View Full Version : Please explain this

09-27-2008, 06:31 PM
What the bloody fuck is this? This marks comes and doesn't even debuff me and hits me for a fucking 641? Barbs do 800 normal hits, marksmen do 650, but from quite some range. Isn't there something wrong?!


09-27-2008, 06:37 PM
Slow, range 25 bow (slowest attack speed, least range, highest damage)
Recharged arrows (+40% damage but -20 mana per arrow)
Dexterity (+3 damage per point, +45 damage for a maxed Dexterity passive or +90 damage from Maneuver)
Damage rings (25-50 damage in Syrtis, less in other realms)
Gives about 400-450 damage/hit on LV50 mobs for me.

Then you can add in:
Dirty fighting (+30% damage but -50% attack range)
Death sentence (+50% damage for attacks over 4metrs range)
Best selection of arrows to match other bonuses, items and weapon damage

But these are situational things that can't always be used together. He probably prepared for the fight.
Because of this, the most dangerous Marksmen are those who play like Hunters.


09-27-2008, 06:44 PM
I doubt he used dirty fighting, the first attack came from quite some distance. And come on. What marks maxes maneuver or the dext passive. They don't need the bow disciplines.

Oh and I used acrobatics lvl2, as oyu can see, which gives -15% dmg too.

09-27-2008, 06:59 PM
I doubt he used dirty fighting, the first attack came from quite some distance. And come on. What marks maxes maneuver or the dext passive. They don't need the bow disciplines.
Maneuver is a standard part of most Marksmen's setups, and dex passive is usually at least LV2 or 3.

Also keep in mind he can use Dirty fighting with Parabolic shot and Foresight:
Dirty fighting: -50% range
Parabolic shot: +30% range
Foresight: +15% range
Only -5% range when using Dirty fighting

The key to understanding Marksmen is to remember that they use many spells together. It's their forte.


09-27-2008, 07:03 PM
In the end it's the result that counts... And 641 from range 20 without ANY debuffs and with protection buff on my side is very.. questionable.
What also needs to be considered is that these spells are all at a low level of the disciplines (dirty fighting lvl11, parabolic lvl 3 and dext passive at 7), so pretty much everybody can have them.

09-27-2008, 08:54 PM
You see that barb in that screenshot? It's off with their heads and onslaught. normal hit would be around 300 or less without these.

And you're 40, he was 50. lvl50 weapons vs lvl40 armor is ouch.

09-27-2008, 10:05 PM
I got much more armor points than on my warlock level 50 and there i use all 40+ stuff (think lvl 49 hat, lvl 49 gloves and 44 tunic)

09-27-2008, 11:49 PM
I got much more armor points than on my warlock level 50 and there i use all 40+ stuff (think lvl 49 hat, lvl 49 gloves and 44 tunic)
Armor points won't matter nearly as much if your resistances are bad in comparison.

09-28-2008, 01:36 AM
I checked that already and I had a decent mixture of all resistances. Some were good against slashing, some against blunt and some against piercing so there's no kind of damage all armor is bad against... Hah, anyway, just wanted to cry about marksmen..

09-28-2008, 02:05 AM
You see that barb in that screenshot? It's off with their heads and onslaught. normal hit would be around 300 or less without these.

And you're 40, he was 50. lvl50 weapons vs lvl40 armor is ouch.

THis is very likely part of the right answer. However I can't see Off with the heads on the barbs (maybe because he is in water).

10-03-2008, 05:36 PM
I would guess onslaught and off with their heads too. I've had 500+ hits with my low-30ies marks on lvl 50 players with that combination.