil with multiple Alsius clans?

One would think that it would be common knowledge in Alsius by now, at least among it's top players. Shrug.

After your recent rantings in this and other threads, consider any such alliance with my clan null and void.

Also, don't bother 'helping' us at pn by killing ignis reinforcements going to aggers, and then expect us to shower you with honours. The biggest problem we have with enemy reinforcements is at trell when more greens come to fight us at the save, when we are already outnumbered 3 to 1. Speaking to your realm mates about this would be a much bigger help to us.

09-12-2008, 07:25 PM
Hi Community,

I had to delete several posts of this thread. Please continue with the topic at hand.

For the parties involved in the post deletion, this is the first and last permanent ban warning.

Do not reply to this post.


09-12-2008, 07:59 PM
consider any such alliance with my clan null and void.

That was already going to be the case due to the alsius XP/loot bonus.

Alsius as the zerg realm.../me shudders.

After your recent rantings in this and other threads,

One should not put personal feelings over what's best for their realm. :swordfight:

Also, don't bother 'helping' us at pn by killing ignis reinforcements going to aggers, and then expect us to shower you with honours.
I'm just asking that they not shower me with arrows... :devil:

But as you said in your PM, your realm is highly disorganized and doesn't listen to you anyway. Still sucks getting shot by people you were just helping though.

The biggest problem we have with enemy reinforcements is at trell when more greens come to fight us at the save, when we are already outnumbered 3 to 1. Speaking to your realm mates about this would be a much bigger help to us.
Considering your recent rantings in this and other threads, why would i ever do that? :clapping5365:

09-12-2008, 08:27 PM
We attack Central Save because we know we can't camp it. Syrtis attacks pinos save because they know they can camp it.

Alsius is compared to Syrtis a smooth running battle machine. I don't really think that Alsius players are less skilled than greens either to say it nicely.

I don't want to start a rant about Syrtis, but those insults you are making, Valorius, who are based at nothing are making me a little angry since if there's one realm with the highest percentage of lame players it's Syrtis.

09-13-2008, 01:16 AM
Opinions vary.

We attack Central Save because we know we can't camp it.
Doesn't stop alsius from trying.


09-13-2008, 01:23 AM
Opinions vary.

Doesn't stop alsius from trying.

http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=13151&d=1221156193The difference is that we do not try to camp.

We may follow a guy to the save and either die or be able to retreat, but we do never stand at the save, killing everyone who is spawning there, with a party consisting of 5 times as many players as the ones we are camping.

You cannot pretend this without lying.

PS. This can as well be a suicide attack where the guy in the picture wanted to die fast to get to the save for some reason.

09-13-2008, 01:34 AM
Znurre, there are other dead alsius laying on the ground in my screen shot.

Attacking a save is the same thing as camping a save, minus competence.

Alsius does stand there at our pole just killing players as they spawn, i've seen it a gajillion times in my year plus in game. And so does Ignis (mostly- and blatantly- at playa save).

All realms camp. It's war...so what.

09-13-2008, 08:00 AM
Attacking a save is the same thing as camping a save, minus competence.

It is not. And you know that mr save camper :D

09-13-2008, 09:34 AM
The difference is that we do not try to camp.

We may follow a guy to the save and either die or be able to retreat, but we do never stand at the save, killing everyone who is spawning there, with a party consisting of 5 times as many players as the ones we are camping.

You cannot pretend this without lying.

PS. This can as well be a suicide attack where the guy in the picture wanted to die fast to get to the save for some reason.

I got camped by some of Alsius. I mean you have at least two or tree ennemies waiting for you rezz dizzy to wear off. When I hurted one badly he just waited 2 minutes far from save and came back. If it is what you call retreat then we agree.

09-13-2008, 10:18 AM
Camping -> Killing enemies over and over, at least killing the same enemy more than 4 times imo.

Not camping -> Rushing through a save killing everything in sight, if you attack the party thats rushing through expect to be killed again, because all smart players that rush through a save rush through it and then immediatly start to run to avoid camping

However theres a clear difference between what Alsuis does at Stone to what Syrtis does at Trelleborg, at Trelleborg its a huge group of players waiting AT the save for people to respawn, and they always stay in range of the save.

Theres a clear difference between camping and rushing, learn them. Just because your killed at a save once its not camping a save. If you die more than once its your own damn fault for attacking again.

Attacking a save is the same thing as camping a save, minus competence.

Then I guess we're all save campers, then were no different from you, and that makes you happy. The End.

09-13-2008, 05:03 PM
It is not. And you know that mr save camper :D
Yes it is. It's the same.

I attack the enemy anywhere i find them. That white pole doesn't mean anything to me. If they don't like it, they can wave/bow and surrender, or they can rezz at their WZ gate.

I got camped by some of Alsius. I mean you have at least two or tree ennemies waiting for you rezz dizzy to wear off. When I hurted one badly he just waited 2 minutes far from save and came back.
Cabras save camp every day. Alsiuns, it's soooooooooooooooooo hypocritical to blame other realms for doing what your own realm does daily.

And may i ask, if anyone feels like they're being camped, why do you keep rezzing at the same save pole? Just to be a hard head?

If a player in RO is getting 'camped' it is by choice.

09-13-2008, 06:31 PM
And may i ask, if anyone feels like they're being camped, why do you keep rezzing at the same save pole? Just to be a hard head?Because I care about my friends and my realm mates unlike someone else.

