View Full Version : Problems with the movement code (lag)
02-25-2009, 07:56 PM
Dear community,
We know that since the last update you might be having a more "laggy" playing experience.
There is a reason for this that I would like to explain. It is not a server problem, (we have actually upgraded the servers recently) it has to do with synchronization between the server and the client.
Now that we are adding a lot more programmers to the game we are going to re factor many parts of the engine, this will allow us to do significant improvements on many areas (mainly overall performance and stability for both the server and the client and also responsiveness and graphical enhancements)
One of the first things that we want to improve is LAG and we came to the conclusion that a big part of the lag is a synchronization problem.
Re factoring sometimes means that several parts of the code need to be removed and started from scratch. On development for 5 years, the movement code was so bloated that we took this approach. In order to improve the movement code we had to rewrite it from scratch...
The new version is cleaner and simpler but its still not working properly. Nevertheless, it is allowing us to explore the problem from a new perspective to make the game more responsive and less laggy.
I am writing this post to ask you for your patience as some programmers are on vacation and it might take a week or two to make it work properly again
This is hopefully just of those steps back that will allow us to make a huge leap ahead.
Best regards,
- Chilko
02-25-2009, 08:18 PM
Thank you for the information :)
Keep up the good work :thumb:
02-25-2009, 11:36 PM
Finally an explanation, thank you NGD. I will now go back to being patient ;)
02-25-2009, 11:55 PM
This is, to my knowledge, what most big projects do with their code every so often. If memory serves me right, GNOME almost completely rewrites everything every ~5 years. In any case on any project, performance is improved but new problems arise - RO is no exception, this is a good thing in the long run and we will just have to bear through the short term repercussions :p
PS: Try not to bloat your code while trying to fix the new version so early in the re-write xD
02-26-2009, 04:39 AM
I find it awesome that the devs continue to actively interact with the community. Knowing the reason this problem has risen and what you're doing to solve it puts my mind at ease. I salute you NGD.
02-26-2009, 09:41 AM
Dear community,
We know that since the last update you might be having a more "laggy" playing experience.
There is a reason for this that I would like to explain. It is not a server problem, (we have actually upgraded the servers recently) it has to do with synchronization between the server and the client.
Now that we are adding a lot more programmers to the game we are going to re factor many parts of the engine, this will allow us to do significant improvements on many areas (mainly overall performance and stability for both the server and the client and also responsiveness and graphical enhancements)
One of the first things that we want to improve is LAG and we came to the conclusion that a big part of the lag is a synchronization problem.
Re factoring sometimes means that several parts of the code need to be removed and started from scratch. On development for 5 years, the movement code was so bloated that we took this approach. In order to improve the movement code we had to rewrite it from scratch...
The new version is cleaner and simpler but its still not working properly. Nevertheless, it is allowing us to explore the problem from a new perspective to make the game more responsive and less laggy.
I am writing this post to ask you for your patience as some programmers are on vacation and it might take a week or two to make it work properly again
This is hopefully just of those steps back that will allow us to make a huge leap ahead.
Best regards,
- Chilko
Thank you for the explanation!
You have answered some of my questions, even those I haven't asked yet. I hope (and I'm almost sure) that a proper analysis and design precedes your engine rewritings from scratch :thumb_up:
02-26-2009, 11:58 AM
Only one more word to say:
02-26-2009, 02:28 PM
awesome :) glad its a priority :clapclap:
and for those often taken for granted things you like to hear, thanks for working so hard to fix and polish out the bugs/balance/aesthetics (eh dont know if i spelled that right but its 5 am here..)
Awesome - thank you for the explanation - I was going to make a post today regarding this problem. Since I know it's on your plate....I'll keep my bitchin' to myself
02-28-2009, 10:31 AM
Test away :biggrin:
03-05-2009, 02:10 PM
Dear Chilko,
thank you very much for explanation and for keeping feedback between developers and players.
Please explain the following fact. When I am playing with party of players of same realm, everything goes ok, no matter how the party big. Even if ~20 ppl stay before the gate, everything's ok. BUT if I see any players from other realm nearby, lags become too hard. =( Even if I see just 5-6 opponents, lags appear. It makes the main part of game - WAR - very unpleasant.
Is the descibed problem have the same reason as mentioned in your first post?
03-07-2009, 02:11 PM
Is there any progress in the movement code question?
Every day I hope that this problem is solved when I log in, because it makes it nearly impossible for me to play my 2 warriors, but the problem still exists and drives me crazy.
03-07-2009, 06:18 PM
Is there any progress in the movement code question?
Every day I hope that this problem is solved when I log in, because it makes it nearly impossible for me to play my 2 warriors, but the problem still exists and drives me crazy.
According to sathilda ( they're working on it. However, you won't notice any difference until the fix reaches the main servers, and there use to be an announcement when that happens. Until then, we'll just have to be patient I guess.
03-08-2009, 10:13 AM
Yes, I know. ;) I do not think that there will be slightly changes like a plant that grows. I know how updates work. ;)
I just wanted to say: I try it, but I am not patient.
I am suffering of Regnum-detox!
And I wanted NGD not to forget that there are players waiting for the well recovered programmers and their great work. :-)
03-21-2009, 07:39 PM
Hi all/NGD,
I was planning on logging into the forums and posting that I am quitting RO. (Vaxnor, Ignis, lvl 50 barb, Horus)
Then I saw this thread...while I am very glad to hear that the problem is being addressed, the latest hotfix/patch made the movement/position bug SO much worse than it ever was before and it has been this way for looks like 11 days now...with no clue of when any improvements will be made.
Straw that broke the camel's back:
I just ran on TOP of a coward Syrt for literally 5+ seconds without being able to attack whatsoever in any way..."Target out of range"...and I am sorry but this game is unplayable in the wz at this point, it is just too frustrating.
