View Full Version : Alsius: better tactics in the Trelle/Algaros battles

01-24-2009, 01:02 PM
I am breaking my silence on these forums to mention something I've been observing lately.

All week there have been running battles between Trelle save and Algaros fort. And these battles usually follow the same pattern:

-Large numbers of Syrtis have us pinned at Trelle save.

-After a difficult struggle Alsius finally break their lines and chase them over PP2.

-We chase them all the way up the road to Algaros.

-Despite the fact that they have regrouped at the fort and we are too few for capture, we fight them at the fort and die.

-Then the whole thing starts again.

IMO we (Alsius) need to break this pattern at the point where we reach the hill to Algaros. We should let the last few greens escape to the fort, then make an organised retreat to the bridge, where we have a good chance of holding them off.

This makes good tactical sense, and is surely better than repeatedly running to a futile death at the fort.

01-24-2009, 03:37 PM
I have to agree with you there little one. It seems as if we are falling into their trap, just as they planned by chasing them all the way to the fort. Kinda dumb, when a little "re-grouping" is what we need, giving us time to build up our forces again.

For the last week or so ........ if I log into 1 of my char's who happens to be at trelle save, the fight is on upon logging in. It's been this way for over a week.
It's a constant "green fog" around or near the trelle save. I personally think that the save needs a little better placement, between the bridge and the fort right on the road to the fort ........ is just asking for campers.

On a good note ..... Alsius is actually starting to get some tactics and some really good group efforts, it's really nice to see more and more people working together.

01-24-2009, 03:43 PM
lol half the time we let you capture alargos so we both can have fun :)

01-24-2009, 05:05 PM
I can't say that i've experienced that scenario much, i usually change character after a trelle recapture, i seldom go to algaros. There has been a bunch of 1 hour fights at algaros the past few days though.

I usually just look at the party going to alga and decide that there's too few players i enjoy playing with in those partys. Usually there's mostly lvl 30-40 ppl and few good conjus.

01-25-2009, 01:03 PM
I have been there at trelle /algros fight the last couple of days and only a few of greens have hit trelle save that ive noticed. Most have stayed the other side of the road.
And even if they do Alsius is not all prim and proper, we go close to save when alga is taken and indeed we do at meni to.
I just see it as good ol back n forward fighting with plenty of rp to be had by both sides.
And i know that the lvlers are having a hard time there but at the end of the day we kill there lvlers to, you cant have one rule for one and one rule for another.

01-25-2009, 01:26 PM
I have been there at trelle /algros fight the last couple of days and only a few of greens have hit trelle save that ive noticed. Most have stayed the other side of the road.
And even if they do Alsius is not all prim and proper, we go close to save when alga is taken and indeed we do at meni to.
I just see it as good ol back n forward fighting with plenty of rp to be had by both sides.
And i know that the lvlers are having a hard time there but at the end of the day we kill there lvlers to, you cant have one rule for one and one rule for another.
It isn't a save camping complaint thread - i think everything that needs to be said about that has long since been said.

And yes, the ping pong battles between Trelle and Alga are quite entertaining.

I simply thought it made good sense to stop the chase at Algaros hill and regroup at the bridge to restart the battle, instead of dying in front of the fort coz there are too few of us for capture.

01-25-2009, 10:27 PM
Algaros does strategically have the best location of all forts in the game. So yes, when you are small in numbers it's probably smarted to wait at the bridge and use the narrowness of it.
That would require you to stand at your own side though, I'm not sure if everyone wants that. In Syrtis we fight most of the times at the enemy's side, which isn't always very smart.

01-30-2009, 11:33 AM
Last night i was fighting alonside a group at PP2 - about 7 of us.

Time and again we killed a larger group of greens trying to cross the bridge.

Each time we stopped the chase at Algaros hill and regrouped at the bridge to wait for them to come again.

We took many more deaths than we gave.

It's a simple tactic, but it works.

01-30-2009, 03:01 PM
This continuos machine has started , and is non stoplees.

We also complain about this ping pong, and mess up all our intention of invasion and so.

Any changes on tactics is welcome , and it might happen.