09-13-2008, 07:36 PM
OK, so you're a hard head.

An admirable quality, but it does mean that your pain is largely self inflicted.
Anyone who's being camped can simply rez at the gate.

Why would you imply i don't care about my friends and realm mates?

09-13-2008, 08:34 PM
OK, so you're a hard head.

An admirable quality, but it does mean that your pain is largely self inflicted.

Anyone who's being camped can simply rez at the gate.
What do you expect us to do? To wait behind the wall until the greens log off? There are also greens and reds at the gate almost always.

09-13-2008, 08:36 PM
We have enemy at our gate all day/night too. Ignis camps the living snot out of playa save, hunters are all over by HL save, and Alsius raids central save all the time.

The same is true for ignis, their saves all get camped too.

It's part of the game.

09-13-2008, 08:39 PM
We have enemy at our gate all day/night too. Ignis camps the living snot out of playa save, hunters are all over by HL save, and Alsius raids central save all the time.

The same is true for ignis, their saves all get camped too.

It's part of the game.
All saves and the gate camped at the same time happens also all the time in Syrtis? I don't believe that.

09-13-2008, 08:42 PM
All saves and the gate camped at the same time happens also all the time in Syrtis? I don't believe that.
I don't believe all saves and the gate get camped all at the same time in Alsius either, except perhaps very late at night when there are few users on.

Trelle/Trelle Save and gate both being camped, i see that all the time though. Part of the problem, a big part of the problem, is that no one comes to help the pt's at the gate when it's under siege.

The trelle region is very poorly designed. The save pole should be north of the fort, and the fort should be significantly farther away from the save pole than it is.

The fort is also too close to the Alsius WZ gate as well.

09-14-2008, 12:47 AM

09-14-2008, 09:20 AM
The trelle region is very poorly designed. The save pole should be north of the fort, and the fort should be significantly farther away from the save pole than it is.

That will not change ppl behaviour. Most of them don't even realize that trelle can be great place to fight. Most of them don't know that balcony and tower in trelle is great place for archers and mages. All they want is take trelle and go to save. They don't even care about fort. Till it is to late. I don't consider campig as crime or something immoral. It is jus stupid. It always end the same. We loose great fun and great fights cause some moron want 10rp more.

09-14-2008, 11:04 AM
The trelle region is very poorly designed. The save pole should be north of the fort, and the fort should be significantly farther away from the save pole than it is.

The fort is also too close to the Alsius WZ gate as well.
I don't believe the main problem is the geography of the war zone.

I think it has a lot more to do with players' behaviour. Like thus:

That will not change ppl behaviour. Most of them don't even realize that trelle can be great place to fight....We loose great fun and great fights cause some moron want 10rp more.

09-14-2008, 01:53 PM
I completely agree with zielski. When you fight good at trelle it can be a good fight. It isn't when you go to the saven.
Once when we were at trelle almost everyone went after a level 6 warrior, who was looking around in the warzone, and went to the save afterwards. I was one of the three who remained at the hill in front of the fort. Suddenly a group of Ignis appeared at our back. Before we could get inside we were dead. The camping group returned when the fort was captured by Ignis and could get inside, but was beaten by Alsius at the moment the fort turned green.

Valorius, there is a difference between the way Alsius and Syrtis are camped. My brother is fighting under the blue banner and I can tell you that what he has to cope with is something much worse than what we've got. Our gate isn't 'camped' that often and the attacks at our saves aren't something you could compare to the ones in Alsius.

09-14-2008, 06:15 PM
Valorius, there is a difference between the way Alsius and Syrtis are camped. My brother is fighting under the blue banner and I can tell you that what he has to cope with is something much worse than what we've got. Our gate isn't 'camped' that often and the attacks at our saves aren't something you could compare to the ones in Alsius.
This is the central truth amidst the tangle of nonsense that has been discussed in this thread.

Of course members from all realms camp saves.

Everyone knows and aknowledges this. So it is pointless to say something along the lines of: 'you do it, so we will do it'.

The whole point is that Alsius suffer from it worse, partly because there are a large number of lame ass players in Syrtis (sorry, but imo this is absolutely true), but the biggest reason is that Alsius are so often outnumbered.

09-14-2008, 06:33 PM
Since now we can respawn at the door I've seen groups of 10 greens waiting in front of it for anyone that tries to go to pinos save. They killed me, along 3 noobs that were desperetly trying to get to the save, 10 times. There's just no excuse for that. I had to call other 2 high lvls from my clan to clear the zone. Again these tactics keep syrtis the worst realm in matters of skill... 3 noobs and 3 high lvls wiped 10 campers. If they would try a fair fight they may learn from it.

09-15-2008, 03:14 AM
That will not change ppl behaviour. Most of them don't even realize that trelle can be great place to fight. Most of them don't know that balcony and tower in trelle is great place for archers and mages. All they want is take trelle and go to save. They don't even care about fort. Till it is to late. I don't consider campig as crime or something immoral. It is jus stupid. It always end the same. We loose great fun and great fights cause some moron want 10rp more.
If the save pole was farther from the fort, as it is at pinos, it would be far more dangerous pressing your attack all the way to save, because you have to retreat so far to get back to the fort. Trelle save is by far the closest save pole to any fort, and it's by far the most camped fort related save pole.

