View Full Version : Benkku, Valkin and Preliator

02-06-2009, 06:34 AM
I have a hero in Syrtis (Horus).:lightsabre:
I`d like to buy some mount like Alsiusian Benkku:wub2: , but Syrtian`s cock (turkey cock) Valkin is very ugglly. In cause of this problem I had created a hero in Alsius (Horus) and buy Benkku. And he is really cool.

Some players of Alsius says that I waste my money, but I think it is just envy. Any way I have money for it. And any way I don`t want to leave my 37lvl knight in Syrtis.

NGD, please, create an abbility to buy Benkku:wub2: in Syrtis? Or drow some dino-like skin to Valkin. If I spent my money on something, I want it to looks Great and Powerfull (but not like cock :superpusso: )

Best Regards, Truewar

02-06-2009, 06:35 AM
This is my Alsius account, were I bought benkku.:wub2:

02-06-2009, 06:51 AM
I am completely agree with Truewar. I like two-legged mounts and benkku is awesome, especially when it reacts on wave action. I'd never buy a valkin, but if syrtis fahrers will sell something looking like a benkku, I sure I buy it.

02-06-2009, 09:47 AM
I think they are all rather strange looking but i agree i dont think it looks cool riding around on a valkin ( giant chicken).

02-06-2009, 09:57 AM
Benkku looks great! I like it!

And his ROAR very nice!

02-06-2009, 06:08 PM
Valkin's are adorable =P And give off the vibe of Syrtis very well, imo lol I hope they all stay the same.

02-07-2009, 03:24 PM
I don't like their look at all. I will never buy any of that 2-legs weirdy things. For me any steed (ignis,syrtis or alsius, even the common horse) is better than that.

As a uber cool premium steed I'd like to ride a small dragon (I must say that - Preliator doesn't look like dragon at all).

02-07-2009, 06:00 PM
I really like the Preliator....its like a little dinosaur. But he is hell expensive :-/
I dont agree that all mounts should be available for every realm..this game should go in the direction of more and more differences between realms. Different armor , weapons, look , magic. It really pisses me of when a syrtis mage can summon a demon.

02-08-2009, 03:06 PM
I agree with lunar, Valkin is syrtis styled, big silly and slightly queer, and makes the enemy fall over loling when they see it :superpusso:

02-08-2009, 08:09 PM
My love to Benkku`s :wub2: bring me to Alsius from syrtis. I think I`ll stay there.

Yes, we are weak... Yes, we are small. But the time cahnges everything.

And the Great Power are growing in Alsius now. I hope, you will see it soon =) :bruja:

02-09-2009, 12:00 AM
function over style..

i dont need a chocobo or a taun taun :lightsabre:

when my gold bought horses work identically the same in practice.

i use horses mainly to get to vendors to sell loot while drop grinding/levelling.

or to get to alsius on syrtis' daily 3 hour holds of trelle :sifflote: because im lazy and dont wanna run there, and sometimes its just too much a one sided battle with 300 syrtis standing around, so ill leave or go drown myself and back to save to go chat or grind.

i also dont like the fact that my money would pay for something i wouldnt use 20 hours of every day, for a whole month, and that my money pays just for a different model..maybe if they had an incentive over other gold/xim mounts such as a slight passive speed boost id cosider it.