View Full Version : Knight a little imbalanced?
02-12-2009, 11:15 AM
The german forum allready discussed about it but most of them who were knights of course didnt want to lose their extrem defense, which i can understand but i still think they arent balanced if you compare them to the other classes.
What do you think? I personally think that Knight should lose a little of their defense (less block or a reduce of oma time) or they should make a little less dmg, because a ripost of 900 is a lot dmg, and a tankclass like Knight should make a lot less dmg.
NGD say that they will tone down the blocks, and IMO this is the only thing which makes them imbalanced.
02-12-2009, 12:00 PM
I'd prefer a more reliable defense than the block lottery, oh and for the damage, when the weapon discipline damage buffs wont stack anymore no knight will hit harder than maybe 600-700.
My max damage is around 650 (without a barbarian casting onslaugh), most classes can hit for around 600 with some skill. Yes i don't use any weapon damage boosters, mainly defensive build.
If blocks get tuned down too much then knights will have crap defence though (what happens to a knight who doesn't block?). Barbarians have better resistance to crowd control than knights have.
If blocks get tuned down, then atleast Run Over should protect against all effects instead of just knock down (it's not that powerful vs KD but it helps a bit).
02-12-2009, 04:59 PM
I agree that blocks are too much, but without blocks knights don't have that much more defense than barbarians. Also, 700 normal hits from knights are just not normal anymore since the update to weapon magnifications. Please keep in mind that it is a knight his job to take damage, like it's a conjurer's job to heal.
02-12-2009, 05:25 PM
I agree that blocks are too much, but without blocks knights don't have that much more defense than barbarians. Also, 700 normal hits from knights are just not normal anymore since the update to weapon magnifications. Please keep in mind that it is a knight his job to take damage, like it's a conjurer's job to heal.
I think knight class has to be rethink without all thoses blocks. Have more tanking buffs. The problem with blocks is that it's impossible to counter anything.
What makes a knight special ? He wears heavy armor. Part of the tanking ability must come from Armor. Another part should come from constitution.
Don't forget armors have defaults, and knights also can die ^^
02-12-2009, 05:59 PM
A tone down on blocks w/o conpensation would make them to weak imo, To me the edn game for knights isnt great considering the grinding difficulty for them so when blocks are "fixed" if this means less of them Ill hope for some passive damage resistance in return,
Right now knights only "all situations" defences are AoO the nerfed Caution and blocking, both madly and not at all.
02-12-2009, 07:36 PM
Hello? Knights make little dmg, they cannot camoflage, they have no sanctuary, the have no low profile... that they do block finally is just fair and not imbalanced! All other classes have range or speed, a knight has to get them first, before he can try to fight them. It would be imbalanced if NGD reduced the bockchance.
02-12-2009, 10:43 PM
Knights are tough, but they're supposed to be. The knight is the tank of an army, like the conjurer is its medic. If knights died too easily, we would all spend a lot more time running from saves back to the battlefield than we do now.
That said, I think knights do a bit too much damage for their class. Take Efrendi - with good buffs he can almost singlehandedly wipe out an entire army of Syrtis with a couple of attacks. Knights should be the melee conjurer - a support unit, not an attack unit. Maybe tuning down their offensive spells would help this problem.
02-12-2009, 11:17 PM
knights only have caution and deflecting projektiles for his own deffensiv, you know that only that powerblock locks with deflecting barrier from another knight been reality, i think the game is at best balance since 1 jear, 1 jear was shit.
You must know that all classes make a lot of dmg at knights, blocks are the only really defense for knights,without blocks u only have evade an army of one with ß evadechance, soulkeeper ethereal arrow and another spells direktly forced the HP, and with thist of blood as a barb the dmg bonus going through any defense, so you can make 800 dmg normal hits through one mans army,
dont forgett a knight is only a defensive class and makes normal hits at 300dmg
its not too much, and blocks are a lucky system, you dont block everything and not everytime, i played knight since okt. 2007. at this time it was good balanced and then came the update with special items at feb 07 and the look system for blocks and evades gets fucked. NGD must work and make it normal with hit chance and blockchance, i think the LUCK system are bugged not the knights...