Coincidence? No, i think it's not.

Since now we can respawn at the door I've seen groups of 10 greens waiting in front of it for anyone that tries to go to pinos save. They killed me, along 3 noobs that were desperetly trying to get to the save, 10 times. There's just no excuse for that. I had to call other 2 high lvls from my clan to clear the zone. Again these tactics keep syrtis the worst realm in matters of skill... 3 noobs and 3 high lvls wiped 10 campers. If they would try a fair fight they may learn from it.
Huge gate camping parties happens in every realm....and YES, there very much is a place for it, it's practice- and a prelude- for taking gates once invasions are implemented.

Man, i can't wait to see people whine then....

Valorius, there is a difference between the way Alsius and Syrtis are camped. My brother is fighting under the blue banner and I can tell you that what he has to cope with is something much worse than what we've got. Our gate isn't 'camped' that often and the attacks at our saves aren't something you could compare to the ones in Alsius.
Playa save is -constantly- camped by huge groups of lvl 50 ignis.

And i know for a fact that the Ignis gate gets camped as bad as the Alsius gate, becuase i'm there for those attacks a lot of the time.

Attacking a gate is a change from the constant SUPER LAGGY fort battles, is actually strategically useful, and can be quite a challenging battle if the enemy responds properly (heck, the guards alone can carve a lvl 50 player up really quick).

Gate attacks are also great practice for teaching your clan how to work together as a team while holding a specific piece of ground. And since they will someday be extremely critical, due to invasions, it's best to get well practiced at it now.

A big part of the problem is many realms players could give a damn about helping their realm, be it at the gate, at a fort, or elsewhere.

The whole point is that Alsius suffer from it worse, partly because there are a large number of lame ass players in Syrtis (sorry, but imo this is absolutely true), but the biggest reason is that Alsius are so often outnumbered.
I've killed most of Alsius 'best' players not 10 feet from our save pole at one time or another too. I've gone to HL Save many times and seen huge alsius picnics there.

Alsius is NO better than anyone else in this regard.

09-15-2008, 04:54 AM
Did you just admit to gate camping Val?

Right now I would think that gate camping is neither honorable nor a fair thing to do. Now if invasions were implemented, then gate camping would be a viable strategy to keep enemy players from reinforcing the other forts until the main force can take over the gate. As of now, it stands no purpose other than RP whoring low levelers who just want to leave their inner realm and level.

09-15-2008, 08:33 AM
Did you just admit to gate camping Val?

Right now I would think that gate camping is neither honorable nor a fair thing to do. Now if invasions were implemented, then gate camping would be a viable strategy to keep enemy players from reinforcing the other forts until the main force can take over the gate. As of now, it stands no purpose other than RP whoring low levelers who just want to leave their inner realm and level.

Gate attack are enjoyable when you fight against lvl 45+ IMO. Otherwise I'd say it's boring. But guess what you can always say to your group "I'm bored, I'm leaving".

A thing I know is that in our clan we like to do meetings at Syrtis gate for all armory stuff. And we always have great hunts after that to clean the wall forrest from ennemies (we are only 3 or 4 usually to do so). I'm sorry that this might be only specific to Syrtis because we aren't that outnumbered.

Yes Galynn I admit we attack gates (there are guards you know). And as I said sometimes it was fun, (and I hope people that killed us have fun too), sometimes it was boring because we were continuously attacked by people that didn't have level to do so.

However if someone doesn't like my behavior (like i'm fighting not fair), feel free to tell me in PM or on IRC. I will try to improve, and we could settle some pvp it's always the better way to make peace with ennemies.

09-15-2008, 10:31 AM
Attacking a gate (moving around the gate and taking a shot at whoever is there) is fine, but staying there to wait for people to fight you there can be considered by many as camping.

When I am with Inq, we never stay for over 30 secs around an enemy gate if no one is there. We always pass right through and move on without stopping if there are no targets.

09-15-2008, 03:25 PM
Hey, guess what. I trained Sunday morning CEST at South Beach and there were NO campers! Unless you can camp with camouflage or stalking surroundings on and fooling tracking skills at the same time without killing people, the save wasn't camped. At the same time Hebred was captured once, but recaptured fast. Trelleborg was captured a dozen of times by both Ignis and Syrtis.
Please don't tell things that aren't true. Syrtis is NOT suffering a lot of campers.

I do agree that gate camping, just like killing levellers, is something that is tactically smart, because you drain forces from the important places. However, you could question yourself how funny it is, especially in the case of a realm like Alsius. Camping a gate is something that is going to be something familiar with the upcoming invasions. Camping a save however is immoral. It is something utterly stupid that spoils the fun for everyone. Please tell me what the fun is of constantly killing the same defenceless players.

09-15-2008, 04:51 PM
Did you just admit to gate camping Val?
I attack both the Ignis and Alsius gates every day i play.

Right now I would think that gate camping is neither honorable nor a fair thing to do.
I disagree.

I also don't give one damn about what's fair. Getting attacked by 20 enemy isn't fair, but it happens to me every day. You don't see me complaining about it.

Now if invasions were implemented, then gate camping would be a viable strategy to keep enemy players from reinforcing the other forts until the main force can take over the gate. As of now, it stands no purpose other than RP whoring low levelers who just want to leave their inner realm and level.
I disagree with your assessment as to the strategic value of attacking and holding enemy gates.

