View Full Version : Conjurers and knights questions.
02-25-2009, 03:26 AM
Hello everyone,
I started this game a few days ago, checked a bit all the classes and i decided to level up a conjurer and a knight until one of them seems more... appealing to me. Currently both seem very nice but i would like to know a few things about how they do at the endgame, maybe the answers will save me some time from leveling something i may not enjoy at higher levels!
So, here goes:
1) About conjurer.I read that summons are quite worthless at pvp because other classes can unsummon or take them as their pets. I was thinking to play summoner/supporter (first idea that came to my mind when i saw the game) and that really disappointed me, since it would be lots of discipline points wasted, not to mention i like having summons running around, especially as a caster.. i feel safer! I was wondering if buffing my pet (if that is possible!) with divine intervention would make it immune to those spells that make me lose control of it in any way. If not any other way to ensure it stays with me or i just have to forget about summons on pvp/rvr situations?
2) Is a full support/survival knight worthless on pvp compared to conj from a supporters pov? I know knights level up slower but i don't care, i just want it to be worth it at the end. Are they useful to protect other people or can you simply ignore them and go for the healer?
3)Which of the 2 classes do you think is more challenging on rvr? I suppose conj will have a hard time staying alive while knight will be a bit more about skill rotation but since i 'm still below 20's some more info about how both classes are used on large scale battles would be really useful !
4)Anyone on horus server, preferably from alsius can tell me what clans/realm lacks more from those 2 classes?
5)In your personal opinion what would make a group happier (considering they already have "enough" tanks and healers), a really good extra healer or tank, both about leveling and pvping.
My inteded specs are:
Knight: 19 blunt weapons/Vanguard/Shields - 13 Tactics - 7 piercing/slashing
Conjurer: 19 Life/Summoning/Mana control - 15 Staff Mastery - 14 Enchantments - 6 sorcery - 3 Mental. (which if summons are really so bad will either become full support or... knight ! )
Thanks for reading and for any helpful replies.
02-25-2009, 04:54 AM
You can DI your summon and it will be safe from stealing, yes. But you will also spending a DI on your summon which is only useful if *you* are attacking someone. Playing support renders the summon useless, it will just sit there and do nothing except for having wasted points to get it.
02-25-2009, 10:21 AM
Hello everyone,
I started this game a few days ago, checked a bit all the classes and i decided to level up a conjurer and a knight until one of them seems more... appealing to me. Currently both seem very nice but i would like to know a few things about how they do at the endgame, maybe the answers will save me some time from leveling something i may not enjoy at higher levels!
So, here goes:
1) About conjurer.I read that summons are quite worthless at pvp because other classes can unsummon or take them as their pets. I was thinking to play summoner/supporter (first idea that came to my mind when i saw the game) and that really disappointed me, since it would be lots of discipline points wasted, not to mention i like having summons running around, especially as a caster.. i feel safer! I was wondering if buffing my pet (if that is possible!) with divine intervention would make it immune to those spells that make me lose control of it in any way. If not any other way to ensure it stays with me or i just have to forget about summons on pvp/rvr situations?
2) Is a full support/survival knight worthless on pvp compared to conj from a supporters pov? I know knights level up slower but i don't care, i just want it to be worth it at the end. Are they useful to protect other people or can you simply ignore them and go for the healer?
3)Which of the 2 classes do you think is more challenging on rvr? I suppose conj will have a hard time staying alive while knight will be a bit more about skill rotation but since i 'm still below 20's some more info about how both classes are used on large scale battles would be really useful !
4)Anyone on horus server, preferably from alsius can tell me what clans/realm lacks more from those 2 classes?
5)In your personal opinion what would make a group happier (considering they already have "enough" tanks and healers), a really good extra healer or tank, both about leveling and pvping.
My inteded specs are:
Knight: 19 blunt weapons/Vanguard/Shields - 13 Tactics - 7 piercing/slashing
Conjurer: 19 Life/Summoning/Mana control - 15 Staff Mastery - 14 Enchantments - 6 sorcery - 3 Mental. (which if summons are really so bad will either become full support or... knight ! )
Thanks for reading and for any helpful replies.
1.) Yes Devine Intervention will protect your summone from warlocks. Your summon can still be taken away by a warrior power called Mind Squasher. The summon itslef is tied to you and is considered a positive buff Mind Squasher removes all positive buffs.
2.) My main character is a support/tank knight. I do pretty well in pvp and rvr. You have to find something that works best for you though.
3.) Conjurer is definately more challenging since you have to focus on casting spells on others and healing them. With a knight you basically make the job the conjurers have easier by blanketing your realm mates in protection and trying to tank as much damage as possible.
