View Full Version : Mage resistance rates
These are seriously over the top. On my hunter, I cast ambush, stunfist and confuse on a mage - all were resisted, and this happens with 60% of the mages I fight. On my marks, I cast burst of wind 6 times, all those times on a mage, and none of them were successful. When playing an archer, each time I fight a mage, at least 3 spells are resisted in every fight. Same with when I play a warrior. Int resistance may not have worked before the update, but now it works too well. I also played a warlock a bit recently, and I resist enemy spells just as much, so its not some psychological thing.
01-23-2009, 10:58 AM
Well i dont think this is the case in general.
I saw some crazy resist both from archers and barbarians last night.
I loged off frustrated and pissed off. This seem to be periodical, it increase dramatically over night then it goes away for awhile and come back a week later or something.
01-23-2009, 11:01 AM
Im with Vroek on this, i also logged out pissed off @ bock/resist/evade
Maybe i should start posting combat logs here.
IF mages blocked so much then maybe it is to compensate the shitty armour we have
I just had a fight with another warlock, and both of us resisted as much as I described here, but my logs only record the last 30 seconds of the 3 minute fight because of sadistic servants and mana burn so I won't post it here. The blocks weren't so bad (although we were in each other's faces for 90% of the fight so wind wall wouldn't be working), but there were definately lots of resists from both of us.
01-23-2009, 12:04 PM
when i first played this game i noticed the evades and resists as very annoying,
and months later i seem to think theyre even worse.
in fights with mobs or players alike, its just a roll of the dice, whoever resists/blocks/evades the most wins the fight. and well the mana lost in casting these spells is such a huge waste with the current "luck" factor. i remember reading another post somewhere, forget the name..but he said why even give us spells if theyre never gonna hit.
i think the evasion needs to be toned down more, and resists need to go..i dont see the difference between an evade and a resist (yes i know the different mechanics and stats they rely on, thats not the issue..the issue is why have 2 different attributes that do the same thing basically..its confusing. i sure dont know what a resist is..but how can someone resist a hammer hitting them on the head? resist should mean something different, maybe "parry" would be more logical. like 1/3 of the damage (we can pretend the opponent didnt miss but was merely defended against in whatever way sounds plausible, or a glancing hit, or a mistimed swing) so when you do use those mana spells and it gets "resisted" the enemy will still get hurt a little.
i just know im so sick of trading blows with a player and both of us looking like total idiots..not hitting each other repeatedly while we are standing face to face. kinda takes away the fantasy of being a skilled warrior..when he cant even land 1/3rd of his attacks before his mana pool is dried up.
and even grinding is an experience in frustration..i think my record was 12 straight misses in a row.
resists and evades regardless of class or over the top in RO at the moment, i honestly think the last update changed it even more.
01-23-2009, 12:24 PM
I cannot recall where... but I once read around here one of the characteristics of the mage class is the ability to resist "magic". Being able to resist special strikes based on mana doesn't seem so insane to me.
Also, as Ink says, if you sucsesfully cast 3 skills you want in a row, on a mage... you probably won. Be it damage, or confuse/dizzy/knock, or knock knock knock.
A trip is not 'magic'.
A punch to the face is not 'magic'.
A feint is not 'magic'.
Just to name some of the spells I find resisted the most.
01-23-2009, 12:52 PM
A trip is not 'magic'.
A punch to the face is not 'magic'.
A feint is not 'magic'.
Just to name some of the spells I find resisted the most.
It consumes mana, it ¡s magic. (That was what I meant...)
EDIT: Besides you are not answering to my point. If I hit someone with 3 of my max power spells, even another mage, they are far from dead. Now, if I get hit by 3 mark, barb, kinght, or even hunter (+pet) skills.... I'm pretty much done.
It consumes mana, it ¡s magic. (That was what I meant...)
Okay, so it consumes mana. That doesn't make it logical, I think NGD were just too lazy (or 'being traditional') when they made special skills for mages and physical classes use the same type of energy.