Hey, guess what. I trained Sunday morning CEST at South Beach and there were NO campers! Unless you can camp with camouflage or stalking surroundings on and fooling tracking skills at the same time without killing people, the save wasn't camped. At the same time Hebred was captured once, but recaptured fast. Trelleborg was captured a dozen of times by both Ignis and Syrtis.
Please don't tell things that aren't true. Syrtis is NOT suffering a lot of campers.
My experiences differ.

So please dont tell things that aren't true. Syrtis DOES suffer a lot of campers.

I do agree that gate camping, just like killing levellers, is something that is tactically smart, because you drain forces from the important places.

However, you could question yourself how funny it is, especially in the case of a realm like Alsius. Camping a gate is something that is going to be something familiar with the upcoming invasions. It is something utterly stupid that spoils the fun for everyone. Please tell me what the fun is of constantly killing the same defenceless players.
I really don't give a damn what Alsius players consider to be fun. Know what's fun for me? Killing them. Lots and lots of them.


"CONAN! What is best in life?"

"To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women!"

War always sucks for the loser.

Camping a save however is immoral.
This is perhaps the most bizarre thing i've ever seen posted in this forum.


09-15-2008, 05:07 PM
This is perhaps the most bizarre thing i've ever seen posted in this forum.

Then read your own posts about dancing or teabagging.

09-15-2008, 05:33 PM
I've killed most of Alsius 'best' players not 10 feet from our save pole at one time or another too. I've gone to HL Save many times and seen huge alsius picnics there.

Alsius is NO better than anyone else in this regard.
I didn't say Alsius are innocent when it comes to save camping.

I was merely making the point that the camping at trell by greens is on a much bigger scale than elsewhere because of the realm imbalance.

Because we are often against huge numbers the camping goes on for long periods, resulting in the massacres which the original poster complained about.

And BTW i think it significant that you say:
I've killed most of Alsius 'best' players not 10 feet from our save

You could have said: "I've seen most of Asius best players" - but that wouldn't contain a hint about how awesome you are would it?

09-15-2008, 05:35 PM
Then read your own posts about dancing or teabagging.
Haha, yes.

I read that post of his about how dishonourable it is to dance on or tea bag dead bodies - on the very same day he tea bagged me.

09-15-2008, 06:01 PM
Haha, yes.

I read that post of his about how dishonourable it is to dance on or tea bag dead bodies - on the very same day he tea bagged me.
He's just insane, theres no need to say more.

What kind of normal person types like a manaic(LOLOLOLOLOL! What an asshat)? Valorius
What kind of person finds any opinion against him offensive(Its OFFTOPIC AND IRRELEVANT TO MY TOPIC, GO STFU FLAMER!)? Valorius
What kind of person types in all bold and says LOLOLOLOLOLOL (very gentlemenlike)? Valorius
Who bans you on reaons like "Stalking" (is there such a thing lol)? Valorius
Who is dissatisfied with a free game? Valorius
Who quits the game for the "final straw" only to come back minutes later? Valorius

he needs to get a life, how is it normal in his eyes to find everyone disagreeing with him, when he lies about one thing like barbarians being uncatchable, when the next day he says hes so great he ran away from them.

he says teabagging is bad, he does it himself,

He says things he says he dosen't, then he says then right after that.

Valorius = Loco :harhar:

I think he thinks this game is some miliraty campaign where he must rule over everyone, he dreams he is some kind of queen that wants to "unite" Syrtis, for the "good" of mankind

09-15-2008, 09:50 PM
Haha, yes.

I read that post of his about how dishonourable it is to dance on or tea bag dead bodies - on the very same day he tea bagged me.
I have never tea bagged anyone. If it looked like i sat on your face, it was merely a positioning bug. As a matter of policy i rarely ever sit and rest where i just fought...it's too dangerous.

I was merely making the point that the camping at trell by greens is on a much bigger scale than elsewhere because of the realm imbalance.
I think the problem is most related to poor geographic placement of Trelle and the trelle save pole.

You could have said: "I've seen most of Asius best players" - but that wouldn't contain a hint about how awesome you are would it?
I don't follow the point you're attempting to make. I should lie about the fact that i've killed them? For what purpose?

I think he thinks this game is some miliraty campaign where he must rule over everyone
If you replace he with his realm, you would be correct.

Oh, btw...bad post reported.

09-15-2008, 10:16 PM
Enough scoring points using the report feature on the forum? Is it like more realm points or something ^^

I doubt it will be noticed when it's reported from someone with red karma and who makes 'personal attacks' in the past themselves. These attack claims make me laugh.

09-15-2008, 10:26 PM
Hi Community,

I gave a warning and it seems that it didn't work out.

I hope this time will.

Continue with the topic at hand.


09-16-2008, 01:28 AM
This thread is again really amusing for 2 reasons:
1) the general Valorius-Topic
2) his responses of the type:
xyz: blablabla
Valorius: I disagree

Btw: when I made my very first lv 50 setup on the lock a month ago (was an arcane devotion lv 5 one, quite funny ...), a lv 50 marks stood at the gate telling me that it was camped by greens. So we popped out and had some fun. Guess whose group it was and what my first two spells were :D
Ehhhm so yes what I wanted to say is that camping a gate vs lv 40+ players can be very challenging. Better don't try it if you don't have the right people.

