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09-19-2008, 09:31 AM
Sorry, I couldn't resist when I seen this. :D


09-19-2008, 09:46 AM
Evil Nessa!

09-19-2008, 09:56 AM
Ahahahahaha nice!

09-19-2008, 10:37 AM
LOL!!! 666 damage on DEVILman
nice screen!!!

09-19-2008, 10:55 AM
Oh the irony :D

09-20-2008, 08:47 AM
LOL!!! 666 damage on DEVILman
nice screen!!!

Rofl fo shizzle, thats one wicked smack Nessa

09-20-2008, 09:12 AM
666 damage in spiritual blow!!!!!OMG

09-20-2008, 09:19 AM
You have really low hp on barb..

09-20-2008, 09:21 AM
You have really low hp on barb..
It used to be 4200. I don't notice much of a difference since switching to offensive items.


09-20-2008, 10:00 AM
666 damage in spiritual blow!!!!!OMG

You could say she stole his soul through demonic power.
The 666
The spiritual blow
The fact he died from it

It all adds up!

09-20-2008, 04:31 PM
You could say she stole his soul through demonic power.
The 666
The spiritual blow
The fact he died from it

It all adds up!

But wouldn't a guy called Devilguy be immune to 666 damage?

09-20-2008, 07:26 PM
Hahaha, one of the best kills ever! :clapping5365:

09-20-2008, 08:27 PM
But wouldn't a guy called Devilguy be immune to 666 damage?
So if you hit 666 to Angelwinged Devil would he be immune? I mean the name says he is a Devil, but if he has angel wings he must be an Angel. Which is he? Is he both? Can it be possible? Am I lost in translation? Can the God Machine answer this?
I am so confused right now...
Wow I HAVE to stop eating special brownies for dessert...

09-20-2008, 08:36 PM
So if you hit 666 to Angelwinged Devil would he be immune? I mean the name says he is a Devil, but if he has angel wings he must be an Angel. Which is he? Is he both? Can it be possible? Am I lost in translation? Can the God Machine answer this?
I am so confused right now...

He's both immune to heals and 616, 666, 13 and similar dmg. numbers. Remember that Lucifer, the Devil, was once an Angel too :P

Wow I HAVE to stop eating special brownies for dessert...

Thanks god I'm not alone!

09-22-2008, 12:31 PM
Off topic,

I asked myself why is it 666.

and I came to the conclusion maybe its because in Catholic faith, the number 3 is used frequently to represent God the father, Holy Spirit, and son. .'. <- the H_B thingie

Soooo.... using the numbers 666 must be a sort of taunt saying satan is 3x more powerful.


I also found out the reason for pentagram as choice, once again, its 6 sided, the catholic symbol is a triangle, and the pentagram is 2 triangles, (again the 2x as good thing)

I know im a genious,

P.S. then I did 6x6x6 on my calculator and the answer was 216, my area code in america :O

09-22-2008, 11:59 PM
Off topic,

I asked myself why is it 666.

and I came to the conclusion maybe its because in Catholic faith, the number 3 is used frequently to represent God the father, Holy Spirit, and son. .'. <- the H_B thingie

Soooo.... using the numbers 666 must be a sort of taunt saying satan is 3x more powerful.

Maybe. But it has several meanings. The Book of Revelations is about the power of Rome when the first Christians were chased, so they had to hide the name of the cities and people using some codes. Allegories and numbers are perfect for this.

666 is the number of man, not the number of the beast, AFAIK.

You should know that the Kabbalah was the master book for the disciples at that time. Remember that Jesus was a jew, and the only difference between both religions is that the Christians think that their prophet came to Earth.

Religion was created to explain some of the lore the ancients had. That includes the sky and climate, and math is the best way to predict events of the future (like the next eclipe or harvest moon).

You should also know that religion was the only way to teach people about morality and laws, so it was a tool of massive control. So using math to hide a rebellion was pretty effective.

Take a look at the lore of the Whore of Babylon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whore_of_Babylon).

I also found out the reason for pentagram as choice, once again, its 6 sided, the catholic symbol is a triangle, and the pentagram is 2 triangles, (again the 2x as good thing)

I know im a genious,
That's the hexagram, edge. :)

The hexagram represents the opposites. Now look at this: A circle is 360°, right? Divide it in three parts and draw a line connecting the dots. Now you have a triangle. Now, draw a line for the three points crossing through the center of the circle, and draw a line connecting the dots. Yay, the Star!

Look at the triangle. Each angle is 60°. The sum of the external angles is 360°. The sum of the internal angles is 180°.

Take the triangle and draw a line from one of the points to the middle of the opposite segment. (something like this: :warning:). Now you have two triangles which are rectangle triangles.
The top angle now measures 30°, while the others 60° and 90°. Perfect for trigonometric functions!

