View Full Version : Repair Costs?

02-24-2009, 04:00 AM
OK, I've been playing this game for over a year now. Never had a lot of time to play and have changed characters a couple of times before finally settling into a Mark and have slowly gotten it to lvl40.
The last couple of levels, I've been bleeding money because of repairs. I figured it was because I've been in the WZ getting pounded on in all of those running battles.
But then I notice that even while grinding I spend a hell of a lot on repairs. I'm not that bad of a Mark, I can stay away from mobs pretty well. So what gives?

Finally I did a small experiment:
I got fully repaired and headed to the beach to hunt Big Saurian. They are slow and with a longbow they don't reach me before they are dead.

I fired 46 arrows, killed 8 Big Saurian, and didn't get touched.
(can't even be counted as a start of a grind session)
Cost me 325 gold to get repaired

So what exactly needed repairing? My armour was untouched. Did my bow need repairing because of firing only 46 arrows? (that would be 7 gold for every arrow fired) General wear and tear on my equipment from combat where I wasn't touched? (that would be 40 gold per opponent)

Does this sound right? Does NGD really want me to pay as much as I am for repairs? Or does this sound like some type of bug?

02-24-2009, 06:10 AM
its true, you paid for your bow there. weapons lose durability pretty fast and yes, its expensive as hell..

02-24-2009, 08:05 AM
If you are a knight, you can run with booster scroll on and a pair area defendive auras, you will not need to repair. If you a conj, you will just supply and get xp without need to repair (an without loot, hehe). If you deal damage (barb, marks), then you earn loot. After grinding to max inventory weight, selling loot gives about 5 times more gold than needed to repair for my conj. ^^
So I can give you advise: before grinding, take all your armor off and ask any conj (any 28+ lvl) supply you... It will be much more effective for gold earning and for xp as well.

02-24-2009, 02:18 PM
Ciscos suggestion does work...
But still the repair costs should be modified in order for everyone to be able LvL with no money problems..

02-24-2009, 03:13 PM
The gold for archers is getting a trouble. The only chance is try to level in group of 2 or 3, you get more items to sold. In spanish forums we sugest many solutions, such as guards or/and enemy give some gold when killed.
Increase the money given by forts/castle taken. Give some money for taking enemy gems or just going to them citys and stolen ther money.

The real trouble comes when you are lvl 50, you dont level any more at that level.

02-24-2009, 03:42 PM
Always think that giving gold for enemy/guard killing is a good idea.
Stealing money from enemies cities is a bad idea, i guess.

02-24-2009, 11:28 PM
... that would be 7 gold for every arrow fired) General wear and tear on my equipment from combat where I wasn't touched ...

7 gold for every arrow fired for wear on your bow, but don't forget to add in the cost of arrows. Level 50 arrows cost around 21 gold each. So arrow + wear is 28 gold per shot. A few minutes of war + shooting a fort door can rack up 20k easily. I stopped using level 50 arrows because I simply can't afford it. I use level 12 arrows for grinding and level 36 or 38 arrows for war.

I agree the costs for repairs and arrows is ridiculously expensive for marksmen. For every hour of war, you need to do 2 hours of grinding and hope you get some lucky drops. Alternatively you can play a mage to support your marksman. Repair costs are almost zero with either my warlock or my conjurer. No need for arrows, and when a mob hits me, it only scratches my energy barrier so my tunic doesn't ever need repairs.

02-25-2009, 02:29 AM
I stopped using level 50 arrows because I simply can't afford it. I use level 12 arrows for grinding and level 36 or 38 arrows for war.

ehh! That's not something I wanted to hear.
(but good info to have, thanks)

02-25-2009, 12:26 PM
If you are a knight, you can run with booster scroll on and a pair area defendive auras, you will not need to repair. If you a conj, you will just supply and get xp without need to repair (an without loot, hehe).

Well knights whit auras get alot off loot/drops if using lvl 5 auras, and conjurers that combine
lvl 5 Greater healing, mana communion and mana pylon allso get alot off loot/drops. So
both those classes if they only leech earns alot off gold. This is what is wrong whit the system
atm, archers that need cash the most while grinding earns the least in parties. So if you
grind whit good friends that only uses auras you can make a deal whit them that you guys
divide the non special drops evenly between eachother before selling since it is from those
you really earn cash.

02-25-2009, 02:00 PM
In my opinion, basically the best solution is to make repair prices a bit lower and normal drop rate a bit higher. It will not require major changings in game and also will not make any disbalance.

02-25-2009, 05:50 PM
Arrows should be like armor. Buy a quiver or something like that, and it's bottomless.

How about a hunter armor drop every now and then? I get stuff for warriors and mages depending on what I'm grinding on, or who I'm grinding with, but nothing for hunter....ever.
People occasionally trade me bows, but, except for 2 pieces of armor that I borrowed from (and later returned to) the clan bank I've been using nothing but standard over the counter armor since around lvl 20 (now lvl 45.) It seems to me that special hunter armor simply does not exist.

When I hit a new lvl yesterday, I checked all of the tailors, and yay for me! There is an upgraded armor available. Exactly the same armor stats with 6 extra durability points for pretty much all of the gold I have. :rale:

Everything that I get that's "special" gets handed out, or dropped off at the clan bank when I get sick of lugging it around. I had 750k in my high 30's, and I was handing out stuff like crazy. Now? I'm around 200k and it's going down fast.

I spend REAL $$$ on Xim, is it too much to ask to see an in game reward for all of the time and $$$?

I guess I'll just do what a lot of the other archers did when they finally ran out of gold.

Log off.

02-25-2009, 08:03 PM
Hey Orb we need you don't log off .

On my lvl 38 hunter I use lvl 36 arrows because I fail to see the difference of arrows that have the same dmg but different lvls and prices :confused: .

I am not high enough yet really experience money probs but currently I have close to 2mill gold even though I am still giving away good specials to the clan banks and cannot be bothered to switch arrows when tickling (=hunter dmg) fort doors.

02-25-2009, 08:24 PM
How about a hunter armor drop every now and then? I get stuff for warriors and mages depending on what I'm grinding on, or who I'm grinding with, but nothing for hunter....ever.

hehe, it's no different on RA. For at least the last 3 or 4 levels the drops are running almost exactly 1/3 warrior, 2/3 mage. I swear that as soon as the game notices that I am a Mark it turns what should be an archer drop into a mage drop. I did get a couple (and I do mean only a couple) of archer drops in the past 3 or 4 levels. But like most of my drops, they were about 7 lvls below me (which is annoying since most of the mobs I grind on are "challenging")