09-16-2008, 06:23 AM
As a defender you can use the gate guards to really great effect if you're smart about it. Those gate guards are really strong.

And a lot of players are stupid. Why do archers and long-range SM warlocks not use the wall watch towers? Why do they keep coming wave after wave with grinding builds?

I mean if you're at the gate anyway just run to town and reskill real fast...if youre an archer max out parabolic(+ passive range for marks) and all your range 0 spells. A lvl 37 marks can lay down a hell of a lot of firepower out to 42.5m from the wall tower.

Or the high 30s and low 40s training hunters can run to town and max sotw, escapist and passive speed. If you zip out take a few shots and run back to the gate a lot of (stupid) players will chase you right to the gate, and their doom. I see it constantly.

If you're a mage max staff mastery and boost your range to the max 34.5...use the wall...

These are lessons that as defenders all our realms should be learning, for the day invasions come...

When i was learning to play in WZ, and first out there lvling along the wall, our clan(and me) learned very quickly about how to cope with "gate campers". Every knight we would get attacked along the wall/at the gate several times by Mario of Persia, Apocalypse, Nazgul, Polux, Hulus, etc.
Talk about a steep learning curve...those guys are about as dangerous a group as you can face, and they were not exactly merciful. ;)

And back then the gate guards were WAY weaker, and the teleport NPC could be killed with a single arrow.

09-16-2008, 09:31 AM
I disagree with Valorius about the SM and mage. I won't do that mage are made to cast nasty spells. And a lvl 40+ warlock can have all kind of nasty built without going throught the dark path of the staff mastery.

09-16-2008, 10:59 PM
According to DMC, who many say is the best warlock that ever played regnum, Staff mastery cannot be beat, and was so good that "I stopped using it because there was absolutely no challenge to it."

One day when i was dead at samal waiting for a rez, i was watching Zaiber (lvl 50 lock from my clan) on the wall. He was using max staff mastery with a 30/slow staff, and just absolutely decimating enemy player after enemy player near the walls.

But even if we disagree about setups, i am sure we both agree that just charging out 'willy nilly' against a bunch of lvl 50s is pretty stupid. Stupidity in WZ= quick and sure death.

09-16-2008, 11:03 PM
Stupidity in WZ= quick and sure death.

that's my gamestyle :(

09-17-2008, 04:14 AM
According to DMC, who many say is the best warlock that ever played regnum, Staff mastery cannot be beat, and was so good that "I stopped using it because there was absolutely no challenge to it."

One day when i was dead at samal waiting for a rez, i was watching Zaiber (lvl 50 lock from my clan) on the wall. He was using max staff mastery with a 30/slow staff, and just absolutely decimating enemy player after enemy player near the walls.

But even if we disagree about setups, i am sure we both agree that just charging out 'willy nilly' against a bunch of lvl 50s is pretty stupid. Stupidity in WZ= quick and sure death.

The success of SM setups really depend on the player's style. DMC excelled in it particularly with his use of Mind Push. Not everyone can do it well because of the amount of footwork required of it. :)

If you have a fort for cover it's a pretty good setup to use. While the evades may be the same as with regular spells, you can't resist normal hits. That eventually adds up.

09-17-2008, 04:34 AM
If you have a fort for cover it's a pretty good setup to use.
WZ gate towers offer even greater cover than a fort. :devil:

09-17-2008, 07:02 AM
Yeah, and arcane projection lasts one minute.

09-17-2008, 07:07 AM
Someone said Warlocks aren't meant to use Staff mastery...
Who gave you this idea? NGD?

Barbarians cannot fight defensively relying on tactics more than raw damage?
Hunters cannot fight without pet or as brawlers instead of always escaping?
Knights cannot skill for maximum damage or auras instead of blocks?
Marksmen cannot fight like close-range tanks instead of using their range?
Support Conjurors cannot include Mental/Staff mastery in their setups?

Everyone is free to do what they want or need to do -- there is no "meant" to do anything. If you have the power to overcome a restriction upon your class, then do it. Otherwise, you must accept the fact that until the game is better balanced, you may frequently face defeat.


09-17-2008, 07:51 AM
Someone said Warlocks aren't meant to use Staff mastery...
Who gave you this idea? NGD?

Barbarians cannot fight defensively relying on tactics more than raw damage?
Hunters cannot fight without pet or as brawlers instead of always escaping?
Knights cannot skill for maximum damage or auras instead of blocks?
Marksmen cannot fight like close-range tanks instead of using their range?
Support Conjurors cannot include Mental/Staff mastery in their setups?

Everyone is free to do what they want or need to do -- there is no "meant" to do anything. If you have the power to overcome a restriction upon your class, then do it. Otherwise, you must accept the fact that until the game is better balanced, you may frequently face defeat.


"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Katiechan again."


09-17-2008, 08:06 AM
Someone said Warlocks aren't meant to use Staff mastery...
Who gave you this idea? NGD?

Barbarians cannot fight defensively relying on tactics more than raw damage?
Hunters cannot fight without pet or as brawlers instead of always escaping?
Knights cannot skill for maximum damage or auras instead of blocks?
Marksmen cannot fight like close-range tanks instead of using their range?
Support Conjurors cannot include Mental/Staff mastery in their setups?

