01-27-2009, 11:47 AM
WE did it, and i dont want to hear not one on blah blah blah to defend blah blah blah

We have been zerged for days and the zerg failed, these pictures speak for themselves.

Remember WE did it first something that can never be taken away from us





01-27-2009, 11:58 AM
Congratulations Alsius!

01-27-2009, 12:03 PM
Congrats to RA Alsius. You guys deserve it. :)

01-27-2009, 12:04 PM
I cant believe my eyes... Rly. Im playing on horus atm, so I had no idea whats happening on RA, but goats opening portal as 1st realm is smth I'd never say.

Congratulations, really. You have done something nobody would expect of u.

01-27-2009, 12:14 PM
congrats alsius , this is true that you attacked when there is no one to defend , but this is tactics and no one can tell anything about it your soldiers we're awake while ours we're asleep this is our fault not yours , well done !

01-27-2009, 12:18 PM
congrats alsius , this is true that you attacked when there is no one to defend , but this is tactics and no one can tell anything about it your soldiers we're awake while ours we're asleep this is our fault not yours , well done !

Thanks for your comment but oh my green friend you forgot to read my inital post, heres a reminder

We have been zerged for days and the zerg failed

01-27-2009, 12:20 PM
There was greens awake but they did some bad mistakes, like going for herb instead of eferias and recapturing forts when they was needed at the gate.

Sure the time was the easiest one but the greens could log in too.

01-27-2009, 12:26 PM
Ahhh, finally i can rest.

Even though i'm Ignis first and formost, i cant think of a realm more DESERVING for this than you guys alsius :) I'm really proud of you guys, you did, well just as well as you do anytime, extordaniary. After all thats happened with the wars, i'm happy for you :) Well done, and hats off (or on) for you goats.

Rejoice! <in the comming oblivion>

With all his black, cold and dead heart,


01-27-2009, 12:37 PM
Hohoho, congrats Alsius ! \o/
It's been weeks that we were concerting with Ignis, letting you time to gather all the gems, waiting patiently for this moment... it's about time ! :D (rhooo, the bad faith... ;P)

Seriously, of all us three, you guys really deserved it. Regularly outclassed in number, daily harassed but never surrending, it's sincerely a pleasure to hear that you are the firsts to succeed at buying a drink to the Mighty Golden One !

Our turn now ! :tonguey:

01-27-2009, 12:58 PM
Great work everyone in Alsius.



01-27-2009, 01:40 PM
Congratulation Alsius!

01-27-2009, 01:40 PM

01-27-2009, 01:50 PM
Congratulations Alsius!!!!!!:bounce5425: :banana:

01-27-2009, 02:09 PM
Congratulations Alsius! You guys really deserve it!

01-27-2009, 02:54 PM
Damn! I missed it.

Well done to everyone involved.

01-27-2009, 04:47 PM
Congrats to Alsius! (nice graphic settings, Twink)

01-27-2009, 05:16 PM
Oh snap, congrats guys.

01-27-2009, 06:01 PM
I never expected Alsius to make it, let alone be the FIRST to make it...


01-27-2009, 06:01 PM
Woa, great job! This wasn't quite what I'd expected when I logged in to forums. Awesome!

01-27-2009, 07:36 PM
Nice work guys! Sorry I missed it but you guys did GREAT!!!!

Now, let's do it again ;)

BTW - Which reward was selected? - nevermind saw it on the other thread...

01-27-2009, 07:45 PM
To all who don't speak spanish in Alsius (RA)...

Thanks for keep with us in RA. It's an honor to fight beside you, in the bad times, and in the good times just like this one.


PS: Inkster, you must to put the gem into an empty slot. Remember it for the next time. :tonguey:

01-27-2009, 09:00 PM
I need to say that I m happy that Alsius was the first one to open portal on Ra, even I m from Syrtis.
They were many times zerged by hunt groups and at their saves, more than other realms had. They never had big zerg as other realms. I m glad this time skills beat zerg power.

Congrats and enjoy your well deserved prize ! (I hope Syrtis learned something from this)

01-28-2009, 12:12 AM
out little alsius is all grown up.

great job, shame i wasnt there to see it :crying1:

we are a small realm but mighty...jus like persil =D

01-28-2009, 12:43 AM
I was there and it was fun!!!

I thank the spanish community (Alsius) for making this possible!



-Kung Hei Fat Choi!!!

01-28-2009, 02:54 AM
im glad for once and im syrtis :) i really hate you guys (in game) because sine ive came back (after the update some time) ive noticed alsius more aggressive, co ordinated, rather than what i had witnessed before, tons of savecamping from syrtis, (even skill cannot stop 5 against 20, this is in no way bashing your abilities) forts just left because alsius had no power to recapture them. or taking forts with 5 people and then being slaughtered by the wave of 30+ syrts. (this was before the last update mind you, and my own personal observations and opinion, so it may not seem accurate to you)

but since ive came back, i have not seen camping (maybe its due to the locations now, but either way i do know know)

forts have been taken in large numbers rivalling or usually larger than our army at the time, as we spread too thin, at different forts, in ignis, dancing at save, whatever the case we seem to never be in one place together at any given time.

more raiding parties, ive seen more alsius parties raiding hotspots or hunting in our lands.

and the topper, how alsius mostly singlehandedly ( i say mostly because they did have all ignis forts, but some syrtis were helping cause chaos and zerging across ignis as well, which ended in a combined assault againts their wall.

so yeah i think congrats is in order too :) well played at least as long as ive been back, and hope to see more of it.

ayways this is just all opinion and my own observation, so take it how ya will, i may be wrong :)

01-28-2009, 05:24 PM
I was there and it was fun!!!

I thank the spanish community (Alsius) for making this possible!



-Kung Hei Fat Choi!!!

The best part was that everybody worked for the same goal, there was no language barriers and we stayed together.

Now we know it's possible, so we can do it again and keep our lvlers happy :) .

About the reward: I'd never vote for "There can be only one" or any kind of punishment for other realms. The first option only create envy and bad feelings, the punishments destroys the game for other players and doesn't help anyone.

01-28-2009, 05:59 PM
I'd never vote for "There can be only one" or any kind of punishment for other realms. The first option only create envy and bad feelings, the punishments destroys the game for other players and doesn't help anyone.

well said eddius , if in a far far far far far far far far far far far ........ far future syrtis can manage (don't laugh please) to open the portal i will do the same.

01-28-2009, 06:03 PM
well said eddius , if in a far far far far far far far far far far far ........ far future syrtis can manage (don't laugh please) to open the portal i will do the same.

Well I think we discussed it in mumble and we seemed to agreed that the XP bonus is the most interesting.