View Full Version : New version quick list (20-Feb-2007)
02-22-2007, 01:51 AM
Hello everyone,
Here you can post any critical error you have found on the new version.
It's of the utmost important that you describe the problem in great detail.
- Include character name, race, class, subclass and level
- Rendering mode (OpenGL or DirectX)
- Brief description of the situation (i.e.: I was trading with merchant X and buying item Y)
- It happens everytime? sometimes?
- Avoid personal comments about the way to solve it, etc
Any post on this thread that doesn't comply with the aforementioned guidelines, will be ignored.
We are suffering some bumps on the new version so please bear with us while we fix the most important errors.
02-22-2007, 07:35 PM
Object Interaction Bug
I was really exited that the daggerfangs had been put back into alsius, because then we can all complete the family zoo quest.
The first part of this quest requires me to interact with the bookshelf to get a book. But I can no longer interact with items.
I thought this was perhaps just me, but later on two of my clan members couldn`t interact with the barrel in the dwarf bar for their quest. I also spoke to a new player who couldn`t interact with the sword shelf on her first quest !
Using Windows 98 - OpenGL - Alsius Barbarian
The game barely functioned at all.
It would only run in an 800X600 window on the lowest settings.
Even in this mode, dropped connections, lockups and all sorts of crashes happened at random intervals. Often the game wouldn`t start at all.
Using Ubunto - OpenGL - Alsius Barbarian
The game functions really well, no lag to speak of even in the towns and cities.
During several hours of play it crashed 3 or 4 times, when clicking the NPCs to travel to the warzone and back.
02-22-2007, 08:27 PM
Character Name: Darth Dominicus
Race: Utghar
Class: Mage
Subclass: Warlock
Level: 33
Rendering mode DirectX
Crashes everytime after character load on what ever character i load it always crashes
It happens everytime
02-22-2007, 08:41 PM
Everytime when I cross a bridge in Gokstad, I suddenly die.
Quite lots of server dissconects.
02-23-2007, 02:56 AM
im really glad with some the upgrades ya did to the game but some major bugs been buging me like i cant close the box from a merchent like i use to i have to walk away to close the bridges that go from alsius to ignis the 2 black bridges i always die there for some wierd reason and last the crashes are huge wen i came in it wont last like 10 min the most with out crashing after all that only thing really bug me i dont know why ya lower the jidenah eyes so much from a +30 to a 3 maybe lower it by 10 but that low man i know lots of mages and high lvl playes in ignis been talking about that well thank u for a great game name
name stn
race dark elf
class warlock
realm ignis
lvl 40
Character Name: Lasher
Realm: Alsius
Class: Archer
Subclass: Hunter
Level: 50
Rendering mode DirectX
Shot of Distraction no longer stops attacks. You get message that you were successful but MOBs and Players still attack.
02-25-2007, 04:54 PM
Shot of Distraction no longer stops attacks. You get message that you were successful but MOBs and Players still attack.
Shot of Distraction is now over when you hit the MOB again. If you don't hit the MOB right after Shot of Distraction is activated, the MOB won't attack you for a few seconds.
I hope this helps,
Shot of Distraction is now over when you hit the MOB again.Discus
Not to turn this in to a debate as per the rules but I still think this is a bug even if by design.
Character Name: Lasher
Realm: Alsius
Class: Archer
Subclass: Hunter
Level: 50
Rendering mode DirectX
Track Enemy: The skill will track dead enemies.
02-27-2007, 05:18 PM
Character name: Enishania
Realm: Syrtis
Class: Mage
Subclass: Warlock
Level: 19
Some of the spells disappear from the book, especially necromancy spells. None of the necromancy spells were visible on the book, but with warlock trainer, they were visible. /reset_powers and restart seemed to help. For now.