Everyone is free to do what they want or need to do -- there is no "meant" to do anything. If you have the power to overcome a restriction upon your class, then do it. Otherwise, you must accept the fact that until the game is better balanced, you may frequently face defeat.


It's just not my idea of a warlock. I tried it, I don't like it, It feels really less efficient. But you can always setup your marks with shield pierce lvl 5 instead of ethereal arrow lvl 5.

09-17-2008, 08:22 AM
The buffs make it annoying. But resists and evades for spells, all of which have a cooldown time, are far worse.

09-17-2008, 09:41 AM
The buffs make it annoying. But resists and evades for spells, all of which have a cooldown time, are far worse.

you still have evade and blocks with SM setup, you just avoid spell elude which lots of archers (or at least some) just don't use. But you won't get through dodge with thoses kind of setup, and you will miss something. But i'm not a good warlock so i can't say it's the best, It just does suit me.

09-17-2008, 10:33 AM
The main problem with dodge for mages is the spells. You don't have to wait for a normal attack's cooldown, and normal attacks don't cost a lot of mana.

09-17-2008, 12:40 PM
The main problem with dodge for mages is the spells. You don't have to wait for a normal attack's cooldown, and normal attacks don't cost a lot of mana.

You don't need mana if you are using only staff ...

09-17-2008, 01:22 PM
Sorry, I meant normal attacks don't cost any mana.

09-17-2008, 01:27 PM
Sorry, I meant normal attacks don't cost any mana.

Oh so you want to keep some mana for when you'll be dead ? ok that's your problem :)

09-17-2008, 01:30 PM
You still need control spells and health drains.

09-17-2008, 01:39 PM
imo staff mastery grants you a rather constant performance, to be absolutely evil you need more, but at least you won't suck too bad in certain situations either ...
It is stronger in 1vs1 maybe but less fun to play than a normal spell setup. Additionally it is easier to do exact crowd control with a spell setup imo. I tried to use a staff setup once on the lock and I always missed the time to swap from blind attacking to doing something against somebody on the battlefield.
Staff mastery sucks badly when you just died and your buffs are on cooldown or when you get mindsquashed. And it costs a hell lot of skillpoints (3magnifications+dmg passive=16 points). I would only use staff mastery if I made a support lock setup to use mana communion and protection dome. But why should I do that? I have a conjurer as well :D

but maybe I'm just one of the rare stupid people who still believes in fixed character roles. Markslock is just about the same like knarb, warjurer, ... for me

09-17-2008, 01:40 PM
With mental, you'd still have Arcane Missile. I heard of somebody killing a barb with just lvl 4 Arcane Missile and probably Mind Push.

09-17-2008, 02:01 PM
With mental, you'd still have Arcane Missile. I heard of somebody killing a barb with just lvl 4 Arcane Missile and probably Mind Push.

I heard that you can do same with Classical setup all you need is Mindpush, not arcane missile.

09-17-2008, 04:47 PM
With mental, you'd still have Arcane Missile. I heard of somebody killing a barb with just lvl 4 Arcane Missile and probably Mind Push.

Thats me, but it was with a warjurer.

No zarkit, i had to replenish my life like 3 times and had him without mana all the figth but it is so fun.

It was his fault too, sc monkeys are nothing without mana, when i see a barb using all buffs before a pvp i tend to laugh.

About the Staff mastery setup.

Its the best leveling setup since lvl 33, without doubt, as for wz it haves a serious problem, you need at least 16 points in it, for are the magnifications and the range buff, without range buff is useless for me, a classic lock can do far more damage than you below range 30, without resist/evades/blocks of course, but devotion+fast staff its way better below range 30 if you have luck, more damage and effects.

Also it means the lose of some tree for the lock, usually elements, nobody wants to lose arcania and necromancy so the damage tree its the one dropped.

It is particulary useful with more people, for what i saw in the german servers the few time i played is used a lot on there, groups of mages attacking you from range trying to coordinate themselves.

But that is marksmans terrain, they can do the same damage without having to buff themselves with 3 buffs each 180 seconcds, also all their skills can be fired at the range you attack, lock ones doesnt.

So 30+ a marskman is way better than you, 30- a classic lock its better than you. I dont really see the awesome usefullnes aside of beating people who doesnt know to play with just buffed normal attacks and health drains.

09-18-2008, 06:31 AM
Marksmen can't keep themselves attacking at fast speed with 30 range 100% of the time, Marksmen can't drain mana every second, and you usually have the element of surprise since SM locks are so rare in war (and you can hide your magnifications by switching staffs).

09-18-2008, 09:06 AM
Marksmen can't keep themselves attacking at fast speed with 30 range 100% of the time, Marksmen can't drain mana every second, and you usually have the element of surprise since SM locks are so rare in war (and you can hide your magnifications by switching staffs).
Good points.

Like i said, one day when i was dead at samal i saw one of my clanmates use staff mastery to pick off god knows how many ignis one after another after another.

I was suitably impressed.

09-18-2008, 01:23 PM
Just 1 thing.

When I go to trelle with my mates and they start camping, I quit my shield and my weapon and start running arround there.. If they attack me, I'll have to "answer", but if not, I dont do nothing.

09-26-2008, 08:29 PM
Vanguardia Elfica contains some damn cool guys :D
Perhaps this is a daily clan event?

09-26-2008, 08:53 PM
Vanguardia Elfica contains some damn cool guys :D
Perhaps this is a daily clan event?

