View Full Version : Road to invasions #3: Realm Balance
09-09-2008, 09:19 PM
Dear Regnum Online players,
As another important step that leads us to the invasions, its needed to make some decisions regarding the amount of active users in every Realm. It's obvious that its mandatory to have a similar population in every Realm for the game to be entertaining for everyone.
We have worked hard to compensate the different levels of popularity among the races in the existing medieval fantasy universes, so it's time to apply an incentive to the players for them to help populating the Realms that most need it and thus, enhance the population distribution between the three Realms.
Therefore we will include this system:
- If a Realm is highly underpopulated compared to the most populated Realm, all characters in that Realm will receive a 15% bonification in the obtaining of experience (RLM Bonus) and a 50% gold bonification.
- If a Realm is moderately underpopulated compared to the most populated Realm, all characters in that Realm will receive a 5% bonification in the obtaining of experience (RLM Bonus).
- If the gap between a Realm and the most populated Realm is not significant there will be no Bonus applied.
This will be shown in the Realm selection screen to encourage new players to help Realms with population issues. As of today's reality regarding our stats in RA server, Alsius would receive a 15% XP + 50% GLD bonus and Ignis would receive 5% XP bonus.
This decision was deeply analyzed and we don't discard that more changes could be needed in the future to solve this problem.
NGD Studios team
09-09-2008, 09:29 PM
At last!
This is fantastic news.
It's certainly not going to help the situation over night... But at least it's a start.
09-09-2008, 09:32 PM
I totally agree with this !!! :punk:
Maybe u could let me migrate one of my 50's too ^^
09-09-2008, 10:09 PM
Nice move NGD!!!
I am glad this change was made.
Just a question:
Would this change also affect Horus, Muspell and Niflheim world, or only the International server Ra?
09-09-2008, 10:14 PM
Good move :)
Maybe u could let me migrate one of my 50's too ^^
If only... but im inclined to say, keep dreaming...
It is about time. This should have been done before beta was over but glad it is added now.
I only ask one thing please define the following: "active users", "highly underpopulated" and "moderately underpopulated" as they are extremely vague terms.
One side effect is I see it the multi-account players need to be relooked at as they can skew Realm "active users" counts
09-09-2008, 10:57 PM
I only ask one thing please define the following: "active users", "highly underpopulated" and "moderately underpopulated" as they are extremely vague terms.
We don't want to disclose the automated system that we are using to define the bonuses as we want to prevent abuse and collusion.
Our objective is for the realms to be as even as possible so we will adjust this so called "vague parameters" to reach that goal.
Also, we now have propper tools to track the growth of population and gold on each server and faction.
best regards,
- Chilko
09-09-2008, 11:09 PM
Am i dreaming?? Is this true???? Let me hear a wave of applause!!! :clapping5365: :clapping5365: :clapping5365: :clapping5365:
09-09-2008, 11:38 PM
This is good news and a ray of hope for the outnumbered (and sometimes demoralised) Alsiuns...
09-10-2008, 12:30 AM
Will new players be notified on the bonusses on character creation?
09-10-2008, 12:43 AM
Will new players be notified on the bonusses on character creation?
This will be shown in the Realm selection screen to encourage new players to help Realms with population issues.
Right here.
09-10-2008, 01:10 AM
hehehehheh XD
Great move NGD, two thumbs up. 4 if you count the big toes XD
09-10-2008, 01:46 AM
This is one of the best news we've received from you, NGD!
09-10-2008, 03:45 AM
This will REALLY help on horus, where alsius is teeming with players and syrtis isn't.:clapping5365:
Good idea.
Well I'd like to see some Horus stats.
I am playing in Ignis there, and I think we are the less populated realm.
Good idea.
Well I'd like to see some Horus stats.
I am playing in Ignis there, and I think we are the less populated realm.