02-12-2009, 11:49 PM
Knights are tough, but they're supposed to be. The knight is the tank of an army, like the conjurer is its medic. If knights died too easily, we would all spend a lot more time running from saves back to the battlefield than we do now.
That said, I think knights do a bit too much damage for their class. Take Efrendi - with good buffs he can almost singlehandedly wipe out an entire army of Syrtis with a couple of attacks. Knights should be the melee conjurer - a support unit, not an attack unit. Maybe tuning down their offensive spells would help this problem.
ok ive never seen efrendi do that lol!
Take Efrendi - with good buffs he can almost singlehandedly wipe out an entire army of Syrtis with a couple of attacks. Knights should be the melee conjurer - a support unit, not an attack unit. Maybe tuning down their offensive spells would help this problem.
Efrendi is a barbarian. I've no idea how you've mistaken him for a knight, or what he's in this conversation for. Knights only have two offensive spell exclusive to them, which is Shield Bash (400-500 dmg at max), and the other is Provoking Blow (100% weapon damage). So I'm not sure what offensive spells you mean to be toned down.
02-13-2009, 12:18 AM
Blocks should be nerfed by 50% of the current rate and arcane constitution should be 15% resist all damage - far from being imba, since it's the same as barbs (excepted that frenzy isn't cd=duration and we add magical damage to it). Run over should be resist all crowd control and not only knock down.
Then we could say that knights have some reliable defense, not that random shit called blocking ;)
02-13-2009, 11:14 AM
I'm still waiting for Kailer's Vanguard tree revision.
So what changes are planned?
02-13-2009, 04:52 PM
That said, I think knights do a bit too much damage for their class.
Hahahaha XDXDXD
Take Efrendi - with good buffs he can almost singlehandedly wipe out an entire army of Syrtis with a couple of attacks. Knights should be the melee conjurer - a support unit, not an attack unit. Maybe tuning down their offensive spells would help this problem.
Efrendi Is a barb? How on earth did you mix that up?? And personaly my knight is set up as a compat supporter, he has no pure dmg skills leveled only buffs, auras, and CC spells, If I were to spend my time trying to cause damage id be wasteing everyones time.
02-15-2009, 10:49 AM
i think all this balance thing is bull*hits.... you CAN NOT do balanced characters without making them EQUAL... and this isn't obviously the aim of it...marksman do too damage, let's nerf marksman so an 1vs1 can be balanced.... now knight resist too damage... let's nerf knights... and so on...
my point is that every character should have his own role...i take as an example another game, won't say the name: the knight is born to BE HIT... AND STOP! a knight there has a RIDICULOUS damage... he just go on and take hits from the ppl.... a healer is made to HEAL! ridiculous damage also for them.... so let's talk to our healers... running around with their zarkit and killing ppl... that's mad!
the whole army together has a sense... where every class has his own role... not here where every class (attack or defense) can do attack or defense :)
you can't have balance... simply you can't
okay... let's start with flames
02-15-2009, 03:29 PM
i agree...classes are meant to have their strengths and weaknesses, long story short..
i can complain all day i have zero range...or 2.5 with a spear...omg..archers/mages have range 30+ imbalanced...
oh and being one of the slowest classes in game doesnt help.
i can never catch a hunter (of course a dumb hunter yes..)
a marks id most likely not catch either if he was smart, he has mob and maybe sotw, maybe my one and only spring.. oh and oh boy he also has RANGE.
mages are catchable, but then again they are a wholly different story too, they have barriers, dizzies, mana burns, life drains, zarkits, of course i have some stuns and dizzies too, so it often boils down to the better tactics and the scenario.
barbs, hmm...not much i can say that hasnt been covered elsewhere.
i cry imbalanced to every other class :P i need those blocks and those defenses even to get close to you..and often times..heck i dont even anyways.:biggrin: wheres my speed..and my staff/bow/laser..i want range too!
i would however like to see a change in blocks, or a reworking of shield pierce to do exactly that, maybe weapong dmg based ignore armor spell plus maybe a -% blocking reduction for a duration.
anyways im sleepy and took my sleeping pills so excuse me if my post made no sense..