No surprise there really, i was just happy that i had to logout earlier today, since syrtis did a 40 vs 15 at trelle save. Strangely enough some of those guys run when there's a more evenly matched fight.

Hmm clan event, that's something to think about ;)

09-27-2008, 11:42 AM
Strangely enough some of those guys run when there's a more evenly matched fight.

That's the saddest part about it all.

09-27-2008, 12:46 PM
I have my own "rules". I quit my rapier and my shield if they're camping trelle and I just go there to watch the scene. If X attacks me, I'll attack X. So easy xD

09-27-2008, 01:43 PM
Guys no worries, at least Syrtis sucks balls on Horus. I do my best to show them how pathetic and puny they are without the numbers. And i enjoy every second of it. And no we aren't save-camping.

09-27-2008, 01:44 PM
Guys no worries, at least Syrtis sucks balls on Horus. I do my best to show them how pathetic and puny they are without the numbers. And i enjoy every second of it. And no we aren't save-camping.

Are u calling me bad player? xD

09-27-2008, 02:06 PM
Guys no worries, at least Syrtis sucks balls on Horus. I do my best to show them how pathetic and puny they are without the numbers. And i enjoy every second of it. And no we aren't save-camping.

1, Whats your user on Horus?
2, I have never seen us lose when we were not outnumbered/massivly outlvled
3, We (INQ) shocked Tyr the otherday, cut them off from herb and whiped them out without loseing a single person, and the numbers/lvls were pretty even
4, I dont realy think that you should bunk the whole of syrtis in one basket, the Ra zergs were allways 80% holas and only realy a few members of GOP still "jump in without thinking"

09-27-2008, 03:28 PM
Hey, I jump in the zerg too ^^ only way for me not to die instantly

I really suck at this game ^^

09-27-2008, 07:14 PM
Oh plz. Don't whine anymore. If u dont like it select "revive at realm wall". Its so easy.

09-27-2008, 08:04 PM
Oh plz. Don't whine anymore. If u dont like it select "revive at realm wall". Its so easy.

I'm a bit lost but Alsius wall is camped 10hs a day XD

09-30-2008, 07:39 AM
1, Whats your user on Horus?
2, I have never seen us lose when we were not outnumbered/massivly outlvled
3, We (INQ) shocked Tyr the otherday, cut them off from herb and whiped them out without loseing a single person, and the numbers/lvls were pretty even
4, I dont realy think that you should bunk the whole of syrtis in one basket, the Ra zergs were allways 80% holas and only realy a few members of GOP still "jump in without thinking"

Im Ironfoot the knight (lvl 43 curently). And yes its all true, when we capture herb, and oro, mele, rulez and the rest comes, wave after wave after wave we crush and crush and crush, until they stop caring and abandon it after 7 wipes. If you dont know about this i suggest playing more. And even when they zerg, we still beat them, once thay destroyed fort door, but it didnt matter, without the gate they couldnt capture herb, even when they fight dirty and take a flag while camoed. Like i said, i enjoy every second of it. Its my soul-food :devil:

Since this is prolly my last post, since i asked Kailer to ban me (since this forum is a waste of time), cya in game. Peace.

09-30-2008, 07:56 AM
Guys no worries, at least Syrtis sucks balls on Horus. I do my best to show them how pathetic and puny they are without the numbers. And i enjoy every second of it. And no we aren't save-camping.

Errr yes you are I was camped at the save only yesterday :ranting:

I have even moved to syrtis on horus because of alsius' persistant save camping and zerg fests.

09-30-2008, 09:32 AM
You know its funny where and how Syrtis logs in and out, I was fighting alongside Alsuis today when a Syrtis knight I was fighting "disapeared" He came back after we captured the fort and I spotted him at full hp running away form the fort with the message "The target is immune to spells"

09-30-2008, 10:09 AM
Always bear in mind that some people actually crash. Specially during forts

10-06-2008, 03:06 PM
Seems syrtis now has an even more interesting hobby.

A lot of lvl 50 player, that probably don't trust their own abillities, have got used to come to cementery and kill the levelers.

One might say, "okay, it's fair hunting, they are probably attacking high lvl players". I'm 44 and I see them white. Wich mens they are probably around 32-36

I mean, do you suck SO BADLY that now you need to kill noobs?

Funny is, 3 lvl 50 greens can't face me and 3 lvl 30ish. But it's really anoying when there are no high lvls around to help them.

So I'll ask nicely. Please, leave them be. If you suck that much, practice in the coliseum will be more productive. Or how about a war at pinos? You guys haven't attacked it in ages! Or at least hold it for more than 5 seconds in wich we make a turn around the back. Somehow it always works...

10-06-2008, 03:18 PM
I don't understand the problem Torg ?

10-06-2008, 03:28 PM
I don't understand the problem Torg ?

I'm bored of having to go to cementery to help the noobs beacause they keep on being camped. And I'm talking about "lvl area camping"

And they are not camped by other low levels... they are all 50.

That's what makes me sooo angry. If I were 50 I would live waging war after war, or at least try to look for other high lvls to fight!

Not just go in a group to camp noobs...

10-06-2008, 05:23 PM
While leveling near cem with my warlock I have encountered several greens, usually several times in an hour.
However, this is no problem for me.

