View Full Version : Questions about Ximerin and how do I get it?

02-22-2007, 03:04 AM
Hello everyone,

One of the most common questions right now is about the Ximerin.
Here is a brief explanation, we will make an official announcement soon enough.


Ximerin is the curreny used to obtain premium content. It will be only obtainable through the web site. Pricing will be disclosed eventually as well as the available payment systems.

Ximerin and the beta test

As many of you already know, premium content must endure a testing period as well. It's because of this that we are already thinking in a way of doing it in such a manner that resembles the final version.

Right now work is being focused on server and client stabilization, which we hope doesn't last long. After this we will give you more news regarding the matter.


02-27-2007, 06:47 PM
Will you have to be an adult to purchase Ximerin? Or will you allow minors to purchase Ximerin? Asking this cause then I know if I could deposit myself or let my mother do it for me hehehe

04-01-2007, 03:16 AM
When will this be ready ? I don't see anything related on the site so I don't think it's implemented yet. Also what will price ranges be?