Give those sides the length 6. Hence, if we have a rectangle triangle the hypotenuse will be 6, and the adjacent will be 3. The opposite will be 3 times the square root of three. :)

I don't remember all the hexagram properties now :S

Oh, three is the first odd prime number. Seven is prime, and is the sum of 2*2 plus 3. The sacred number Four is 2*2, while Eleven is another prime number (the fourth odd prime number). These numbers where used to simplify the calculations.

Give the sides of a rectangle triangle this length: 3, 4, 5. Yay, perfect! Now the hypotenuse measures 5, the adjacent 3 and the opposite 4. You can use a rope to have a perfect 90° angle!! You know what that means to old masonry? You can build a perfectly aligned wall with that.

The area of that triangle is... 6 again!

That's not all... :P

The pentagram (the "satan star" as some uninformed people call it) comes from Pythagoras. It's the basis of music! Just look at the Pythagorean tuning (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythagorean_tuning) (thanks wikipedia for the translation :P). The article explains it better than I can.

The answer to most of the symbols is in the stars and simple things. People always try to do complex associations with lots of things...

09-23-2008, 01:48 AM
It went from a cool screenie to philosophical all in one fell swoop, welcome to the forums :)

09-23-2008, 03:41 AM
It went from a cool screenie to philosophical all in one fell swoop, welcome to the forums :)

Sorry, but sometimes I have this kind of rants :tonguey:

09-23-2008, 03:53 AM
My bit about the five pointed star. Or another interpretation. Aleistair Crowley used the numbers 666 a lot. One of his titles was 'The Beast' :)

The Pentacle has 5 points representing Earth Air Fire Water and Spirit. Sometimes has a circle around it which can represent Begining without end and End without beginning. Or the Circle of life. Inverted it represents (or used to) the Goatfoot God of the Witches (now used by SOME religions to represent the devil). Used to be used inverted by those who followed the Wiccan/Pagan Path, and still is by some, but has been taken over by Satanists and their ilk.

Nothing to do with the subject I just wear one with the point up. It's what I am.

Xephandor that is a good kind of rant and deeply interesting :)

Best Regards

09-23-2008, 03:56 AM
.'. <- the H_B thingie
Actually, .'. is the symbol for 'therefore'.

09-23-2008, 04:09 AM


Totally offtopic, but worth reading :)

09-23-2008, 04:16 AM


Totally offtopic, but worth reading :)

Totally bookmarked thank you :)

09-23-2008, 12:07 PM

why brilliant.

I've hit once with crystal blast for 666 but I guess there was no Devilman ^^'

09-23-2008, 01:11 PM
you did 666 with a ranged attack omg you need to be nerfed, that's so overpowered!!!!!!

on the other hand, 6, 6 6, the number of the chan, sacrifice, is growing in the fight

He's both immune to heals and 616, 666, 13 and similar dmg. numbers. Remember that Lucifer, the Devil, was once an Angel too :P

I'm so overpowered, NERF ME

09-23-2008, 04:21 PM
666 is just the Hebrew number-code for Nero, a Roman emperor who loved to torture Jews.

09-23-2008, 05:04 PM
666 is just the Hebrew number-code for Nero, a Roman emperor who loved to torture Jews.

actually it's 616 :p

09-23-2008, 05:44 PM
Off topic,

I asked myself why is it 666.

and I came to the conclusion maybe its because in Catholic faith, the number 3 is used frequently to represent God the father, Holy Spirit, and son. .'. <- the H_B thingie

Soooo.... using the numbers 666 must be a sort of taunt saying satan is 3x more powerful.


I also found out the reason for pentagram as choice, once again, its 6 sided, the catholic symbol is a triangle, and the pentagram is 2 triangles, (again the 2x as good thing)

I know im a genious,

P.S. then I did 6x6x6 on my calculator and the answer was 216, my area code in america :O

The biblical number is not six-six-six, but six hundred and sixty six, expressed as a quantity.
It has nothing to do with triangles, or the holy ghost or any specific numeric base system (like decimal). The "decimal" aspect of the cipher is just confusing a lot of people. It more like almost 670 marbles. You can express it as romans, binary, hebrew, or whatever.

The same number expressed in other bases:

1010011010 (base 2)
220200 (base 3)
1232 (base 8)
666 (base 10)
29a (base 16)
kq (base 32)

Of course, a "good" numerologist will encunter many magic properties to "anything".

And, well, the number as you may know wasn't 666 neither. It is 616, but who cares?

09-23-2008, 06:00 PM
actually it's 616 :p
Damm! Discovery Channel was wrong!!

09-23-2008, 08:15 PM
Bad Nessa, you've killed all my friends :crying1:

Great screen capture :fingers:

Thank God i was off-line :p

09-24-2008, 01:54 AM
actually it's 616 :p
Actually, 616 AND 666 are both correct. It depends on the version of the text... Some mention 616, some others 666. The number is not important, it's the meaning behind it.

PS: 101010 in base 2 is 42 in base 10. I just noticed it :P

09-24-2008, 11:17 AM
I don't caer :p

09-24-2008, 07:53 PM
I don't caer :p

I do, and it is important to me :(