View Full Version : Nordo Marksmen,please help me, I need to know how i spend my initial attribute points

03-23-2009, 06:57 AM
Ok, I dont remember how i spent my initial attribute points, the only way i can find out is comparing myself against a

4.Someone who REMEMBERS how they have spent their points

what i need you to do is this, tell me your RAW attributes, RAW means, without any rings or amulets and without any passive skills (you need to reset powers)

Look I know this is asking for too much, but if you could help me on this, I feel so bad about my character right now :( ...

Thank you
I already found the answer, I went on wiki and wrote down the initial attributes for nordo marksman. Then, considering your dex goes up 1 point every time you level (for marksmen, i dont think for others it goes up 1 every lvl) I calculated what my raw dexterity should be at my current lvl. Enio helped me with the calculation, he is very good at maths!

03-23-2009, 07:25 AM
I can't help you all I hope for you is that you put your points either in:

- Dexterity (base dmg, base evasion, hit chance)
- Intelligence (Mana pool, regen)
- Constitution (Life, resistance)

03-23-2009, 07:40 AM
my marksman has +5 STR :guitar:

...but it's dwarf lvl 50

03-23-2009, 10:27 AM
if you put your 5 initial points to dexterity you should have (at level 50)
79 with nordos, dwarves, esquelios or alturians;
84 with elves and moloks

03-23-2009, 12:46 PM
hehehe there comes the weird thing: why do you get +50 const from lvl 1 to 50 and only +49 Dex?