02-15-2009, 03:35 PM
i agree...classes are meant to have their strengths and weaknesses, long story short..
i can complain all day i have zero range...or 2.5 with a spear...omg..archers/mages have range 30+ imbalanced...
oh and being one of the slowest classes in game doesnt help.
i can never catch a hunter (of course a dumb hunter yes..)
a marks id most likely not catch either if he was smart, he has mob and maybe sotw, maybe my one and only spring.. oh and oh boy he also has RANGE.
mages are catchable, but then again they are a wholly different story too, they have barriers, dizzies, mana burns, life drains, zarkits, of course i have some stuns and dizzies too, so it often boils down to the better tactics and the scenario.
barbs, hmm...not much i can say that hasnt been covered elsewhere.
i cry imbalanced to every other class :P i need those blocks and those defenses even to get close to you..and often times..heck i dont even anyways.:biggrin: wheres my speed..and my staff/bow/laser..i want range too!
i would however like to see a change in blocks, or a reworking of shield pierce to do exactly that, maybe weapong dmg based ignore armor spell plus maybe a -% blocking reduction for a duration.
anyways im sleepy and took my sleeping pills so excuse me if my post made no sense..
This post does makes sense :)
I agree with what you said.
Blocks are over the top. Period.
Just give something else to knights...
02-16-2009, 06:03 AM
well they could take away our shields and make us half assed slow barbs i spose.
think most people cry imba when they find knights who not only are under the protection of precise block, (yes i know it dont effect caster..but to mitigate mana usage usually only one will concentrate on auras, the other areas and attacking/defending/immobilizes etc) but deflecting barrier as well. and for the 500+ mana cost for both yeah i expect it to work.
for actual usage alone..its quite random just like the resists and evades..its definately not no old sotw im invincible spell.
im just afraid they will nerf classes over all too much (not just knight) so eventually each class will lose its advantage and unique role..(hunter!) i dont expect a level 50 of any class to be able to kill ALL classes equally..where is the skill in that? i dont want nerf nerf nerf, but reworkings and counters for ALL classes to give each class a fighting chance AND a way to defend or attack against their weak points, yet not be overpowered in the process, nor totally change their role..and that is why balancing is so darn hard..
well they could take away our shields and make us half assed slow barbs i spose.
Like I said, just give them something else.
02-19-2009, 05:44 PM
Many people say even a stupid knight just wins a fight because of blocks. :no:
Where I picked up the amber rock he was already on my tail and where the damage was 33 he had AoO on.(don't know for sure which level) And yes, he was level 50.
02-20-2009, 03:52 PM
Dky's hunter is imbalanced..please nerf it :)
02-20-2009, 10:52 PM
Kailer is overpowered, nerf him while your nerfing Dky
02-21-2009, 12:31 PM
50% block aura for ranged attacks it is too much :/ everything else is fine for me.
Every 5 minutes someone is overpowered.
South cross is overpowered nerf it - done
Archers overpowered nerf them - done
Every time some gets killed and they think they have been hard done by - straight to the forum to get a spell or class nerfed.
At this rate we are all going to be turned into little bunny rabbits, so that we don't hurt each other too much. Maybe the knight should only be allowed to use rubber hammers to attack, boink!
The classes have different spells and skills. Block is the knight skill but it only keeps the knight alive a bit longer than normal. Hits still get through and there is no escape when you are this slow.
Just out of curiosity how many people on here asking for block to be nerfed have suffered the embarrassment of being beaten by a knight to only realise that all they need to do to survive was run away? Or did you fall for the knight hiding behind a tree trick?
02-21-2009, 09:18 PM
Just out of curiosity how many people on here asking for block to be nerfed have suffered the embarrassment of being beaten by a knight to only realise that all they need to do to survive was run away?
Hahaha! So you're saying that in order to survive against a knight.. You have to run away? And you're arguing that they're not overpowered? \o/
Secondly, no one is asking for a block "nerf." I think it's safe to say that people want them made reliable and less random.
At the moment knights either block all or nothing; there seems to be very little middle ground.