02-27-2007, 06:34 PM
I am currently a level 20, Ignis, Molok marksman named Unique
I am not sure if I am using DirectX or OpenGL (Not good with these terms)
* There are 4 quests I have been assigned to which I cant complete from about level 15 - 20 (about 12,000 exp)
- Drinkers Gamble - Cant interact with barrel
- Ingwes Revenge - Cant interact with shelf
- Sacrifices - Huge black cobras dont excist, need to kill 5 of them
- Dark past - Cant interact with book shelf
* Some skills dont seem to work, Eagles eye says to increase hit chance by 50% but so far I have missed more or the same after using it. And the mobility skill does not seem to increase my speed.
* Several town criers tell me to see a certain person for a certain quest yet when arrived there they dont have any quest window. Altaruk City - Darracan and Allahed City - Marlak? (Volcanic zone guy)
* When I rest my HP usually starts loading up after a short while (5-15 seconds)
* At the Discipline: Tricks I did not see any skills but Distracting shot is shown a bit lower without an image beside it (Have now removed my points in there to be stronger in the other disciplines)
* I have a different guildname under my name then my guild is named (Others from my guild do too) Reason for this I do now know why, it says Elite Guardians of Ignis and it is supposed to be Friends of the Round Table. Rank names are correct on the other hand though.
* General chat starts blinking sometimes when nothing is said there, probably because clan chat is shown in there, nothing big but sometimes catches my eye and gets me distracted and have to click it again and then click back to party or private chat to find it blinking again and click it again so it stops blinking.
* Lefan's Ring, a quest item, says Damage: without anything behind it, now I am unaware if it should actually give me a damage upgrade or if its just taking in space.
* Armours, whenever I purchase new armour I fail to notice a degrading amount of damage given to me, making me have spend a few K's so far for seemingly nothing.
* After resurrecting I sometimes respawn inside or above the altar, again nothing big.
* I sometimes while walking suddenly start walking circles, right or left direction (without pressing buttons) and then have to click the opposite direction of my turns to make it stop
* I lost lots of amounts of HP while doing nothing and even died once or twice because of it, havent had it happen to me lately (4-5 days) but just mentioning.
* And last but certainly not least, below my attributes are Attack, Armor Points, Hit chance, Evasion and Block chance but all give me the values 0, making me unable to see if a certain arrow/bow or armour makes me better or not, this 1 is a bugger to me :)
Hope I helped out.
Character Name: Lasher
Realm: Alsius
Class: Archer
Subclass: Hunter
Level: 50
Rendering mode DirectX
The below bugs started happening on 2/28/07
After exiting or crashing out of game the process RegnumOnline.exe continues to run. Have to end process or reboot to fix. (Windows XP)
The game always selects Spanish for language. The game.cfg file does have the language set to English.
Character Name: Lasher
Realm: Alsius
Class: Archer
Subclass: Hunter
Level: 50
Rendering mode DirectX
After exiting or crashing out of game the process RegnumOnline.exe continues to run. Have to end process or reboot to fix. (Windows XP) ---- This is fix after the update on 03/01/2007.
The game always selects Spanish for language. The game.cfg file does have the language set to English.
This is still happening but now the cfg file will show “spa” as language. I have tried to set the cfg file to "eng" saved it and then run game. The login screen is in English but after click play game changes to Spanish on the character select screen. Each login I have to go to the options and reset the language back to English.
03-11-2007, 05:01 PM
So anything going to be fixed about this? Havent seen more then 1 thing from my list fixed or altered yet.
04-01-2007, 04:10 PM
Character name: Baltir
Realm: Syrtis
Class: Mage
Subclass: Conjurer
Rendering mode DirectX
Can't interact with bookshelf in "Introduction to Leaders".
04-03-2007, 10:12 AM
Character Name: Cwcslash eff
Realm: Ignis
class : Warrior
Subclass: Future Barbarian
Situation: I was leveling up / Training
It happens everytime I level up, EVERYTIME
What happens is my characters attributes are jacked up with INT and I do not want anymore INT, I need STR DEX and CONST!
Yes I am a smartass
Thank You
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