View Full Version : [Horus] Alsius uberclan

12-07-2008, 02:46 AM
I'm sure all of you know what the situation on Horus and particularly in Alsius is like. We want to make brand new clan with people that are active in the wz. The purpose of this clan is to make it more fun for Alsians fighting in wz, to make us more organized and mainly to have at least some chance against Ignis and China.

This isn't supposed to be solution for the population problem that Alsius is facing but it might at least stop high lvl players from leaving the game because there isn't anything to do.

So for start we'd like to know who is interested (if anyone at all). Please post your ideas as well as names who would like to have such thing in Alsius.

12-07-2008, 02:58 AM
Sounds good :tonguey:

12-07-2008, 02:59 AM
I think its a good ide.


lvl req: 30
2 ranks only: Recruter and "everyone else"

And if alts wants to join they still need to hit lvl 30 to join the clan.
And for those that cant join the clan we can have a special irc alsius channel
or as suggested by "Raine" mumble that is a free version of teamspeak whit
chat. so the players that dont have lvl req to join clan can still talk to everyone
in wz and ask question for quest or other help.

I think we need the lvl requirement so we know that is active player in clan and i actually
think it gives some motivation for new players to actually get to a deacent lvl before they join.
And its some kind of "proof" that they play active. otherwise it will end up in a clan whit 300 inactive

12-07-2008, 06:11 AM
I like the idea...

I think the remaining leadership of FF, MON, BDC, and maybe shadow clan need to have a sit down. I'm up for anytime that would be agreed upon by the other clan members/founders.

I know that a fair number of FF members are also interested in this idea, and I think that this may provide some solidarity between other active players.

Please PM me via the forums for additional info for a meeting.

12-07-2008, 03:22 PM
You call Syrtis China? haha thats priceless lol, Good luck with the clan, hope you make a difference :)

12-07-2008, 04:28 PM
Communication between players in the wz is essential! And since only a handful of people from the various clans are currently active in the wz, it makes sense to put us all together into one spot. We wouldn't have to rely on a party chat that only allows eight people. And we wouldn't have to use general chat, which has a short range. And for me personally, when I'm on as Llyra I miss my FF family. When I'm signed on as Llynnea, I wonder what's going on with my fellow MoNsters.

I hesitate to lose individual clans, though. There is a spirit in each clan, a quality unique to each group. Plus, so many new players, lower level alts, who benefit from elder clansmates. I dunno. At first I was all for the idea of a single, united clan. But now other thoughts creep in.

Can NGD help? Maybe if warzone general chat could be extended range? How about war banners available for purchase using gold? Maybe we could get all alsius clans together in one spot to discuss the warzone situation? We have to figure out exactly what the troubles are and see if we can address those troubles with the numbers we have.

We have what, six clans in horus-alsius? And how many dozens on ra? Be nice if some of those big and successful clans from ra-alsius could visit for a while. :D

12-07-2008, 05:17 PM
Ohmygod, that's it! It was just pointed out to me this very idea has already happened essentially. We already have a single group already . . . alsius. That is a united group. We don't utilize the alsius chat for discussion of warzone issues and we could.

Why does the alsius chat have to disappear inside the wz?! Could we not extend that past the gate? That right there would give us the communication between active members. Or, just establish a full-range alsius warzone channel. We as higher level, active wz players are willing to go to battle, willing to do the work, but it would be SO much easier to accomplish if NGD could give us means of having our realm chat without having to destroy our clans.

Kailor? Your thoughts on this?

12-07-2008, 05:28 PM
Actually the realm chat was available in wz but they removed it because it caused lag. With realm chat in wz we probably wouldn't have to deal with such problems at all.

About the downsides... Noone wants to leave the old clan neither do I. Also this would be kind of a closed clan only for wz active players so for newbies it would still look as if Alsius was dead but I'm afraid we don't have the tools to fix this issue, NGD does.

12-07-2008, 06:16 PM
Or NGD can give alsius a warzone chat, just for the people in warzone.

12-07-2008, 06:40 PM
Hmmm, good idea, count me in. I'm not so active atm cos the approaching exams, but i would be happy to join to have some fun during the holidays. :D

12-08-2008, 12:07 PM
you alsius had an uber/elite clan, tyr's zorn, and they left. i doubt rest of you can top their plays.