This is exactly what Alsius and Syrtis do near Menirah save, and as long as you don't stand at the save altar it is up to the players to choose to fight or not.

10-06-2008, 09:54 PM
Can't lvl 30 in Alsius lvl up at rune stones altars ?

10-07-2008, 04:15 AM
not really. Alsius wind altar is barely enough for 2 lv 30 (it was better once when my conju was lv 30 :D), spiders jump on the mountains at fire altar, earth are not high lv enough if I'm not mistaken and water won't give you any gold (spectral snakes). I know from my little lv 38 syrtis hunter that spawn rate at altars can differ a bit between the realms .... no idea why. But still in Alsius you can level near Hopstad, then frozen wind forest, but at around 35 inner realm will start to suck very hard. Not enough mobs at any place, and not enough lv to grind the few mobs at inner beach (only aquantis soldier possible and too many trying to kill them). So what now? Suitable places for grinding? Only around Gate/Trelle as far as I know, but there are always many people hunting/camping around there. When I levelled my barb and warlock I just made 1 or 2 lv at Trelle and went to pinos merchant (wolves, then goblors, ghosts..) as soon as any of them changed from hard to very challenging. The moment I was able to grind somewhere else I always thought that I didn't want to have anything to do with that Trelle-shit anymore ... And with each of my chars the overhunting problem actually got worse imo.
I'm not saying that Alsius has bad level spots in general, especially later on imperia beach is one of the best spots in this game imo. But the current mob distribution just sucks for those few lv.

10-07-2008, 05:06 AM
I think this calls for the judges of the Salem Witch Trials :bruja:

10-07-2008, 10:04 PM
I think this calls for the judges of the Salem Witch Trials :bruja:

Staty on topic please. And real the new rules...

You could say that these new problem could be solved with a better inner area lvl zone. If southern trelle was lvl 45-50, there would be more high lvl alsirians to protect the area and recvover trelle if needed.

10-08-2008, 01:38 AM
I was on topic. People were arguing for their personal gain so I made a joke about the salem witch trial judges how they were closed minded and went along with the peoples personal gain trials

10-20-2008, 11:27 AM
why not create a zone, when an enemy player enters it, he will be dizzy and have a few secs to leave or ells hes hp and mana will be heavily reduced

10-20-2008, 03:14 PM
why not create a zone, when an enemy player enters it, he will be dizzy and have a few secs to leave or ells hes hp and mana will be heavily reduced
That would be weird for a warzone, a place where there is war. I'm against safe zones in an area that shouldn't be safe because it's all about war.
Safety there should be provided by players capturing forts and cleaning up the hunters in the area, not by artificial utilities like safe zones.

The relocation of monsters could indeed help. Places where many of the higher levels grind are more secure and if you place those areas around the gates and saves; and make them attractable the safety could increase, not only because more powerful players would be there more often, but also because players with the most influence -- the higher levels -- would want to grind safely.

10-20-2008, 03:38 PM
why not create a zone, when an enemy player enters it, he will be dizzy and have a few secs to leave or ells hes hp and mana will be heavily reduced
Yes, and u could kill him in 2 secs.

Now imagine that you are that "enemy player" and you stay there a "few secs" in the "safe cube" area. When his hp and mana will be reduced and when u go out:
headshot, owned.

10-22-2008, 11:44 AM
OK, so you're a hard head.

An admirable quality, but it does mean that your pain is largely self inflicted.
Anyone who's being camped can simply rez at the gate.

Why would you imply i don't care about my friends and realm mates?

Do u know what happend when we reced at the gate?, THE FUCKING GATE was CAMPED by syrtis hunters

Do u have any new idea of where we should respawn?

10-22-2008, 12:57 PM
Do u know what happend when we reced at the gate?, THE FUCKING GATE was CAMPED by syrtis hunters

Do u have any new idea of where we should respawn?

Yes in uranus.

10-22-2008, 02:06 PM
Yes in uranus.

OMFG, I didnt know Myanus was a part of the game, anyone more with body parts in Regnum Online?

10-22-2008, 02:34 PM
Sorry Uranus is a planet, (I don't like writing "u" for you and "ur" for your)

Please stop all this whinning. Camping happens to everyone of us. Maybe more to Alsius, but I can assure you that more and more Alsius are camping CS nowadays (because your armys are growing).

My personnal advice would be: go take a glass of water, and take time to think to what to do. WIth my hunter I used stalker on the pilar today. and then finished two pt. Resurrect at the gate doesn't mean, go as soon as possible back in WZ. It means you can try regroup forces out there. Ask inner realm for help and in clan for help. You can ask inner realm people to ask to their clan. If it's not enought then you can log off and wait. I used to do that on WoW were corpse camping can happen.

10-23-2008, 08:18 PM
At the same time Syrtis was camping Trelleborg save and Ignis pinos save. Also several groups of Ignis and Syrtis were making it nearly impossible to leave the gate. This is not exactly what I call fun.

10-23-2008, 08:59 PM
At the same time Syrtis was camping Trelleborg save and Ignis pinos save. Also several groups of Ignis and Syrtis were making it nearly impossible to leave the gate. This is not exactly what I call fun.

Yes, I agree, Alsius had extremely hard time today (even devs spawned message
"this is not nice"). And the most pathetic thing is that trelle fight was rly nice, Syrtians just ended it with save camping on their own wish.