View Full Version : Regnum,To Play Or Not To Play, THAT Is The Question!

02-23-2009, 06:27 PM
Hello community!

Im new to Regnum, now I havent DLed the client yet, nor do I ever till i have a chance to talk to the community and see what they have to say about a game they may have played for a while now.

Grant, the graphics are pretty old, but thats not what steers me to games. Its the gameplay and mechanics factor that bring me in. If its fun, hey its fun no matter what it looks like. Though graphics can immerse a player a bit, I think Regnum qualifies for immersive graphics to a point, as long as it doesnt look "devoid" of life, or rolling miles of ground and nothing else!

So I want to ask you, the community your experience and what turns you on about Regnum. I know every game has their downsides with bugs and such, those dont interest me unless theyre game breaking so please do not list them unless theyre important to gameplay.

Otherwise let me know how you feel and is it a game that can be enjoyed for a minimum of a year or better!

Thanks again and looking forward to hearing from the community soon!

02-23-2009, 08:33 PM
The graphics are pretty ok tbh..
ATM they are creating the game experience more and more enjoyable..
Already its a go IMO. When you hit the max lvl (50) the real fun starts.
RvR in Regnum is something that you can't find from any other game.. And I mean it :)

First lets just say 20 lvls might feel a bit harsh to go but if you take a part in the realm chat and make friends the time goes by really fast, people around are nice and everyone knows each other kinda ^^ makes it fun.
Lvling goes fast in long run, when you start hitting lvl 30 ~*you are wanted to fortwars more and more, same with invasions. Also at this point if you don't have a clan yet take it :)

But what I'd say about this game... I've tried WoW, AoC, WAR .. seriously not far from all P2P games and I got hooked to this F2P where donating for NGD doesn't give you anything super which would effect game play! I've played since beta almost and still find new things from it.
Also Regnum is updating contiunally which makes it always fun and interesting to check the website for something new etc if there is.
I gotta admit I've everyday checked forums&frontpage for something new, the things that comes up are simply superior :>

I highly recommend playing!
Come to Horus and join realm chat!
If you are to chooce Ignis as your side, I will be more than happy to help ya out. Add around: Swiss


02-26-2009, 04:28 AM
The Good:
The realm vs realm fights
Great community

The Bad
The long boring grind to get to the good stuff

If you have a little patience, this game will pay off real good. I've been playing for quite a while now, and I still love it.

02-28-2009, 04:44 PM
Hi Ambushmartyr,

Ive been playing this game for close to 2 years now, i wont post any pros or cons, just look at how active the community is, that should tell you how much this game is a success ^^

Another reason i wont add pros or cons, everyone has a different taste in games, so your best bet is to play for a while, see if it suits you :)