01-23-2009, 01:01 PM
Okay, so it consumes mana. That doesn't make it logical, I think NGD were just too lazy (or 'being traditional') when they made special skills for mages and physical classes use the same type of energy.
Still not getting to the point, read the edit on my last post...
I'll give you that, but thats another problem which needs to be addressed - too little benefit for longer (or even existant) casting times.
01-23-2009, 01:09 PM
I know it can be frustrating... but this ilogical resistance to many spells/skills is a patch until they find a better way to balance the cast/damage ratio of the mage
01-23-2009, 05:08 PM
IF mages blocked so much then maybe it is to compensate the shitty armour we have
only time mages block is under ww or knight aura. and as for ww it's so unpredictable that you can't really count on it to block when you need it.
01-23-2009, 05:15 PM
only time mages block is under ww or knight aura. and as for ww it's so unpredictable that you can't really count on it to block when you need it.
as all other block/evade/resist systems In the game?
On topic I'd like to say I noticed this too, on unbuffed chars... I think that they are too crazy and they should be removed all together and replaced with damage, effect and time reduction
I can attest to this too....
My hunter came upon someone resting....they were not buff'd AFK I think...
I casted ambush lvl 4 (evaded), Confuse lvl 3 (resisted), and Sticky Touch lvl 4 (evaded). They then stood up - casted buffs and we fought...
WTF is up with that?? Everyone...from now on during a fight...just sit down - you'll resist and evaded everything :D
Oh - did I mention that while resting they evaded 2 of my yeti's hits in a row...
Ahh....awesome :tsk_tsk:
01-24-2009, 01:05 PM
I can attest to this too....
My hunter came upon someone resting....they were not buff'd AFK I think...
I casted ambush lvl 4 (evaded), Confuse lvl 3 (resisted), and Sticky Touch lvl 4 (evaded). They then stood up - casted buffs and we fought...
WTF is up with that?? Everyone...from now on during a fight...just sit down - you'll resist and evaded everything :D
Oh - did I mention that while resting they evaded 2 of my yeti's hits in a row...
Ahh....awesome :tsk_tsk:
hunters really aren't the class to bitch about resists/evades. just suck it up, you too have more then fair share of resists/evades :) +means of escaping from a fight, while mages don't :)
01-24-2009, 02:34 PM
In terms of resists/evades, mages are the new archers.
I wanted a move away from evasion and was willing to see my hunter lose his high evasion rates, because i thought it would be better for the game overrall.
But all that has happened is a switch in fortunes - a different class now out-evades the others.
01-24-2009, 05:31 PM
If intelligence is so damn powerful stat skill wits and get some int bonus items.
I'm pretty sure archers can get close to what most mages have in intelligence that way.
Mages have the same evade/resist rate as they always had, my guess is that you all just been too overpowered to notice.
01-24-2009, 05:37 PM
I didn't notice any increase in mage evade/resistance lately.
01-24-2009, 07:15 PM
Maybe it is the case that archer evasion is broken, whereas mage evasion works fine, and therein lies the problem.
01-24-2009, 08:31 PM
If intelligence is so damn powerful stat skill wits and get some int bonus items.
I'm pretty sure archers can get close to what most mages have in intelligence that way.
Mages have the same evade/resist rate as they always had, my guess is that you all just been too overpowered to notice.
You are wrong in both points. With wits i have 64 intelin on half elf. Now wind wall + more resistance for all + evade items made mages hard targets. And no it was't always this way.
01-24-2009, 10:38 PM
i've felt no changes in any of the rates with my warlock. i think you all have not a better thing to do then to bitch about mages since they're only class that hasn't been nerfed after invasions. envy is a bitch. (yes envy, you too :D )
I can have 91 int on my lvl 45 warlock without any items other than a +3 int ring if I wanted to.
01-25-2009, 02:51 AM
Well resistance always has been out of proportion in the game. The system is totally stupid. Two lvl 50s should have almost no resistance while fighting each others IMO.