4.) Sorry, I play Ignis. However, Alsius needs all the people it can get at this point.
5.) From what I've seen is war, they have a lot of knights, but I've only seen a few conjurers. Hopefully some one from Alsius will contact you to let you know what they need most.
As for your setup: you don't need a max to any one weapon. Imo, its better to be well rounded, you won't have an area spell, but tbh thats a barbs job is dealing dmg. The way I have my knight I don't have any aggressive spells that are there to do nothing but deal damage.(level 1 spells from each weapon ofc) I mainly use trip/feint/balastra/mind squasher/disabling (most of these skills are in higher level tactics and low level weapons)
As for conjurers I can't help you much I don't have a level 50 one yet. However i would suggest full support. I see a summon on the field, I mind squash whoever it belongs to. Many warlocks also LOVE Zarkits and will try to take your summon as often as possible and use it against you. Imo summons are the fastest way to get yourself targeted and killed. PvP summons are fine, but in war they just seem like a neon signs saying "Kill me please!" at least from my point of veiw.
02-25-2009, 11:18 AM
In aslius hourus we often lack support conjus in battles but we have plenty knights
warriors and hunters. So in my own point off view (mostly since im a knight) i would be
very happy if you were a full support conju to help us in wartimes.
And for your conju setup i would drop the summoning entirerly when in battle, its very
good for grinding but as others have said, warlock often tend to steal it or simply just kill
So instead off 19 sum i would suggest you got 19 sorcery mostly for lvl 5 sanctuary and
steelskin. I dont have a conju that high mysefl but the conjus that i know that are good
uses those 2 skills and combined whit healing and other skills they survive very well in
battle, often the last one standing. But hopefully some higher lvl conju will give you
pointers and tips.
And if you want pointers for your knight dont hesitate to send me a tell in game and i can
give you a few tips and trix that ive learnt during the time. Im not all knowing in the art off
knight but i have tried alot off different setups and i do (in my own opinion) a deacent job
in the warzone.
And i agree whit Smurv, dont max weaponskill it is better to be well rounded. Instead off
1 lvl 19 you can have 2 lvl 15 and that means lvl 4 skills so its still very good and you
get more versatility in the battle field.
One tip i can give allready. I noticed you want 19 vanguard and i think you aim to get
lvl 5 Army off One. If you do, dont trust it blindly like som many do, trust your hp bar and
allways keep an eye on your buff icons, because 1 Minds Squash you fail to see that
rips off your AoO = a quick death :gun_bandana:
02-25-2009, 02:41 PM
First of all thanks for all the replies!
It seems like summons are indeed more of a problem than help in warzones. Until i reach 40 or so it would be nice to have one at least to level up i suppose. I hope there will be some improvement until then, maybe with a patch or something similar... its a pity to have such a wonderful spec tree and be unable to properly use it. If not i can always go full support.
Also since there are many knights and not enough conjurers i will level up conjurer first, and give time to my knight when i m bored. Hopefully i will level both enough to make up my mind... somehow i have this problem at all games.. tank or healer?
Any more comments about conjurer and knight are always welcome, i have already read some guides etc but more opinions give more knowledge.
Thanks again, cya ingame!
02-26-2009, 08:38 AM
In aslius hourus we often lack support conjus in battles but we have plenty knights
warriors and hunters. So in my own point off view (mostly since im a knight) i would be
very happy if you were a full support conju to help us in wartimes.
And for your conju setup i would drop the summoning entirerly when in battle, its very
good for grinding but as others have said, warlock often tend to steal it or simply just kill
So instead off 19 sum i would suggest you got 19 sorcery mostly for lvl 5 sanctuary and
steelskin. I dont have a conju that high mysefl but the conjus that i know that are good
uses those 2 skills and combined whit healing and other skills they survive very well in
battle, often the last one standing. But hopefully some higher lvl conju will give you
pointers and tips.
And if you want pointers for your knight dont hesitate to send me a tell in game and i can
give you a few tips and trix that ive learnt during the time. Im not all knowing in the art off
knight but i have tried alot off different setups and i do (in my own opinion) a deacent job
in the warzone.
And i agree whit Smurv, dont max weaponskill it is better to be well rounded. Instead off
1 lvl 19 you can have 2 lvl 15 and that means lvl 4 skills so its still very good and you
get more versatility in the battle field.
One tip i can give allready. I noticed you want 19 vanguard and i think you aim to get
lvl 5 Army off One. If you do, dont trust it blindly like som many do, trust your hp bar and
allways keep an eye on your buff icons, because 1 Minds Squash you fail to see that
rips off your AoO = a quick death :gun_bandana:
Summons are great for leveling I would suggest no other way unless you have a group to grind with. So from 1 - 50 use a summon to grind then reset and use support for the wz.