12-08-2008, 12:53 PM
you alsius had an uber/elite clan, tyr's zorn, and they left. i doubt rest of you can top their plays.

It isn't about being the top clan but it's for the ppl to have someone to play in wz.

12-08-2008, 04:00 PM
I wish you luck on this, it'll be great to fight something :D

china that's hilarious XD

12-08-2008, 06:00 PM
It isn't about being the top clan but it's for the ppl to have someone to play in wz.
cool idea, but someone said it already, doubt that people will leave their clans. try merging all clans into one, with all new people in the realm being recruited in that one clan. in that way you can compensate the lack of realm chat in wz.

anyway, wish you luck, most of the time it's boring to war vs ignis since they spend 80% of war time waiting in fort, even when they have more numbers then us.


12-08-2008, 10:10 PM
anyway, wish you luck, most of the time it's boring to war vs ignis since they spend 80% of war time waiting in fort, even when they have more numbers then us.



most times its very boring because we (Ignis) are so outnumberd. It would be silly to defend outside from the fort, when we are much fewer than the syrtis people. Most times the overwhelming strength of syrtis and the emptiness on horus makes the wars boring.

12-09-2008, 07:26 AM
you alsius had an uber/elite clan, tyr's zorn, and they left. i doubt rest of you can top their plays.


we left cause nobody wants to fight against us....i heard something like "the alsian are cheating":mad:....

we stand at stone with 10 or 12 ppl...i see like 20 syrts....they lost 2 or 3 times and then shouted on irc "the alsians are cheating".... :(


p.s. have fun all the time yaw...hope u can realize ur idea! !

12-09-2008, 08:08 AM
we left cause nobody wants to fight against us....i heard something like "the alsian are cheating":mad:....

lol Flens :sifflote: ... well at least for me that was not the reason to leave. That day a certain person on IRC was just a bit frustrated (everyone who knows this person will think what I think - it must have been sexual frustration, because Nightchill always refuses to ...*censored*:tonguey: ) and it was obviously a ridiculous accusation.

I left because there was nobody to fight WITH, not against.

And maybe that is the reason why this clan thing should be done, otherwise more people will leave.

But - just my personal opinion - it won't work to make it an "elite clan", make everyone join this clan, high or low... like that you could have an active wz clan on the one hand and motivate new players to go on on the other hand, since they can ask their questions in clanchat and everyone inner or outer realmwall can see it.

12-09-2008, 09:18 AM
I like the idea of a "wz-active" clan but wonder if it could be achieved by simply restructuring the current clans. $2M-something gold isn't easy to come up with.

Actually, what Horus needs are AI players to raise the population a bit :).

12-09-2008, 11:10 AM
it must have been sexual frustration, because Nightchill always refuses to ...*censored*:tonguey: ) and it was obviously a ridiculous accusation.
refuse to what? :no: you're the one who always refuses. :naughty:

btw, check your pm's.

edit: ramsli why are you spamming all the time?

EDIT2: to person who left me a comment the following comment, you could've signed it at least...
that post has to be a joke. good luck being in the zerg realm, you dont know how it feels to play in a underpopulated realm, dont say what you dont know.
i don't know for what post on this topic you wrote me that, but you obviously haven't much to do with brains cause i only wrote that most of you who's not in tyr's aren't on the same skill/teamplay level and you don't stand a chance no matter how big/elite clan you make.

12-09-2008, 12:25 PM
Having big clan as a replacement for the realm chat in wz would be nice but I'm afraid with that many members the clan chat would become unusable because of spam and such.

I have a clan right now (MoN) so if this idea is ever going to happen and I'll be the leader then we wouldn't need to spen 2M gold, that's not the problem but still there's a better way and more ppl could have founder's powers... Anyway I don't think that it has any chance to succeed because the feedback wasn't as great as I was expecting also there's a lot of cons.

12-11-2008, 01:53 AM
Having big clan as a replacement for the realm chat in wz would be nice but I'm afraid with that many members the clan chat would become unusable because of spam and such.

I have a clan right now (MoN) so if this idea is ever going to happen and I'll be the leader then we wouldn't need to spen 2M gold, that's not the problem but still there's a better way and more ppl could have founder's powers... Anyway I don't think that it has any chance to succeed because the feedback wasn't as great as I was expecting also there's a lot of cons.
agreed, WE have a great clan and there's just too many cons compared to pros for this to work..
merging of all clans could work better but that would not solve the initial problem - too few players in Alsius and Ignis against Syrtis, and too few players at all in all Horus.
(and I wish I had more time to be online but with the current workload I don't have time to play every night..)