01-25-2009, 10:03 AM
You are wrong in both points. With wits i have 64 intelin on half elf. Now wind wall + more resistance for all + evade items made mages hard targets. And no it was't always this way.
My lvl 37 nordo hunter have 62 with wits and no bonus items.
I think i have no problem getting to 78+ int with at lvl 50 if i want to.
Wind wall hardly effect resist/evade rate, it has a good visual now and easy to counter.
Most players prefer to fight warlocks up close.
More resist for all, I cant say noticed any real difference.
I take it you mean the changes made in end of 2007.
After that that they made changes to main attribute effecting both spell focus and hit chance and concentration also got boosted.
Evade items been around for a long time as well and its a trade off to other bonuses. I dont think the effect is as good as some thought considering the fix in the last update. Now you can get yourself a hit chance item to counter it.
01-25-2009, 03:13 PM
My lvl 37 nordo hunter have 62 with wits and no bonus items.
I think i have no problem getting to 78+ int with at lvl 50 if i want to.
Wind wall hardly effect resist/evade rate, it has a good visual now and easy to counter.
Most players prefer to fight warlocks up close.
More resist for all, I cant say noticed any real difference.
I take it you mean the changes made in end of 2007.
After that that they made changes to main attribute effecting both spell focus and hit chance and concentration also got boosted.
Evade items been around for a long time as well and its a trade off to other bonuses. I dont think the effect is as good as some thought considering the fix in the last update. Now you can get yourself a hit chance item to counter it.
I have inteli boosters, dext boosters, htc bonus in bows and i still have this what you can see. Foggia is a barb and he had only 50% hits on that guy. In almost every fight with mages i have resisted spells, sometime a lot. I assume that when archers were evading it wasn't ok but resistance form mages + blocks + evade items is ok.
01-25-2009, 03:36 PM
I remember that before update many resists showed as evades....maybe that's why it seems like mages resists more?
You could be right Cumeri. However, I haven't noticed higher resist rates on my end even with a higher amount of int on my Horus char.
01-25-2009, 07:30 PM
I have inteli boosters, dext boosters, htc bonus in bows and i still have this what you can see. Foggia is a barb and he had only 50% hits on that guy. In almost every fight with mages i have resisted spells, sometime a lot. I assume that when archers were evading it wasn't ok but resistance form mages + blocks + evade items is ok.
I find it quite ridicules to even compare pre patch archer and mages evade/resist rate.
Windwall I just dont think it fully counts, you can either take your chance from distance (see your screen when it fails), go close or stay away for a little while.
So a few options that other classes never had against archers and their old resist/evade rate along with shorter duration.
50% hits with barb against warlock, oh well that shit happens against any opponent at times.
You think that is common or what?
I love fighting warlocks on my barb if anything was iffy with their resist/evade rate i would be the first one to complain.
01-25-2009, 09:56 PM
I've noticed much higher resist evade rates sinc eupdate as well. Not just mages but mobs too.
01-26-2009, 11:37 PM
I've noticed much higher resist evade rates sinc eupdate as well. Not just mages but mobs too.
like the guy before me said, it's probably just some of evades converted to resists.
01-28-2009, 02:36 AM
but dont evades work on different attributes than resists?
and what stats do they rely on?
i believe evade has been mainly if not solely relying on dex rating.
what about resist? int?
please correct me anyone if im mistaken, id just like to know, and if other factors (buffs aside) play into them, such as not just dex but dex and say conts combined.
i would think resists would be based on constitution more logically. but then again i never made the rules nor know em :)
01-29-2009, 10:10 PM
lol who cares, instead of 20 evades in a row now you have 10 evades& 10 resists. same shit, different name.
02-03-2009, 11:03 PM
hmmm, actually I have the feeling that int really currently boosts resists, got a bit more since uthgars can wear hats now (and lost almost 100 hp -.-). Maybe I should try out if dragon's blood lv 5 can boost that even more xD
edit: does somebody know the current formulas for calculating resists/evades/blocks based on character stats?
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