Off topic: I was one of the few that actually used aoO before the change and i keep it level 5 but i hardly ever use it mainly for that reason.
02-26-2009, 10:41 AM
Off topic: I was one of the few that actually used aoO before the change and i keep it level 5 but i hardly ever use it mainly for that reason.
Army of One is a great skill if used right, so i dont want to scare Anasa away
from using it. But for my own part i havto sacrifice some lvl4 skills i think is a
must have to get it so i just need to stay a bit closer to my conju during war
and not run off to far (Tho that happens sometimes anyway) xD
02-27-2009, 12:13 AM
Army of One is a great skill if used right, so i dont want to scare Anasa away
from using it. But for my own part i havto sacrifice some lvl4 skills i think is a
must have to get it so i just need to stay a bit closer to my conju during war
and not run off to far (Tho that happens sometimes anyway) xD
Oh, don't get me wrong it is a wonderful skill, but you just can't rely on any one skill too heavily, no matter what class you are.
02-28-2009, 02:01 PM
its a nice spell id LOVE to have in the right moment,
just there are so many other "cool stuff i want or need usually, like jawbreaker, or disabling, or whatnot so i rarely push vangard high because honestly i find fery few things that are useful in the tree, i dont use trolls at all for wz, the max to me would be like one hit anyways..but some people like it and thats cool. i use stone temple and thats about id feel guilty as heck maxxing a tree for one useful skill, much as id love it.
03-02-2009, 02:06 PM
its a nice spell id LOVE to have in the right moment,
just there are so many other "cool stuff i want or need usually, like jawbreaker, or disabling, or whatnot so i rarely push vangard high because honestly i find fery few things that are useful in the tree, i dont use trolls at all for wz, the max to me would be like one hit anyways..but some people like it and thats cool. i use stone temple and thats about id feel guilty as heck maxxing a tree for one useful skill, much as id love it.
Jawbreaker isn't as effective as shield bash, i have no idea why you would level that as a knight. Shield bash is cheaper and has range. They both have casting times and both deal damage(sure jaw breaker deals more but its a dizzy who cares about one extra normal hit to make up the difference) Jawbreaker is easier to cancel since it has no range and takes another spell to guarantee that it isn't. Case and point, at level 1 jawbreak dizzys for 7 second and costs iirc 240 mana, shield bash level 1 dizzys for 9 seconds and costs 50 mana.
and actually you can still have jawbreaker, disabling, army of one, and heroic presence all in the same setup. 19/19/17/17
03-02-2009, 06:45 PM
ssimply because one more dizzy is great..and the beauty of regnum is a role that suits your style, jawbreaker works nicely when sb is in cooldown. i dont use areas, i dont have a weapon maxed, we all play different and i happen to like 2 dizzies. also i dunno about horus but rarely is there ever a battle where someone aint already knocked so its minimal risk.
should i also stop using ripost simply cuz i can run thru the idiots who use it, thus cancelling it?
03-02-2009, 10:12 PM
should i also stop using ripost simply cuz i can run thru the idiots who use it, thus cancelling it?
now that its blatently obvious if your casting it its a good idea to knock/imob your opponant first :p If you dont, well your asking for it to be canceled.
03-03-2009, 12:27 AM
i meant me running through them, since ripost is so easy to spot charging up.
was sorta sarcasm...about why should i use ripost when gutting does similar in less time (cast time)
just like sb vs jawbreaker.
03-03-2009, 08:35 AM
so...i quit this game a while ago, and im thinking or rejoining. i like conjurors, knights, and hunters, which should i pick? dont say its "up to me", i wan your opinions :p
03-03-2009, 04:54 PM
also i dunno about horus but rarely is there ever a battle where someone aint already knocked so its minimal risk.
If you cast a dizzy spell at someone who's knocked he will not get dizzy.
03-04-2009, 03:42 PM
If you cast a dizzy spell at someone who's knocked he will not get dizzy.
And don't get me wrong puppypaws, I'm not telling you not use it, just imho its a waste of points.
03-04-2009, 04:53 PM
true they dont get dizzy but with bugged knocks, theyre often up soon as it "connects"
03-08-2009, 09:03 PM
so...i quit this game a while ago, and im thinking or rejoining. i like conjurors, knights, and hunters, which should i pick? dont say its "up to me", i wan your opinions :p
Pick knights they kick ass and you can never have too many of them... Same with conjurers really... Anyone really pay attention to hunters?
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