I think so too, but only close. Going by clan members on the rankings (I know, not the most accurate of methods) a few days ago it went: Syrtis >>>> Alsius > Ignis
09-10-2008, 08:56 AM
this won't help me much anymore but still I like it :p
09-10-2008, 09:04 AM
how do u determine the amount of players though?
players created in the realm overall? or just how many are active?
09-10-2008, 09:50 AM
Something is wrong...
It isn't christmas yet!
09-10-2008, 09:55 AM
Something is wrong...
It isn't christmas yet!
This is way way better than Christmas Znu..:naughty:
09-10-2008, 03:38 PM
I hope that ngd really have good idea how to count users in realms, and they will consider that that number change over a day.
Awesome!! When will this be implemented?? Any idea?
I hope that ngd really have good idea how to count users in realms, and they will consider that that number change over a day. yea and not to happen like with fatigue: every changelog they fixed it and every update users still have reset fail... and few other things that really can spoil game fun, which is source of question "why to play game"->"to have some fun"
09-10-2008, 04:17 PM
I hope that ngd really have good idea how to count users in realms, and they will consider that that number change over a day.
the system is not using daily stats but taking data for the past 2 weeks. Also we are using active accounts not just accounts that have been created... and we are able to measure by level...
we hope that this will work. :)
/me hugs NGD and swats em on the arse.....
09-10-2008, 04:57 PM
the system is not using daily stats but taking data for the past 2 weeks. Also we are using active accounts not just accounts that have been created... and we are able to measure by level...
we hope that this will work. :)
I think it should be rather character (instead of account), lv, and online time based. For example just multiply for each char the time this char is online with a certain multiplicator for the character lv and sum this up over all chars in a realm for two weeks and compare the number every two weeks. Like this, multi-accounting (which is very common although officially prohibited) would not lead to wrong numbers: Players can be active on multiple accounts but the online time stays the same. Apart from that, if somebody has a lv 50 and a low lv char, grinding the low lv char would count less than playing at war with the lv 50 one, which seems to be fair since that player can't affect wz so much with his low lv char.
09-10-2008, 06:35 PM
I trust the statistics are calculated correctly, taking into consideration the fact that you can have, from the same account, a character on Ra/Ignis and one on Horus/Alsius (for example) but the bonuses need to be different for Ra and Horus?
09-11-2008, 08:21 PM
Can NGD tell us what 2 realms will be affected by the realm balance system on Horus server?
09-11-2008, 08:54 PM
Its pretty clear that Ingis will be effected, Alsius 2nd depending on what NGD call a significant difference.
Looking at the clan statistics should give a good estimation on Horus since there is so few of them. Ingis 23% Alsius 28% Syrtis 49%.
They who live will see.
edit: just checked it Ingis get 15% xp and 50% gold, Alsius and Syrtis is uneffected
09-11-2008, 09:24 PM
You cannot go by clan stats, over half the people listed in those clans are never online, the only way to measure it is by players online in each realm combined with their current level, you have to go by population count and levels also: like if you have 50 Alsius, 50 Ignis, 50 Syrtis, all equally online at the same time, but 30 players are level 50 and the rest 1-40 in one Realm "strongest", 30 are level 30 in another Realm and the rest 1-30 "weakest realm", and 20 are level 40 with rest 1-30 "middle": just as an example, so you have to use Number of Players Online + Their Current Levels In That Realm to Understand Their Current Realm Strength.
09-11-2008, 10:38 PM
I said it was an estimation, probably not that far off, looking at the result of the update.
You can also assume all realms have a fairly equal percentage of inactive accounts, alts etc thus not a big factor and absolutely good enough to make a fair estimate.
09-11-2008, 11:42 PM
Hello everyone i have just finished downloading the game and have created my account , but when will we acctually be able to play the game? cuase ive noticed the servers are offline
09-12-2008, 12:03 AM
Hello everyone i have just finished downloading the game and have created my account , but when will we acctually be able to play the game? cuase ive noticed the servers are offline
They just was offline some minutes.
They are online now...