02-21-2009, 09:37 PM
Just out of curiosity how many people on here asking for block to be nerfed have suffered the embarrassment of being beaten by a knight to only realise that all they need to do to survive was run away?
Thats the last kind of inspired play style we need,
Hey sure! Lets all hit and run! It'll solve all our problems, OH ive got a great tactic, lets take down a fort gate and then run away to the bridge!
02-22-2009, 08:59 AM
The run away tactics is good when the knight cast Army of one. Run a while, and after that u can restart using skill so u dont waste mana. (1 vs 1 situation). Or if u are a hunter just hide, if u are a conj just sanctuary. Other class can buy time also with knockback.
02-22-2009, 11:15 AM
Hahaha! You have to run away?
Hunter is archer and his goal is clever ranged combat. Archer killing knight infight will be much worse imbalance issue.
Hunter is archer and his goal is clever ranged combat. Archer killing knight infight will be much worse imbalance issue.
He means fleeing. As in, not attacking at all. Running and camo'ing.
02-23-2009, 09:47 AM
All this talk about knight is overpowerd and bla bla bla. Sure Knight is a bugger
to kill and they should be. And most off the time the Knight cant do enough
dmg in time before the conjus heal the person you are pounding on. And
sadly now Army of One is overused but it has a weak spot so many dont
seem to know about. For example my lvl 44 hunter (at the time) made a lvl
50 ignis knight run away from me (no names mentioned, that is just cruel). I
used 3 skills to acomplish this. 1 was my mobility and second was an attack
skill. And at times i tried ambush to make him stop for a bit. And second if
you are an archer there is a superb skill in tricks you can cast before the
knight casts any buffs, and if you dont know what skill im talking about then
you need to look over your skill tree (Since my main is a knight i wont give
away all, ppl that dont know need to think for themselves). So there are
skills to overcome all knights so called overpowerd features, and if you dont
have the skills yourself you pal beside you might have them. Tho you need to
be quicker then the knight is to buff to overcome them.
Precise block(5) is duration = cooldown. So a smart knight will always have his blocks. Also, a good hunter is impossible to kill for knights - which is yet another balance issue.
But what spells are there to counter blocks? As many as there were to counter the old spell elude. None. Darkness and confuse are only counterable (on the knight's side) preventive measures, both have casting times, while PB doesn't. I don't deny that sometimes knights block nothing, but if some knights don't like how blocks work and everyone else dislikes how blocks work, even if it's for a different reason, I don't see why people still want blocks to be left alone. I'm not sure of the point of me saying this either because it's already been stated that evades/blocks/resists will all be modified :)
02-23-2009, 05:53 PM
Every 5 minutes someone is overpowered.
South cross is overpowered nerf it - done
Archers overpowered nerf them - done
Every time some gets killed and they think they have been hard done by - straight to the forum to get a spell or class nerfed.
At this rate we are all going to be turned into little bunny rabbits, so that we don't hurt each other too much. Maybe the knight should only be allowed to use rubber hammers to attack, boink!
^That is perfect, i cant find a way to say it better. But ill add this, if you REALLY want to change something on the knights, i guess you can lower the damage of a kngight a little. I guess a spell that does 700-1000 damage is to much, i havent experienced that myself, since im only a lv 39 Knight. But please, stop decreasing the special abilities of the different classes.
02-23-2009, 08:44 PM
^That is perfect, i cant find a way to say it better. But ill add this, if you REALLY want to change something on the knights, i guess you can lower the damage of a kngight a little. I guess a spell that does 700-1000 damage is to much, i havent experienced that myself, since im only a lv 39 Knight. But please, stop decreasing the special abilities of the different classes. Or what about take the camo away from hunters and the healing ability from conjus? Cuz conjus can heal, i cant.Noone talked about taking away the blocks afaik.
They only need to be changed, and hopefully in such a way that both knights and non-knights will like it.
02-23-2009, 09:23 PM
Sorry if i said ''all the block'' i was going to say decrease by 40% and over, ill edit my post. And it was just an example, i was thinking that people would not stop to complain about overpowered classes, and we would all be powerles in the end(like i already quoted in my last post)
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