View Full Version : Ignis Pictures

03-29-2009, 01:33 AM
Hi all. I just want to add some Ignis Pics, of the towns/cities (Except Nasraah Tej, the first village), Allahed's Monument, two pictures of Allahed Town, Allahed and New Beach, the Ignean Ruins and the Mount Arena. Enjoy.

A picture of the Ignean Ruins. That's my friend, Laraethan Athalas on the right. She gave me permission to use her name.

That's me at Allahed Beach looking outward to see.

Those are pictures of Allahed Town from two different angles.

This is a picture of Allahed's Monument. I was told it would be a hard pic to get, but here it is.

This is Medenet City. That's Laraethan again on the left pointing.

This is Meleketi Town's walls. If you ask me this is what the town is, a lot of walls with buildings built on the side of the mountain.

This is the Mount Arena. It's Ignis' version of the arena.

This is New Beach. It's just west of Nasraah Tej. It's almost like Allahed Beach but for new players.

This is Essadi Village. It's the second village you arrive in while playing in Ignis.

If you want a screenshot taken, just ask me and I will add it. Also, please tell me what you think of Ignean places. My favorite is Allahed Town because it's peaceful and... Well... Green.

03-29-2009, 08:33 PM
Probably the best Ignis screenshots I've ever seen.
Keep up the good work!

03-29-2009, 10:24 PM
I think someone should make screens of Alsius and Syrtis both inner and war zone, and finally to update that pretty old pics in gallery section!

03-30-2009, 07:21 AM
Nice pictures! Thanks. Ignis is nice place...

Glitch143, are you from Horus?

03-30-2009, 09:11 AM
Very nice pictures, my favourite place in ignis would have to be Ruins beach, always will be :superpusso:

03-30-2009, 11:33 AM
ugly people....ugly land :p

03-31-2009, 07:48 PM
Nice photo's of Ignis.

If you want photo's of other realms too, like Bmaster suggested, I have this one from Montsognir, taken from the bridge to the initiation islands:

Also, I made a photoreport of Skollheim after it got updated.

04-01-2009, 05:34 PM
Hey glitch, I took you to alsius gate and imperia as orion Ignitas, and you said theyre downloading. I'm gagging to see what cool pics you took. please lemme know when theyre ready, cant wait to see what you took. If you get the time and youre on pm hathor, lil hathy or Orion Ignitas. /me supports the arts

04-04-2009, 11:24 AM
Hey glitch, I took you to alsius gate and imperia as orion Ignitas, and you said theyre downloading. I'm gagging to see what cool pics you took. please lemme know when theyre ready, cant wait to see what you took. If you get the time and youre on pm hathor, lil hathy or Orion Ignitas.

/me quietly gags in a corner....

/me supports the arts

You wouldnt know art if it sat on your face :sleep_1:

04-04-2009, 11:46 AM
You wouldnt know art if it sat on your face :sleep_1:

Your grasp of wit and talent in using it is astounding. :huh:

04-04-2009, 03:24 PM
Cant i just say hi to glitch without getting a full broadside? i mean i come check here and get a full on attack. I think this forums best left to the kiddies. I'm done with this crap if you want to talk i'm hathor pm me, as for this crap i'm done.

04-06-2009, 05:03 PM
Cant i just say hi to glitch without getting a full broadside? i mean i come check here and get a full on attack. I think this forums best left to the kiddies. I'm done with this crap if you want to talk i'm hathor pm me, as for this crap i'm done.

Drama drama...drama...:sifflote:

Thanxs to the red karma i got, heres a more detailed reply...

Kudos to you, but didnt you do the same to my thread ?

Get used to me being able to answer back, ill be online at the end month. Seeeeeeeya all then !!! :p

04-15-2009, 12:08 AM
Nice pictures! Thanks. Ignis is nice place...

Glitch143, are you from Horus?

I started out in Ra (Alsius) and chose Ignis in Horus.