View Full Version : The Young Alsius - The Art of Areas

02-13-2009, 07:17 PM
Take from my posts what you will.....but here's another one:

Areas...there's a time to use them - and not use them.

1. Avoid using them on bridges - there's always been bugs around that
2. Coordinate the areas...just having a stray terror really doesn't do much if it isn't followed up by more terrors, barbs areas, and such
3. CONURERS...this one is important - pass out DIs prior to the push for areas...otherwise everyone's area will get canceled by MOD - and that sux

I remember a time when Alsius was the KING of coordinated areas. You'd get terror, terror, terror, light stike, thunder strike, rep shot...and all would be dead. Lets try to get back to those times....we must train our new up-and-coming players how important corrdinated areas are.

02-13-2009, 08:23 PM
I remember a time when Alsius was the KING of coordinated areas. You'd get terror, terror, terror, light stike, thunder strike, rep shot...and all would be dead. Lets try to get back to those times....we must train our new up-and-coming players how important corrdinated areas are.

This has been bad for some time, but I think we're getting there again, actually. Me and the rest of the goatlock maffia (ok, there were some others too) cleared it up really good at Algaros the other day, time after time. And I've seen it quite a lot lately. But, sadly I must say, this is not always the case. I think we're getting there again (keep up the good work!), but we still have a long way to go..

02-13-2009, 08:36 PM
I think it has something to do with us having less warlocks than we used to have. They often start the area chains, my personal favourite way is when a bunch of knights go inside the enemy army to debuff/get focus and then warlocks follow up and barbarians charge in.

It's all about communication and having a good class mix.

02-14-2009, 03:57 AM
I think Inkster and Eli are the champs of tag teaming the enemies. I remember hunting with them as ByteMe and watching them own huge groups of high level enemies because of their coordination. Get pointers from those two for anyone that needs help figuring it out.