12-11-2008, 10:51 PM

In part all people have their points

1. We would have an active clan in the warzone rather than several loose/unorganized clan members running around.

2. We would have a pretty good bank system

1. What would happen to the other clans? Their banks their items? It would suck to strip a clan down to 2 people because the others joined the war zone clan.

2. Noob development. If we are devoted to the warzone then we are not going to talk to noobs in alsius chat, but also not cultivate them in to addicted players (skills vary by keyboard)? To me it sounds like a clans limiting recruitment factor to elimate noob cultivation, that is why I have quit clans before because I didnt see any positive involvement from other clan members. Yeah it is only a game, but why do you want to play with yourself by yourself online? Bit of an oxy moron.

3. Clan organization. What would it be like? Should it be based on level, merit, rps, how much gold is thrown in if a new clan is developed or leadership skills? My personal opinion is that there are a couple high level players from each realm that just need to take their characters back to the chopping block and re-learn how to fight or support so this is a real grey area from my perspective. I like the recruiter/fighter type rank system that was suggested, but it also leaves somewhat of a leadership vaccum.

Spam chat rather than clan chat, limited recruitment due to high warzone involvement, no real sense of defined leadership from what I seen so far. People tied to previous clans.

I would rather if NGD could make some sort of Clan Alliance chat feature where the clans can talk under an Alliance rather than having a single point of failure - like leader to leader meet and make the alliance and a new Window tab would show with that clans name. In addition rather than having a cluttered friends list to see who is online from the clans a simple Green/Red ball would be able to be displayed in the clan list and the alliance list to see who is online. That way not as much lag as having a full blown warzone chat, we don't have 100 ppl on a friends list that we have to constantly maintain, and it keeps us out of the noob chats rather than putting Alsius chat into the warzone. Plus we all have our own personalities and we all dont get a long all the time (unless we are killing someone else :banana: ) and we all have different views of honorable fighting. This would limit people getting mad at each other and joining and leaving and rejoining. It would also allow those who split their time between noob development and warzone to not be spammed by the warzone clan for not participating at a certain time.

Just my 2 cents. <--Alsius noobs download and read, lather, rinse, and repeat.

Ignis (2 ply) and Syrtis (quilted) versions soon to come for your dainty rear ends.

12-13-2008, 10:28 PM
Alsius problem!Ignis is the one with the population problem.....but most of us will get by........i hope

12-14-2008, 06:34 PM
Well guys i heard about the clan and we of BDC think about working together with all the other clans to make a big and active clan for all wz people
we still have to discuss about further measurements and all the consequences for the clans in alsius and of course who's clan is going to be the victim i think every leader of a clan wants his clan to stay alive but someones clan has to suffer for this though....


12-15-2008, 06:32 AM
Alsius problem!Ignis is the one with the population problem.....but most of us will get by........i hope
No, Ignis is just full of noobs and cowards (in Horus at least, on Ra they're pretty good).

Well guys i heard about the clan and we of BDC think about working together with all the other clans to make a big and active clan for all wz people
we still have to discuss about further measurements and all the consequences for the clans in alsius and of course who's clan is going to be the victim i think every leader of a clan wants his clan to stay alive but someones clan has to suffer for this though....
Rather, who's not gonna be the victim (since we have MoN, FF, BDC, Tyr's, some others...), but maybe the clan with the most experienced leader can 'stay alive' and have its name changed.

12-16-2008, 05:26 PM
I suggest all the Alsius clan leaders and some of their co-owners go round the table to discuss this further we dont reach anything more here on the forum.

12-19-2008, 09:39 AM
My PC has a horrific virus on it, and I am working around 40 hours a week. Playing Regnum right now is not really an option for me, but if I was still active I think this clan thing is a great idea. The best way for people to keep involved in the game is to make this clan, get to know everyone, make it a fun clan, also use voice chat for easy strategic calls, and to joke around. I am just now reading about the updates, and when I get around to reinstalling on my pc; I will try to get in game a bit more.

On a secondary note:
Where did the Tyr's go. I can't say I doubt them for leaving. Wasn't enough competition for them on Horus.