09-12-2008, 06:45 AM
:clapping5365: :clapping5365: :clapping5365:
its a good change... i think i can leveling a little bit faster.
09-12-2008, 03:45 PM
Hi Community,
As I stated in the Spanish forum section, there was a problem with the GRP bonus not being affected by the RLM bonus. We are going to fix that so levelling in groups will have the same percentage of bonus as levelling alone.
09-12-2008, 04:20 PM
On Horus it is Ignis with the +50% Loot Bonus, and +15% Combat EXP, so atm its +65% bonus in exp on Ignis in Horus, with double the loot!
I made 100k !
09-12-2008, 05:59 PM
Damn, I would love a scroll that increased loot bonus +50%. :(
09-15-2008, 05:50 PM
I think it should be based on how many lvl 35 and up to count on the outnumbered realm. Lvl 35 I think is the lowest lvl that really makes a difference in a fight in the war Zone. If you have any suggestions on this please say.
09-15-2008, 06:51 PM
Damn, I would love a scroll that increased loot bonus +50%. :(
Isnt it gold bonus?
Because more drops are way better than more gold, i think its only for gold.
09-15-2008, 07:02 PM
Isnt it gold bonus?
Because more drops are way better than more gold, i think its only for gold.
oh, well I still don't know. xD
09-15-2008, 07:05 PM
oh, well I still don't know. xD
If a Realm is highly underpopulated compared to the most populated Realm, all characters in that Realm will receive a 15% bonification in the obtaining of experience (RLM Bonus) and a 50% gold bonification.
its only for gold, you and me know the +% loot will be premium item.
And you and me know you will have it will al pjs. Thats why i hate you.
09-16-2008, 06:20 PM
its only for gold, you and me know the +% loot will be premium item.
And you and me know you will have it will al pjs. Thats why i hate you.
It seems to affect the drop rate drastically however too, almost as if it was double the loot from mobs, 10 minutes of grinding and I had 40 of each mob loot.
09-17-2008, 06:20 AM
Yea, I would probably buy some drops scrolls blood. xD but since I am mostly horus now at least it's only one character. :D
09-22-2008, 12:25 PM
I thought I read there was suppossed to be a 5% boost for the realm with 2nd lowest population. Where is it :O ?
Alsius on Horus' difference is too low so they're not getting any.
If Ignis on Ra isn't...bug, I guess.
09-23-2008, 07:22 AM
It looks like NGD changed the rules or that Ingis is growing.
Horus is only giving 5% xp bonus to Ingis at the moment.
I really hope its because they grown and not because they now count as 2nd only because Alsius is not eligible for the 5% bonus.
If Ignis has a 5% bonus on Horus, Alsius should also have a 15% bonus.
If its too close, then Alsius should get the 15% bonus and Ignis gets nothing.
09-24-2008, 12:35 AM
I think it shoul be like this
Syrtis > Alsius (too close to Syrtis) > Ingis (15% if not too close Syrtis)
Never like it seem to be now...
Syrtis > Alsius (too close to Syrtis) > Ingis (5% if not too close to Syrtis)
It just defeats the whole purpose of the system.
10-10-2008, 04:34 PM
Yesterday Ignis stopped receiving RLM bonus on Horus server, it seems all 3 realms are "balanced" between themselves for now.
10-10-2008, 05:46 PM
Great to see that the system works, and it's great that this got implemented in time for at least Horus to be balanced. I wonder how long it will take for Ra to reach a balanced state.
10-10-2008, 06:36 PM
Great to see that the system works, and it's great that this got implemented in time for at least Horus to be balanced. I wonder how long it will take for Ra to reach a balanced state.
Not sure It can works the same on Ra, because on horus differences might have been great in percentage, but not so great in number of characters.
Not sure It can works the same on Ra, because on horus differences might have been great in percentage, but not so great in number of characters.
Other way around I think, as number wise alone the realms are not balanced on Horus AFAIK. But they judge balance based on activity and character lvl too I assume.
Guh, a little public information would go lovely ^^
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