I was planning on buying a bunch of Xim (again) very soon but that would be ridiculous at this point in my opinion.
SO, I/Vaxnor am/is leaving RO. I may start playing again if/when it is possible to actually have fights/wars/interactions without wanting to stab someone due to frustration.
NGD you have a FANTASTIC game least you *did*.
aka Vaxnor, lvl 50 barb, Ignis, Horus
P.S. Yes, just FYI I am EXTREMELY frustrated/fuming right now but I feel my point(s) are still valid.
03-21-2009, 09:13 PM
I just ran on TOP of a coward Syrt for literally 5+ seconds without being able to attack whatsoever in any way..."Target out of range"...and I am sorry but this game is unplayable in the wz at this point, it is just too frustrating.
Same happened with me trying to balestra a "Coward" barb then later hunter, was right behind, next to, on top of, even tryed going infront at one point, nothing... Eventualy gave up after they took the tele to efe in west wall forest, the chase started on efe beach...
03-21-2009, 10:38 PM
Hi all/NGD,
I was planning on logging into the forums and posting that I am quitting RO. (Vaxnor, Ignis, lvl 50 barb, Horus)
Yeah the bug sucks :/ Playing a melee class is frustrating now esp after the
But why dont you make a ranger, a marksman or a lock and give ngd some time to fix this...
Meanwhile NGD why dont you consider reversing the hot"fix"? :P
03-22-2009, 05:56 AM
But why dont you make a ranger, a marksman or a lock and give ngd some time to fix this...P
Well for a new player this might not be an issue, but for some of us who have played the game for more than 6 months and have played all the classes and have settled on one we like, it is a pretty moot point. Might as well tell someone to play a different game if they can't play the game they like with the character they have created, invested time in and enjoy.
Even though it has now almost been a month I still play as my barb and yes at most times I am cursing at the screen due to ridiculous shit like how I am standing behind someone and attacking them or I run right through them and don't attack them at all yet I am being attacked. Just today at a fight taking Herb/Stone I got stuck in a wall for half a minute just by running through the entrance. But I am going to stick with it just a little while longer.
Though since it will be a month in 3 days, I would expect a release or progress note in the next couple days. You would think as Chilko said :
I am writing this post to ask you for your patience as some programmers are on vacation and it might take a week or two to make it work properly again
This is hopefully just of those steps back that will allow us to make a huge leap ahead.
That we would get that at least since a week or two has become 4 weeks with no improvement.
Bugnum Online :dumbofme:
03-22-2009, 02:48 PM
For me it works better since the last hotfix. Not great, but better than before.
03-23-2009, 06:43 AM
Last update made positions "more smooth", afaik.
Before that hotfix people were jumping around like insane.
The real problem now is that noone is where the clients thinks they are, and sure, it's annoying.
But so where the jumping before this hotfix.
I don't think they can even be compared.
I would say NGD is working on it, but it will take some time.
This hotfix was probably only one small step so far.
03-24-2009, 02:53 PM
Honnestly we watched the position accuracy with my Girl friend (known as * Rosemberg, Aenamia in game). What we saw when running together was utterly shocking on the others screen we are just 10 to 20m away from our position on our screen.
To me this makes my barbarian useless to play. Super I have a useless lvl 50 I'm so glad to have waste my time. Even my lvl 36 knight is funnier to play because at least It can helps with few auras.
03-24-2009, 07:23 PM
I still have issues too,
mostly with the same as mentioned by others above, not being able to hit enemies when you (or at least the screen shows) youre in range. melee class here, so i use a fast axe but even sometimes switching to a spear makes no difference when youre literally either in front of or inside a player you wish to attack.
i also get alot of "out of range" with both npc and human players when im again, literally standing an inch from them. going to cs and selling kinda sucks at times cuz i literally have to crawl INSIDE the market stand just for the npcs to finally realize im close enough.
03-25-2009, 09:24 AM
I never had the drags and backsteps, still don't have them now. But ive gotten bugs fighting a couple times where monsters appear behind you, or the "Out of Range" bug
03-25-2009, 11:09 AM
I just left my Barbarian lvl 40 a couple of weeks ago because of lags problem and moved on new characters (a Markesman now lvl 50 and a Conjurer now lvl 35).
I hope that NGD will fix this lag issue asap because I really would like to play my Barabrian again, now it is impossible.
03-26-2009, 08:39 PM
Its not impossible to play with this, its annoying as hell when you run right at someone and need to spend 7 seconds of the fight danceing around looking for a spot were you can acctualy hit them. But thankfully thats not uber common.
03-27-2009, 08:58 PM
I was relatively lucky having a break during this period, but what i came back to is not really playable either.
An update on this matter would be appreciated.
04-14-2009, 08:17 AM
Thanks for the explanation. :)
04-14-2009, 11:03 AM
Its a lot better now.
I even took my barbarian out this weekend, good experience hardly any issues at all.
04-17-2009, 04:05 PM
Honnestly we watched the position accuracy with my Girl friend (known as * Rosemberg, Aenamia in game). What we saw when running together was utterly shocking on the others screen we are just 10 to 20m away from our position on our screen.
This synchronization issue is common in every MMORPG, other games have features to minimize this and to compensate for lag.
We will implement this features soon... but they are still in development
best regards,
04-18-2009, 12:47 AM
This synchronization issue is common in every MMORPG, other games have features to minimize this and to compensate for lag.
We will implement this features soon... but they are still in development
best regards,
Thanks for this explanation.
As Vroek said, things are improving at least for me for the last two update. It's not perfect, it's better. I guess we can say good job finding where thoses problems thoses problems comes from :)
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