View Full Version : [howto] If the mumble overlay isn't working...

02-13-2009, 01:21 AM
Well, i fixed many people (and mines) mumble overlays on various Linux distros, and most of the time it's because your system don't have shared memory (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shared_memory#In_software) support active. Don't worry it's not difficult ^^

Check the basics before ;)

At first, the overlay isn't "automatic". Launch Mumble first and don't forget to use the command
mumble-overlay ./rolauncher
Btw, the basic size of mumble overlay is really small, so don't be worried to put 28 or 32 as font size.

Finally if you're alone in channel, you should check the "show yourself" box in overlay options, and define a mute shortcut. Then when your char enter in game press the mute button to see your own name, so it's sure it works (or not).

Check if the overlay and Mumble can communicate together
If it's still not working :

Close mumble
Open a terminal
Type mumble then press enter

Look at the logs in the console, if you see :
shm.c: shm_open() failed: Permission denied
(usually in red, you can't miss it ^^), then this howto will fix it. Otherwise the problem is somewhere else.

Fix it

Open the file /etc/fstab as root and add this line (the white spaces are actually tabs) :
shm /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0

Shm won't be mounted automatically (even if you add auto), so here is the trick, according to your distro. Open, as root, the file :

Debian (and derivatives) : /etc/rc.local
Slackware : /etc/rc.d/rc.local
Others, if Debian and Slackware locations don't work, search rc.local in the directory /etc (the filename is a standard, but the location may vary ^^")

Now this file is opened, add this on the first line :
mount shm

Now reboot your computer. Once rebooted, open a terminal, and type this command : mount | grep shm

You should get this line :
shm on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)

Then launch mumble and ro with mumble-overlay and it should be ok :)

03-24-2009, 12:44 PM
I also got errors while trying to start mumble-overlay. It doesnt work by this way you posted, so the problem is elsewhere. It give that error and nothing else:
If you need information pls post here.Thanks

03-26-2009, 01:06 PM
I also got errors while trying to start mumble-overlay. It doesnt work by this way you posted, so the problem is elsewhere. It give that error and nothing else:
If you need information pls post here.Thanks

I only get this error when I forget to start mumble first. Make sure you start mumble before loading regnum.


05-01-2009, 07:18 PM
After upgrading to Ubuntu 9.04 , the overlay stop working, I try on terminal and get the following error mesage

mumble-overlay ./rolauncher

32-bit libmumble.so.1 not found in /usr/lib32

What is this ?

05-04-2009, 04:45 AM
just create the simbolic link, in a terminal type:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/mumble/libmumble.so.1 /usr/lib32/libmumble.so.1

05-11-2009, 12:30 PM
Berel solution did works, for my case U 9.04 ,thanks .

03-09-2010, 04:55 AM
A note to anyone attempting to use the mumble compatibility client from 1.2.2 (eg. you have the newest client but an outdated server) :- the compatibility client no longer has overlay support, and you can't get it to work except by downgrading to an earlier version.

03-09-2010, 01:11 PM
When you install mumble now, you actually get a 1.1 client with a separate binary on linux.

So, if you need to use a 1.1 server, (such as Teamignis), then start the client called "mumble11x". This uses its own config dir, and the overlay works just fine.

03-09-2010, 04:35 PM
When you install mumble now, you actually get a 1.1 client with a separate binary on linux.

So, if you need to use a 1.1 server, (such as Teamignis), then start the client called "mumble11x". This uses its own config dir, and the overlay works just fine.
The problem is, you don't get a separate overlay binary. The overlay works differently now.

03-09-2010, 04:55 PM
the overlay worked right off the bat for me except one tiny little problem..... it crashes the game as soon as the NGD intro finishes.

03-09-2010, 07:16 PM
To use the overlay successfully on linux, you need to start mumble first, using mumble11x, then start regnum using the overlay command:

mumble-overlay /path/to/regnum/.rolauncher

03-09-2010, 08:19 PM
i do, everything works perfectly until the actual game starts (not rolauncher). the NGD intro plays (the one with the lil blue dude), then the game crashes.

03-10-2010, 07:38 AM
Reference link (http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2953415&group_id=147372&atid=768005) for overlay not working with 1.1.x servers on 1.2.2 client. Cheers.

03-10-2010, 03:36 PM
Like I say, do not use the "compatibility client" in 1.2.2, it doesn't work. Instead, if you know you are connecting to a 1.1 server, use the mumble11x binary that comes with 1.2.2. Its a completely seperate program, a version of the 1.1 client in its original form. The mumble-overlay does work with that.

03-10-2010, 03:44 PM
The mumble11x binary is the compatibility client. The overlay, FOR WHICH THERE IS NO SEPARATE BINARY, does not support it, as the IPC has changed too drastically. It does not work. This is not open to debate.

03-28-2010, 06:30 PM
The mumble11x binary is the compatibility client. The overlay, FOR WHICH THERE IS NO SEPARATE BINARY, does not support it, as the IPC has changed too drastically. It does not work. This is not open to debate.

Yes, this is true. With the mumble11x binary there is no overlay of course.

04-19-2010, 06:12 PM
The mumble11x binary is the compatibility client. The overlay, FOR WHICH THERE IS NO SEPARATE BINARY, does not support it, as the IPC has changed too drastically. It does not work. This is not open to debate.

ARA, so when I'm finished compiling the 1.2.2 client, there isn't supposed to be a mumble-overlay binary?

I went into the <src>/overlay and did a qmake on overlay.pro to generate the Makefile. When I try to make, it wants a compiler fxc?? WTF is that?

04-20-2010, 03:25 PM
No there still should be a mumble-overlay binary, it just won't work with the 1.1.x client anymore.

09-14-2011, 12:02 AM
Now I'm really confused. I don't have anyone else's problems, but I still can't get mumble-overlay to work.

I'm not sure what the server version is but it's not 1.1. My 1.1 client doesn't connect only my 1.2.3 client, so that is not the issue.

I'm using Gnome3 on Ubuntu 11.04. Mumble audio works just fine and Regnum works just fine. The only thing not working is overlay.

I've started the command mumble-overlay ./rolauncher (in regnum folder) and the only warnings have to do with alsa and jack. From the terminal everything should be working perfectly but I don't see the overlay.

And yes I tried the shm thing. Nothing.