View Full Version : About clan creation

09-16-2008, 09:43 PM
I'm not new, but have never been a clan leader.

I wanted to know wich are the new requirements, I know they were changed some time ago.

(This will go to help expand regnum wiki)

09-16-2008, 10:08 PM
8 people in party. party creator is leader of the clan. 2million gold.

09-16-2008, 10:32 PM
8 people in party. party creator is leader of the clan. 2million gold.

All lvl +14 right?

09-16-2008, 10:51 PM
All lvl +14 right?

All lvl 15 or higher.

09-16-2008, 11:31 PM
Damn im so close..1.2 mill ..was 1.3..but i bought some armor bits and arrows :)

09-16-2008, 11:34 PM
Thanks people!

09-17-2008, 12:08 AM
I have never been a leader either, but I helped to create over 30 clans around Regnum world. Besides the requirements informed by the Notary, there are a couple of tips, in my experience, of those things that usually go wrong.
Remember that every character in the group must be "free agent". I mean they must resign to their previous clans. Sometimes it takes a couple of minutes for the system "to realize" that some player has left a clan.
The party leader must be the founder.
There is no need for anyone but the party leader to be with the Notary.
The party leader must have the whole amount of gold.
The name of the clan must be different from any other existing clan. I am not sure of this one, but I heard that if you just disband a clan, you cannot create another with the same name. I guess you will have to wait some time.

09-17-2008, 01:43 AM
Should we have a clan registry on the Wiki? This would allow people to update their clan information as needed, or add new clans themselves when they are formed.

(We probably don't want to duplicate anyone's efforts though, if there is already a centralized registry).

09-17-2008, 05:51 AM
You probably would be adding alot of clans daily and create hassle you don't want to do. Unless your up for it..(Looks into this Wiki thing)

09-17-2008, 07:57 AM
Should we have a clan registry on the Wiki? This would allow people to update their clan information as needed, or add new clans themselves when they are formed.

(We probably don't want to duplicate anyone's efforts though, if there is already a centralized registry).

There's an English Clan Registry thread posted by Jpicon.

First time, I helped someone build a clan, I noticed that there are other things to prepare for besides the name of the clan itself. Although, I believe the clan founder can update his clan info, it would be wise to just be prepared in the first place.

I hear things like: Abreviations, rankings, rank names and so on. These are things I have not thought of at first, and have not read any in the forums too (unless it's ancient thread or post).

09-17-2008, 10:20 AM
Should we have a clan registry on the Wiki? This would allow people to update their clan information as needed, or add new clans themselves when they are formed.

(We probably don't want to duplicate anyone's efforts though, if there is already a centralized registry).
why not :) it can be updated by jpicon's thread, and split it in two parts: ra and horus clans. And open here thread for registering Horus clans.
only thing is that is in jpicon's thread there are listed only english or half english clans, not all of regnum.

09-17-2008, 10:24 AM
I am not sure of this one, but I heard that if you just disband a clan, you cannot create another with the same name. I guess you will have to wait some time.You can create two with the same name :)

09-17-2008, 01:15 PM
Mmm Alright. Guess it can be done. It's a wiki people! You can add any clan you know that's not on the list.

The only problem is this:

Normally in the wiki you see, for example: "Warriors use bows". You can correct and put "Warriors use swords". But if you see the name of a non existing clan, well, we wouldn't notice...

A lot of wrong information wont be changed. Still sure of this "list" thing?